999 resultados para Cerebro -- Tumores


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Foram estudados tumores de mama em cadelas, comparando o seu padrão citológico, obtido através da Citologia Aspirativa por Agulha Fina (CAAF), com os resultados da histopatologia. Num período de um ano, as cadelas trazidas ao Hospital Veterinário -- UNESP -- Câmpus de Jaboticabal foram submetidas a exérese cirúrgica dos tumores mamários. As amostras foram avaliadas de acordo com parâmetros estruturais utilizados nos tumores mamários humanos, como grau de atipia, critérios nucleares, padrão de cromatina e nucléolos, alta celularidade e pouca coesão intercelular. Utilizaram-se estes critérios para diferenciar tumores mamários benignos de malignos com 63% de diagnósticos concordantes, sensibilidade de 73% e especificidade de 83%. Nossos dados mostraram ter uma correlação positiva com o prognóstico, demonstrando que é possível reconhecer variáveis estruturais de malignidade na citopatologia para obter um diagnóstico precoce e um prognóstico seguro.


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Ameloblastomas and keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KOT) represent odontogenic lesions that, despite their benign nature, are distinguished by a distinct biological behavior, characterized by locally aggressive growth and recurrent episodes. The gnathic bone resorption caused by the growth of these lesions is a key to the expansion of the same, both being mediated by osteoclastic cells like enzymatic activity of various matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) factor. The expression of stimulatory factors and inhibitors of bone resorption has been correlated with the development of these lesions, with emphasis to some MMPs such as collagenases and gelatinases and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), among others. Based on the premise that stimulatory and inhibitory factors of osteolytic processes can be decisive for the growth rate of intraosseous odontogenic lesions, this experiment evaluated the immunoreactivity of MMP-9, -13 and TIMP-1 protein in the epithelium and mesenchyme of ameloblastoma and the KOT specimens, by a quantitative analysis of the immunoreactivity cells. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests with a significance level set at 5 %. Immunohistochemical expression of MMP-9, -13 and TIMP-1 was observed in 100% of cases both in the epithelium and in mesenchyme. The immunoreactivity in the epithelium of KOT and ameloblastomas revealed a predominance of score 3 for MMP-9 (p=0.382) and MMP-13 (p=0.069) and no statistically significance for TIMP-1, the latter being significantly higher immunoreactivity in ameloblastomas. In the mesenchyme, there was a higher score immunoreactivity of MMP-13 (p=0.031) in ameloblastomas in relation to KOT, whereas for MMP-9 and TIMP-1 no statistically significant difference (p=0.403 was observed, p=1.000). The calculation of the ratio of scores revealed expression of proteins in general, similarity of the lesions, a significant predominance of equal expression of TIMP-1 and MMP-9 was observed only in the epithelium of ameloblastoma. The marked immunostaining of MMP-9 , MMP-13 and TIMP-1 in epithelium and mesenchyme of the lesion indicate that these proteins involved in ECM remodeling required for tumor progression, however, specific differences in the expression of some of these proteins, are not sufficient to suggest differences in the biological behavior of ameloblastomas and KOTs


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Central Nervous System are the most common pediatric solid tumors. 60% of these tumors arise in posterior fossa, mainly in cerebellum. The first therapeutic approach is surgical resection. Malignant tumors require additional strategies - chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The increasing survival evidences that childhood brain tumors result in academic and social difficulties that compromise the quality of life of the patients. This study investigated the intellectual functioning of children between 7 to 15 years diagnosed with posterior fossa tumors and treated at CEHOPE - Recife / PE. 21 children were eligible - including 13 children with pilocytic astrocytoma (G1) who underwent only surgery resection, and eight children with medulloblastoma (G2) - submitted to surgical resection, chemotherapy and craniospinal radiotherapy. Participants were evaluated by the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - WISC-III. Children of G1 scored better than children of G2. Inferential tools (Mann-Whitney Ü Test) identified significant diferences (p ≤ 0.05) between the Performance IQ (PIQ) and Processing Speed Index (PSI) as a function of treatment modality; Full Scale IQ (FSIQ), PIQ and PSI as a function of parental educational level; PIQ, FSIQ, IVP and Freedom from Distractibility (FDI) as a function of time between diagnosis and evaluation. These results showed the late and progressive impact of radiotherapy on white matter and information processing speed. Furthermore, children whose parents have higher educational level showed better intellectual performance, indicating the influence of xxii socio-cultural variables on cognitive development. The impact of cancer and its treatment on cognitive development and learning should not be underestimated. These results support the need to increase the understanding of such effects in order to propose therapeutic strategies which ensure that, in addition to the cure, the full development of children with this pathology


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A expressão de receptores de estrógeno (ER) e progesterona (PR) por meio da técnica de q-PCR foi avaliada em 26 cadelas portadoras de neoplasias mamárias e cinco cadelas sem afecções mamárias (grupo controle). Os resultados mostraram que os três grupos de animais estudados - com tumor maligno ou benigno e controle - expressaram receptores de estrógeno alfa, beta e progesterona. A quantificação relativa mostrou tendência para uma expressão maior de receptores no grupo controle e menor no grupo de animais com neoplasias malignas. Além disso, observou-se expressão maior de ERα em relação ao ERβ, e as neoplasias malignas de origem mista apresentaram maiores concentrações dos receptores PR, ERα e ERβ que as neoplasias de origem epitelial.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The authors studied retrospectively 130 patients with thyroid tumors comparing the histopathologic diagnoses with fine needle aspirate (FNA) and frozen section results. FNA was performed in 118 patients with the following results: 75 (63.6%) benign, 21 (17.8%) malignant and 22 (18.6%) not conclusives. In seven cases false-negative result was obtained and there were six false-positive. These data reveals some drawbacks of this procedure. These results indicated that frozen as well as FNA are useful diagnostic procedure in helping to choose the most appropriate therapy in patients with thyroid tumors. On the other hand, traditional methods seems to be also important methods, such as scintilography, in the evaluation of thyroid diseases.


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BACKGROUND: Ultrasonography (US), Computed Tomography (CT), and Magnetic Resonance imaging (MR) were compared for the staging of renal tumors. The differences between these imaging techniques were also studied for their ability to detect adenopathies, vascular invasion, distant intra-abdominal metastases, and particularly adjacent organ invasion. METHODS: Thirty-one patients with solid or complex renal masses were prospectively studied using US, CT, and MR. Differences between the results obtained were studied using the COCHRAN G test and the McNEMAR test. The sensitivity and specificity of each diagnostic technique were compared against a gold standard of the surgical and histopathological findings. RESULTS: The following sensitivities were obtained: For the detection of adenopathy, US 63.6%, CT and MR 90.9%. For vascular invasion, US 42.8%, CT and MR 85.7%. For the adjacent organ invasion, US 28.5%, CT 85.7%, and MR 71.4%. Some of the criteria that suggest invasion of adjacent structures include: the envelopment of the adjacent structures by the tumor, tumor extension into the adjacent structures with an irregular appearance, and alterations in shape, size, and density of adjacent structures. Loss of fat planes between the tumor and adjacent structures is not a sign of tumor invasion. CONCLUSIONS: Significant differences were found in the detection capacity of US in relation to CT and MR, which were similar. All three techniques were highly sensitive and specific only in the detection of distant abdominal metastases. In addition to the accuracy of these diagnostic modalities for the detection and staging of tumors, invasiveness, risks and cost should be considered in relation to relative costs and benefits.


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Immunohistochemical evaluation was performed to study the histogenesis of canine mammary tumors and to contribute to a better understanding of their classification. Monoclonal antibodies specific for different types of intermediate filaments (cytokeratins, vimentin, α-actin) were used. Epithelial cells stained positively for cytokeratins and their expression was lost as the malignant transformation occurs. Myoepithelial cells stained positively for vimentin and α-actin. In contrast to vimentin, α-actin lost the expression as the cartilaginous or osseous metaplasia occurs. Immunohistochemical evaluation with monoclonal antibodies proved to be efficient for identification of tumor histogenesis.


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PURPOSE: to evaluate the loco-regional response to primary chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer at stages II and III. METHODS: a retrospective and analytical clinical study carried out in 97 patients with an average age of 52.2 years old, with breast cancer at stages II and III, attended from January 1993 to December 2004, and submitted to 3 to 4 cycles of primary chemotherapy with 5-fl uorouracil - 500 mg/m2, epirubicin - 50 mg/m2 and cyclophosphamide - 500 mg/m2 or doxorubicin - 50 mg/m2 e cyclophosphamide - 500 mg/m2, and then to loco-regional surgical conservative or radical surgical treatment. Chi-square and Fisher's exact tests were used to study the association among the variables (age, menopausal state, pre-chemotherapy tumoral volume, axillary condition, stage, therapeutic scheme and number of cycles), while Pearson's correlation coefficient was used for the quantitative variables (tumoral volume according to the anatomo-pathological study and the post-chemotherapy clinical tumoral volume. The significance level was 5%. RESULTS: there were 56.8% of cases at stage II and 43.2% at stage III. Approximately 50% of the patients received FEC50 and 50% AC. Objective clinical response with primary chemotherapy was obtained in 64.9% of the cases. Full clinical response occurred in 12.3% of patients, while full pathological response occurred in 10.3% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: there was a statistically significant correlation between the number of cycles and the response to primary chemotherapy. Patients who received 4 cycles had better response than those who received 3 cycles. There was also a statistically significant concordance between the evaluation through clinical examination of the response to primary chemotherapy and the pathological findings. No statistically significant correlation was observed concerning age, menopausal status, tumoral volume, and pretreatment of axillary damage.


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Mammary tumors are among the most common neoplasia of canine females. The occurrence of metastasis may be detected by proteic markers. Among them, exist the E-cadherin, a member of cadherin family known for its important role in the regulation of intercellular adhesion in epithelial tissues. Studies suggest that E-cadherin may function as a tumor and invasion suppressor molecule. Cadherin activity is regulated by multiple mechanisms, including interaction with other proteins such as catenins. In this review, the authors approach the cadherin family and other related adhesion proteins including its function, physiopathology and potential use as marker for diagnosis and prognosis of canine mammary tumors.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB