951 resultados para Combustion Ignition
This report is a dissertation proposal that focuses on the energy balance within an internal combustion engine with a unique coolant-based waste heat recovery system. It has been predicted by the U.S. Energy Information Administration that the transportation sector in the United States will consume approximately 15 million barrels per day in liquid fuels by the year 2025. The proposed coolant-based waste heat recovery technique has the potential to reduce the yearly usage of those liquid fuels by nearly 50 million barrels by only recovering even a modest 1% of the wasted energy within the coolant system. The proposed waste heat recovery technique implements thermoelectric generators on the outside cylinder walls of an internal combustion engine. For this research, one outside cylinder wall of a twin cylinder 26 horsepower water-cooled gasoline engine will be implemented with a thermoelectric generator surrogate material. The vertical location of these TEG surrogates along the water jacket will be varied along with the TEG surrogate thermal conductivity. The aim of this proposed dissertation is to attain empirical evidence of the impact, including energy distribution and cylinder wall temperatures, of installing TEGs in the water jacket area. The results can be used for future research on larger engines and will also assist with proper TEG selection to maximize energy recovery efficiencies.
Spray characterization under flash boiling conditions was investigated utilizing a symmetric multi-hole injector applicable to the gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine. Tests were performed in a constant volume combustion vessel using a high-speed schlieren and Mie scattering imaging systems. Four fuels including n-heptane, 100% ethanol, pure ethanol blended with 15% iso-octane by volume, and test grade E85 were considered in the study. Experimental conditions included various ambient pressure, fuel temperature, and fuel injection pressure. Visualization of the vaporizing spray development was acquired by utilizing schlieren and laser-based Mie scattering techniques. Time evolved spray tip penetration, spray angle, and the ratio of the vapor to liquid region were analyzed by utilizing digital image processing techniques in MATLAB. This research outlines spray characteristics at flash boiling and non-flash boiling conditions. At flash boiling conditions it was observed that individual plumes merge together, leading to significant contraction in spray angle as compared to non-flash boiling conditions. The results indicate that at flash boiling conditions, spray formation and expansion of vapor region is dependent on momentum exchange offered by the ambient gas. A relation between momentum exchange and liquid spray angle formed was also observed.
This report is a PhD dissertation proposal to study the in-cylinder temperature and heat flux distributions within a gasoline turbocharged direct injection (GTDI) engine. Recent regulations requiring automotive manufacturers to increase the fuel efficiency of their vehicles has led to great technological achievements in internal combustion engines. These achievements have increased the power density of gasoline engines dramatically in the last two decades. Engine technologies such as variable valve timing (VVT), direct injection (DI), and turbocharging have significantly improved engine power-to-weight and power-to-displacement ratios. A popular trend for increasing vehicle fuel economy in recent years has been to downsize the engine and add VVT, DI, and turbocharging technologies so that a lighter more efficient engine can replace a larger, heavier one. With the added power density, thermal management of the engine becomes a more important issue. Engine components are being pushed to their temperature limits. Therefore it has become increasingly important to have a greater understanding of the parameters that affect in-cylinder temperatures and heat transfer. The proposed research will analyze the effects of engine speed, load, relative air-fuel ratio (AFR), and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on both in-cylinder and global temperature and heat transfer distributions. Additionally, the effect of knocking combustion and fuel spray impingement will be investigated. The proposed research will be conducted on a 3.5 L six cylinder GTDI engine. The research engine will be instrumented with a large number of sensors to measure in-cylinder temperatures and pressures, as well as, the temperature, pressure, and flow rates of energy streams into and out of the engine. One of the goals of this research is to create a model that will predict the energy distribution to the crankshaft, exhaust, and cooling system based on normalized values for engine speed, load, AFR, and EGR. The results could be used to aid in the engine design phase for turbocharger and cooling system sizing. Additionally, the data collected can be used for validation of engine simulation models, since in-cylinder temperature and heat flux data is not readily available in the literature..
There is a need by engine manufactures for computationally efficient and accurate predictive combustion modeling tools for integration in engine simulation software for the assessment of combustion system hardware designs and early development of engine calibrations. This thesis discusses the process for the development and validation of a combustion modeling tool for Gasoline Direct Injected Spark Ignited Engine with variable valve timing, lift and duration valvetrain hardware from experimental data. Data was correlated and regressed from accepted methods for calculating the turbulent flow and flame propagation characteristics for an internal combustion engine. A non-linear regression modeling method was utilized to develop a combustion model to determine the fuel mass burn rate at multiple points during the combustion process. The computational fluid dynamic software Converge ©, was used to simulate and correlate the 3-D combustion system, port and piston geometry to the turbulent flow development within the cylinder to properly predict the experimental data turbulent flow parameters through the intake, compression and expansion processes. The engine simulation software GT-Power © is then used to determine the 1-D flow characteristics of the engine hardware being tested to correlate the regressed combustion modeling tool to experimental data to determine accuracy. The results of the combustion modeling tool show accurate trends capturing the combustion sensitivities to turbulent flow, thermodynamic and internal residual effects with changes in intake and exhaust valve timing, lift and duration.
In-cylinder pressure transducers have been used for decades to record combustion pressure inside a running engine. However, due to the extreme operating environment, transducer design and installation must be considered in order to minimize measurement error. One such error is caused by thermal shock, where the pressure transducer experiences a high heat flux that can distort the pressure transducer diaphragm and also change the crystal sensitivity. This research focused on investigating the effects of thermal shock on in-cylinder pressure transducer data quality using a 2.0L, four-cylinder, spark-ignited, direct-injected, turbo-charged GM engine. Cylinder four was modified with five ports to accommodate pressure transducers of different manufacturers. They included an AVL GH14D, an AVL GH15D, a Kistler 6125C, and a Kistler 6054AR. The GH14D, GH15D, and 6054AR were M5 size transducers. The 6125C was a larger, 6.2mm transducer. Note that both of the AVL pressure transducers utilized a PH03 flame arrestor. Sweeps of ignition timing (spark sweep), engine speed, and engine load were performed to study the effects of thermal shock on each pressure transducer. The project consisted of two distinct phases which included experimental engine testing as well as simulation using a commercially available software package. A comparison was performed to characterize the quality of the data between the actual cylinder pressure and the simulated results. This comparison was valuable because the simulation results did not include thermal shock effects. All three sets of tests showed the peak cylinder pressure was basically unaffected by thermal shock. Comparison of the experimental data with the simulated results showed very good correlation. The spark sweep was performed at 1300 RPM and 3.3 bar NMEP and showed that the differences between the simulated results (no thermal shock) and the experimental data for the indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP) and the pumping mean effective pressure (PMEP) were significantly less than the published accuracies. All transducers had an IMEP percent difference less than 0.038% and less than 0.32% for PMEP. Kistler and AVL publish that the accuracy of their pressure transducers are within plus or minus 1% for the IMEP (AVL 2011; Kistler 2011). In addition, the difference in average exhaust absolute pressure between the simulated results and experimental data was the greatest for the two Kistler pressure transducers. The location and lack of flame arrestor are believed to be the cause of the increased error. For the engine speed sweep, the torque output was held constant at 203 Nm (150 ft-lbf) from 1500 to 4000 RPM. The difference in IMEP was less than 0.01% and the PMEP was less than 1%, except for the AVL GH14D which was 5% and the AVL GH15DK which was 2.25%. A noticeable error in PMEP appeared as the load increased during the engine speed sweeps, as expected. The load sweep was conducted at 2000 RPM over a range of NMEP from 1.1 to 14 bar. The difference in IMEP values were less 0.08% while the PMEP values were below 1% except for the AVL GH14D which was 1.8% and the AVL GH15DK which was at 1.25%. In-cylinder pressure transducer data quality was effectively analyzed using a combination of experimental data and simulation results. Several criteria can be used to investigate the impact of thermal shock on data quality as well as determine the best location and thermal protection for various transducers.
The capability to detect combustion in a diesel engine has the potential of being an important control feature to meet increasingly stringent emission regulations, develop alternative combustion strategies, and use of biofuels. In this dissertation, block mounted accelerometers were investigated as potential feedback sensors for detecting combustion characteristics in a high-speed, high pressure common rail (HPCR), 1.9L diesel engine. Accelerometers were positioned in multiple placements and orientations on the engine, and engine testing was conducted under motored, single and pilot-main injection conditions. Engine tests were conducted at varying injection timings, engine loads, and engine speeds to observe the resulting time and frequency domain changes of the cylinder pressure and accelerometer signals. The frequency content of the cylinder pressure based signals and the accelerometer signals between 0.5 kHz and 6 kHz indicated a strong correlation with coherence values of nearly 1. The accelerometers were used to produce estimated combustion signals using the Frequency Response Functions (FRF) measured from the frequency domain characteristics of the cylinder pressure signals and the response of the accelerometers attached to the engine block. When compared to the actual combustion signals, the estimated combustion signals produced from the accelerometer response had Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE) between 7% and 25% of the actual signals peak value. Weighting the FRF’s from multiple test conditions along their frequency axis with the coherent output power reduced the median RMSE of the estimated combustion signals and the 95th percentile of RMSE produced from each test condition. The RMSE’s of the magnitude based combustion metrics including peak cylinder pressure, MPG, peak ROHR, and work estimated from the combustion signals produced by the accelerometer responses were between 15% and 50% of their actual value. The MPG measured from the estimated pressure gradient shared a direct relationship to the actual MPG. The location based combustion metrics such as the location of peak values and burn durations were capable of RMSE measurements as low as 0.9°. Overall, accelerometer based combustion sensing system was capable of detecting combustion and providing feedback regarding the in cylinder combustion process
This report summarizes the work done for the Vehicle Powertrain Modeling and Design Problem Proposal portion of the EcoCAR3 proposal as specified in the Request for Proposal from Argonne National Laboratory. The results of the modeling exercises presented in the proposal showed that: An average conventional vehicle powered by a combustion engine could not meet the energy consumption target when the engine was sized to meet the acceleration target, due the relatively low thermal efficiency of the spark ignition engine. A battery electric vehicle could not meet the required range target of 320 km while keeping the vehicle weight below the gross vehicle weight rating of 2000 kg. This was due to the low energy density of the batteries which necessitated a large, and heavy, battery pack to provide enough energy to meet the range target. A series hybrid electric vehicle has the potential to meet the acceleration and energy consumption parameters when the components are optimally sized. A parallel hybrid electric vehicle has less energy conversion losses than a series hybrid electric vehicle which results in greater overall efficiency, lower energy consumption, and less emissions. For EcoCAR3, Michigan Tech proposes to develop a plug-in parallel hybrid vehicle (PPHEV) powered by a small Diesel engine operating on B20 Bio-Diesel fuel. This architecture was chosen over other options due to its compact design, lower cost, and its ability to provide performance levels and energy efficiency that meet or exceed the design targets. While this powertrain configuration requires a more complex control system and strategy than others, the student engineering team at Michigan Tech has significant recent experience with this architecture and has confidence that it will perform well in the events planned for the EcoCAR3 competition.
Alternative fuels are increasingly combusted in diesel- and gasoline engines and the contribution of such exhausts to the overall air pollution is on the rise. Recent findings on the possible adverse effects of biodiesel exhaust are contradictive, at least partly resulting from the various fuel qualities, engine types and different operation conditions that were tested. However, most of the studies are biased by undesired interactions between the exhaust samples and biological culture media. We here report how complete, freshly produced exhausts from fossil diesel (B0), from a blend of 20% rapeseed-methyl ester (RME) and 80% fossil diesel (B20) and from pure rapeseed methyl ester (B100) affect a complex 3D cellular model of the human airway epithelium in vitro by exposing the cells at the air–liquid interface. The induction of pro-apoptotic and necrotic cell death, cellular morphology, oxidative stress, and pro-inflammatory responses were assessed. Compared to B0 exhaust, B20 exhaust decreased oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory responses, whereas B100 exhaust, depending on exposure duration, decreased oxidative stress but increased pro-inflammatory responses. The effects are only very weak and given the compared to fossil diesel higher ecological sustainability of biodiesel, it appears that – at least RME – can be considered a valuable alternative to pure fossil diesel.
We report the synthesis and characterization of colored ZnO-based powders via solution combustion reaction of urea and zinc nitrate hexahydrate in varying molar ratios between 1:1 and 10:1. Among other techniques, we employ X-ray diffraction, nuclear magnetic resonance, and Raman spectroscopy to characterize the products. Within a narrow range of reactant ratios, we reproducibly find an unidentified, crystalline precursor phase related to isocyanuric acid next to ZnO. Finally, we complement our investigations by performing Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis (PGAA) on selected products in order to directly determine elemental bulk compositions and compare these with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements. Our data show traces of nitrogen mainly on the surface of the particles, and thus we question the solution combustion method as a reliable synthesis toward N-doped ZnO. Furthermore, we exclude nitrogen as being responsible for the appearance of the four controversially discussed Raman bands superimposed onto the spectrum of pure ZnO (at 275, 510, 582, and 643 cm–1) and show that the combination of PGAA and XPS is an excellent and complementary method to obtain information about the distribution of the elements in question.
Five test runs were performed to assess possible bias when performing the loss on ignition (LOI) method to estimate organic matter and carbonate content of lake sediments. An accurate and stable weight loss was achieved after 2 h of burning pure CaCO3 at 950 °C, whereas LOI of pure graphite at 530 °C showed a direct relation to sample size and exposure time, with only 40-70% of the possible weight loss reached after 2 h of exposure and smaller samples losing weight faster than larger ones. Experiments with a standardised lake sediment revealed a strong initial weight loss at 550 °C, but samples continued to lose weight at a slow rate at exposure of up to 64 h, which was likely the effect of loss of volatile salts, structural water of clay minerals or metal oxides, or of inorganic carbon after the initial burning of organic matter. A further test-run revealed that at 550 °C samples in the centre of the furnace lost more weight than marginal samples. At 950 °C this pattern was still apparent but the differences became negligible. Again, LOI was dependent on sample size. An analytical LOI quality control experiment including ten different laboratories was carried out using each laboratory's own LOI procedure as well as a standardised LOI procedure to analyse three different sediments. The range of LOI values between laboratories measured at 550 °C was generally larger when each laboratory used its own method than when using the standard method. This was similar for 950 °C, although the range of values tended to be smaller. The within-laboratory range of LOI measurements for a given sediment was generally small. Comparisons of the results of the individual and the standardised method suggest that there is a laboratory-specific pattern in the results, probably due to differences in laboratory equipment and/or handling that could not be eliminated by standardising the LOI procedure. Factors such as sample size, exposure time, position of samples in the furnace and the laboratory measuring affected LOI results, with LOI at 550 °C being more susceptible to these factors than LOI at 950 °C. We, therefore, recommend analysts to be consistent in the LOI method used in relation to the ignition temperatures, exposure times, and the sample size and to include information on these three parameters when referring to the method.
Background research consisted of a hospital case series of all adult burn patients (n = 162) admitted to John Sealy Hospital's burn unit from January 1978 to June 1979. Comparisons between occupationally and nonoccupationally burned adults demonstrated that occupationally burned adults were significantly more likely to have been active in the burn injury event and to have changed jobs during the prior year. They were significantly less likely to have physical or mental problems which contributed to sustaining the burn injury. Comparisons between occupational and nonoccupational burn injury events concluded that occupational burn injury events were significantly more likely to involve multiple sources of energy, sparks as the source of ignition and gases as the source of combustion. Other salient characteristics of occupational burn injuries indicated that subsequent research should focus upon lost workday occupational burns and other injuries sustained by blue-collar petrochemical workers employed in Galveston County, Texas.^ Subsequent research consisted of a historical cohort study of occupational injuries sustained in 1979 by a cohort of blue-collar petrochemical workers (n = 1771) who belonged to O.C.A.W. Local 4-449 in Texas City, Texas. Specific cohort injury rates included 15.08 occupational injuries per 100 person work-years, 11.98 lost workday occupational injuries per 100 person work-years, and 1.64 lost workday occupational burn injuries per 100 person work-years. Salient results from this study indicate that burn injuries are a very important type (in terms of both frequency and severity) of occupational injury sustained by blue-collar petrochemical workers, pipefitters are at greatest risk of lost workday injuries and lost workday burn injuries, company-specific experiences are comparable for lost workday occupational injuries, differences among company-specific nonlost workday occupational injury experiences may not be "safety-related", and minimal job-specific experience may not place employees at greater risk of lost workday burn injuries.^
There is scant evidence regarding the associations between ambient levels of combustion pollutants and small for gestational age (SGA) infants. No studies of this type have been completed in the Southern United States. The main objective of the project presented was to determine associations between combustion pollutants and SGA infants in Texas using three different exposure assessments. ^ Birth certificate data that contained information on maternal and infant characteristics were obtained from the Texas Department of State Health Services (TX DSHS). Exposure assessment data for the three aims came from: (1) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Air Toxics Assessment (NATA), (2) U.S. EPA Air Quality System (AQS), and (3) TX Department of Transportation (DOT), respectively. Multiple logistic regression models were used to determine the associations between combustion pollutants and SGA. ^ For the first study looked at annual estimates of four air toxics at the census tract level in the Greater Houston Area. After controlling for maternal race, maternal education, tobacco use, maternal age, number of prenatal visits, marital status, maternal weight gain, and median census tract income level, adjusted ORs and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for exposure to PAHs (per 10 ng/m3), naphthalene (per 10 ng/m3), benzene (per 1 µg/m3), and diesel engine emissions (per 10 µg/m3) were 1.01 (0.97–1.05), 1.00 (0.99–1.01), 1.01 (0.97–1.05), and 1.08 (0.95–1.23) respectively. For the second study looking at Hispanics in El Paso County, AORs and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for increases of 5 ng/m3 for the sum of carcinogenic PAHs (Σ c-PAHs), 1 ng/m3 of benzo[a]pyrene, and 100 ng/m3 in naphthalene during the third trimester of pregnancy were 1.02 (0.97–1.07), 1.03 (0.96–1.11), and 1.01 (0.97–1.06), respectively. For the third study using maternal proximity to major roadways as the exposure metric, there was a negative association with increasing distance from a maternal residence to the nearest major roadway (Odds Ratio (OR) = 0.96; 95% CI = 0.94–0.97) per 1000 m); however, once adjusted for covariates this effect was no longer significant (AOR = 0.98; 95% CI = 0.96–1.00). There was no association with distance weighted traffic density (DWTD). ^ This project is the first to look at SGA and combustion pollutants in the Southern United States with three different exposure metrics. Although there was no evidence of associations found between SGA and the air pollutants mentioned in these studies, the results contribute to the body of literature assessing maternal exposure to ambient air pollution and adverse birth outcomes. ^
New data are reported on structure of sections, chemical composition, and age of volcano-sedimentary and volcanic rocks from the Sinii Utes Depression in the Southern Primorye region. The Sinii Utes Depression is filled with two sequences: the lower sequence composed of sedimentary-volcanogenic coaliferous rocks (the stratotype of the Sinii Utes Formation) and the upper sequence consisting of tephroid with overlying basalts. This work considers chemical composition and problems of K-Ar dating of basalts. The uppermost basaltic flow has K-Ar age 22.0±1.0 Ma. The dates obtained for the middle and upper parts of lava flows are underestimated. It is explained by their heating due to combustion of brown coals of the Sinii Utes Formation underlying the lava flow. Calculations show that argon could only partly have been removed from the basalts owing to conductive heat transfer and was lost largely due to infiltration of hot gases in heterogeneous fissured medium. Basaltic volcanism on continental margins of the southern Primorye region and the adjacent Korean and Chinese areas at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary preceded Early-Middle Miocene spreading and formation of the Sea of Japan basin. Undifferentiated moderately alkaline basalts of intraplate affinity developed in the Amba Depression and some other structures of the southern Primorye region and intraplate alkali basalts of the Phohang Graben in the Korean Peninsula serve as indicators of incipient spreading regime in the Sea of Japan. Potassic basalt-trachybasalt eruptions occurred locally in riftogenic depressions and shield volcanoes. In some structures this volcanism was terminated by eruptions of intermediate and acid lavas. Such evolution of volcanism is explained by selective contamination of basaltic melts during their interaction with crustal acid material and generation of acid anatectic melts.