996 resultados para Clay. Grog. Manganese residue. Channel sediment. Paver ceramic


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The Okinawa Trough (OT) in the East Asian continental margin is characterized by thick terrigenous sediment and ubiquitous volcanic-hydrothermal activities. In this study, the clays collected during IODP Expedition 331 to the middle OT (Iheya North Knoll) were analyzed for mineralogical and geochemical compositions. By comparing with the clays from the East China Sea shelf and surrounding rivers, we examine different clay origins. The hydrothermal field in the mid-OT is dominated by Mg-rich chlorite, while the recharge zone has clay mineral assemblages similar to the shelf and rivers, showing high content of illite, subordinate chlorite and kaolinite and scarce smectite. Compared to the terrigenous clays, the hydrothermal clays in the OT have high concentrations of Mg, Mn and Zr but low Fe, Na, K, Ca, Ba, Sr, P, Sc and Ti, while the hydrothermal clays in the mid-ocean ridge are relatively enriched in Fe and V and depleted in Al, Mg, Zr, Sc and Ti. Different fractionation patterns of rare earth elements also register in the terrigenous and hydrothermal clays, diagnostic of variable clay origins. We infer that the OT hydrothermal clay was primarily formed by the chemical alteration of detrital sediments subject to the hydrothermal fluids. The remarkably different compositions of hydrothermal clays between the sediment-rich back arc basin like OT and the sediment-starved ocean ridge suggest different physical and chemical processes of hydrothermal fluids and fluid-rock/sediment reactions under various geologic settings.


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Current understanding of rare earth element (REE) geochemistry in the ocean is given in the book. Chemical properties determining REE migration ability in natural processes, sources of REE in the ocean, behavior of REE in river-sea mixing zones, fractionation of dissolved and particulate REE in ocean waters under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, distribution of REE in terrigenous, authigenic, hydrothermal and biogenic sediment components (clay, bone detritus, barite, phillipsite, Fe- and Mn-oxyhydroxides, Fe-Ca hydroxophosphate, diatoms and foraminiferas) are under consideration.


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Claystones immediately overlying the early Eocene age ocean-floor basalt, cored at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 647, underwent hydrothermal and thermal alterations originating from the basalt, which resulted in changes in both the mineralogical and chemical composition of the sediments. Chlorites and higher magnesium and iron concentrations were found in the lowermost sediment sequence. Upcore, changes in the bulk chemical composition of the sediments become smaller, when compensated for variations in the carbonate content originating from biogenic and authigenic components. Chlorite disappears upcore, but still only part of the swelling clay minerals have survived the thermal influence. Thirty meters above the basalt, the clay mineralogy and chemical composition become uniform throughout the Paleogene section. Iron-rich smectites (i.e., nontronitic types), totally dominate the clay mineral assemblage. Biogenic components, responsible for the dominant part of the calcite and cristobalite contents, vary in amount in the upper part, and so do the authigenic carbonate and sulfide contents. Detrital components, such as kaolinite, illite, quartz, and feldspars, make up a very small proportion of the sediment record. The nontronitic smectites are believed to be authigenic, formed by a supply of iron from the continuous formation of ocean-floor basalt in the ridge area that reacted with the detrital and biogenic silicates and alumina silicates.


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At DSDP Site 477, late Quaternary diatomaceous muds and delta-derived silty-sand turbidites at 2000 meters water depth have been extensively and progressively altered by a deep-seated heat source beneath a sill. Bulk petrologic and microprobe analyses have identified a crudely zoned paragenesis within 260 meters sub-bottom which ranges from unaltered to slightly altered oozes (0-50 m), anhydrite-dolomite claystones (105-125 m), illite-chlorite-pyrite claystones (125-140 m), chlorite-pyrite-calcite-carbonaceous claystones with traces of K-feldspar, albite, epidote (140-190 m), and chlorite-epidote-quartz-albite-pyrrhotite-sphene sandstone (190-260 m). Several petrologic features suggest rapid processes of ocean floor metamorphism: (1) friable and porous textures, (2) abundant relict grains with overgrowths, (3) idiomorphic habits on epidotes, feldspars, and quartz, and (4) a steep gradient in levels of alteration. Many aspects of this hydrothermal assemblage are similar to hydrothermally metamorphosed sandstones of the Cerro Prieto, Mexico, geothermal area.


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Based on chemical-thermodynamical balances the species distributions and mineral stabilities of the chemical compositions of the pressed pore solutions taken from a Baltic Sea mudsediment are evualuated by means of the computer program WATEQF (PLUMMER et al., 1976). According to these evaluations calcite and aragonite are to be found in supersaturation throughout the whole profile. The SiO2 concentration of the pore solutions is mainly controlled by the dissolutions of amorphous silica present in minimal undersaturation. By means of SEM pictures idiomorph quartzcrystals as well as presumptive clay minerals transformation and reformations could be proved as stable transformation phases of the dissolved SiO2 species. The stability of the solid phases containing Al-components as of feldspars and clayminerals decreases with increasing dept and is mainly controlled by AIF3 complexes higher concentrated with increasing depth.


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Different source areas, oceanography and climate regimes influenced the clay mineral assemblages and grain size distribution of two sediment cores from the North and South Aegean Sea during the last glacial and the Holocene. In the North Aegean Sea, clay mineral composition is mainly controlled by sea level evolution, melting of southeastern European glaciers, and establishment of the connection between the Black Sea and Aegean Sea. The long-term development of clay mineral assemblages in the South Aegean Sea reflects changes in the Nile discharge and African dust input. At this site, the establishment of pluvial conditions in the Nile catchment during the early to middle Holocene resulted in a substantial rise in smectite/illite ratios. In the late Holocene, stepwise aridification of the southern borderlands caused an increase in windblown sediment material and a decrease in Nile suspended material. The clay mineral records exhibit periodic millennial-scale fluctuations. In the North Aegean Sea, the changes are centred at a period of 1.3-1.8 ka and can be attributed to short-term climate and weathering changes in the northern borderlands. The changes in the South Aegean Sea are centred at periods of 3.2-4.3, 1.9-2.4 and 1.3-1.7 ka reflecting short-term changes in wind strength and Northeast African hydrology.


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The present-day clay mineral distribution in the southeastern Levantine Sea and its borderlands reveals a complex pattern of different sources and distribution paths. Smectite dominates the suspended load of the Nile River and of rivers in the Near East. Illite sources are dust-bearing winds from the Sahara and southwestern Europe. Kaolinite is prevalent in rivers of the Sinai, in Egyptian wadis, and in Saharan dust. A high-resolution sediment core from the southeastern Levantine Sea spanning the last 27 ka shows that all these sources contributed during the late Quaternary and that the Nile River played a very important role in the supply of clay. Nile influence was reduced during the glacial period but was higher during the African Humid Period. In contrast to the sharp beginning and end of the African Humid Period recorded in West African records (15 and 5.5 ka), our data show a more transitional pattern and slightly lower Nile River discharge rates not starting until 4 ka. The similarity of the smectite concentrations with fluctuations in sea-surface temperatures of the tropical western Indian Ocean indicates a close relationship between the Indian Ocean climate system and the discharge of the Nile River.


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The relationships between thermokarst activity, limnogeological processes and climate change in the Siberian Arctic are not well understood. The objective of this paper is to identify the factors controlling the patterns of deposition, using grain size distribution, organic content, elemental composition and mineralogical composition of a 137-cm long sediment core with a maximum age of ~10.9 cal. kyr BP from Lake El'gene-Kyuele in the tundra of northeastern Siberia. Eight fine sand layers are attributed to depositional events associated with thaw slump activity acting upon orthogonally oriented patterns of ice-wedge networks in the ice-rich permafrost on the NW margin of the lake catchment. Sr/Rb ratios, which correspond to the total feldspar and illite content, serve as high-resolution grain size proxies. The Br content relates to the total organic carbon content, and the Fe/Mn ratio reflects the degree of oxidisation. Our results indicate a relationship between repeated phases of fine sand input and retrogressive thaw slumping dependent on hydroclimate variability and orthogonally oriented ice-wedge networks within the catchment.


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Mineral and chemical compositions, as well as conditions of formation of clay sediments in major structural elements of the Pacific Ocean floor with different ages are under consideration in the monograph. Depending on evolution of the region two ways of clay sediment formation are identified: terrigenous and authigenic. It is shown that terrigenous clay sediments predominate in marginal parts of the Pacific Ocean. Authigenic mineral formation occurring in the basal part of the sedimentary cover primarily results from removal of material from underlying basalts. This material is released during secondary alteration of the basalts due to their interaction with sea water, as well as with deep solutions.


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Paleosalinity and terrigenous sediment input changes reconstructed on two sediment cores from the northernmost Red Sea were used to infer hydrological changes at the southern margin of the Mediterranean climate zone during the Holocene. Between approximately 9.25 and 7.25 thousand years ago, about 3 per mil reduced surface water salinities and enhanced fluvial sediment input suggest substantially higher rainfall and freshwater runoff, which thereafter decreased to modern values. The northern Red Sea humid interval is best explained by enhancement and southward extension of rainfall from Mediterranean sources, possibly involving strengthened early-Holocene Arctic Oscillation patterns and a regional monsoon-type circulation induced by increased land-sea temperature contrasts. We conclude that Afro-Asian monsoonal rains did not cross the subtropical desert zone during the early to mid-Holocene.


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Das Gollum Channel System mit dem untersuchten Kanal gc1 liegt in der Por- cupine Bucht südwestlich vor Irland. Während der ersten Messung im Jahr 2000 (ANT-XVII/4) fielen vier Kanalabschnitte mit markanten Rückstreuungen ins Au- ge. Diese Bereiche weisen eine abwechselnd starke und schwache Rückstreuinten- sität auf. Da der Schwerpunkt der Expedition ANT-XVII/4 auf der Erforschung der carbonate mounds lag, wurde eine genauere Untersuchung des Kanals während der Expedition ARK-XIX/3 (2003) nachgeholt. Mit dieser zweiten Messung wur- den die vier unterschiedlich rückstreuenden Sektoren bestätigt. Zusätzlich wurden Sedimentproben entnommen und Videos der Meeresbodenoberfläche aufgezeichnet. (ff siehe Diplomarbeit)


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The manganese nodules occur in greater or less quantity all over the ocean-bed, and most abundantly in the Pacific. They occur in all sizes, from minute grains to masses of a pound weight, and even greater, and form nodular concretions of concentric shells, round a nucleus, which is very frequently a piece of pumice or a shark's tooth. Their outside has a peculiar and very characteristic mammillated surface, which enables them to be identified at a glance. When freshly brought up they are very soft, being easily scraped to powder with a knife. They gradually get harder on exposure to the air. The powder, heated in a closed tube, gives out water which re-acts alkaline, and has an empyreumatic odour. Heated with strong hydrochloric acid, it liberates abundance of chlorine, and the residue which remains is white, consisting of silica, clay, and sand, the sand being the same as is found in the bottom mud from the same locality. Their composition varies greatly, different nodules containing different quantities of mechanically admixed mud, and the number of different elements found in them is very large. Copper, iron, cobalt, nickel, manganese, alumina, lime, magnesia, silica, and phosphoric acid have been detected in a large number; but I have not as yet been able to make a complete analysis of any of them. I have, however, made a few determinations of the most important component substances. For this purpose the outside and densest layers of the nodules were selected, and portions of them were pulverised and dried for ten or twelve hours at 140° C. The amount of chlorine liberated on treatment with hydrochloric acid was determined by Bunsen's method, and the iron was determined by titration with stannous chloride. The samples analysed were from four different localities.


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Volcanic ash was recovered from lower Aptian to Albian deposits from DSDP Sites 463, 465, and 466; pelagic clay of the upper Pleistocene to Upper Cretaceous was recovered mainly from Site 464, with minor amounts at Sites 465 and 466. We present X-ray-mineralogy data on pelagic clay and altered volcanic ash recovered from the four Leg 62 sites. In addition, two ash samples from Sites 463 and 465, a pelagic clay from Site 464, and a clay vein from the basaltic basement at Site 464 each were analyzed for major, minor, and trace elements. Our purpose is to describe the mineralogy and chemistry of altered ash and pelagic clays, to determine the sources of their parent material, and to delineate the diagenetic history of these clay-rich deposits. Correlation of chemistry and mineralogy of ash and pelagic clay with volcanic rocks suspected to be their parent material is not always straightforward, because weathering and diagenetic alteration caused depletion or enrichment of many elements.