958 resultados para Companies providing service
Esta tesis, pretende describir la situación actual del Sector Porcícola, los procedimientos desarrollados por las empresas en la adopción, implantación y uso de estrategias CRM. Con una revisión confiable y el estudio de casos relacionados con el tema permitirán contrastar la realidad del sector con los conceptos claves que proponen los diferentes autores. Los resultados obtenidos le permitirán al sector y a los gerentes desarrollar estrategias que ayuden a la satisfacción y fidelización de sus clientes. En el campo académico, este estudio servirá de guía teórico-práctica para estudiantes y profesores del área que necesiten afianzar sus conocimientos en temas de marketing relacional, CRM, fidelización y servicio. El presente proyecto permitirá al futuro administrador enfrentar y asumir paradigmas en escenarios empresariales reales. La información estratégica acerca de los clientes es vital para las organizaciones, ayuda para la toma de decisiones, pronostica cambios en la demanda y establece un control sobre todos los procesos en los que está involucrado el cliente. La adopción, implantación y uso de estrategias CRM ayuda a que la empresa esté más atenta a la manera como interactúa con sus clientes y por ende, mejorará la percepción que tenga el cliente de la organización. En el sector Porcícola hay tendencia a las economías de escala y es importante segmentar y especializar el servicio dependiendo el potencial del cliente. En un mercado tan competitivo encontrar nuevos clientes no es fácil, y menos retenerlos ya que los productos están logrando estándares similares y el cliente basa su decisión en el precio. Al no haber diferenciación debemos ofrecer valor en el servicio lo cual nos ayudará a que el cliente haga una segunda compra prefiriendo nuestra empresa en lugar de la competencia. Hoy en día las estrategias CRM definen el rumbo de una empresa, ayudando no solamente a adquirir nuevos clientes, sino también, a mantener felices a los clientes actuales, de este modo se logran más ventas, y una mayor rentabilidad en el negocio. Razones por las cuales el sector Porcícola se verá beneficiado y Frigocárnicos Monserrate por medio de las estrategias CRM podrá ofrecer un mejor servicio a sus clientes ayudando a las fidelización de estos.
Las Empresas Militares y de Seguridad Privada (EMSP) se han caracterizado por prestar diferentes tipos de servicios en distintos escenarios internacionales y nacionales. Asimismo, por ofrecer una amplia gama de actividades que han sido útiles para quienes solicitan de ellas. En el caso especifico de la Guerra en Irak fue relevante debido a que el gobierno decidió contratar varias compañías que además de contar con cientos de empleados, llevaron a cabo funciones que antes habían sido efectuadas únicamente por las fuerzas militares o por empleados oficiales del gobierno estadounidense. De esta forma, por medio del presente estudio de caso se buscan analizar las tareas que fueron asignadas, dar a conocer datos referentes al número de contratistas en Irak, el valor de algunos contratos, las funciones que fueron cedidas a estas compañías, como también ver de qué modo afectó positiva o negativamente al gobierno de los Estados Unidos. No obstante, el estudio del caso de Irak dio la posibilidad de indagar acerca del cómo los Estados podrían utilizar de mejor forma los servicios de las EMSP sin perder el control o crear dependencia de estas.
This investigation proposes to explore the existing link between a strategic conception of philanthropy and innovation. Indeed, the nature of the research question relies on an unexplored field in the CSR and Innovation management academic literature. It starts with the interest to know which the benefits are for a firm encouraged to invest strategically in philanthropy. In this regard, the analysis contributes in fitting this gap by following different objectives in an exploratory perspective. Throughout the research it will be analyzed the concept and the current and past contributions on the different branches of innovation (product innovation, managerial innovation, technological innovation), to accentuate the relation between an accurate strategic approach to philanthropy and the impact on the organizational value. Indeed, analyzing philanthropic innovation may provide insights about business opportunities and notions related to social investments and profit. That aspect includes the link between those strategic decisions that a firm can use to maximize those investments as it was part of their core business. It also proves the existing link between CSR and innovation, and the possibilities that the enterprises have towards this subject.
Avanzalogistic corresponde a una plataforma multilateral que hace parte de las nuevas tecnologías de información y servicios, por lo cual se considera como una nueva opción para la ciudad de Bogotá, enfocada en dar solución al transporte de mercancía para las pequeñas y medianas empresas de un sector de la ciudad. Teniendo como diferenciación, la asistencia y atención personalizada para este tipo de clientes, donde por medio de la configuración de carga en tiempo real y con la facilidad virtual, podrán recibir el mejor servicio, en el menor tiempo posible y con los mejores precios del mercado. Considerando las necesidades de confiabilidad, seguridad, rapidez y buena atención que exige nuestro segmento objetivo, Avanzalogistic propone un servicio con calidad integral, donde por medio del desempeño enfocado al cliente y el cubrimiento de las necesidades del mismo será potencialmente reconocido como una de las mejores opciones del mercado para las empresas que soliciten transportar su carga de manera rápida y segura, disminuyendo el tiempo de respuesta de 24 horas (tiempo actual de respuesta de la competencia) a instantáneamente (tiempo por Avanzalogistic). Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, en el proyecto se decide realizar una inversión inicial de $ 135 627 200 pesos colombianos, alcanzando su punto de equilibrio a partir del mes seis del primer año y teniendo un periodo de recuperación representado a partir del segundo año. Avanzalogistic es un proyecto que presenta una rentabilidad del 68,51%, justificada por la baja inversión y los bajos costos de operación, teniendo como principal ventaja la tercerización de los vehículos, además de la gran oportunidad de tener un mercado potencial lo suficientemente amplio que evidencia un ingreso que justifica la utilidad en cada servicio prestado. Siendo así un proyecto no solo viable, sino también con posibilidad de crecimiento y atractivo para invertir.
Learning Objects offer flexibility and adaptability for users to request personalised information for learning. There are standards to guide the development of learning objects. However, individual developers may customise these standards for serving different purposes when defining, describing, managing and providing learning objects, which are normally stored in heterogeneous repositories. Barriers to interoperability hinder sharing of learning services and subsequently affect quality of instructional design as learners expect to be able to receive their personalised learning content. All these impose difficulties to the users in getting the right information from the right sources. This paper investigates the interoperability issues in eLearning services management and provision and presents an approach to resolve interoperability at three levels.
Introduction The medicines use review (MUR), a new community pharmacy ‘service’, was launched in England and Wales to improve patients’ knowledge and use of medicines through a private, patient–pharmacist appointment. After 18 months, only 30% of pharmacies are providing MURs; at an average of 120 per annum (maximum 400 allowed).1 One reason linked to low delivery is patient recruitment.2 Our aim was to examine how the MUR is symbolised and given meaning via printed patient information, and potential implications. Method The language of 10 MUR patient leaflets, including the NHS booklet,3 and leaflets from multiples and wholesalers was evaluated by discourse analysis. Results and Discussion Before experiencing MURs, patients conceivably ‘categorise’ relationships with pharmacists based on traditional interactions.4 Yet none of the leaflets explicitly describe the MUR as ‘new’ and presuppose patients would become involved in activities outside of their pre-existing relationship with pharmacists such as appointments, self-completion of charts, and pharmacy action plans. The MUR process is described inconsistently, with interchangeable use of formal (‘review meeting‘) and informal (‘friendly’) terminology, the latter presumably to portray an intended ‘negotiation model’ of interaction.5 Assumptions exist about attitudes (‘not understanding’; ‘problems’) that might lead patients to an appointment. However, research has identified a multitude of reasons why patients choose (or not) to consult practitioners,6 and marketing of MURs should also consider other barriers. For example, it may be prudent to remove time limits to avoid implying patients might not be listened to fully, during what is for them an additional practitioner consultation.
Improving the quality of teaching is an educational priority in Kenya, as in many developing countries. The present paper considers various aspects of in-service education, including views on the effectiveness of in-service, teacher and headteacher priorities in determining in-service needs and the constraints on providing in-service courses. These issues are examined though an empirical study of 30 secondary headteachers and 109 teachers in a district of Kenya. The results show a strong felt need for in-service provision together with a firm belief in the efficacy of in-service in raising pupil achievement. Headteachers had a stronger belief in the need for in-service for their teachers than did the teachers themselves. The priorities of both headteachers and teachers were dominated by the external pressures of the schools, in particular the pressures for curriculum innovation and examination success. The resource constraints on supporting attendance at in-service courses were the major problems facing headteachers. The results reflect the difficulties that responding to an externally driven in-service agenda creates in a context of scarce resources.
This paper proposes a practical approach to the enhancement of Quality of Service (QoS) routing by means of providing alternative or repair paths in the event of a breakage of a working path. The proposed scheme guarantees that every Protected Node (PN) is connected to a multi-repair path such that no further failure or breakage of single or double repair paths can cause any simultaneous loss of connectivity between an ingress node and an egress node. Links to be protected in an MPLS network are predefined and a Label Switched path (LSP) request involves the establishment of a working path. The use of multi-protection paths permits the formation of numerous protection paths allowing greater flexibility. Our analysis examined several methods including single, double and multi-repair routes and the prioritization of signals along the protected paths to improve the Quality of Service (QoS), throughput, reduce the cost of the protection path placement, delay, congestion and collision. Results obtained indicated that creating multi-repair paths and prioritizing packets reduces delay and increases throughput in which case the delays at the ingress/egress LSPs were low compared to when the signals had not been classified. Therefore the proposed scheme provided a means to improve the QoS in path restoration in MPLS using available network resources. Prioritizing the packets in the data plane has revealed that the amount of traffic transmitted using a medium and low priority Label Switch Paths (LSPs) does not have any impact on the explicit rate of the high priority LSP in which case the problem of a knock-on effect is eliminated.
In recent years, life event approach has been widely used by governments all over the world for designing and providing web services to citizens through their e-government portals. Despite the wide usage of this approach, there is still a challenge of how to use this approach to design e-government portals in order to automatically provide personalised services to citizens. We propose a conceptual framework for e-government service provision based on life event approach and the use of citizen profile to capture the citizen needs, since the process of finding Web services from a government-to-citizen (G2C) system involves understanding the citizens’ needs and demands, selecting the relevant services, and delivering services that matches the requirements. The proposed framework that incorporates the citizen profile is based on three components that complement each other, namely, anticipatory life events, non-anticipatory life events and recurring services.
Green roof plants alter the microclimate of building roofs and may improve roof insulation. They act by providing cooling by shading, but also through transpiration of water through their stomata. However, leaf surfaces can become warmer when plants close the stomata and decrease water loss in response to drying substrate (typically associated with green roofs during summers), also reducing transpirational cooling. By using a range of contrasting plant types (Sedum mix – an industry green roof ‘standard’, Stachys byzantina, Bergenia cordifolia and Hedera hibernica) we tested the hypothesis that plants differ in their ‘cooling potential’. We firstly examined how leaf morphology influenced leaf temperature and how drying substrate altered that response. Secondly, we investigated the relationship between leaf surface temperatures and the air temperatures immediately above the canopies (i.e. potential to provide aerial cooling). Finally we measured how the plant type influenced the substrate temperature below the canopy (i.e. potential for building cooling). In our experiments Stachys outperformed the other species in terms of leaf surface cooling (even in drying substrate, e.g. 5 oC cooler compared with Sedum), substrate cooling beneath its canopy (up to 12 oC) and even - during short intervals over hottest still periods - the air above the canopy (up to 1 oC, when soil moisture was not limited). We suggest that the choice of plant species on green roofs should not be entirely dictated by what survives on the shallow substrates of extensive systems, but consideration should be given to supporting those species providing the greatest eco-system service potential.
In recognition of their competitive vulnerability, a set of special rules have been devised for managing sectors such as steel and cement within the EU ETS. These rules basically seek to set sector specific performance benchmarks and reward top performers. However, the steel sector as a whole will receive the vast majority of its allowances for free in Phase III. Perceptions of competitive vulnerability have been largely based on inherently hypothetical analyses which rely heavily on counterfactual scenario and abatement cost estimates often provided by firms themselves. This paper diverges from these approaches by providing a qualitative assessment of the two key reasons underpinning the competitive vulnerability argument of the EU Steel Companies based on interviews and case study involving the three largest producers of steel within the EU – AcerlorMittal, Corus, and ThyssenKrupp. We find that these arguments provide only partial and weak justifications for competitive loss and discriminatory treatment in the EUETS. This strategy is difficult to counter by governments due to information asymmetry; and it appears to have proved very successful insofar as it has helped the industry to achieve free allocation in Phases I-III of EU ETS by playing up the risk of carbon leakage.
Electronic word of mouth (eWoM) has been adopted by Internet users as a way of communicating their consumption preferences and experiences. Consumers are able to reach out to others, unknown to them, and have online conversations that can influence their behaviour. Organisations need to understand how to respond to these brand-related conversations conducted via social media. By looking through the lens of social capital, this paper contributes to social media and social capital research by studying the perceptions that 44 social media users have of companies that interact with them online. The users value social networks and support as part of their online relationships. However, several new value categories are identified when compared to previous research. Further research is required to investigate possible segmentation approaches and alternative methodological choices.
We describe ncWMS, an implementation of the Open Geospatial Consortium’s Web Map Service (WMS) specification for multidimensional gridded environmental data. ncWMS can read data in a large number of common scientific data formats – notably the NetCDF format with the Climate and Forecast conventions – then efficiently generate map imagery in thousands of different coordinate reference systems. It is designed to require minimal configuration from the system administrator and, when used in conjunction with a suitable client tool, provides end users with an interactive means for visualizing data without the need to download large files or interpret complex metadata. It is also used as a “bridging” tool providing interoperability between the environmental science community and users of geographic information systems. ncWMS implements a number of extensions to the WMS standard in order to fulfil some common scientific requirements, including the ability to generate plots representing timeseries and vertical sections. We discuss these extensions and their impact upon present and future interoperability. We discuss the conceptual mapping between the WMS data model and the data models used by gridded data formats, highlighting areas in which the mapping is incomplete or ambiguous. We discuss the architecture of the system and particular technical innovations of note, including the algorithms used for fast data reading and image generation. ncWMS has been widely adopted within the environmental data community and we discuss some of the ways in which the software is integrated within data infrastructures and portals.
Anchored in the service-dominant logic and service innovation literature, this study investigates the drivers of employee generation of ideas for service improvement (GISI). Employee GISI focuses on customer needs and providing the exact service wanted by customers. GISI should enhance competitive advantage and organizational success (cf. Berry et al. 2006; Wang and Netemeyer 2004). Despite its importance, there is little research on the idea generation stage of the service development process (Chai, Zhang, and Tan 2005). This study contributes to the service field by providing the first empirical evaluation of the drivers of GISI. It also investigates a new explanatory determinant of reading of customer needs, namely, perceived organizational support (POS), and an outcome of POS, in the form of emotional exhaustion. Results show that the major driver of GISI is reading of customer needs by employees followed by affective organizational commitment and job satisfaction. This research provides several new and important insights for service management practice by suggesting that special care should be put into selecting and recruiting employees who have the ability to read customer needs. Additionally, organizations should invest in creating work environments that encourage and reward the flow of ideas for service improvement
Objective. To compare the nutritional value of meals provided by companies participating in the Workers` Meal Program in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, to the nutritional recommendations and guidelines established by the Ministry of Health for the Brazilian population. Methods. The 72 companies studied were grouped according to economic sector (industrial, services, or commerce), size (micro, small, medium, or large), meal preparation modality (prepared on-site by the company itself, on-site by a hired caterer, or off-site by a hired caterer), and supervision by a dietitian (yes or no). The per capita amount of food was determined based on the lunch, dinner, and supper menus for three days. The nutritional value of the meals was defined by the amount of calories, carbohydrates, protein, total fat, polyunsaturated fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sugars, cholesterol, and fruits and vegetables. Results. Most of the menus were deficient in the number of fruits and vegetables (63.9%) and amount of polyunsaturated fat (83.3%), but high in total fat (47.2%) and cholesterol (62.5%). Group 2, composed of mostly medium and large companies, supervised by a dietician, belonging to the industrial and/or service sectors, and using a hired caterer, on averaged served meals with higher calorie content (P < 0.001), higher percentage of polyunsaturated fat (P < 0.001), more cholesterol (P = 0.015), and more fruits and vegetables (P < 0.001) than Group 1, which was composed of micro and small companies from the commercial sector, that prepare the meals themselves on-site, and are not supervised by a dietitian. Regarding the nutrition guidelines set for the Brazilian population, Group 2 meals were better in terms of fruit and vegetable servings (P < 0.001). Group I meals were better in terms of cholesterol content (P = 0.05). Conclusions. More specific action is required targeting company officers and managers in charge of food and nutrition services, especially in companies without dietitian supervision.