939 resultados para Cell division.
As espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) são geradas durante o metabolismo celular normal e podem produzir vários danos oxidativos no DNA, tais como lesões nas bases nitrogenadas ou sítios apurínico/apirimidínico (AP). Essas lesões podem acarretar acúmulo de sítios de mutações, caso esses danos não sejam reparados. Entretanto, as bactérias possuem vários mecanismos de defesa contra as ERO que desempenham um importante papel na manutenção da fisiologia. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar se sistemas enzimáticos, como o reparo por excisão de bases (BER), sistema SOS e SoxRS, interferem em respostas como a sensibilidade aos antibióticos, aderência das células bacterianas a superfícies bióticas ou abióticas e formação de biofilme. Os mutantes utilizados no presente estudo são todos derivados de Escherichia coli K-12 e os resultados obtidos mostraram que, dos mutantes BER testados, o único que apresentou diferença no perfil de sensibilidade aos antimicrobiamos em relação à cepa selvagem (AB1157) foi o mutante xthA- (BW9091), deficiente em exonuclease III. No teste de aderência qualitativo realizado com linhagem de células HEp-2 (originária de carcinoma de laringe humana) foi observado que onze cepas da nossa coleção, apresentaram um padrão denominando like-AA, contrastando com o que era esperado para as cepas de E. coli utilizadas como controle negativo, que apresentam aderência discreta sem padrão típico. A aderência manose-sensível via fímbria do tipo I avaliada nesse estudo mostrou que essa fimbria, possui um papel relevante na intensidade da aderência e filamentação nessas cepas estudas. A filamentação é uma resposta SOS importante para que o genoma seja reparado antes de ser partilhado pelas células filhas. Além disso, com relação à formação de biofilme, oito cepas apresentaram um biofilme forte sendo que essa resposta não foi acompanhada pelo aumento da intensidade de filamentação. Nossos resultados em conjunto sugerem o envolvimento de estresse oxidativo na definição de parâmetros como sensibilidade a antimicrobianos, padrão e intensidade de aderência, filamentação e formação de biofilme nas amostras de E. coli K-12 avaliadas neste trabalho. Sugerimos que a aderência gera estresse oxidativo causando danos no DNA, o que leva a indução do sistema SOS resultando na resposta de filamentação observada.
Enterococcus faecium tem se destacado no cenário das infecções hospitalares, particularmente, amostras portadoras de características de multirresistência. Apesar de serem responsabilizados como agentes etiológicos em diferentes quadros clínicos, fatores associados a patogênese das infecções ainda não estão esclarecidos. Entretanto, sabe-se que a capacidade de formação de biofilmes pode ser responsabilizada como um dos atributos capazes de promover o papel patogênico desses microrganismos. Assim sendo, este estudo se propôs a investigar a capacidade de formação de biofilmes por duas amostras de E. faecium: SS-1274 (derivada da amostra tipo da espécie) e CL-6729 (multirresistente e pertencente a um complexo clonal globalmente disperso). As amostras foram caracterizadas fenotipica e genotipicamente para confirmação da identificação, determinação da susceptibilidade a 17 antimicrobianos, caracterização da concentração mínima inibitória para ampicilina, gentamicina e vancomicina, determinação do genótipo vanA e detecção de genes associados a expressão dos genes asa1, cylA, esp, gelE e hyl. A análise quantitativa da formação por 24h e 72h dos biofilmes foi realizada por metodologia do cristal violeta, em placas de microtitulação de poliestireno. Foram construídas curvas de formação pela avaliação da DO570nm das preparações coradas por cristal violeta em períodos de tempo de 2h a 74h. A influência de subCMIs de ampicilina, gentamicina e vancomicina na formação de biofilmes de E. faecium foi também caracterizada em ensaios de quantificação da biomassa. A presença de DNA e proteínas foi avaliada em ensaios de destacamento e por fluorimetria. A arquitetura, distribuição espacial e reação aos fluorocromos Syto9 e SYPRO Ruby Protein foram evidenciadas por microscopia confocal de varredura a laser. Análises proteômicas através da avaliação por SDS-PAGE e por ESI-Q-TOF também foram empregadas para avaliação de biofilmes versus crescimento planctônico. Nossos resultados demonstraram que a amostra CL-6729 apresentou uma maior biomassa nos tempos analisados. Apesar da menor quantidade de biomassa da amostra SS-1274, o perfil da curva de formação foi semelhante a CL-6729. As análises da matriz por ensaios quantitativos e microscopia confocal revelaram que proteína parece ser um importante constituinte para ambas as amostras, entretanto biofilmes formados na presença de da CMI e durante 24h, parecem sofrer alterações na constituição. Os resultados relativos às espectrometrias de massa sugerem que células de biofilmes de E. faecium podem também estar metabolicamente ativas, devido a identificação de um considerável número de proteínas relacionadas ao metabolismo e divisão celular, similarmente às células planctônicas. No entanto, investigações complementares são necessárias para quantificar as diferenças relacionadas a sua expressão. Foi observado que ambas as amostras independente das variações fenotípicas e genotípicas são capazes de formar biofilmes maduros exibindo constituição e arquitetura similares. Entretanto, nossos resultados sugeriram que cada amostra responde as diferentes situações de acordo com seus determinantes de virulência e resistência.
植物顶端分生组织中干细胞数量的维持对于侧生器官的发生至关重要。在干细胞的基因调控网络中WUSCHEL (WUS) 是一个关键成员,围绕该基因形成两个反馈调节环,控制分生组织中干细胞群的平衡。 论文分析了用激活标签法 (activation tagging) 获得的突变体sef (stem-ecotopic-flowers),其最大的表型特点是花序轴上产生异位花和幼苗下胚轴增长。本论文就此两个表型产生的机理进行了探索,以期了解WUS基因的新功能。 对sef的表型观察发现异位分生组织不仅在花序轴上出现,而且也出现在叶柄、叶片、托叶叶腋内、花梗、花梗腋内以及花器官上。组织切片结果表明花序轴上的异位分生组织起源于已经分化的皮层细胞。对突变体的分子鉴定证明T-DNA是以单拷贝插入到WUS起始密码子上游810 bp处。对插入位点上下游各10 kb的4个基因在花序轴中的表达水平进行了分析,结果表明只有WUS基因的表达量升高,说明增强子只对WUS基因发挥了激活作用,暗示了WUS基因过表达与异位花之间存在某种联系。转35S::WUS的拟南芥幼苗下胚轴与根部出现异位的生长点;WUS被诱导表达的突变体pga6-1花序轴上出现异位花芽,证实sef的表型是由WUS超表达所导致。利用组织原位杂交和RT-PCR分析了WUS、CLAVATA3 (CLV3)、LEAFY (LFY) 与AGAMOUS (AG) 在异位分生组织中的表达模式与表达水平,结果表明WUS、CLV3、LFY、AG在花序轴表皮以下皮层中异位表达。这些结果表明WUS能激活CLV3异位表达,从而在已经分化的皮层中重新产生具有分生组织特征的细胞,同时WUS异位激活AG的表达并使LFY也在这些异位的分生组织中表达,这些分生组织发育方向被LFY与AG所决定,最终发育为异位花器官。 sef突变体另外一个突出的表型是幼苗的下胚轴增长。对幼苗期下胚轴以及胚胎4个时期的胚干细胞数进行统计,结果表明下胚轴与胚干细胞数目都呈现出sef比野生型多而wus-1比野生型少的趋势,因此sef幼苗下胚轴增长是由于细胞数目改变引起的。进一步分析发现这种区别是由于胚胎早期(授粉后1~3天)胚干细胞分裂速率的差异所造成的。利用基因芯片杂交分析突变体的基因表达谱,结果发现许多与细胞分裂相关的基因在sef中表达水平升高。RT-PCR证实这些基因在胚胎时期的表达水平升高,说明胚胎早期胚干细胞分裂速率的不同导致了幼苗下胚轴的异常。 综上所述,我们的研究结果揭示了sef异常表型的产生的可能机制。在已经分化的皮层中激活标签介导的WUS超表达激活干细胞标志基因之一CLV3和花器官基因AG,并使LFY异位表达,重新产生具有分生组织特征的细胞,这些分生组织的发育方向被LFY和AG所决定,最终发育为异位花。在sef的早期胚胎中,WUS表达增强使细胞分裂相关基因表达水平升高、细胞分裂增快,说明WUS与细胞周期相关基因的调控存在某些联系。 本论文的创新之处在于首次提出WUS表达增强能在分化的组织中产生具有分生组织特征的细胞以及WUS调控细胞分裂的结论。
Studies were undertaken to produce genetic clones derived from all homozygous mitotic gynogenetic individuals in rohu, Labeo rohita Ham. ln view of this, attempts were made to interfere with the normal functioning of the spindle apparatus during the first mitotic cell division of developing eggs using heat shocks, there by leading to the induction of mitotic gynogenetic diploids in the F1 generation. Afterwards, viable mitotic gynogenetic alevins were reared and a selected mature female fish was used to obtain ovulated eggs which were fertilized later with UV-irradiated milt. Milt was diluted with Cortland’s solution and the sperm concentration was maintained at 10⁸/ml. The UV-irradiation was carried out for 2 minutes at the intensity of 200 to 250 µW/cm² at 28± 1°C. The optimal heat shock of 40°C for 2 minutes applied at 25 to 30 minutes a.f. was used to induce mitotic gynogenesis in first (F1) generation and at 3 to 5 minutes a.f. to induce meiotic gynogenesis in the second (F2) generation. The results obtained are presented and the light they shed on the timing of the mitotic and meiotic cell division in this species is discussed.
Meiosis is a specialized eukaryotic cell division that generates haploid gametes required for sexual reproduction. During meiosis, homologous chromosomes pair and undergo reciprocal genetic exchange, termed crossover (CO). Meiotic CO frequency varies along the physical length of chromosomes and is determined by hierarchical mechanisms, including epigenetic organization, for example methylation of the DNA and histones. Here we investigate the role of DNA methylation in determining patterns of CO frequency along Arabidopsis thaliana chromosomes. In A. thaliana the pericentromeric regions are repetitive, densely DNA methylated, and suppressed for both RNA polymerase-II transcription and CO frequency. DNA hypomethylated methyltransferase1 (met1) mutants show transcriptional reactivation of repetitive sequences in the pericentromeres, which we demonstrate is coupled to extensive remodeling of CO frequency. We observe elevated centromere-proximal COs in met1, coincident with pericentromeric decreases and distal increases. Importantly, total numbers of CO events are similar between wild type and met1, suggesting a role for interference and homeostasis in CO remodeling. To understand recombination distributions at a finer scale we generated CO frequency maps close to the telomere of chromosome 3 in wild type and demonstrate an elevated recombination topology in met1. Using a pollen-typing strategy we have identified an intergenic nucleosome-free CO hotspot 3a, and we demonstrate that it undergoes increased recombination activity in met1. We hypothesize that modulation of 3a activity is caused by CO remodeling driven by elevated centromeric COs. These data demonstrate how regional epigenetic organization can pattern recombination frequency along eukaryotic chromosomes.
Sexual eukaryotes reproduce via the meiotic cell division, where ploidy is halved and homologous chromosomes undergo reciprocal genetic exchange, termed crossover (CO). CO frequency has a profound effect on patterns of genetic variation and species evolution. Relative CO rates vary extensively both within and between plant genomes. Plant genome size varies by over 1000-fold, largely due to differential expansion of repetitive sequences, and increased genome size is associated with reduced CO frequency. Gene versus repeat sequences associate with distinct chromatin modifications, and evidence from plant genomes indicates that this epigenetic information influences CO patterns. This is consistent with data from diverse eukaryotes that demonstrate the importance of chromatin structure for control of meiotic recombination. In this review I will discuss CO frequency patterns in plant genomes and recent advances in understanding recombination distributions.
The effects of ultraviolet radiation (UVR 280-400 nm) on the germination of Porphyra haitanensis conchospores and on the growth and morphogenesis of the subsequent sporelings were investigated by culturing the released conchospores under natural sunlight from 29 September to 6 October 2005. Germination increased with time and was faster when UV-B was excluded using cut-off filters. There were significant negative effects of UV-B radiation on growth and cell division of sporelings, with decreases up to 18% for thallus length, between 6 and 18% for thallus width, up to 29% for thallus area, and between 6 and 14% for cell size as compared to PAR-controls. UV-A had a significant positive effect on morphogenesis, enhancing the formation of sporelings with cells dividing transversely; on the other hand, UV-B delayed the formation of such sporelings. We also tested the effects of solar UVR on the growth of P. haitanensis juveniles and found no significant effects. Our results indicate that UV-A has an important role in the germination and morphogenesis of the species, but on the other hand, sporelings of P. haitanensis are more sensitive to UV-B radiation than juveniles.
Oocyte maturation and egg fertilization in both vertebrates and invertebrates are marked by orchestrated cytoplasmic translocation of secretory vesicles known as cortical granules. It is thought that such redistribution of cellular content is critical for asymmetrical cell division during early development, but the mechanism and regulation of the process is poorly understood. Here we report the identification, purification and cDNA cloning of a C-type lectin from oocytes of a freshwater fish species gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio). The purified protein has been demonstrated to have lectin activity and to be a Ca2+-dependent C-type lectin by hemagglutination activity assay. Immunocytochemistry revealed that the lectin is associated with cortical granules, gradually translocated to the cell surface during oocyte maturation, and discharged to the egg envelope upon fertilization. Interestingly, the lectin becomes phosphorylated on threonine residues upon induction of exocytosis by fertilization and returns to its original state after morula stage of embryonic development, suggesting that this posttranslational modification may represent a critical molecular switch for early embryonic development. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Goal, Scope and Background. As one of the consequences of heavy metal pollution in soil, water and air, plants are contaminated by heavy metals in some parts of China. To understand the effects of heavy metals upon plants and the resistance mechanisms, would make it possible to use plants for cleaning and remediating heavy metal-polluted sites. Methods. The research results on the effects of heavy metals on plants and resistant mechanisms are compiled from Chinese publications from scientific journals and university journals, mostly published during the last decade. Results and Discussion. Effects of heavy metals on plants result in growth inhibition, structure damage, a decline of physiological and biochemical activities as well as of the function of plants. The effects and bioavailability of heavy metals depend on many factors, such as environmental conditions, pH, species of element, organic substances of the media and fertilization, plant species. But, there are also studies on plant resistance mechanisms to protect plants against the toxic effects of heavy metals such as combining heavy metals by proteins and expressing of detoxifying enzyme and nucleic acid, these mechanisms are integrated to protect the plants against injury by heavy metals. Conclusions. There are two aspects on the interaction of plants and heavy metals. On one hand, heavy metals show negative effects on plants. On the other hand, plants have their own resistance mechanisms against toxic effects and for detoxifying heavy metal pollution. Recommendations and Outlook. To study the effects of heavy metals on plants and mechanisms of resistance, one must select crop cultivars and/or plants for removing heavy metals from soil and water. More highly resistant plants can be selected especially for a remediation of the pollution site. The molecular mechanisms of resistance of plants to heavy metals should be studied further to develop the actual resistance of these plants to heavy metals. Understanding the bioavailability of heavy metals is advantageous for plant cultivation and phytoremediation. Decrease in the bioavailability to farmlands would reduce the accumulation of heavy metals in food. Alternatively, one could increase the bioavailability of plants to extract more heavy metals.
沙棘广泛分布于亚欧大陆的温带地区和亚洲亚热带的高海拔地区。沙棘能适应多种生态环境,能耐受多种逆境(如干旱、低温、高温和盐害等)。在中国,沙棘常常被用作植被恢复中的先锋树种而大量栽培。本文以中国沙棘为试验材料,探索沙棘适应干旱机制,以及沙棘对干旱胁迫的适应机制是否存在种群间的差异,同时试图通过分析干旱胁迫下沙棘叶片蛋白质表达变化探索沙棘适应干旱胁迫的分子机理。 对三个分别来自低海拔湿润地区、低海拔干旱地区和高海拔湿润地区的中国沙棘种群进行干旱胁迫处理。干旱胁迫能提高根冠比,比叶面积,降低平均叶面积和总生物量,提高沙棘的抗氧化性酶活性、脯氨酸含量、脱落酸(ABA)含量、降低光合作用,提高长期用水效率。实验中的这两个低海拔种群比高海拔种群抵抗干旱的能力更强,不同的种群采用了不同的策略来耐受干旱胁迫和过氧化胁迫。 在2004 年度的实验中,干旱胁迫处理下,高海拔湿润种群(道孚种群)严重失水,生长也受到更大的抑制,非气孔因素在抑制光合作用方面占支配地位,抗坏血酸含量下降,ABA和脯氨酸含量增加幅度比九寨沟种群的要高,这可能是因为道孚种群严重失水而引起的;而低海拔湿润种群(九寨沟种群)的体内水分状况几乎不受干旱的影响,生长情况也较道孚种群要好。 在2005 年度的试验中,和高海拔湿润地区种群(道孚)相比较,低海拔干旱地区种群(定西)在叶片相对水含量、根冠比、抗氧化酶活性(过氧化氢酶、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶和谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶)、保护性物质(脯氨酸,脱落酸)含量等方面都要高,光能热耗散能力也更强,而且气体交换参数(气孔扩散阻力和胞间CO2浓度等)对干旱也更不敏感。 分析了干旱胁迫下沙棘叶片蛋白质表达的变化。共发现319 个蛋白质,有4 个蛋白在干旱胁迫下消失(Putative ABCtransporter ATP-binding protein 、Hypothetical proteinXP-515578,热激蛋白Hslu219 和一个没得到鉴定的蛋白),4 个只在干旱胁迫下出现(没命名的蛋白质产物,对甲基苯-丙酮酸双加氧酶,NTrX 和一个没得到鉴定的蛋白),46 个蛋白质的表达丰度变化显著,包括32 个干旱负调蛋白,14 个干旱正调蛋白(3 个Rubisco 的大亚基、J-type–co-chaperone Hsc20、putative protein DSM3645-2335、putative acyl-COA 脱氢酶、nesprin-2 和两个没有得到鉴定的蛋白质)。这些蛋白质参与了氮代谢调控、抗氧化行物质的合成、脂肪酸β-氧化、核骨架构造、[Fe-S]基团组装、物质跨膜运输、细胞分裂或作为分子伴侣和蛋白质酶起作用。putative ABC transporter ATP-binging protein、NtrX、nesprin-2 和Hslu 是本试验新发现的高等植物蛋白,我们主要从它们的保守结构域或在其他生物中的同源物来猜测它们的功能。实验结果为我们研究植物抗干旱机制提供了新线索和新视野。 Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) is widly distributed throughtout the temperatureresiogn of Europe and Asia and sub-tropical plateau zone of Asia. H. rhamnoides can adapatseveral different environments, and can tolerant several envioronmental stresses (e.g, lowtemperature, high temperature, drought and salty). It has been widely used in forest restoration asthe pioneer species in China. In present study, we applied H.rhamnoides subsp. Sinensis asexperimental materials to study its drought-tolerant mechanism, and expected to findpopulational difference in drought-tolerant mechanism that may exist among populations, and tryto get some insight in drought-tolerant mechanism of it at morecular level through analyzing thechange of leaf protein expression. Three populations from high altitude wet zone, low altitude wet zone and low altitude arid znoe,respectively, were applied in our experiment, and were subjected to drought. Drought increasedthe root/shoot ratio(RS), special leaf area, long-term water use efficinency, activity of antioxidantenzymes, proline content and abscisic acid (ABA) content, declined the net photosynthesis rate(A), average leaf area (ALA), total biomass (TB). Both two low altitude populations were moredrought-tolerant than the high altitude population, and different population applied differentstratedgies to tolerant oxidant stress and drought stress. The results of the exprement in 2004 showed that Daofu population was more drought-sensitivethan Jiuzhai population. Under drought conditions, leaf relative water content (RWC) greatlydecreased in Daofu population, but not in Jiuzhai population. The large loss of water in Daofupopulation resulted in a limitation on A mainly caused by non-stomatal factors, severer suppression in growth rate and a significant reduction in ascorbic acid (AsA) content, comparedwith Jiuzhai population. The greater increase in content of ABA and proline in Daofu populationmay be also induced by large loss in water, so that enable plants to cope with sever drought. In the exprement of 2005, drought significantly increased RS, activities of catalase (CAT),peroxidase (POD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and alsosignificantly increased ABA and proline contents. On the other hand, compared with Daofupopulation, drought induced larger RS and activities of CAT, GPX and APX, and higher ABAcontent in Dingxi population, whereas gas exchange traits, e.g., stomatal limitation value (LS) andintercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), were less responsive to drought in Dingxi population thanthose in Daofu population. All these factors enable Dingxi population to tolerant drought betterthan Daofu population. The leaf protein profile of seabuchthorn subjected to drought was analyzed. Altogether 319proteins were detected in well-watered sample, four proteins disappeard by drought (putativeABCtransporter ATP-binding protein, hypothetical protein XP-515578, Hslu219and aunidentified protein), four only appeared under drought (a probable nitrogen regulation protein(NtrX), a 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase , an unnamed protein product and an identified protein), 32 drought down-regulated proteins, and 14 drought up-regulated proteins (nine wereidentified: three large subunits of Rubisco, a hypothetical protein DSM3645-23351, a putativeacyl-COA dehydrogenase, a nesprin-2, a J-type-co-chaperone HSC20 and two unmatchedproteins). These proteins may involve in β-oxidation, cross-membrane transport, cell division,cytoskeleton stabilization, iron-sulfur cluster assembly, nitrogen metabolism regulation andantioxidant substance biosynthesis or function as molecular chaperone or protease. Four proteins(a putative ABC transporter ATP-binging protein, NtrX, nesprin-2, Hslu) were new found in highplants, and their functions were estimated from their conserved domain or their homologues inother organism. Our results provided new clue and new insight for us to study thedrought-tolerant mechanism in plants.
水稻是重要的粮食作物,其产量的增加和品质的改良都是关系国计民生的大事。就我国现阶段的国情而言,水稻产量在现有水平上稳步提升仍是未来十几年甚至几十年农业生产最重要的目标之一。尽管根据“超级杂交水稻育种”的战略设想和水稻育种实践,通过不断地改进育种技术可望在更高的产量水平上进行水稻杂种优势利用,在稻属植物内还具有很大的产量潜力可以挖掘。然而,仅仅从现有的种质基础出发,要更大幅度提高水稻单产,实现“超级杂交稻”的目标也存在一些困难:现有的推广品种是二倍体,尽管种类众多,但是其基因组的来源相对单一;同时,水稻基因组DNA含量也是作物中最少的,基因组内寻求开发潜力有一定困难;水稻作为C3植物,光合利用效率不高也是制约水稻产量提高的因素之一。因此,寻求常规手段以外的技术突破或者方法创新,是实现“超级杂交稻”的目标的迫切需求。本研究利用秋水仙素能抑制细胞分裂中纺锤丝的收缩、使细胞染色体加倍的作用,对水稻幼穗诱导的愈伤组织细胞进行加倍,并分化出再生植株;创制出水稻同源四倍体新的种质材料,在此基础上选育水稻同源四倍体雄性不育三系材料,并实现水稻同源四倍体的三系配套,开展水稻同源四倍体杂种优势利用和四倍体杂交水稻选育研究,建立水稻同源四倍体杂种优势利用的新技术体系。这不仅有助于倍性水平杂种优势的开拓和利用,同时也将为我国新世纪“超级稻”育种研究开辟一条新的技术途径。 水稻幼穗诱导愈伤组织并分化成苗是一项成熟、简单的组织培养技术。本研究以普通二倍体水稻亲本为材料,用秋水仙素进行水稻的多倍体化诱导,创制同源四倍体水稻三系亲本材料并对其进行鉴定。多倍体化以秋水仙素诱导的愈伤组织培养为基础,研究不同秋水仙素浓度梯度和愈伤组织诱导培养基组合对诱导四倍体植株的影响。结果表明在MS+2,4 D 1.0mg/L+ KT0.2mg/L+ IAA0.2mg/L 和500mg/L的秋水仙素处理下,水稻愈伤组织染色体加倍(有最高的效率)效果较好,平均加倍频率可达25.26%,其中,材料CDR22和IR26诱导较易成功,加倍频率分别达到75%和26.5%;相对材料94109 1.3%加倍频率和冈46B 10.8%加倍频率,诱导率差异极显著。 对水稻四倍体材料进行了形态学鉴定结果表明,与二倍体水稻对照相比其株高、穗长、花粉育性等主要农艺性状,确定四倍体材料在穗长和千粒重两方面极显著提高,种子的长度和宽度也显著增长。对花粉育性鉴定,确认水稻四倍体不育系材料仍为不育,保持系材料自交和杂交可育,恢复系材料自交和杂交可育。对四倍体材料进行细胞形态、染色体数目等方面进行细胞学鉴定,经核型分析表明水稻四倍体材料具有48条染色体,是二倍体水稻的两倍。水稻四倍体材料根尖分生组织细胞与二倍体的根尖分生组织细胞相比,细胞体积、细胞核和核仁显著增大。四倍体三系材料在细胞有丝分裂中期均可规则排列在赤道板,并能均等地移向两极;后期观察中没有发现染色体分离滞后现象,分裂末期细胞能够形成大小相对均一的子细胞。水稻同源四倍体三系材料细胞分裂未见异常,植株生长发育正常。 从1996年至2006年,针对结实率、有效分蘖、着粒数和穗长等主要农艺性状,通过系谱选育的方法,对培育的同源四倍体水稻亲本材料进行了连续选择和改良,取得较好成效。表现为结实率的改良效果极佳,所有改良材料的平均结实率均呈上升趋势,如D237(29.70%→72.70%)、DTB(19.55%→53.21%)等。有效分蘖总体呈现上升趋势,但在不同的年份,如1998和2002存在较大的负向波动。部分材料改良效果明显,如D19B(5.87→13.50)、D什香 (7.00→12.00)等;同时一些材料如DTB和D明恢63虽然总体略有提高,但在不同的年份波动很大,因此存在较大改良阻力,原因还有待进一步研究。着粒数的改良上升趋势比较显著,除保持系的DTB之外,其余材料的平均着粒数有显著提高。穗长的改良阻力较大,虽然不同材料总体上有所提高,但效果并不显著,并且不同年份有较大负向波动(2001)。此外还对株高、剑叶长等性状也进行了选择,但效果不显著,原因有待进一步提高。同源四倍体材料产量相关性状遗传改良幅度不一致,保持系和恢复系间的遗传改良效果也存在差异。这为同源四倍体水稻的进一步利用打下了良好的基础。 籼稻和粳稻亚种间杂交及杂种优势利用的主要障碍就是其低的结实率。而同源四倍体杂交水稻的研究为提高杂交水稻的杂种优势利用创造了新的途径。本研究通过随机区组设计方案,挑选性状优良的二倍体水稻材料,包括雄性不育系,保持系和恢复系进行秋水仙素诱导加倍,从而获得同源四倍体水稻对应的三系材料。利用选育的优良水稻同源四倍体三系材料,配制7个杂交组合,杂交F1代与其恢复系亲本进行比较,用于计算超亲优势(HB);而杂交F1代与生产上大面积推广的二倍体杂交品种汕优63进行比较,用于计算杂种优势。结果显示,同源四倍体杂交水稻的超亲优势表现为:每株有效穗变化幅度为1.4%至105.9%,总粒数为0.5%至74.3%,每穗实粒数为17.6%至255.7%,结实率为9.6%至130.4%。这些农艺性状的改良使得这7个杂种F1的理论产量的超亲优势高达64.8%至672.7%。小区试验中四倍体杂交水稻组合T461A/T4002和T461A/T4193分别比二倍体对照汕优63提高46.3%和38.3%以上,除一个品种以外所有品种产量均接近或高于汕优63的产量。同源四倍体水稻强大的杂种优势表明,亚种间杂交育性低的问题可通过四倍体化及强化选择来解决。此外,同源四倍体杂交水稻器官的巨大性也是其产量提高的有利因素,水稻同源四倍体三系杂种优势利用研究具有一定的理论价值和商业生产潜力。 Rice is one of the major food crops, the improvement of the production and quality of it is an important thing related to the people's livelihood. On China's current national conditions, steadily increase of the rice yield based on the current level is still one of the most important goals in the next decade or even decades of agricultural production. According to the "super hybrid rice breeding" the strategic and rice breeding practice, improvement of the use of hybrid rice heterosis through continuous improvements in breeding technology is expected to get a higher level of rice yield, there are also a great yield potential can be exploited. However, there are also some difficulties to increase rice yield obviously and implement the goal of "super hybrid rice" based on the existing germplasm: Rice varieties in promotion are diploid, although there are many varieties, but their genome are from a comparatively single source; Meanwhile, the rice genome DNA are the least among the crops, it is difficult to exploit the development potential within the genome; Rice as C3 plants, photosynthetic efficiency is not high, it is one of the factors constraint rice yield. Therefore, seeking technological breakthroughs or innovative methods different from conventional means is the urgent needs to reach the target of "super hybrid rice". Using colchicine inhibit spindle contraction during cell division, double the cell chromosome, we induced callus cells from rice panicle to be doubled, and differentiated regeneration; we created a new autotetraploid rice germplasm material, and on that basis we bred male sterility three line autotetraploid rice materials, and the achieved the three line rice autotetraploid matchmaking, researched in autotetraploid rice heterosis usage and tetraploid hybrid rice breeding, constituted a new technology system of autotetraploid hybrid rice heterosis utilization. This not only helps the tetraploid rice heterosis exploration and use, but also inaugurates a new technical means for China in the new century "super rice" breeding research. We chose ordinary diploid rice as materials, using colchicine to induce the polyploidization, created the autotetraploid rice three-line materials and identified them. The polyploidization was based on the colchicine-induced callus tissue culture, and we experimented different colchicine concentrations and culture mediums to induce tetraploid plants, confirmed that the optimal concentration for inducement was 500 mg/L, the average induce rate was 25.26 %. Among all the materials, CDR22 and IR26 had higher induced rate; in contrary, 94109 and GANG46B had lower induced rate, the difference was significant. Autotetraploid materials was identified of both morphological and cytological, compared plant height, length of pollen sterility, and other major agronomic traits with a diploid rice as the control plant, identified that the autotetraploid materials had very significant advantages in ear length and thousand-grain weight, as well as the size of the seeds. Cytology identification included observation of the cell morphology, the number of chromosomes, and karyotype analysis on the autotetraploid materials confirmed that their chromosome number was 48, twice of the diploid rice. Mitoses in the three lines were common: chromosomes arrayed normally in metaphase and separated balanced into the two poles, chromosome moved without lagging in anaphase and daughter cells normally formed in telophase except one. It has been proved that tetraploid rice has normal meiosis as their diploid relatives, which usually including series of sub-phases as interphase, prophase I (five sub-phases), prophase II, metaphase I, II, anaphase I, II and telophase I, II. However, abnormal phenomena, such as formation of tetravalent, trivalent and univalent, chromosome lagging and so on, which would finally block meiosis. Configurations of chromosome in metaphaseⅠwere versatile in structure and form accept the bivalent. That condition varied in different strain, suggesting more complex paring configurations and more versatile genetic characters in tetraploid rice. All these abnormalities in meiosis contributed to low fertility of gamete and might consequently resulted in low seed setting. Successive selection and improvement on seed set, productive tiller per plant, total grains per panicle, panicle length and so on had been carried out from 1996 to 2006. The raise of seed sets was significant in both restorers and maintainers. Seed sets of some strains were improved more significantly than others, for example D237(29.70%→72.70%)、DTB(19.55%→53.21%)and et al.. Productive tiller per plant was improved to some extant. The tendency of improvement was rising on the whole but changed in some years such as 1998 and 2002. Part of the stains increased greatly, such as D19B(5.87→13.50)、Dshixiang (7.00→12.00) and so on, but some strains including DTB and Dminghui63 only increased little and decreased in some years by unknown reason. Total grains per panicle increased significantly and all strains except DTB increased. Improvement of panicle length termed to be hard. Different strains showed different capacities for improvement and floating existed in different years for example 2001. It has been proved that other agronomical traits including plant length, flag leaf length and so on could be improved but not significantly by selection also. In a word, agronomical traits could be raised by successive selection that is prerequisite for further utility of autotetraploid rice. Poor fertility is the main barrier for utilizing heterosis between the two rice (Oryza stiva L.) sub-species, indica and japonica. Recently, the development of autotetraploid hybrids (2n=4x=48) has been suggested as a new method for increasing heterosis in hybrid rice. Using standard experimental protocols, the elite diploid rice male sterile, maintainer, and restorer lines were colchine-doubled and autotetraploid counterparts were obtained. Seven resulting hybrids were analyzed for heterobeltiosis (HB), where the F1 was compared to the male parent, and the degree of heterosis, where the F1 was compared to the diploid commercial hybrid, Shanyou 63. The HB among the autotetraploid hybrids ranged from 1.4 to 105.9% for the productive panicles per plant, 0.5 to 74.3% for total kernels per panicle, 17.6 to 255.7% for filled kernels per panicle, and 9.6 to 130.4% for seed set. Improvements in these yield components resulted in the HB for kernel yield ranging from 64.8 to 672.7% among the seven hybrids. Hybrids T461A/T4002 and T461A/T4193 yielded 46.3 and 38.3% more, respectively than Shanyou 63, and all other hybrids but one yielded the same or more than Shanyou 63. The high heterosis for yield suggests that hybrid sterility between two rice sub-species may be overcome by using tetraploid lines followed by intensive selection. Also, the gigantic features of the autotetraploid hybrids may establish a plant structure able to support the higher yield.
The population of Undaria pinnatifida in its ecologic niche sustains itself in high temperature summer in the form of vegetative gametophytes, the haploid stage in its heteromorphic life cycle. Gametogenesis initiates when seawater temperature drops below the threshold levels in autumn in the northern hemisphere. Given that the temperature may fall into the appropriate range for gametogenesis, the level of irradiance determines the final destiny of a gametophytic cell, either undergoing vegetative cell division or initiating gametogenesis. In elucidating how vegetatively propagated gametophytes cope with changes of irradiance in gametogenesis, we carried out a series of culture experiments and found that a direct exposure to irradiance as high as 270 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) was lethal to dim-light (7-10 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) adapted male and female gametophytes. This lethal effect was linearly corelated with the exposure time. However, dim-light adapted vegetative gametophytes were shown to be able tolerate as high as 420 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1) if the irradiance was steadily increased from dim light levels (7-10 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1)) to 90, 180 and finally 420 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1), respectively, at a minimum of 1-3 h intervals. Percentage of female gametophytic cells that turned into oogonia and were eventually fertilized was significantly higher if cultured at higher but not lethal irradiances. Findings of this investigation help to understand the dynamic changes of population size of sporophytic plants under different light climates at different site-specific ecologic niches. It may help to establish specific technical details of manipulation of light during mass production of seedlings by use of vegetatively propagated gametophytes.
A high-quality cDNA library was constructed from whole body tissues of the zhikong scallop, Chlamys farreri, challenged by Listonella anguillarum. A total of 5720 clones were sequenced, yielding 5123 expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Among the 3326 unique genes identified, 2289 (69%) genes had no significant (E-value < 1e-5) matches to known sequences in public databases and 194 (6%) matched proteins of unknown functions. The remaining 843 (25%) genes that exhibited homology with genes of known functions, showed broad involvement in metabolic processes (31%), cell structure and motility (20%), gene and protein expression (12%), cell signaling and cell communication (8%), cell division (4%), and notably, 25% of those genes were related to immune function. They included stress response genes, complement-like genes, proteinase and proteinase inhibitors, immune recognition receptors and immune effectors. The EST collection obtained in this study provides a useful resource for gene discovery and especially for the identification of host-defense genes and systems in scallops and other molluscs. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A full-length Cks1 homologue gene, AmphiCks1, was identified in amphioxus, Branchiostoma belcheri tsingtauense. Sequence characteristics, phylogeny and patterns of expression during embryonic and larval development were established. The protein predicted from AmphiCks1 showed high sequence identity with vertebrate and invertebrate homologues. Protein structural studies and phylogenetic analysis suggested that Cks homologues are evolutionarily conserved. The AmphiCks1 transcript was detected in most early developmental stages by northern blotting and whole-mount in situ hybridization, suggesting a role for the gene in cell division. (c) 2005 International Federation for Cell Biology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Synchocystis sp. PCC 6803 lacks a gene for the any known types of lycopene cyclase. Recently, we reported that sll0659 (unknown for its function) from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803 shows similarity in sequence to a lycopene cyclase gene-CruA from Chlorobium tepidum. To test, whether Sll0659 encoded protein serves as lycopene cyclase, in this study, we investigated the carotenoids of the wild types ans mutants, In the sll0659 deleted mutant, there is no blockage at the lycopene cyclization step. Our results demonstrate that sll0659 does not affect lycopene cyclization. However, the ultrastructure of mutants suggests the involvement or necessity of sll0659 in the cell division.