998 resultados para Chantal Hébert


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William Alexander Thomson (1816-1878) was a promoter and developer of railway systems in western Ontario. He incorporated the Fort Erie Railroad Company in 1857, purchased the Erie and Ontario Railroad in 1863, and incorporated the Erie and Niagara Extension Railway Company in 1868 (later renamed the Canada Southern Railway). Thomson was also elected to the House of Commons for Welland in 1872, and re-elected in 1874. He was known for his support of public management of the currency and is seen as a pioneer advocate of government monetary policy. He was also an advocate of radical agrarian economic doctrine, believing that Canadian laws favoured mercantile interests over those of the producers of goods, and that this hindered national development.


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Inniskillin Wines was founded by Karl Kaiser and Donald Ziraldo in 1975 in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. They had met the previous year, when Karl Kaiser, a winemaker and chemist, purchased some grapes from Donald Ziraldo, who owned and operated Ziraldo Nurseries. The two shared a vision of producing better quality Canadian wines and formed a partnership, with Kaiser making the wine and Ziraldo serving as company President. In 1975, they were granted a winery license by the LCBO, the first one granted since 1929. The company name Inniskillin was derived from the Inniskilling Fusilliers, an Irish regiment whose Colonel once owned the land that Ziraldo Nurseries occupied. This was the original site of the winery, although in 1978 the winery moved to the Brae Burn Estate, their current location. In 1982 the winery expanded by 50 acres with the addition of the Montague Vineyard, and another 50 acres was acquired in 1991. The Niagara-on-the-Lake vineyard produces single vineyards bottlings of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Merlot and Pinot Grigio/Pinot Gris. In 1984, Karl Kaiser began producing icewine from Vidal grapes frozen naturally on the vine. Inniskillin garnered international acclaim for the quality of their icewines, receiving the prestigious Grand Prix d’Honneur at VinExpo in 1991, for their 1989 Vidal icewine. This established Inniskillin as a producer of world class wines, while also raising the profile of Canadian wines in general. The company branched out their operations, first acquiring vineyards in the Napa Valley in 1989 to form Inniskillin Napa (producing wines under the Terra label), and in 1994 establishing Inniskillin Okanagan in the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia. The Napa valley venture ceased in the mid 90’s, while Inniskillin Okanagan continues to operate. In 2006, Karl Kaiser and Donald Ziraldo left Inniskillin. Kaiser retired, while Ziraldo became chair of the Vineland Research and Innovation Center (2006-2011), and remains involved in the wine industry. In 2007, Bruce Nicholson joined Inniskillin as winemaker. Nicholson continues to produce award-winning wines under the Inniskillin label, receiving the top award, the Premio Speciale Gran Award, at Vinitaly 2009 for his 2006 Gold Vidal and his 2006 Sparkling Vidal Icewine. In 2012, he received several awards for the 2008 Riesling Icewine, including gold at the International Wine and Spirits Competition in London, UK, the San Francisco International Wine Championships, and Selections Mondials des Vins Canada.


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The Canadian Niagara Power Company was created in 1892, in large part due to the efforts of William Birch Rankine, a businessman who pioneered the development of hydropower on both the Canadian and American shores of the Niagara River. Numerous delays and problems postponed the construction and operation of the company's powerhouse, which was formally opened on January 2, 1905. Upon opening, the powerhouse boasted the largest generators of their kind in the world, with a capacity of 10,000 electrical horsepower each. The company was acquired by FortisOntario in 2002. In 2009, the company’s water rights expired and the Canadian Niagara Powerhouse building, also known as the Rankine Generating Station, was turned over to the Niagara Parks Commission.


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The Second U.S. Regiment of Light Dragoons was formed in January 1812. In March of 1814, it merged with the First U.S. Regiment of Light Dragoons to form the Regiment of Light Dragoons.


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Fort George, situated on the west side of the Niagara River in Niagara-on-the-Lake, served as the headquarters for the Centre Division of the British Army during the War of 1812. On May 25, 1813, the Americans launched an artillery attack on the Fort, destroying most of the buildings. Two days later, the Americans invaded the Town of Niagara and occupied Fort George. They remained in the Fort for almost seven months, but suffered defeats at the Battle of Stoney Creek and Beaver Dams. Only a small number of militia remained stationed at the Fort. Fearing an attack by the British, the Americans retreated back across the Niagara River in December, 1813. The Fort remained in British possession for the rest of the War.


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Alexander McLeod was Deputy Sheriff of the Niagara District during the Rebellion of 1837-38 in Upper Canada. On December 24, 1837, he became aware of a scheme by the rebels to use the American steamboat Caroline to provide supplies to William Lyon Mackenzie and his followers on Navy Island in the Niagara River. McLeod notified the authorities in Upper Canada about the situation. A few days later, on December 29, Commodore Andrew Drew led a band of men, including McLeod, to the American side, where the Caroline was moored at Schlosser’s Wharf. A scuffle ensued, in which American Amos Durfee was killed. The Caroline was then released from its moorings, set on fire, and drifted downstream before sinking. Many Americans viewed the incident as a violation of their sovereignty. Tensions between the United States and England were already strained over a boundary dispute between Maine and New Brunswick, and the situation with the Caroline further escalated the tension. McLeod was subsequently arrested in November, 1840 in Lewiston, NY and indicted for arson and murder. The British foreign secretary, Lord Palmerston, insisted that McLeod be released and could not be held personally responsible for the incident, as he was acting on orders from authorities in Canada. Eventually, McLeod was acquitted.


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Transcript: Sir I understand that a reward of fifty dollars has been offered by the County of Haldimand for the arrest of any person convicted of horse stealing. I beg to state that I arrested Albert Hucker charged with having stolen a bay mare the property of Eward Hodges in the Township of Walpole Co. of Haldimand and that the said Albert Hucker has been convicted of the offence by A.G. Hill, Esq. police magistrate of the Town of Clifton County of Welland, and sentenced to three years servitude in the provincial penitentiary. I beg therefore to ask of I am entitled to the aforesaid reward and if so what steps are necessary to procure it. I am Sir, Yours respectfully, Thomas H. Young Ontario Police Clifton


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Dexter Deverardo settled in the Niagara District around 1834. In 1842, he was elected to the District Council. He served in this position until around 1848, when he became Superintendent of Education for the Niagara District. He subsequently served as county Registrar (appointed in1852), Registrar of the Surrogate Court for Welland (1856), and served as county clerk until 1873.


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James Monroe (1758-1831) was appointed Secretary of State by President James Madison in 1811. He remained in this position until March, 1817, with the exception of the period from October 1, 1814, to February 28, 1815, when he was ad interim Secretary of State. Monroe encouraged President James Madison and Congress to declare war on Great Britain, feeling it would be the most effective way to change offensive British policies. The United States declared war on June 17, 1812, after which he served as Secretary of War. Monroe later became President of the United States from 1817 until 1824.


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Lightning Fastener Co. Ltd. was a zipper manufacturer located on Niagara Street in St. Catharines. It was founded by Gideon Sundback, the inventor of the modern fastener. Sundback was born in Sweden, but settled in the United States in 1905. It was here that he designed and patented a “separable fastener” in 1913. Although he lived in Hoboken, New Jersey, he decided to establish a manufacturing facility for his invention in Canada, choosing St. Catharines over other locations such as Fort Erie and Hamilton. At the height of its success, the company employed more than 500 people and produced more than 50 million zippers annually. Over time, the company had difficulty remaining competitive and was forced to close in 1981.


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Joanna Ellen Wood (1867-1927) was an acclaimed Canadian author who wrote several novels and short stories. Wood was born in Scotland, but emigrated to Canada with her family in 1869. In 1874 her father purchased a farm overlooking the Niagara River at Queenston. It is believed she was supported by her brother William, who encouraged her writing. She was based in New York City from 1887-1901, using William’s business address there to receive correspondence while she traveled or spent time in Queenston. Around 1906, Wood moved with her mother to Niagara-on-the-Lake, where she joined the Niagara Historical Society. By 1914, she was living in Buffalo, but later spent time at her sisters’ homes. It was at her sister’s home in Detroit where she suffered a stroke and died in 1927. Wood’s literary career was short-lived. She published her first novel, The Untempered Wind , in 1894, and a second novel, Judith Moore …, in 1898. Both novels received critical acclaim, and a third novel, Farden Ha', followed in 1902. Unfortunately the majority of Wood’s numerous and award-winning writings cannot be found. Her career peaked in 1901, when she was the highest paid Canadian fiction writer. For unknown reasons, her career abruptly ceased in 1902, with no further publications or mention made of her in the Canadian Magazine.


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The Fenians were a group intent on securing Irish independence from England. The movement had its origins in Ireland in1857, under the leadership of James Stephens, with the assistance of John O'Mahony, an American who had raised funds for the cause. The American branch of this movement was especially successful, having raised $500 000 and enlisting about 10 000 American Civil War veterans. The group split into two separate factions, one desiring an invasion of Canada and the other preferring an uprising in Ireland. It soon became apparent that an uprising in Ireland was not imminent, and a decision was made to invade Canada. In April, 1866, a raid was launched against New Brunswick. It proved unsuccessful, and another raid was attempted on June 1, 1866, this time in Ridgeway, near Fort Erie, Ontario. The Canadian militiamen were defeated, but the Fenians subsequently withdrew. A third incident occurred on June 7, this time at Missisquoi Bay in Quebec, when the Fenians crossed the border, remained there for 2 days, and withdrew. A failed uprising in Ireland in 1867 signaled the demise of the movement. The Fenian threat helped to promote a sense of union among Canadians and provided an incentive for Confederation.


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Estee Klar is the founder and executive director of The Autism Acceptance Project, an organization that strives to support people with autism by promoting acceptance and inclusion of these individuals. She is the mother of a son, Adam, who has autism, and writes about her experiences with him on her blog, found at http://www.esteeklar.com. She also writes about issues concerning autism in the area of human rights, law, and social justice, and has contributed to several books, including The Thinking Person's Guide to Autism, Between Interruptions: Thirty Women Tell the Truth about Motherhood, and Concepts of Normality: The Autistic and Typical Spectrum. Currently, she is a Ph.D. candidate at York University, Critical Disability Studies, as well as a writer and freelance curator of art.


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Taxpayers Coalition Niagara (TCN) was founded and incorporated in 1990 in response to the increasing tax burden faced by citizens, and the sometimes questionable use of taxpayers’ money by the government. Originally founded as the Committee for Responsible Government, the name was changed to Taxpayers Coalition Niagara in order to facilitate membership in a similar provincial organization, Taxpayers Coalition Ontario. The non-partisan Coalition was comprised of businessmen from St. Catharines, with Frank Sheehan as President. The objectives of the Coalition included individual freedom and responsibility; obtaining maximum value for tax dollars; identifying and exposing irresponsible government policy and practice; the reduction of debt at all levels of government; the elimination of wasteful and unnecessary programmes; encouraging elected officials to regain control of their bureaucracies; and discouraging ‘empire building’ within local government. Early in 1991, the Coalition began advertising for members and financial support, receiving $11 000 from 1100 supporters. The membership consisted of both businesses and private citizens, eventually reaching 3500 members. The Coalition formed several committees, each one responsible for monitoring a public sector, such as municipal councils, school boards, police services and regional council. The Coalition worked towards achieving their objectives through presentations given to these groups by the committee leaders, as well as through ‘letters to the Editor’ and advertisements in local newspapers. Frank Sheehan resigned as President in 1995, in order to run as a Conservative candidate in the Provincial election. In June 1995, Charles Atkinson was elected President. The recent election of the Conservative government (led by Mike Harris) resulted in the expectation that many of the Coalition’s objectives would be achieved by the newly elected government. Accordingly, it was decided that the organization would operate in a reduced capacity. The Coalition was terminated in April, 2003, after several years of little or no activity.


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Estelle Cuffe Hawley (1894-1995) was an educator, businesswoman and politician, who became the first woman alderman on the St. Catharines City Council. She began her career as a teacher in Peterborough in 1913, and later taught in St. Catharines at Connaught School and St. Paul’s Ward School, where she served as Principal for six years. In 1928-29, she worked as an exchange teacher in Edmonton, Alberta. This would be Estelle’s last year in the teaching profession. She moved back to St. Catharines in 1930 and began a career in business, as an employee of Sun Life Assurance Co. She remained in this profession until around 1952. It was during this period that she became very active in the community and local politics. In 1934 she was elected to the St. Catharines Board of Education, where she advocated for the improvement of teachers’ salaries, the introduction of nursing services in schools, and the inclusion of music in the curriculum. She served as a member of the school board until 1937. The following year, she became the first woman elected to the St. Catharines City Council. As an alderman, she worked to improve the community's social welfare services, serving consecutively as chairman of all committees. She established comprehensive health services (including medical, dental and nursing), in the public, separate and secondary schools of St. Catharines, the first program of its kind in Canada. She was also instrumental in establishing minimum housing standards and engaging the public in local government by arranging a series of lectures by city officials. She remained a member of City Council until 1943. The following year she campaigned unsuccessfully for the mayoralty. In 1953 she married Hubert Hawley and moved to Orillia. She continued to remain active in the community, serving as President of the Ontario Recreation Association from 1950-1953, and editor of their Bulletin from 1955-1961. During the 1960s, she worked with various groups, including the Voice of Women, the Mental Health Association and the Freedom from Hunger Campaign. In addition to this work, Estelle wrote poetry and short stories, some of which were published in the Peterborough Review, the Globe and Mail and the Canadian Churchman. Some of her short stories (often about her childhood experiences) were broadcast on the CBC, as well as her experiences as a Town Councillor (under the pseudonym Rebecca Johnson in 1961). She also broadcast a segment that was part of a series called “Winning the Peace” in April 1944. Estelle was a sought-after public speaker, speaking on topics such as peace, democracy, citizenship, education, and women’s rights. In 1976, Brock University conferred an honorary Doctor of Law degree to Estelle for her leadership as an educator, businesswoman and a stateswoman. Her husband Hubert died that same year, and Estelle subsequently moved to Mississauga. With the assistance of an Ontario Heritage Foundation grant, she began work on her memoir. She later moved back to Orillia and died there in 1995, at the age of 101.