947 resultados para Catch-release


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An assessment of the status of the Atlantic stock of red drum is conducted using recreational and commercial data from 1986 through 1998. This assessment updates data and analyses from the 1989, 1991, 1992 and 1995 stock assessments on Atlantic coast red drum (Vaughan and Helser, 1990; Vaughan 1992; 1993; 1996). Since 1981, coastwide recreational catches ranged between 762,300 pounds in 1980 and 2,623,900 pounds in 1984, while commercial landings ranged between 60,900 pounds in 1997 and 422,500 pounds in 1984. In weight of fish caught, Atlantic red drum constitute predominantly a recreational fishery (ranging between 85 and 95% during the 1990s). Commercially, red drum continue to be harvested as part of mixed species fisheries. Using available length-frequency distributions and age-length keys, recreational and commercial catches are converted to catch in numbers at age. Separable and tuned virtual population analyses are conducted on the catch in numbers at age to obtain estimates of fishing mortality rates and population size (including recruitment to age 1). In tum, these estimates of fishing mortality rates combined with estimates of growth (length and weight), sex ratios, sexual maturity and fecundity are used to estimate yield per recruit, escapement to age 4, and static (or equilibrium) spawning potential ratio (static SPR, based on both female biomass and egg production). Three virtual analysis approaches (separable, spreadsheet, and FADAPT) were applied to catch matrices for two time periods (early: 1986-1991, and late: 1992-1998) and two regions (Northern: North Carolina and north, and Southern: South Carolina through east coast of Florida). Additional catch matrices were developed based on different treatments for the catch-and-release recreationally-caught red drum (B2-type). These approaches included assuming 0% mortality (BASEO) versus 10% mortality for B2 fish. For the 10% mortality on B2 fish, sizes were assumed the same as caught fish (BASEl), or positive difference in size distribution between the early period and the later period (DELTA), or intermediate (PROP). Hence, a total of 8 catch matrices were developed (2 regions, and 4 B2 assumptions for 1986-1998) to which the three VPA approaches were applied. The question of when offshore emigration or reduced availability begins (during or after age 3) continues to be a source of bias that tends to result in overestimates of fishing mortality. Additionally, the continued assumption (Vaughan and Helser, 1990; Vaughan 1992; 1993; 1996) of no fishing mortality on adults (ages 6 and older), causes a bias that results in underestimates of fishing mortality for adult ages (0 versus some positive value). Because of emigration and the effect of the slot limit for the later period, a range in relative exploitations of age 3 to age 2 red drum was considered. Tuning indices were developed from the MRFSS, and state indices for use in the spreadsheet and FADAPT VPAs. The SAFMC Red Drum Assessment Group (Appendix A) favored the FADAPT approach with catch matrix based on DELTA and a selectivity for age 3 relative to age 2 of 0.70 for the northern region and 0.87 for the southern region. In the northern region, estimates of static SPR increased from about 1.3% for the period 1987-1991 to approximately 18% (15% and 20%) for the period 1992-1998. For the southern region, estimates of static SPR increased from about 0.5% for the period 1988-1991 to approximately 15% for the period 1992-1998. Population models used in this assessment (specifically yield per recruit and static spawning potential ratio) are based on equilibrium assumptions: because no direct estimates are available as to the current status of the adult stock, model results imply potential longer term, equilibrium effects. Because current status of the adult stock is unknown, a specific rebuilding schedule cannot be determined. However, the duration of a rebuilding schedule should reflect, in part, a measure of the generation time of the fish species under consideration. For a long-lived, but relatively early spawning, species as red drum, mean generation time would be on the order of 15 to 20 years based on age-specific egg production. Maximum age is 50 to 60 years for the northern region, and about 40 years for the southern region. The ASMFC Red Drum Board's first phase recovery goal of increasing %SPR to at least 10% appears to have been met. (PDF contains 79 pages)


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Assessments of the Atlantic red drum for the northern (North Carolina and north) and southern (South Carolina through east coast of Florida) regions along the U. S. Atlantic coast were recently completed. The joint Red Drum Technical Committee (SAFMC/ASMFC) selected the most appropriate catch matrix (incorporating an assumption on size of recreationally-released fish), selectivity of age 3 relative to age 2, and virtual population analysis (FADAPT). Given gear- and age-specific estimates of fishing mortality (F) for the 1992-1998 period, analyses were made of potential gains in escapement through age 4 and static spawning potential ratio (SPR) from further reductions in fishing mortality due to changes in slot and bag limits. Savings from bag limits were calculated given a particular slot size for the recreational fishery, with no savings for the commercial fisheries in the northern region due to their being managed primarily through a quota. Relative changes in catch-at-age estimates were used to adjust age-specific F and hence calculated escapement through age 4 and static SPR. Adjustment was made with the recreational savings to account for release mortality (10%, as in the stock assessment). Alternate runs for the northern region commercial fishery considered 25% release mortality for lengths outside the slot (instead of 0% for the base run), and 0% vs. 10% gain or loss across legal sizes in F. These results are summarized for ranges of bag limits with increasing minimum size limit (for fixed maximum size), and with decreasing maximum size limit (for fixed minimum size limit). For the southern region, a bag limit of one-fish per angler trip would be required to attain the stated target of 40% static SPR if the current slot limit were not changed. However, for the northern region, a bag limit of one-fish per angler trip appears to be insufficient to attain the stated target of 40% static SPR while maintaining the current slot limit. (PDF contains 41 pages)


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ENGLISH: Data on the size composition of catch for the years 1954-1958 have been studied to determine year class composition, age and growth of yellowfin tuna in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. Direct age determination of tropical tunas has not yet proven reliable; however, this analysis has shown that the length-frequency distributions themselves are adequate to determine year class structure and growth rates. Absolute age has been estimated by comparing the average time of spawning with the time at which age groups initially appear in the catch. SPANISH: Los datos sobre la composición del tamaño de la pesca durante los años 1954-1958 han sido estudiados con el objeto de determinar la composición de las clases anuales, la edad y el crecimiento del atún aleta amarilla en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical. Las determinaciones directas de la edad de los atunes tropicales no han probado todavía ser de confianza; sin embargo, este análisis ha demostrado que las distribuciones de la frecuencia de las longitudes son adecuadas para determinar la estructura de las clases anuales y de las tasas de crecimiento. La edad absoluta ha sido estimada mediante la comparación de la época promedio de desove con la epoca en que los grupos de edades comienzan a aparecer en la pesca.


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Stranded marine mammals have long attracted public attention. Those that wash up dead are, for all their value to science, seldom seen by the public as more than curiosities. Animals that are sick, injured, orphaned or abandoned ignite a different response. Generally, public sentiment supports any effort to rescue, treat and return them to sea. Institutions displaying marine mammals showed an early interest in live-stranded animals as a source of specimens -- in 1948, Marine Studios in St. Augustine, Florida, rescued a young short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus), the first ever in captivity (Kritzler 1952). Eventually, the public as well as government agencies looked to these institutions for their recognized expertise in marine mammal care and medicine. More recently, facilities have been established for the sole purpose of rehabilitating marine mammals and preparing them for return to the wild. Four such institutions are the Marine Mammal Center (Sausalito, CA), the Research Institute for Nature Management (Pieterburen, The Netherlands), the RSPCA, Norfolk Wildlife Hospital (Norfolk, United Kingdom) and the Institute for Wildlife Biology of Christian-Albrects University (Kiel, Germany).(PDF contains 68 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Comparison of physical and biological environmental factors affecting the aggregation of tunas with the success of fishing by the commercial fleets, requires that catch and effort data be examined in greater detail than has been presented in these publications. Consequently, the United States Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Biological Laboratory, San Diego, to serve the needs of its program of research on causes of variations in tuna abundance, made arrangements with the Tuna Commission to summarize these catch and effort data by month, by one-degree area, by fishing vessel size-class, for the years 1951-1960 for bait boats and 1953-1960 for purse-seiners. The present paper describes the techniques employed in summarizing these data by automatic data processing methods. It also presents the catch and effort information by months, by five-degree areas and certain combinations of five-degree areas for use by fishermen, industry personnel, and research agencies. Because of space limitations and other considerations, the one-degree tabulations are not included but are available at the Tuna Commission and Bureau laboratories. SPANISH: La comparación de los factores ambientales físicos y biológicos que afectan la agrupación del atún, con el éxito obtenido en la pesca por las flotas comerciales, requiere que los datos sobre la captura y el esfuerzo sean examinados con mayor detalle de lo que han sido presentados en estas publicaciones. En consecuencia, el Laboratorio Biológico del Buró de Pesquerías Comerciales de los Estados Unidos, situado en San Diego, a fin de llenar los requisitos de su programa de investigación sobre las causas de las variaciones en la abundancia del atún, hizo arreglos con la Comisión del Atún para sumarizar esos datos sobre la captura y el esfuerzo por meses, por áreas de un grado, por clases de tamaño de las embarcaciones de pesca durante los años 1951-1960 en lo que concierne a los barcos de carnada y durante el período 1953-1960 en lo que respecta a los barcos rederos. El presente trabajo describe la técnica empleada en la sumarización de dichos datos mediante métodos automáticos de manejo de datos. También se da aquí la información sobre la captura y el esfuerzo por meses, por áreas de cinco grados y ciertas combinaciones de áreas de cinco grados para el uso de los pescadores, del personal de la industria y de las oficinas de investigación. Por falta de espacio y otras razones, las tabulaciones de las áreas de un grado no han sido incluídos en este trabajo, pero están a la disposición de quien tenga interés en los laboratorios de la Comisión del Atún y del Buró.


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Since 1991, the certification, release and maintenance of new species for aquaculture have become part of the national policy in China. During the past 15 years, this policy has been conducted and improved and has begun to show its significant role in Chinese fisheries. This paper describes the updated system of certification, release and maintenance of new species for aquaculture in China.


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ENGLISH: Analysis of yellowfin tuna size-composition data encompassing data for purse-seiners and baitboats, and including data collected prior to the Commission's sampling program, has permitted a more careful examination of variations in growth rates of yellowfin year classes. SPANISH: El análisis de los datos de la composición de tamaños del atún aleta amarilla correspondiente a los que provienen de los barcos rederos y de carnada, e incluyendo datos recolectados previamente al programa de muestreo de la Comisión, ha permitido un examen más cuidadoso de las variaciones en las tasas de crecimiento de las clases anuales del atún aleta amarilla.


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ENGLISH: These aspects of the schooling habits of the yellowfin and skipjack tuna may be investigated by means of the logbook records of the catches of individual sets of the nets of purse-seine vessels. For both purposes it must be assumed that a set is made, in each case, on a single school of fish. The study of school sizes based on these data requires the additional assumption either that the entire school is captured or that each set captures a constant fraction of the school upon which it is made. In this paper we report on the results of such investigations based on logbook records of the purse-seine fleet. SPANISH: Estos aspectos de los hábitos gregarios de los atunes aleta amarilla y barrilete pueden ser investigados a base de los registros de bitácora en que se anotan las pescas resultantes de cada una de las operaciones con la red de encierre que realizan los barcos rederos. Para ambos propósitos hay que suponer que las operaciones se efectúan, en cada caso, en un cardumen independiente. El estudio de los tamaños de los cardúmenes o manchas, a base de estos datos, requiere una suposición adicional: que el cardumen entero es capturado o, en su defecto, que en cada operación con la red se pesca una fracción constante de la mancha objeto de la pesca. En el presente artículo damos cuenta de los resultados de dichas investigaciones basadas en los registros de bitácora que lleva la flota de embarcaciones que utilizan redes de encierre. (PDF contains 47 pages.)


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During 1973-88, 3,661 marine mammals of 17 species were reported as incidental catch by U.S. fishery observers aboard foreign and joint venture trawl vessels in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone in the North Pacific Ocean and the Bering Sea. Northern sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) accounted for 90% of the reported incidental mortality in the Gulf of Alaska and eastern Bering Sea. Nearly half of these sea lions were taken in trawl nets in the Shelikof Strait, Alaska, joint venture fishery during 1982-84. However, high incidental mortality rates (>25 sea lions per 10,000 metric tons of groundfish catch) also occurred in the foreign fisheries near Kodiak Island and in the Aleutian Islands area in earlier years. Estimated annual mortality of incidentally caught northern sea lions in Alaska declined from 1,000 to 2,000 animals per year during the early 1970s and 1982 to fewer than 100 animals in 1988. In the Bering Sea most sea lions incidentally caught were males, while in the Gulf of Alaska females were more frequently caught. Females may also have been dominant in the incidental catch of sea lions in the Aleutian Islands area, but age and sex composition data are limited. Incidental mortality of adult female sea lions by foreign trawl fisheries in these areas could have partially contributed to the reported declines in northern sea lion populations in Alaska during the 1970s, but it cannot alone account for the present decline in population size. (PDF file contains 64 pages.)


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Acomprehensive description of the Massachusetts coastal lobster (Homarus americanus) resou,rce was obtained by sampling commercial catches coastwide at sea and at dealerships between 1981 and 1986. Acommercial lobster sea-sampling program, wherein six coastal regions were sampled monthly, with an areal and temporal data weighting design, was the primary source of data. An improved index of catch per trap haul/set-over-day was generated by modeling the relationship between catch and immersion time and standardizing effort. This 6-year time-series of mean annual catch rates tracked closely the landings trend for territorial waters. During the study period there was a gradual increase in indices of exploitation and total annual mortality which corresponded to a gradual decline in mean carapace length of marketable lobster. The frequency of culls escalated from 10.0% in 1981 to 20.9% in 1986, while the percentage of lobster found dead in traps was consistently less than 1%. The sex ratio (%F:%M) was significantly different from 50:50 and approximated a 60:40 relationship during the study period. Male and female weight-length relationships were significantly different. Females weighed more than males at smaller sizes and less than males at larger sizes. A north-south clinal trend was evident wherein lobster north of Cape Cod weighed less at length than those from regions south of Cape Cod. Functional size-maturity relationships were developed for female lobster by staging cement gland development. Proportions mature at size represent more realistic values than those obtained by analyses of percent of females ovigerous. Regional variation occurred in most of the parameters studied. Three lobster groups, differing in major population descriptors, are defined by our data.(PDF file contains 28 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Logbook records of tuna vessels fishing in the eastern Pacific Ocean were used to prepare charts showing the distribution of yellowfin tuna and skipjack catches by i-degree area, by quarter of the year, and by gear, for the years 1967-1970. Recent changes in the geographical distribution of yellowfin catch are illustrated. Also given are annual catch statistics and the composition of the international tuna fishing fleets which operated in the Commission's Yellowfin Regulatory Area each year, 1962-1970. SPANISH: Los registros de los cuadernos de bitácora de los barcos pesqueros de atún en el Océano Pacífico oriental se usaron para preparar gráficos que presentan para los años de 1967-1970, la distribución de captura del atún aleta amarilla y barrilete por área de 1 grado, trimestre del año y, por las artes. Se ilustran los recientes cambios en la distribución geográfica de la captura del atún aleta amarilla. Se presentan también las estadísticas de captura anual y la composición de la flota internacional de pesca, que explota cada año el Area Reglamentaria de la Comisión, 1962-1970. (PDF contains 95 pages.)


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ENGLISH: Logbook records of purse seiners and baitboats fishing for yellowfin and skipjack tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean were used to prepare charts showing the distribution of catches by l-degree area and quarter of the year for each gear and regulation status, for the years 1971-1974. Changes in geographical distribution of the catch over the four-year period are discernible. Information on annual catch statistics and fleet composition by country is presented. SPANISH: Los registros de bitácora de los cerqueros y clíperes (barcos de carnada) que pescan atún aleta amarilla y barrilete en el Océano Pacífico oriental se emplearon para preparar los diagramas en los que se indica la distribución de las capturas por área de 1 grado y trimestre, correspondiente a cada arte y condición reglamentaria en los años de 1971 a 1974. Se pueden distinguir los cambios en la distribución geográfica de la captura durante el período de cuatro años. Se presenta la información por país sobre las estadísticas de la captura anual y la composicón de la flota. (PDF contains 116 pages.)


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Overactivation of ionotropic glutamate receptors in oligodendrocytes induces cytosolic Ca2+ overload and excitotoxic death, a process that contributes to demyelination and multiple sclerosis. Excitotoxic insults cause well-characterized mitochondrial alterations and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) dysfunction, which is not fully understood. In this study, we analyzed the contribution of ER-Ca2+ release through ryanodine receptors (RyRs) and inositol triphosphate receptors (IP(3)Rs) to excitotoxicity in oligodendrocytes in vitro. First, we observed that oligodendrocytes express all previously characterized RyRs and IP(3)Rs. Blockade of Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release by TMB-8 following alpha-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate (AMPA) receptor-mediated insults attenuated both oligodendrocyte death and cytosolic Ca2+ overload. In turn, RyR inhibition by ryanodine reduced as well the Ca2+ overload whereas IP3R inhibition was ineffective. Furthermore, AMPA-triggered mitochondrial membrane depolarization, oxidative stress and activation of caspase-3, which in all instances was diminished by RyR inhibition. In addition, we observed that AMPA induced an ER stress response as revealed by alpha subunit of the eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha phosphorylation, overexpression of GRP chaperones and RyR-dependent cleavage of caspase-12. Finally, attenuating ER stress with salubrinal protected oligodendrocytes from AMPA excitotoxicity. Together, these results show that Ca2+ release through RyRs contributes to cytosolic Ca2+ overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, ER stress and cell death following AMPA receptor-mediated excitotoxicity in oligodendrocytes. Cell Death and Disease (2010) 1, e54; doi:10.1038/cddis.2010.31; published online 15 July 2010


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ENGLISH: Logbook records of purse seiners and baitboats fishing for yellowfin and skipjack tunas in the eastern Pacific Ocean were used to prepare charts showing the distribution of catches by one-degree area and quarter of the year for each gear and regulation status, for the years 1975-1978. Changes in geographical distribution of the catch over the four-year period are described. Information on annual catch statistics and fleet composition by country is presented. SPANISH: Se emplearon los registros de bitácora de las embarcaciones cerqueras y de carnada que pescan atún aleta amarilla y barrilete en el Océano Pacífico oriental, para preparar los diagramas que indican la distribución de captura por zonas de un grado y trimestres del año de cada arte y condición de las reglamentaciones, en los años de 19'75 a 1978. Se describen los cambios de la distribución geográfica de la captura durante un período de cuatro Se presenta la información, por país, de las estadísticas de captura y de la composición de la flota. (PDF contains 120 pages.)