961 resultados para City planning -- France -- Montpellier
Over the academic year 2000-2001, the Societat Catalana d'Ordenació del Territori organised, together with other departments of Catalan public universities, a debate on the teaching of regional and urban planning within the following disciplines: environmental science, geography, architecture, engineering, economy, law and landscape management. Moreover it was considered that attention should be paid to urban and regional planning related to postgraduate degrees. The aim was on one hand to analyse present situation, and on the other, to propose future strategies
Després de dècades de degradació i marginació, els rius i els espais fluvials urbans han tornat a ser centre d’interès de polítics, planificadors i ciutadans. Ciutats i pobles que han nascut i crescut històricament a redós d’un o més cursos fluvials tornen a mirar-se’ls com a elements que cal integrar dins les polítiques urbanístiques i socials de les poblacions, i aprofitar els beneficis d’un procés que alguns han anomenat de fluvialització de la ciutat. A les terres gironines tenim algunes iniciatives interessants en aquest sentit que val la pena comentar
Nous processos i formes de creixement urbà: el cas del districte industrial de Montebelluna a Itàlia
This article analyses the spatial organization of Montebelluna's industrial district (Italy) as an exemple of the dinamics of urbanization phenomenon in small urban areas. The study is divided in two parts: in the first one I present the social organisation's model of production named «industrial district» and its relation with the space, which is characterizeded by the rising of diffused urbanization settlements; in the second part I try to verify some explanatory factors pointed out by different autors in this specific area with an historical analysis of processes point of view. The diffused organisation of economic and housing activity show a change in the urban morphology
Ressenya del llibre de Ramón López de Lucio, Ciudad y urbanismo a finales del siglo XX, publicat per la Universitat de València, l'any 1993
Em sua tese de doutoramento, a autora descreve uma pesquisa realizada em uma pequena cidade da Franca, onde constatou-se a oposição entre o discurso do planejador preocupado em introduzir uma nova lógica às práticas cotidianas dos moradores de uma vila operária, e o discurso dos aposentados que ali moravam e cuja vivência dos espaços da vizinhança, a havia sido impregnado de sua própria história de vida. Foi a partir desta experiência que a autora passou a argumentar que sem uma fina e aprofundada observação das práticas cotidianas, nenhuma intervenção no espaço urbano deveria ser realizada. Partindo do princípio que a urbanização e crescimento das cidades segue cada vez mais a lógica do planejamento impondo ao seu habitante uma passagem do espaço privado para o público que e quase sempre abrupta e hostil pois trata a circulação como um fluxo inibindo o desenvolvimento de "espaços de transição", e modificando a concepção de sociabilidade nos espaços nos espaços de vizinhança. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo procurar algumas "localidades" situadas em uma grande metrópole como São Paulo onde a observação da transição entre a vida privada e pública possa ser estudada. Para a autora o estudo das regras e normas da vida social nesses espaços que ora são chamados de intermediários, ora de transição deverão servir para compor o que ela chama de cultura de vizinhança, e que varia muito entre localidades de uma mesma cidade.
According to article 182 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, cities should perform social function, what brings the concept that the city should be a place for one to live well. For that to happen, it should be well administered by its public managers. However, so that there is a sound administration, one that really performs that social function, there must be, first, an efficient planning. We understand that such a thing occurs when the master plan is the main planning instrument of a city and serves as basis for its administration. We notice, however, that in most of the cities the master plan is formulated as a law that regulates urban planning but that both the population and the government most of the times are not aware of its importance concerning the relevant issues related to municipal administration, such as its relationship with the economy, taxation, the social issue, land use regulation, and, in summary, with all the aspects that constitute and that a municipal government should manage in the best possible way. One also knows that, in general, the attempt of city planning has always been connected to the duration of a mandate and that way public managers many times implement restricted measures aiming to just attain a political-electoral objective and publicizing their administration. That implies actions and works that in some cases have negative impacts or ones that cannot be removed from the cities. This study intends to show that the master plan should be the planning instrument guiding the municipal administration but that, however, what we note is a lack of connection between that instrument and the government guidelines of the municipal managers. In order to study what happens to the cities that have a planning which is not taken into account in its administration, we will use the city of Fortaleza, capital of the State of Ceará as a case study. Historically, in Fortaleza the public managers have seldom decided to administer the city in according to the master plans developed for it. We should emphasize that planning begins in the city quite late and until the current days it is being substituted by temporary measures. Through the analysis of the planning process and of the urban management of the city of Fortaleza, especially the master plans predicted since 1933, we explain that if such plans had been implemented, they could have been important tools for its administration to attain a social function, becoming therefore a place for one to live well
The model of strategic city planning is applied to Latin American and Brazilian cities since the 1990s. Notwithstanding, in many cities, the production of space has not followed the international model stricto sensu, but a variation of the model, here called, strategic city planning without a plan or peripheral (or yet incomplete) urban entrepreneurialism . This seeks to build city attributes in order to qualify cities for the competitive international and/or regional markets. This includes the production of iconic buildings and structures, here called urban icons. They rapidly become symbols in the contemporary city landscape, facilitating the promotions of the city for tourism and business. This also helps produce charismatic leaderships. However, what it does best is to promote real estate development. This dissertation seeks to understand the role of iconic buildings in the promotion of real estate business in Natal, especially how it helps to fuel prices in the market. The research is done by use of interviews with civil servants and private entrepreneurs related to real estate business
Em 1974 a Prefeitura Municipal de Jahu interessada na urbanização do vale do Rio Jahu no trecho urbano propôs a abertura de avenidas marginais, conforme previa o plano diretor. Os autores preocupados com as potencialidades de uso do vale, sugeriram que se afastasse as avenidas do rio e se desse a oportunidade da criação de um parque às margens do rio. Esse parque teria a função de integrar o rio à paisagem urbana, compatibilizando, ao mesmo tempo, os interesses sociais da população com as necessidades da conservação da natureza.
São Paulo State, in Brazil, is getting increasingly crowded, like in other third world countries around the world, so should give great importance to city development. This work considered the phenomenon of closed neighbourhoods (CN) as an important factor to city planning, papers report many impacts of this model of neighbourhoods in other countries, but in Brazil its impacts are not yet well listed in the literature. The aim of this work was to determine indicators to achieve the social and environmental performances and verify their applicability on three different closed neighbourhoods in São Paulo state, Brazil. The indicators were condensed on indexes: water management, waste management, energy and emissions, legal compliance, environment and buildings, risk management, health and education and governance. The preliminary results indicated several social and environmental problems in all indexes. © 2013 WIT Press.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
O acesso da população aos serviços de saúde é de fundamental importância para uma eficiente assistência à saúde. A localização geográfica dos serviços é um dos fatores que interferem nessa acessibilidade, como também as formas de locomoção que possibilitem o acesso e o estado das vias e calçadas que cercam o estabelecimento de saúde. Pretendeu-se estudar o acesso aos serviços de saúde no município de Rio Claro, estado de São Paulo. Assim, a contribuição da abordagem geográfica abre a possibilidade do estabelecimento de novas linhas de estudo, planejamento e gestão, que surgem através da relação entre Geografia Humana e Saúde Pública
The Geotechnical Mapping is an extreme important tool for the urban planning, so the public authorities can establish guidelines for medium and long term for a better life conditions for the population. The division region between the cities of Americana and Santa Bárbara D’Oeste has an intense conurbation problem, which is causing problems of occupation in risks areas on environmental terms. In this context this project has as an objective the elaboration of a Geotechnical Map from the sub- basins of Sossego and Barracão rivers, whicht are located in between the area of the two cities, and presents some of the process causes of the conurbation problem. For this study, the following steps were proposed: bibliographic and topographic maps research for better knowledge from the theme and the area, and also preparing cartographic basis; making of preliminary geotechnical area map with a 1:10.000 scale, gather all the information acquired at the previous step and compartmentation of the area; field step to collect more information and soil for the laboratory analysis, objecting the characterization of the geotechnical unities; lab analysis; final geotechnical map preparation; and final report elaboration. The final product of this study is the Final Geotechnical Map, with a 1:10.000 scale, and the principal objective is to help the urban planning