433 resultados para Clay–graphene nanomaterials


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The chemical specificity of terahertz spectroscopy, when combined with techniques for sub-wavelength sensing, is giving new understanding of processes occurring at the nanometre scale in biological systems and offers the potential for single molecule detection of chemical and biological agents and explosives. In addition, terahertz techniques are enabling the exploration of the fundamental behaviour of light when it interacts with nanoscale optical structures, and are being used to measure ultrafast carrier dynamics, transport and localisation in nanostructures. This chapter will explain how terahertz scale modelling can be used to explore the fundamental physics of nano-optics, it will discuss the terahertz spectroscopy of nanomaterials, terahertz near-field microscopy and other sub-wavelength techniques, and summarise recent developments in the terahertz spectroscopy and imaging of biological systems at the nanoscale. The potential of using these techniques for security applications will be considered.


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With advances in technology, terahertz imaging and spectroscopy are beginning to move out of the laboratory and find applications in areas as diverse as security screening, medicine, art conservation and field archaeology. Nevertheless, there is still a need to improve upon the performance of existing terahertz systems to achieve greater compactness and robustness, enhanced spatial resolution, more rapid data acquisition times and operation at greater standoff distances. This chapter will review recent technological developments in this direction that make use of nanostructures in the generation, detection and manipulation of terahertz radiation. The chapter will also explain how terahertz spectroscopy can be used as a tool to characterize the ultrafast carrier dynamics of nanomaterials.


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The increasing use of nanoparticles in the pharmaceutical industry is generating concomitant interest in developing nanomaterials that can rapidly penetrate into, and permeate through, biological membranes to facilitate drug delivery and improve the bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients. Here, we demonstrate that the permeation of thiolated silica nanoparticles through porcine gastric mucosa can be significantly enhanced by their functionalization with either 5 kDa poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) or poly(ethylene glycol). Nanoparticle diffusion was assessed using two independent techniques; Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis, and fluorescence microscopy. Our results show that poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) and poly(ethylene glycol) have comparable abilities to enhance diffusion of silica nanoparticles in mucin dispersions and through the gastric mucosa. These findings provide a new strategy in the design of nanomedicines, by surface modification or nanoparticle core construction, for enhanced transmucosal drug delivery.


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In this work, 1 wt % Pd/ZrO(2)-CeO(2) mixed oxide nanotubes with 90 mol % CeO(2) were synthesized following a very simple, high-yield procedure and their properties were characterized by synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction, X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES), and scanning and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (SEM and HRTEM). In situ XANES experiments were carried out under reducing conditions to investigate the reduction behavior of these novel nanotube materials. The Pd/CeO(2)-based nanotubes exhibited the cubic phase (Fm3m space group). The nanotube walls were composed of nanoparticles with an average crystallite size of about 7 nm, and the nanotubes exhibited a large specific surface area (85 m(2).g(-1)). SEM and HRTEM studies showed that individual nanotubes were composed of a curved sheet of these nanoparticles. Elemental analysis showed that the Ce:Zr:Pd ratios appeared to be approximately constant across space, suggesting compositional homogeneity in the samples. XANES results indicated that the extent of reduction of these materials is low and that the Ce(4+) state is in the majority over the reduced Ce(3+) state. The results suggest that Pd cations-most likely Pd(2+)-form a Pd-Ce-Zr oxide solid solution and that the Pd(2+) is stabilized against reduction in this phase. However, incorporation of the Pd (1 wt %) into the crystal lattice of the nanotubes also appeared to destabilize Ce(4+) against reduction to Ce(3+) and caused a significant increase in its reducibility.


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BACKGROUND Oxidized lipoproteins and antioxidized low-density lipoprotein (anti-oxLDL) antibodies (Abs) have been detected in plasma in response to blood pressure (BP) elevation, suggesting the participation of the adaptive immune system. Therefore, treatment of hypertension may act on the immune response by decreasing oxidation stimuli. However, this issue has not been addressed. Thus, we have here analyzed anti-oxLDL Abs in untreated (naive) hypertensive patients shortly after initiation of anti hypertensive therapeutic regimens. METHODS Titers of anti-oxLDL Abs were measured in subjects with recently diagnosed hypertension on stage 1 (n = 94), in primary prevention of coronary disease, with no other risk factors, and naive of anti hypertensive medication at entry. Subjects were randomly assigned to receive perindopril, hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ), or indapamide (INDA) for 12 weeks, with additional perindopril if necessary to achieve BP control. Abs against copper-oxidized LDL were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS Twelve-week antihypertensive treatment reduced both office-based and 24-h ambulatory BP measurements (P < 0.0005). The decrease in BP was accompanied by reduction in thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS) (P < 0.05), increase in anti-oxLDL Ab titers (P < 0.005), and improvement in flow-mediated dilation (FMD) (P < 0.0005), independently of treatment. Although BP was reduced, we observed favorable changes in anti-oxLDL titers and FMD. CONCLUSIONS We observed that anti-oxLDL Ab titers increase after antihypertensive therapy in primary prevention when achieving BP targets. Our results are in agreement with the concept that propensity to oxidation is increased by essential hypertension and anti-oxLDL Abs may be protective and potential biomarkers for the follow-up of hypertension treatment.


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The control of size and shape of metallic nanoparticles is a fundamental goal in nanochemistry, and crucial for applications exploiting nanoscale properties of materials. We present here an approach to the synthesis of gold nanoparticles mediated by glucose oxidase (GOD) immobilized on solid substrates using the Layer-by-Layer (LbL) technique. The LbL films contained four alternated layers of chitosan and poly(styrene sulfonate) (PSS), with GOD in the uppermost bilayer adsorbed on a fifth chitosan layer: (chitosan/PSS)(4)/(chitosan/GOD). The films were inserted into a solution containing gold salt and glucose, at various pHs. Optimum conditions were achieved at pH 9, producing gold nanoparticles of ca. 30 nm according to transmission electron microscopy. A comparative study with the enzyme in solution demonstrated that the synthesis of gold nanoparticles is more efficient using immobilized GOD. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ce(0.8)SM(0.2)O(1.9) and CeO(2) nanomaterials were prepared by a solution technique to produce an ultrafine particulate material with high sinterability. In this work, the structural characteristics, the photoluminescent behavior and the ionic conductivity of the synthesized materials are focused. The thermally decomposed material consists of less than 10 nm in diameter nanoparticles. The Raman spectrum of pure CeO(2) consists of a single triple degenerate F(2g) model characteristic of the fluorite-like structure. The full width at half maximum of this band decreases linearly with increasing calcination temperature. The photoluminescence spectra show a broadened emission band assigned to the ligand-to-metal charge-transfer states O -> Ce(4+). The emission spectra of the Ce(0.8)Sm(0.2)O(1.9) specimens present narrow bands arising from the 4G(5/2) -> (6)H(J) transitions (J = 5/2, 7/2, 9/2 and 11/2) of Sm(3+) ion due to the efficient energy transfer from the O -> Ce(4+) transitions to the emitter 4G(5/2) level. The ionic conductivity of sintered specimens shows a significant dependence on density. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A systematic and comprehensive study of the interaction of citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles with triruthenium cluster complexes of general formula [Ru(3)(CH(3)COO)(6)(L)](+) [L = 4-cyanopyridine (4-CNpy), 4,4`-bipyridine (4,4`-bpy) or 4,4`-bis(pyridyl)ethylene (bpe)] has been carried out. The cluster-nanoparticle interaction in solution and the construction of thin films of the hybrid materials were investigated in detail by electronic and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy, Raman scattering spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Citrate-stabilized gold nanoparticles readily interacted with [Ru(3)O(CH(3)COO)(6)(L)(3)](+) complexes to generate functionalized nanoparticles that tend to aggregate according to rates and extents that depend on the bond strength defined by the characteristics of the cluster L ligands following the sequence bpe > 4,4`-bpy >> 4-CNpy. The formation of compact thin films of hybrid AuNP/[Ru(3)O(CH(3)COO)(6)(L)(3)](+) derivatives with L = bpe and 4,4`-bpy indicated that the stability/lability of AuNP-cluster bonds as well as their solubility are important parameters that influence the film contruction process. Fluorine-doped tin oxide electrodes modified with thin films of these nanomaterials exhibited similar electrocatalytic activity but much higher sensitivity than a conventional gold electrode in the oxidation of nitrite ion to nitrate depending on the bridging cluster complex, demonstrating the high potential for the development of amperometric sensors.


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Disease, injury, and age problems compromise human quality of life and continuously motivate the search for new and more efficacious therapeutic approaches. The field of Tissue Regeneration and Engineering has greatly evolved over the last years, mainly due to the combination of the important advances verified in Biomaterials Science and Engineering with those of Cell and Molecular Biology. In particular, a new and promising area arose – Nanomedicine – that takes advantage of the extremely small size and especial chemical and physical properties of Nanomaterials, offering powerful tools for health improvement. Research on Stem Cells, the self-renewing progenitors of body tissues, is also challenging to the medical and scientific communities, being expectable the appearance of new and exciting stem cell-based therapies in the next years. The control of cell behavior (namely, of cell proliferation and differentiation) is of key importance in devising strategies for Tissue Regeneration and Engineering. Cytokines, growth factors, transcription factors and other signaling molecules, most of them proteins, have been identified and found to regulate and support tissue development and regeneration. However, the application of these molecules in long-term regenerative processes requires their continuous presence at high concentrations as they usually present short half-lives at physiological conditions and may be rapidly cleared from the body. Alternatively, genes encoding such proteins can be introduced inside cells and be expressed using cell’s machinery, allowing an extended and more sustained production of the protein of interest (gene therapy). Genetic engineering of stem cells is particularly attractive because of their self-renewal capability and differentiation potential. For Tissue Regeneration and Engineering purposes, the patient’s own stem cells can be genetically engineered in vitro and, after, introduced in the body (with or without a scaffold) where they will not only modulate the behavior of native cells (stem cell-mediated gene therapy), but also directly participate in tissue repair. Cells can be genetically engineered using viral and non-viral systems. Viruses, as a result of millions of years of evolution, are very effective for the delivery of genes in several types of cells, including cells from primary sources. However, the risks associated with their use (like infection and immunogenic reactions) are driving the search for non-viral systems that will efficiently deliver genetic material into cells. Among them, chemical methods that are promising and being investigated use cationic molecules as carriers for DNA. In this case, gene delivery and gene expression level remain relatively low when primary cells are used. The main goal of this thesis was to develop and assess the in vitro potential of polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers based carriers to deliver genes to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). PAMAM dendrimers are monodispersive, hyperbranched and nanospherical molecules presenting unique characteristics that make them very attractive vehicles for both drug and gene delivery. Although they have been explored for gene delivery in a wide range of cell lines, the interaction and the usefulness of these molecules in the delivery of genes to MSCs remains a field to be explored. Adult MSCs were chosen for the studies due to their potential biomedical applications (they are considered multipotent cells) and because they present several advantages over embryonic stem cells, such as easy accessibility and the inexistence of ethical restrictions to their use. This thesis is divided in 5 interconnected chapters. Chapter I provides an overview of the current literature concerning the various non-viral systems investigated for gene delivery in MSCs. Attention is devoted to physical methods, as well as to chemical methods that make use of polymers (natural and synthetic), liposomes, and inorganic nanoparticles as gene delivery vectors. Also, it summarizes the current applications of genetically engineered mesenchymal stem cells using non-viral systems in regenerative medicine, with special focus on bone tissue regeneration. In Chapter II, the potential of native PAMAM dendrimers with amine termini to transfect MSCs is evaluated. The level of transfection achieved with the dendrimers is, in a first step, studied using a plasmid DNA (pDNA) encoding for the β-galactosidase reporter gene. The effect of dendrimer’s generation, cell passage number, and N:P ratio (where N= number of primary amines in the dendrimer; P= number of phosphate groups in the pDNA backbone) on the level of transfection is evaluated, being the values always very low. In a second step, a pDNA encoding for bone morphogenetic protein-2, a protein that is known for its role in MSCs proliferation and differentiation, is used. The BMP-2 content produced by transfected cells is evaluated by an ELISA assay and its effect on the osteogenic markers is analyzed through several classical assays including alkaline phosphatase activity (an early marker of osteogenesis), osteocalcin production, calcium deposition and mineralized nodules formation (late osteogenesis markers). Results show that a low transfection level is enough to induce in vitro osteogenic differentiation in MSCs. Next, from Chapter III to Chapter V, studies are shown where several strategies are adopted to change the interaction of PAMAM dendrimers with MSCs cell membrane and, as a consequence, to enhance the levels of gene delivery. In Chapter III, generations 5 and 6 of PAMAM dendrimers are surface functionalized with arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) containing peptides – experiments with dendrimers conjugated to 4, 8 and 16 RGD units were performed. The underlying concept is that by including the RGD integrin-binding motif in the design of the vectors and by forming RGD clusters, the level of transfection will increase as MSCs highly express integrins at their surface. Results show that cellular uptake of functionalized dendrimers and gene expression is enhanced in comparison with the native dendrimers. Furthermore, gene expression is dependent on both the electrostatic interaction established between the dendrimer moiety and the cell surface and the nanocluster RGD density. In Chapter IV, a new family of gene delivery vectors is synthesized consisting of a PAMAM dendrimer (generation 5) core randomly linked at the periphery to alkyl hydrophobic chains that vary in length and number. Herein, the idea is to take advantage of both the cationic nature of the dendrimer and the capacity of lipids to interact with biological membranes. These new vectors show a remarkable capacity for internalizing pDNA, being this effect positively correlated with the –CH2– content present in the hydrophobic corona. Gene expression is also greatly enhanced using the new vectors but, in this case, the higher efficiency is shown by the vectors containing the smallest hydrophobic chains. Finally, chapter V reports the synthesis, characterization and evaluation of novel gene delivery vectors based on PAMAM dendrimers (generation 5) conjugated to peptides with high affinity for MSCs membrane binding - for comparison, experiments are also done with a peptide with low affinity binding properties. These systems present low cytotoxicity and transfection efficiencies superior to those of native dendrimers and partially degraded dendrimers (Superfect®, a commercial product). Furthermore, with this biomimetic approach, the process of gene delivery is shown to be cell surface receptor-mediated. Overall, results show the potential of PAMAM dendrimers to be used, as such or modified, in Tissue Regeneration and Engineering. To our knowledge, this is the first time that PAMAM dendrimers are studied as gene delivery vehicles in this context and using, as target, a cell type with clinical relevancy. It is shown that the cationic nature of PAMAM dendrimers with amine termini can be synergistically combined with surface engineering approaches, which will ultimately result in suitable interactions with the cytoplasmic membrane and enhanced pDNA cellular entry and gene expression. Nevertheless, the quantity of pDNA detected inside cell nucleus is always very small when compared with the bigger amount reaching cytoplasm (accumulation of pDNA is evident in the perinuclear region), suggesting that the main barrier to transfection is the nuclear membrane. Future work can then be envisaged based on the versatility of these systems as biomedical molecular materials, such as the conjugation of PAMAM dendrimers to molecules able to bind nuclear membrane receptors and to promote nuclear translocation.


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Gene therapy, which involves the transfer of nucleic acid into target cells in patients, has become one of the most important and widely explored strategies to treat a variety of diseases, such as cancer, infectious diseases and genetic disorders. Relative to viral vectors that have high immunogenicity, toxicity and oncogenicity, non-viral vectors have gained a lot of interest in recent years. This is largely due to their ability to mimic viral vector features including the capacity to overcome extra- and intra-cellular barriers and to enhance transfection efficiency. Polyethyleneimine (PEI) has been extensively investigated as a non-viral vector. This cationic polymer, which is able to compact nucleic acid through electrostatic interactions and to transport it across the negatively charged cell membranes, has been shown to effectively transfect nucleic acid into different cell lines. Moreover, entrapment of gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) into such an amine-terminated polymer template has been shown to significantly enhance gene transfection efficiency. In this work, a novel non-viral nucleic acid vector system for enhanced and targeted nucleic acid delivery applications was developed. The system was based on the functionalization of PEI with folic acid (FA; for targeted delivery to cancer cells overexpressing FA receptors on their surface) using polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a linker molecule. This was followed by the preparation of PEI-entrapped Au NPs (Au PENPs; for enhancement of transfection efficiency). In the synthesis process, the primary amines of PEI were first partially modified with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FI) using a molar ratio of 1:7. The formed PEI-FI conjugate was then further modified with either PEG or PEGylated FA using a molar ratio of 1:1. This process was finally followed by entrapment of Au NPs into the modified polymers. The resulting conjugates and Au PENPs were characterized by several techniques, namely Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Dynamic Light Scattering and Ultraviolet-Visible Spectroscopy, to assess their physicochemical properties. In the cell biology studies, the synthesized conjugates and their respective Au PENPs were shown to be non-toxic towards A2780 human ovarian carcinoma cells. The role of these materials as gene delivery agents was lastly evaluated. In the gene delivery studies, the A2780 cells were successfully transfected with plasmid DNA using the different vector systems. However, FA-modification and Au NPs entrapment were not determinant factors for improved transfection efficiency. In the gene silencing studies, on the other hand, the Au PENPs were shown to effectively deliver small interfering RNA, thereby reducing the expression of the B-cell lymphoma 2 protein. Based on these results, we can say that the systems synthesized in this work show potential for enhanced and targeted gene therapy applications.


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Tissue engineering is an important branch of regenerative medicine that uses cells, materials (scaffolds), and suitable biochemical and physicochemical factors to improve or replace specific biological functions. In particular, the control of cell behavior (namely, of cell adhesion, proliferation and differentiation) is a key aspect for the design of successful therapeutical approaches. In this study, poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) fiber mats were prepared using the electrospinning technology (the fiber diameters were in the micrometer range). Furthermore, the electrospun fiber mats thus formed were functionalized using the layer-by- layer (LbL) technique with chitosan and alginate (natural and biodegradable polyelectrolytes having opposite charges) as a mean for the immobilization of pDNA/dendrimer complexes. The polyelectrolyte multilayer deposition was confirmed by fluorescence spectroscopy using fluorescent-labeled polyelectrolytes. The electrospun fiber mats coated with chitosan and alginate were successfully loaded with complexes of pDNA and poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers (generation 5) and were able of releasing them in a controlled manner along time. In addition, these mats supported the adhesion and proliferation of NIH 3T3 cells and of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) in their surface. Transfection experiments using a pDNA encoding for luciferase showed the ability of the electrospun fiber mats to efficiently serve as gene delivery systems. When a pDNA encoding for bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) was used, the osteoblastic differentiation of hMSCs cultured on the surface of the mats was promoted. Taken together, the results revealed that merging the electrospinning technique with the LbL technique, can be a suitable methodology for the creation of biological active matrices for bone tissue engineering.


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In Chapter 1, rhodium nanoparticles were supported on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) and bound to the magnetic core-shell system Fe3O4@TiO2. The composite Fe3O4@TiO2-Rh-MWCNT and the intermediates were characterized by SEM, EDS and TEM. Their catalytic activity was studied using i) the hydrogenation transfer of nitroarenes and cyclohexene in the presence of hydrazine hydrate; ii) the reduction of 2-nitrophenol with NaBH4; and iii) the decoloration of pigments in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The results were monitored by gas chromatography (i) and UV Visible (ii and iii). In the second chapter, the catalytic activity of six oxidovanadium(V) aroylhydrazone complexes, viz. [VOL1(OEt)][VOL1(OEt)(EtOH)] (1), [VOL2(OEt)] (2), [Et3NH][VO2L1] (3), [VO2(H2L2)]2·EtOH (4), [VOL1(µ -O)VOL1] (5) and [VOL2(µ -O)VOL2] (6) (H2L1 = 3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2hydroxybenzohydrazide and H2L2 = 3,5-di-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2 aminobenzohydrazide), anchored on nanodiamonds with different treatments, was studied towards the microwave-assisted partial oxidation of 1-phenylethanol to acetophenone in the presence of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) as oxidant. A high selectivity for acetophenone was achieved for the optimized conditions. The possibility of recycling and reuse the heterogeneous catalysts was also investigated. In chapter 3, the catalytic activity of gold nanoparticles supported at different metal oxides, such as Fe2O3, Al2O3 ZnO or TiO2, was studied for the above reaction. The effect of the support, quantity of the catalyst and temperature was investigated. The recyclability of the gold catalysts was also studied. In the last chapter, a new copper nanocomposite with functionalized mutiwalled carbon nanotubes (Cu-MWCNT) was synthesized using a microwave assisted polyol method. The characterization was performed using XRD and SEM. The catalytic activity of Cu-MWCNT was studied through the degradation of pigments, such as amaranth, brilliant blue, indigo, tartrazine and methylene blue.


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In the present study, two low generation triazine-based dendrimers, G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer and G1.5(OH)8 dendrimer, were synthesized and their cytotoxicity were tested by using the NIH 3T3 and the A2780 cell lines. In the synthesis process of the G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer, cyanuric chloride (CAC) which has high reactivity chlorine atom was connected to the terminal of triethylene glycol (TEG) via nucleophilic substitution by controlling temperature. The prepared G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer was purified by silica gel column chromatography. Then the four chlorine atoms in the G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer were substituted by diethanolamine (DEA) to give dendrimer with the hydroxyl terminal group G1.5(OH)8. The starting materials, CAC, G1.0(Cl)4 dendrimer and G1.5(OH)8 dendrimer were analyzed by one-dimensional NMR, FTIR and MS techniques. The two dendrimers, G1.0(Cl)4 and G1.5(OH)8, showed perfect stability in the air environment at room temperature. However, G1.0(Cl)4 is not soluble in water while the G1.5(OH)8 dendrimer is a water soluble compound. Furthermore, cell biological evaluation at the studied concentrations showed that the CAC, as well as the prepared G1.0(Cl)4 and G1.5(OH)8 dendrimers, have no cytotoxicity towards the NIH 3T3 and A2780 cell lines.