209 resultados para Carboniferous


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The 2108,0 m deep exploration well "Bad Laer Z 1" (1993) has been carried down in order to investigate the deeper ground lying beneath the "Kleiner Berg" anticline, concerning the existence of reservoir beds which was postulated according to preceeding seismic investigations. This aim of the borehole was not attained, because no formations have been drilled suitable for the construction of an artificial gas reservoir. On the other hand the bore hole revealed a great amount of new regional geologic, stratigraphic, mining, coalification and coal bed gas data. Therefore, from a scientific point of view the exploration well must be considered successful. After the drilling of a stratigraphic succession, mainly consisting of cretaceous "Pläner" limestones (from Albian to Turonian), surprisingly in a depth of only 439 m productive Upper Carboniferous rocks formed by the Lembeck beds of uppermost Westfalian C have been found. In addition to this discovery, nearly the whole Westfalian C and B reaching down to the coal bed "Katharina" at the Westfalian A boundary were drilled through revealing over 66 partly minable coal beds. Investigations of the coalification pattern showed a more or less continuous increase of the rank gradient with depth reaching from the step of gas flame coal down to 700 m over that of gas coal down to 1600 m to that of fat coal down to the bottom of the borehole. An additional surprising result of the exploration well was the observation, that immediately below the base of the Cretaceous the coal beds revealed a high gas content without the presence of a desorption zone. This result must also be considered as success of the drilling with respect to the strong interest in a potential utilization of coal bed methane nowadays.


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CL imaging and U–Th–Pb data for a population of zircons from two of the Évora Massif granitoids (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberia) show that both calc-alkaline granitoids have zircon populations dominated by grains with cores and rims either showing or not showing differences in Th/U ratio, and having ages in the range ca. 350–335 Ma (Early Carboniferous). Multistage crystallization of zircon is revealed in two main growth stages (ca. 344–342 Ma and ca. 336–335 Ma), well represented by morphologically complex zircons with cores and rims with different ages and different Th/U ratios that can be explained by: (1) crystallization from melts with different compositions (felsic peraluminous to felsic-intermediate metaluminous; 0.001 Th/U ratio < 0.5) and (2) transient temperature fluctuations in a system where anatectic felsic melts periodically underwent injection of more mafic magmas at higher temperatures. The two studied calc-alkaline granitoids do not include inherited zircons (pre-Carboniferous), probably because they were formed at the highest grade of metamorphism (T 837 °C; granulite facies) and/or because they were derived from inheritance-poor felsic and mafic rocks from a previous cycle, as suggested by the internal structures of zircon cores. These Variscan magmatic rocks with crystallization ages estimated at ca. 336–335 Ma are spatially and temporally related to high-temperature metamorphism, anatexis, processes of interaction between crustal- and mantle-derived magmas and intra-orogenic extension that acted in SW Iberia during the Early Carboniferous.


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The Santa Eulalia plutonic complex (SEPC) is a late-Variscan granitic body placed in the Ossa-Morena Zone. The host rocks of the complex belong to metamorphic formations from Proterozoic to Lower Paleozoic. The SEPC is a ring massif (ca. 400 km2 area) composed by two main granitic facies with different colours and textures. From the rim to the core, there is (i) a peripheral pink medium- to coarse-grained granite (G0 group) involving large elongated masses of mafic and intermediate rocks, from gabbros to granodiorites (M group), and (ii) a central gray medium-grained granite (G1 group). The mafic to intermediate rocks (M group) are metaluminous and show wide compositions: 3.34–13.51 wt% MgO; 0.70–7.20 ppm Th; 0.84–1.06 (Eu/Eu*)N (Eu* calculated between Sm and Tb); 0.23–0.97 (Nb/Nb*)N (Nb* calculated between Th and La). Although involving the M-type bodies and forming the outer ring, the G0 granites are the most differentiated magmatic rocks of the SEPC, with a transitional character between metaluminous and peraluminous: 0.00–0.62 wt% MgO; 15.00–56.00 ppm Th; and 0.19–0.42 (Eu/Eu*)N ; 0.08–0.19 (Nb/Nb*)N [1][2]. The G1 group is composed by monzonitic granites with a dominant peraluminous character and represents the most homogeneous compositional group of the SEPC: 0.65–1.02 wt% MgO; 13.00–16.95 ppm Th; 0.57–0.70 (Eu/Eu*)N ; 0.14–0.16 (Nb/Nb*)N . According to the SiO2 vs. (Na2O+K2O–CaO) relationships, the M and G1 groups predominantly fall in the calc-alkaline field, while the G0 group is essencially alkali-calcic; on the basis of the SiO2 vs. FeOt/(FeOt+MgO) correlation, SEPC should be considered as a magnesian plutonic association [3]. New geochronological data (U-Pb on zircons) slightly correct the age of the SEPC, previously obtained by other methods (290 Ma, [4]). They provide ages of 306  2 Ma for the M group, 305  6 Ma for the G1 group, and 301  4 Ma for the G0 group, which confirm the late-Variscan character of the SEPC, indicating however a faintly older emplacement, during the Upper Carboniferous. Recent whole-rock isotopic data show that the Rb-Sr system suffered significant post-magmatic disturbance, but reveal a consistent set of Sm-Nd results valuable in the approach to the magmatic sources of this massif: M group (2.9 < Ndi < +1.8); G1 group (5.8 < Ndi < 4.6); G0 group (2.2 < Ndi < 0.8). These geochemical data suggest a petrogenetic model for the SEPC explained by a magmatic event developed in two stages. Initially, magmas derived from long-term depleted mantle sources (Ndi < +1.8 in M group) were extracted to the crust promoting its partial melting and extensive mixing and/or AFC magmatic evolution, thereby generating the G1 granites (Ndi < 4.6). Subsequently, a later extraction of similar primary magmas in the same place or nearby, could have caused partial melting of some intermediate facies (e.g. diorites) of the M group, followed by magmatic differentiation processes, mainly fractional crystallization, able to produce residual liquids compositionally close to the G0 granites (Ndi < 0.8). The kinetic energy associated with the structurally controlled (cauldron subsidence type?) motion of the G0 liquids to the periphery, would have been strong enough to drag up M group blocks as those occurring inside the G0 granitic ring.


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Petrophysical investigations are fundamental to natural resource exploration. In order to recognise the geothermal potential of sedimentary rocks in central Poland, 259 samples were collected from prospective deep-lying geothermal reservoirs. Parameters measured include bulk density, skeletal density, effective porosity, permeability, average pore diameter and specific surface. Results indicate that at great depths (mostly > 3,000 m below surface) sedimentary rocks show low values of porosity (mainly less than 5%) and permeability (only sporadically in excess of 1 md). These values call for a petrothermal use of reservoirs, for which an Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS) was developed. Reser- voirs suited for the EGS are Carboniferous and Lower Triassic sandstones in the central part of Poland (Mogilno-Łódź Trough region and a small part of the Kujawy Swell and Fore-Sudetic regions). In addition, Carboniferous limestones in this area are potentially prospective.


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Neste trabalho apresenta-se o resultado das escavações realizadas respectivamente em 1998 e em 2001 nos núcleos de menires de Lavajo I e de Lavajo II, distanciados cerca de 250 m na direcção NNE e separados pelo pequeno vale do Lavajo. Os locais, actualmente, são intervisíveis, graças à implantação destacada no terreno: Lavajo I situa-se no topo de colina enquanto Lavajo II ocupa a linha de festo de uma encosta, conferindo ao local visibilidade tanto do lado sul como do lado norte. O conjunto de Lavajo I é constituído actualmente por três monólitos, todos de grauvaque: um, quase inteiro, de tendência fálica, é actualmente o maior menir de grauvaque conhecido em território português, atingindo o comprimento máximo de 3,14 m; outro, quase completo, fragmentado em três grandes blocos, possui formato estelar; o restante apresenta-se muito incompleto, dele se conservando apenas uma lasca da sua face frontal. É crível, no entanto, que pudessem existir mais monólitos, tendo em conta os abundantes fragmentos de grauvaque ali observados, quase todos com fracturas frescas. Todos os menires de Lavajo I se apresentam decorados, com destaque para o maior deles, o qual exibe complexa decoração estreitamente relacionada com a morfologia do suporte lítico. Apenas para este foi possível determinar o local de implantação, correspondente a um alvéolo de planta circular e fundo aplanado, parcialmente danificado pelos trabalhos realizados em 1994, que conduziram ao seu reerguimento, infelizmente feito de forma pouco cuidada e incorrecta, visto ter sido colocado no terreno em posição invertida. Seja como for, na zona culminante daquele pequeno cabeço, implantaram-se três menires decorados, os quais não podem ser vistos isoladamente, já que se articulariam directamente com o conjunto de Lavajo II, que se avista ao longe, do outro lado do pequeno vale do Lavajo e na linha de festo da encosta, da qual ocupa a parte média. Neste segundo local, identificaram-se quatro estelas-menir não decoradas, todas de grauvaque, das quais apenas uma, representada por fragmento de pequenas dimensões, se encontrava in situ. Foi, no entanto, possível reconstituir a posição relativa das restantes, através da escavação integral do respectivo alvéolo, correspondente a rasgo alongado, orientado Este-Oeste, aberto no substrato geológico, constituído por xistos do Carbónico Superior finamente folheados. Deste modo, é de concluir que as estelas menir se dispunham em linha, constituindo um painel lítico contínuo. No interior do alvéolo, recolheram-se diversos artefactos ali ritualmente depositados aquando da fundação do monumento, cuja tipologia indica o Neolítico Final, cronologia aliás compatível com a do conjunto megalítico de Lavajo I, tendo presente a iconografia patente nos menires. Muito embora não se conheça ainda suficientemente o padrão de povoamento da região no Neolítico Final, estes dois núcleos megalíticos podem ser interpretados como marcadores de territórios e/ou de espaços sagrados, sendo de destacar a existência, durante todo o ano, de água nas proximidades imediatas, recurso escasso e precioso, que propiciaria a horticultura. Por outro lado, a natureza das matérias-primas utilizadas na confecção dos artefactos encontrados (sílex, anfibolito), para além de outros materiais de circulação transregional muito mais alargada (fibrolite), evidencia a forte interacção destas populações tanto com o interior do Baixo Alentejo (Zona de Ossa/Morena), como com o litoral algarvio ou andaluz, compatível com estádio de desenvolvimento económico do final do Neolítico do sul peninsular. Numa vasta região, correspondente a todo o sotavento algarvio, onde o megalitismo não funerário era até agora totalmente desconhecido, os testemunhos ora estudados constituem, doravante, uma das expressões mais interessantes e significativas do Sudoeste peninsular.


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The global palaeobiogeographic distributions of two resembling genera, Neochonetes and Fusichonetes (Brachiopoda), from the Carboniferous to Griesbachian are analysed. This analysis provides insight into the biotic response of two related genera to changing palaeoclimate, regional tectonics, and environmental crises. Neochonetes originated in the equatorial area in the Mississippian, and it mostly retained this position during the peak of the glaciation in the Carboniferous–Permian ice age (namely in the Pennsylvanian). Neochonetes then dispersed globally during the Cisuralian when the climate became warmer and the ice sheet started to retreat. In the Guadalupian and Lopingian, following the closure of the Ural seaway at the end of the Cisuralian and the regression at the end-Guadalupian, Neochonetes almost disappeared in the western part of Gondwana. Subsequently during the Lopingian the genus retracted to the middle- and low-latitude Palaeo-Tethys and Tethys. In comparison, Fusichonetes originated in the equatorial area in the late Guadalupian and was still present in that area in the Lopingian. Both genera occurred only in South China in the Griesbachian. It is inferred that this could be related, not only to the deteriorated palaeoenvironmental conditions (e.g., anoxia, global warming) leading up to the extinction of most of the Neochonetes and Fusichonetes species in other areas, but also to the better physiological adaptation of the smaller shells of Neochonetes and Fusichonetes species in South China.


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Geomorphological mapping is a powerful instrument improving the geomorphological interpretation and understanding of the processes and forms used in landscape studies, with the ability of organizing different thematic layers in the same map. The presented map provide relevant information about the different geomorphological units of the central Algarve (i.e. the Carboniferous flysch mountains; the Barrocal, with marly and karstified subunits), where a karst system is prominent. Solution karst morphologies and large dry areas are common in the elevated areas of the Barrocal, suggesting deep circulation of groundwater. These recharge areas feed the perched aquifers of the area, where discharge is controlled by the impervious lithologies (clay-rich strata of the turbidites, marls and argilites) in the valley bottoms or other leaks in dammed aquifers. In springs related to the main aquifers tufa are actively being formed and, close coupled to spring location, different tufa depositional systems develop.


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Laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb analyses have been conducted on detrital zircon of Upper Triassic sandstone from the Alentejo and Algarve basins in southwest Iberia. The predominance of Neoproterozoic, Devonian, Paleoproterozoic and Carboniferous detrital zircon ages confirms previous studies that indicate the locus of the sediment source of the late Triassic Alentejo Basin in the pre-Mesozoic basement of the South Portuguese and Ossa-Morena zones. Suitable sources for the Upper Triassic Algarve sandstone are the Upper Devonian–Lower Carboniferous of the South Portuguese Zone (Phyllite–Quartzite and Tercenas formations) and the Meguma Terrane (present-day in Nova Scotia). Spatial variations of the sediment sources of both Upper Triassic basins suggest a more complex history of drainage than previously documented involving other source rocks located outside present-day Iberia. The two Triassic basins were isolated from each other with the detrital transport being controlled by two independent drainage systems. This study is important for the reconstruction of the late Triassic paleogeography in a place where, later, the opening of the Central Atlantic Ocean took place separating Europe from North America.


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In the Iberian Variscides several first order arcuate structures have been considered. In spite of being highly studied their characterization, formation mechanisms and even existence is still debatable. Themain Ibero-Armorican Arc (IAA) is essentially defined by a predominantNW–SE trend in the Iberian branch and an E–Wtrend in the Brittany one. However, in northern Spain it presents a 180° rotation, sometimes known as the Cantabrian Arc (CA). The relation between both arcs is controversial, being considered either as a single arc due to one tectonic event, or as the result of a polyphasic process. According to the last assumption, there is a later arcuate structure (CA), overlapping a previousmajor one (IAA). Whatever themodels, they must be able to explain the presence of a Variscan sinistral transpression in Iberia and a dextral one in Armorica, and a deformation spanning from the Devonian to the Upper Carboniferous. Another arcuate structure, in continuity with the CA, the Central-Iberian Arc (CIA) was recently proposed mainly based upon on magnetic anomalies, geometry of major folds and Ordovician paleocurrents. The critical review of the structural, stratigraphic and geophysical data supports both the IAA and the CA, but as independent structures. However, the presence of a CIA is highly questionable and could not be supported. The complex strain pattern of the IAA and the CA could be explained by a Devonian — Carboniferous polyphasic indentation of a Gondwana promontory. In thismodel the CA is essentially a thin-skinned arc,while the IAA has a more complex and longer evolution that has led to a thick-skinned first order structure. Nevertheless, both arcs are essentially the result of a lithospheric bending process during the Iberian Variscides.


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The Late Variscan deformation event in Iberia, is characterized by an intraplate deformation regime induced by the oblique collision between Laurentia and Gondwan. This episode in Iberia is characterized by NNE-SSW strike-slip faults, which are considered by the classic works as sinistral strike-slips. However, the absence of Mesozoic formations constraining the age of this sinistral kinematics, led some authors to consider it as the result of Alpine reworking. Structural studies in Almograve and Ponta Ruiva sectors (SW Portugal), not only shows that NNE-SSW faults presents a clear sinistral kinematics and are occasionally associated with E-W dextral shears, but also that this kinematics is related to the late deformation episodes of Variscan Orogeny. In Almograve sector, the late Variscan structures are characterized by NNE-SSW sinistral kink-bands, spatially associated with E-W dextral faults. These structures are contemporaneous and affect the previously deformed Carboniferous units. The Ponta Ruiva Sector constrains the age of deformation because the E-W dextral shears affect the Late Carboniferous (late Moscovian) units, but not the overlying Triassic series. The new exposed data shows that the NNE-SSW and the E-W faults are dynamically associated and results from the same deformation event. The NNE-SSW sinistral faults could be considered as second order dominoes structures related with first order E-W dextral shears, related with Laurasia-Gondwana collision during Late Carboniferous-Permian Times.


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Laser ablation ICP-MS U–Pb analyses were conducted on detrital zircons of Triassic sandstone and conglomerate from the Lusitanian basin in order to: i) document the age spectra of detrital zircon; ii) compare U–Pb detrital zircon ages with previous published data obtained from Upper Carboniferous, Ordovician, Cambrian and Ediacaran sedimentary rocks of the pre-Mesozoic basement of western Iberia; iii) discuss potential sources; and iv) test the hypothesis of sedimentary recycling. U–Pb dating of zircons established a maximum depositional age for this deposit as Permian (ca. 296Ma),which is about sixty million years older compared to the fossil content recognized in previous studies (Upper Triassic). The distribution of detrital zircon ages obtained points to common source areas: the Ossa–Morena and Central Iberian zones that outcrop in and close to the Porto–Tomar fault zone. The high degree of immaturity and evidence of little transport of the Triassic sediment suggests that granite may constitute primary crystalline sources. The Carboniferous age of ca. 330 Ma for the best estimate of crystallization for a granite pebble in a Triassic conglomerate and the Permian–Carboniferous ages (ca. 315Ma) found in detrital zircons provide evidence of the denudation of Variscan and Cimmerian granites during the infilling of continental rift basins in western Iberia. The zircon age spectra found in Triassic strata are also the result of recycling from the Upper Carboniferous Buçaco basin,which probably acted as an intermediate sediment repository.U–Pb data in this study suggest that the detritus from the Triassic sandstone and conglomerate of the Lusitanian basin is derived fromlocal source areas with features typical of Gondwana,with no sediment from external sources from Laurussia or southwestern Iberia.


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Detrital zircons from Holocene beach sand and igneous zircons from the Cretaceous syenite forming Cape Sines (Western Iberian margin) were dated using laser ablation – inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry. The U–Pb ages obtained were used for comparison with previous radiometric data from Carboniferous greywacke, Pliocene–Pleistocene sand and Cretaceous syenite forming the sea cliff at Cape Sines and the contiguous coast. New U–Pb dating of igneous morphologically simple and complex zircons from the syenite of the Sines pluton suggests that the history of zircon crystallization was more extensive (ca 87 to 74 Ma), in contrast to the findings of previous geochronology studies (ca 76 to 74 Ma). The U–Pb ages obtained in Holocene sand revealed a wide interval, ranging from the Cretaceous to the Archean, with predominance of Cretaceous (37%), Palaeozoic (35%) and Neoproterozoic (19%) detrital-zircon ages. The paucity of round to subrounded grains seems to indicate a short transportation history for most of the Cretaceous zircons (ca 95 to 73 Ma) which are more abundant in the beach sand that was sampled south of Cape Sines. Comparative analysis using the Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistical method, analysing sub-populations separately, suggests that the zircon populations of the Carboniferous and Cretaceous rocks forming the sea cliff were reproduced faithfully in Quaternary sand, indicating sediment recycling. The similarity of the pre- Cretaceous ages (>ca 280 Ma) of detrital zircons found in Holocene sand, as compared with Carboniferous greywacke and Pliocene–Pleistocene sand, provides support for the hypothesis that detritus was reworked into the beach from older sedimentary rocks exposed along the sea cliff. The largest percentage of Cretaceous zircons (


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An integrated interpretation of the late Paleozoic structural and geochronological record of the Iberian Massif is presented and discussed under the perspective of a Gondwana-Laurussia collision giving way to the Variscan orogen. Compressional and extensional structures developed during the building of the Variscan orogenic crust of Iberia are linked together into major tectonic events operating at lithosphere scale. A review of the tectonometamorphic and magmatic evolution of the IberianMassif reveals backs and forths in the overall conver- gence between Gondwana and Laurussia during theamalgamation of Pangea in late Paleozoic times. Stages dom- inated by lithosphere compression are characterized by subduction, both oceanic and continental, development of magmatic arcs, (over- and under-) thrusting of continental lithosphere, and folding. Variscan convergence re- sulted in the eventual transference of a large allochthonous set of peri-Gondwanan terranes, the Iberian Allochthon, onto the Gondwana mainland. The Iberian Allochthon bears the imprint of previous interaction be- tween Gondwana and Laurussia, including their juxtaposition after the closure of the Rheic Ocean in Lower De- vonian times. Stages governed by lithosphere extension are featured by the opening of two short-lived oceanic basins that dissected previous Variscan orogenic crust, first in the Lower-Middle Devonian, following the closure of the Rheic Ocean, and then in the early Carboniferous, following the emplacement of the peri-Gondwanan allochthon. An additional, major intra-orogenic extensional event in the early-middle Carboniferous dismem- bered the Iberian Allochthon into individual thrust stacks separated by extensional faults and domes. Lateral tec- tonics played an important role through the Variscan orogenesis, especially during the creation of new tectonic blocks separated by intracontinental strike-slip shear zones in the late stages of continental convergence.


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U–Pb geochronological study of zircons from nodular granites and Qtz-diorites comprising part of Variscan high- grade metamorphic complexes in Gredos massif (Spanish Central System batholith) points out the significant presence of Cambro-Ordovician protoliths among the Variscan migmatitic rocks that host the Late Carboniferous intrusive granitoids. Indeed, the studied zone was affected by two contrasted tectono-magmatic episodes, Car- boniferous (Variscan) and Cambro-Ordovician. Three main characteristics denote a close relation between the Cambro-Ordovician protholiths of the Prado de las Pozas high-grade metamorphic complex, strongly reworked during the Variscan Orogeny, and other Cambro-Ordovician igneous domains in the Central Iberian Zone of the Iberian Massif: (1) geochemical features show the ferrosilicic signature of nodular granites. They plot very close to the average analysis of themetavolcanic rocks of the Ollo de Sapo formation (Iberia). Qtz-diorites present typical calc-alkaline signatures and are geochemically similar to intermediate cordilleran granitoids. (2) Both Qtz-diorite and nodular granite samples yield a significant population of Cambro-Ordovician ages, ranging between 483 and 473 Ma and between 487 and 457 Ma, respectively. Besides, (3) the abundance of zircon inher- itance observed on nodular granites matches the significant component of inheritance reported on Cambro- Ordovician metagranites and metavolcanic rocks of central and NW Iberia. The spatial and temporal coincidence of both peraluminous and intermediate granitoids, and specifically in nodular granites and Qtz-diorite enclaves of the Prado de las Pozas high-grade complex, is conducive to a common petrogenetic context for the formation of both magmatic types. Tectonic and geochemical characteristics describe the activity of a Cambro-Ordovician arc-back-arc tectonic set- ting associated with the subduction of the Iapetus–Tornquist Ocean and the birth of the Rheic Ocean. The exten- sional setting is favorable for the generation, emplacement, and fast rise of subduction-related cold diapirs, supported by the presence of typical calc-alkaline cordilleran granitoids contemporary with ferrosilicic volcanism.