887 resultados para Carbon fiber reinforced polymers
Many state, county, and local agencies are faced with deteriorating bridge infrastructure composed of a large percentage of relatively short to medium span bridges. In many cases, these older structures are rolled or welded longitudinal steel stringers acting compositely with a reinforced concrete deck. Most of these bridges, although still in service, need some level of strengthening due to increases in legal live loads or loss of capacity due to deterioration. Although these bridges are overstressed in most instances, they do not warrant replacement; thus, structurally efficient but cost-effective means of strengthening needs to be employed. In the past, the use of bolted steel cover plates or angles was a common retrofit option for strengthening such bridges. However, the time and labor involved to attach such a strengthening system can sometimes be prohibitive. This project was funded through the Federal Highway Administration’s Innovative Bridge Research and Construction program. The goal is to retrofit an existing structurally deficient, three-span continuous steel stringer bridge using an innovative technique that involves the application of post-tensioning forces; the post-tensioning forces were applied using fiber reinforced polymer post-tensioning bars. When compared to other strengthening methods, the use of carbon fiber reinforced polymer composite materials is very appealing in that they are highly resistant to corrosion, have a low weight, and have a high tensile strength. Before the post-tensioning system was installed, a diagnostic load test was conducted on the subject bridge to establish a baseline behavior of the unstrengthened bridge. During the process of installing the post-tensioning hardware and stressing the system, both the bridge and the post-tensioning system were monitored. The installation of the hardware was followed by a follow-up diagnostic load test to assess the effectiveness of the post-tensioning strengthening system. Additional load tests were performed over a period of two years to identify any changes in the strengthening system with time. Laboratory testing of several typical carbon fiber reinforced polymer bar specimens was also conducted to more thoroughly understand their behavior. This report documents the design, installation, and field testing of the strengthening system and bridge.
Ein großer Teil der Schäden wie auch der Verluste an Gesundheit und Leben im Erdbebenfall hat mit dem frühzeitigen Versagen von Mauerwerksbauten zu tun. Unbewehrtes Mauerwerk, wie es in vielen Ländern üblich ist, weist naturgemäß einen begrenzten Erdbebenwiderstand auf, da Zugspannungen und Zugkräfte nicht wie bei Stahlbeton- oder Stahlbauten aufgenommen werden können. Aus diesem Grund wurde bereits mit verschiedenen Methoden versucht, die Tragfähigkeit von Mauerwerk im Erdbebenfall zu verbessern. Modernes Mauerwerk kann auch als bewehrtes oder eingefasstes Mauerwerk hergestellt werden. Bei bewehrtem Mauerwerk kann durch die Bewehrung der Widerstand bei Beanspruchung als Scheibe wie als Platte verbessert werden, während durch Einfassung mit Stahlbetonelementen in erster Linie die Scheibentragfähigkeit sowie die Verbindung zu angrenzenden Bauteilen verbessert wird. Eine andere interessante Möglichkeit ist das Aufbringen textiler Mauerwerksverstärkungen oder von hochfesten Lamellen. In dieser Arbeit wird ein ganz anderer Weg beschritten, indem weiche Fugen Spannungsspitzen reduzieren sowie eine höhere Verformbarkeit gewährleiten. Dies ist im Erdbebenfall sehr hilfreich, da die Widerstandfähigkeit eines Bauwerks oder Bauteils letztlich von der Energieaufnahmefähigkeit, also dem Produkt aus Tragfähigkeit und Verformbarkeit bestimmt wird. Wenn also gleichzeitig durch die weichen Fugen keine Schwächung oder sogar eine Tragfähigkeitserhöhung stattfindet, kann der Erdbebenwiderstand gesteigert werden. Im Kern der Dissertation steht die Entwicklung der Baukonstruktion einer Mauerwerkstruktur mit einer neuartigen Ausbildung der Mauerwerksfugen, nämlich Elastomerlager und Epoxydharzkleber anstatt üblichem Dünnbettmörtel. Das Elastomerlager wird zwischen die Steinschichten einer Mauerwerkswand eingefügt und damit verklebt. Die Auswirkung dieses Ansatzes auf das Verhalten der Mauerwerkstruktur wird unter dynamischer und quasi-statischer Last numerisch und experimentell untersucht und dargestellt.
The research and development of wind turbine blades are essential to keep pace with worldwide growth in the renewable energy sector. Although currently blades are typically produced using glass fiber reinforced composite materials, the tendency for larger size blades, particularly for offshore applications, has increased the interest on carbon fiber reinforced composites because of the potential for increased stiffness and weight reduction. In this study a model of blade designed for large generators (5 MW) was studied on a small scale. A numerical simulation was performed to determine the aerodynamic loading using a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software. Two blades were then designed and manufactured using epoxy matrix composites: one reinforced with glass fibers and the other with carbon fibers. For the structural calculations, maximum stress failure criterion was adopted. The blades were manufactured by Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM), typical for this type of component. A weight comparison of the two blades was performed and the weight of the carbon fiber blade was approximately 45% of the weight of the fiberglass reinforced blade. Static bending tests were carried out on the blades for various percentages of the design load and deflections measurements were compared with the values obtained from finite element simulations. A good agreement was observed between the measured and calculated deflections. In summary, the results of this study confirm that the low density combined with high mechanical properties of carbon fibers are particularly attractive for the production of large size wind turbine blades
This work describes the use of a large-aperture PVDF receiver in the measurement of liquid density and composite material elastic constants. The density measurement of several liquids is obtained with accuracy of 0.2% using a conventional NDE emitter transducer and a 70-mm-diameter, 52-mu m P(VDF-TrFE) membrane with gold electrodes. The determination of the elastic constants is based on the phase velocity measurement. Diffraction can lead to errors around 1% in velocity measurement when using alternatively the conventional pair of ultrasonic transducers (1-MHz frequency and 19-mm-diameter) operating in through-transmission mode, separated by a distance of 100 mm. This effect is negligible when using a pair of 10-MHz, 19-mm-diameter transducers. Nevertheless, the dispersion at 10 MHz can result in errors of about 0.5%, when measuring the velocity in composite materials. The use of an 80-mm diameter, 52-mu m-thick PVDF membrane receiver practically eliminates the diffraction effects in phase velocity measurement. The elastic constants of a carbon fiber reinforced polymer were determined and compared with the values obtained by a tensile test. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
SiC fiber-reinforced SiC matrix composite (SiCf/SiC) is one of the leading candidates in ceramic materials for engineering applications due to its unique combination of properties such as high thermal conductivity, high resistance to corrosion and working conditions. Fiber-reinforced composites are materials which exhibit a significant improvement in properties like ductility in comparison to the monolithic SiC ceramic. The SiCf/SiC composite was obtained from a C/C composite precursor using convertion reaction under high temperature and controlled atmosphere. In this work, SiC phase presented the stacking faults in the structure, being not possible to calculate the unit cell size, symmetry and bond lengths but it seem equal card number 29-1129 of JCPDS.
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG
Nowadays technological trend is based on finding materials that could support low weight with satisfactory mechanical properties and for this reason composite material became a very attractive topic in research projects all over the world. Due to its heterogenic properties, this type of material shows scatter in mechanical test results, especially in cyclic loading. Therefore it is important to predict its fatigue strength behaviour by statistic analysis, once fatigue causes approximately 90% of the failure in structural components. The present work aimed to investigate the fatigue behaviour of the Twill/Cycom 890 composite, which is carbon fiber reinforced with polymeric resin as matrix and manufactured via RTM process (Resin Transfer Molding). All samples were tested in different tensile level in triplicate in order to associate these values. The statistical analysis was conducted with Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution and then evaluated the fatigue life results for the composite. Weibull graphics were used to determine the scale and shape parameters. The S-N curve for the Twill/Cycom composite was drawn and indicated the number of cycles to occur the first damages in this material. The probability of failure was associated with material reliability, as shown in graphics for the different tensile levels and fatigue life. In addition, the laminate was evaluated by ultrasonic inspection showing a regular impregnation. The fractographic analysis conducted by SEM showed failure mechanisms for polymeric composites associated to cyclic loadings ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In questa tesi si è voluta porre l’attenzione sulla suscettibilità alle alte temperature delle resine che li compongono. Lo studio del comportamento alle alte temperature delle resine utilizzate per l’applicazione dei materiali compositi è risultato un campo di studio ancora non completamente sviluppato, nel quale c’è ancora necessità di ricerche per meglio chiarire alcuni aspetti del comportamento. L’analisi di questi materiali si sviluppa partendo dal contesto storico, e procedendo successivamente ad una accurata classificazione delle varie tipologie di materiali compositi soffermandosi sull’ utilizzo nel campo civile degli FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) e mettendone in risalto le proprietà meccaniche. Considerata l’influenza che il comportamento delle resine riveste nel comportamento alle alte temperature dei materiali compositi si è, per questi elementi, eseguita una classificazione in base alle loro proprietà fisico-chimiche e ne sono state esaminate le principali proprietà meccaniche e termiche quali il modulo elastico, la tensione di rottura, la temperatura di transizione vetrosa e il fenomeno del creep. Sono state successivamente eseguite delle prove sperimentali, effettuate presso il Laboratorio Resistenza Materiali e presso il Laboratorio del Dipartimento di Chimica Applicata e Scienza dei Materiali, su dei provini confezionati con otto differenti resine epossidiche. Per valutarne il comportamento alle alte temperature, le indagini sperimentali hanno valutato dapprima le temperature di transizione vetrosa delle resine in questione e, in seguito, le loro caratteristiche meccaniche. Dalla correlazione dei dati rilevati si sono cercati possibili legami tra le caratteristiche meccaniche e le proprietà termiche delle resine. Si sono infine valutati gli aspetti dell’applicazione degli FRP che possano influire sul comportamento del materiale composito soggetto alle alte temperature valutando delle possibili precauzioni che possano essere considerate in fase progettuale.
In the last decade the near-surface mounted (NSM) strengthening technique using carbon fibre reinforced polymers (CFRP) has been increasingly used to improve the load carrying capacity of concrete members. Compared to externally bonded reinforcement (EBR), the NSM system presents considerable advantages. This technique consists in the insertion of carbon fibre reinforced polymer laminate strips into pre-cut slits opened in the concrete cover of the elements to be strengthened. CFRP reinforcement is bonded to concrete with an appropriate groove filler, typically epoxy adhesive or cement grout. Up to now, research efforts have been mainly focused on several structural aspects, such as: bond behaviour, flexural and/or shear strengthening effectiveness, and energy dissipation capacity of beam-column joints. In such research works, as well as in field applications, the most widespread adhesives that are used to bond reinforcements to concrete are epoxy resins. It is largely accepted that the performance of the whole application of NSM systems strongly depends on the mechanical properties of the epoxy resins, for which proper curing conditions must be assured. Therefore, the existence of non-destructive methods that allow monitoring the curing process of epoxy resins in the NSM CFRP system is desirable, in view of obtaining continuous information that can provide indication in regard to the effectiveness of curing and the expectable bond behaviour of CFRP/adhesive/concrete systems. The experimental research was developed at the Laboratory of the Structural Division of the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Minho in Guimar\~aes, Portugal (LEST). The main objective was to develop and propose a new method for continuous quality control of the curing of epoxy resins applied in NSM CFRP strengthening systems. This objective is pursued through the adaptation of an existing technique, termed EMM-ARM (Elasticity Modulus Monitoring through Ambient Response Method) that has been developed for monitoring the early stiffness evolution of cement-based materials. The experimental program was composed of two parts: (i) direct pull-out tests on concrete specimens strengthened with NSM CFRP laminate strips were conducted to assess the evolution of bond behaviour between CFRP and concrete since early ages; and, (ii) EMM-ARM tests were carried out for monitoring the progressive stiffness development of the structural adhesive used in CFRP applications. In order to verify the capability of the proposed method for evaluating the elastic modulus of the epoxy, static E-Modulus was determined through tension tests. The results of the two series of tests were then combined and compared to evaluate the possibility of implementation of a new method for the continuous monitoring and quality control of NSM CFRP applications.
El refuerzo de estructuras existentes mediante el encolado exterior de láminas de polímeros reforzados con fibras (FRP) se ha convertido en la aplicación más común de los materiales compuestos avanzados en construcción. Estos materiales presentan muchas ventajas frente a los materiales convencionales (sin corrosión, ligeros, de fácil aplicación, etc.). Pero a pesar de las numerosas investigaciones realizadas, aún persisten ciertas dudas sobre algunos aspectos de su comportamiento y las aplicaciones prácticas se llevan a cabo sólo con la ayuda de guías, sin que haya una normativa oficial. El objetivo de este trabajo es incrementar el conocimiento sobre esta técnica de refuerzo, y más concretamente, sobre el refuerzo a flexión de estructuras de fábrica. Con frecuencia el elemento reforzado es de hormigón armado y las láminas de FRP encoladas al exterior sirven para mejorar su resistencia a flexión, cortante o compresión (encamisados). Sin embargo su empleo en otros materiales como las estructuras de fábrica resulta muy prometedor. Las fábricas se caracterizan por soportar muy bien los esfuerzos de compresión pero bastante mal los de tracción. Adherir láminas de materiales compuestos puede servir para mejorar la capacidad resistente de elementos de fábrica sometidos a esfuerzos de flexión. Pero para ello, debe quedar garantizada una correcta adherencia entre el FRP y la fábrica, especialmente en edificios antiguos cuya superficie puede estar deteriorada por encontrarse a la intemperie o por el propio paso del tiempo. En el capítulo II se describen los objetivos fundamentales del trabajo y el método seguido. En el capítulo III se hace una amplia revisión del estado de conocimiento sobre el tema. En el apartado III.1 se detallan las principales características y propiedades mecánicas de fibras, matrices y materiales compuestos así como sus principales aplicaciones, haciendo especial hincapié en aspectos relativos a su durabilidad. En el apartado III.2 se incluye una revisión histórica de las líneas de investigación, tanto teóricas como empíricas, publicadas sobre estructuras de hormigón reforzadas a flexión encolando materiales compuestos. El apartado III.3 se centra en el aspecto fundamental de la adherencia refuerzo-soporte. Se hace un repaso a distintos modelos propuestos para prevenir el despegue distinguiendo si éste se inicia en la zona de anclaje o si está inducido por fisuras en la zona interior del elemento. Se observa falta de consenso en las propuestas. Además en este punto se relatan las campañas experimentales publicadas acerca de la adherencia entre materiales compuestos y fábricas. En el apartado III.4 se analizan las particularidades de las estructuras de fábrica. Además, se revisan algunas de las investigaciones relativas a la mejora de su comportamiento a flexión mediante láminas de FRP. El comportamiento mecánico de muros reforzados solicitados a flexión pura (sin compresión) ha sido documentado por varios autores, si bien es una situación poco frecuente en fábricas reales. Ni el comportamiento mecánico de muros reforzados solicitados a flexocompresión ni la incidencia que el nivel de compresión soportado por la fábrica tiene sobre la capacidad resistente del elemento reforzado han sido suficientemente tratados. En cuanto a los trabajos teóricos, las diferentes propuestas se basan en los métodos utilizados para hormigón armado y comparten los principios habituales de cálculo. Sin embargo, presentan diferencias relativas, sobre todo, a tres aspectos: 1) la forma de modelar el comportamiento de la fábrica, 2) el valor de deformación de cálculo del refuerzo, y 3) el modo de fallo que se considera recomendable buscar con el diseño. A pesar de ello, el ajuste con la parte experimental de cada trabajo suele ser bueno debido a una enorme disparidad en las variables consideradas. Cada campaña presenta un modo de fallo característico y la formulación que se propone resulta apropiada para él. Parece necesario desarrollar un método de cálculo para fábricas flexocomprimidas reforzadas con FRP que pueda ser utilizado para todos los posibles fallos, tanto atribuibles a la lámina como a la fábrica. En el apartado III.4 se repasan algunas lesiones habituales en fábricas solicitadas a flexión y se recogen ejemplos de refuerzos con FRP para reparar o prevenir estos daños. Para mejorar el conocimiento sobre el tema, se llevan a cabo dos pequeñas campañas experimentales realizadas en el Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja. La primera acerca de la adherencia de materiales compuestos encolados a fábricas deterioradas (apartado IV.1) y la segunda sobre el comportamiento estructural a flexocompresión de probetas de fábrica reforzadas con estos materiales (apartado IV.2). En el capítulo V se analizan algunos de los modelos de adherencia propuestos para prevenir el despegue del extremo del refuerzo. Se confirma que las predicciones obtenidas con ellos resultan muy dispares. Se recopila una base de datos con los resultados experimentales de campañas sobre adherencia de FRP a fábricas extraídas de la literatura y de los resultados propios de la campaña descrita en el punto IV.1. Esta base de datos permite conocer cual de los métodos analizados resulta más adecuado para dimensionar el anclaje de láminas de FRP adheridas a fábricas. En el capítulo VI se propone un método para la comprobación en agotamiento de secciones de fábrica reforzadas con materiales compuestos sometidas a esfuerzos combinados de flexión y compresión. Está basado en el procedimiento de cálculo de la capacidad resistente de secciones de hormigón armado pero adaptado a las fábricas reforzadas. Para ello, se utiliza un diagrama de cálculo tensión deformación de la fábrica de tipo bilineal (acorde con el CTE DB SE-F) cuya simplicidad facilita el desarrollo de toda la formulación al tiempo que resulta adecuado para predecir la capacidad resistente a flexión tanto para fallos debidos al refuerzo como a la fábrica. Además se limita la deformación de cálculo del refuerzo teniendo en consideración ciertos aspectos que provocan que la lámina adherida no pueda desarrollar toda su resistencia, como el desprendimiento inducido por fisuras en el interior del elemento o el deterioro medioambiental. En concreto, se propone un “coeficiente reductor por adherencia” que se determina a partir de una base de datos con 68 resultados experimentales procedentes de publicaciones de varios autores y de los ensayos propios de la campaña descrita en el punto IV.2. También se revisa la formulación propuesta con ayuda de la base de datos. En el capítulo VII se estudia la incidencia de las principales variables, como el axil, la deformación de cálculo del refuerzo o su rigidez, en la capacidad final del elemento. Las conclusiones del trabajo realizado y las posibles líneas futuras de investigación se exponen en el capítulo VIII. ABSTRACT Strengthening of existing structures with externally bonded fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) has become the most common application of advanced composite materials in construction. These materials exhibit many advantages in comparison with traditional ones (corrosion resistance, light weight, easy to apply, etc.). But despite countless researches have been done, there are still doubts about some aspects of their behaviour and applications are carried out only with the help of guidelines, without official regulations. The aim of this work is to improve the knowledge on this retrofitting technique, particularly in regard to flexural strengthening of masonry structures. Reinforced concrete is often the strengthened material and external glued FRP plates are used to improve its flexural, shear or compressive (by wrapping) capacity. However the use of this technique on other materials like masonry structures looks promising. Unreinforced masonry is characterized for being a good material to support compressive stresses but really bad to withstand tensile ones. Glue composite plates can improve the flexural capacity of masonry elements subject to bending. But a proper bond between FRP sheet and masonry must be ensured to do that, especially in old buildings whose surface can be damaged due to being outside or ageing. The main objectives of the work and the methodology carried out are described In Chapter II. An extensive overview of the state of art is done in Chapter III. In Section III.1 physical and mechanical properties of fibers, matrix and composites and their main applications are related. Durability aspects are especially emphasized. Section III.2 includes an historical overview of theoretical and empirical researches on concrete structures strengthened gluing FRP plates to improve their flexural behaviour. Section III.3 focuses on the critical point of bonding between FRP and substrate. Some theoretical models to prevent debonding of FRP laminate are reviewed, it has made a distinction between models for detachment at the end of the plate or debonding in the intermediate zones due to the effects of cracks. It is observed a lack of agreement in the proposals. Some experimental studies on bonding between masonry and FRP are also related in this chapter. The particular characteristics of masonry structures are analyzed in Section III.4. Besides some empirical and theoretical investigations relative to improve their flexural capacity with FRP sheets are reviewed. The mechanical behaviour of strengthened walls subject to pure bending (without compression) has been established by several authors, but this is an unusual situation for real masonry. Neither mechanical behaviour of walls subject to bending and compression nor influence of axial load in the final capacity of the strengthened element are adequately studied. In regard to theoretical studies, the different proposals are based on reinforced concrete analytical methods and share common design principles. However, they present differences, especially, about three aspects: 1) the constitutive law of masonry, 2) the value of ultimate FRP strain and 3) the desirable failure mode that must be looked for. In spite of them, a good agreement between each experimental program and its theoretical study is often exhibited due to enormous disparity in considered test parameters. Each experimental program usually presents a characteristic failure mode and the proposed formulation results appropriate for this one. It seems necessary to develop a method for FRP strengthened walls subject to bending and compression enable for all failure modes (due to FRP or masonry). Some common damages in masonry subject to bending are explained in Section III.4. Examples of FRP strengthening to repair or prevent these damages are also written. Two small experimental programs are carried out in Eduardo Torroja Institute to improve the knowledge on this topic. The first one is concerned about the bond between FRP plates and damaged masonry (section IV.1) and the second one is related to the mechanical behaviour of the strengthened masonry specimens subject to out of plane bending combined with axial force (section IV.2). In the Chapter V some bond models to prevent the debonding at the FRP plate end are checked. It is confirmed that their predictions are so different. A pure-shear test database is compiled with results from the existing literature and others from the experimental program described in section IV.1. This database lets know which of the considered model is more suitable to design anchorage lengths of glued FRP to masonry. In the Chapter VI a method to check unreinforced masonry sections with external FRP strengthening subject to bending and compression to the ultimate limit state is proposed. This method is based on concrete reinforced one, but it is adapted to strengthened masonry. A bilinear constitutive law is used for masonry (according to CTE DB SE-F). Its simplicity helps to develop the model formulation and it has proven to be suitable to predict bending capacity either for FRP failures or masonry crushing. With regard to FRP, the design strain is limited. It is taken into account different aspects which cause the plate can’t reach its ultimate strength, like intermediate FRP debonding induced by opening cracking or environmental damage. A “bond factor” is proposed. It is obtained by means of an experimental bending test database that includes 68 results from the existing literature and from the experimental program described in section IV.2. The proposed formulation has also been checked with the help of bending database. The effects of the main parameters, like axial load, FRP design effective strain or FRP stiffness, on the bending capacity of the strengthened element are studied in Chapter VII. Finally, the main conclusions from the work carried out are summarized in Chapter VIII. Future lines of research to be explored are suggested as well.
Recent developments in the area of multiscale modeling of fiber-reinforced polymers are presented. The overall strategy takes advantage of the separa-tion of length scales between different entities (ply, laminate, and component) found in composite structures. This allows us to carry out multiscale modeling by computing the properties of one entity (e.g., individual plies) at the relevant length scale, homogenizing the results into a constitutive model, and passing this information to the next length scale to determine the mechanical behavior of the larger entity (e.g., laminate). As a result, high-fidelity numerical sim-ulations of the mechanical behavior of composite coupons and small compo-nents are nowadays feasible starting from the matrix, fiber, and interface properties and spatial distribution. Finally, the roadmap is outlined for extending the current strategy to include functional properties and processing into the simulation scheme.
The behaviour of the interface between the FRP and the concrete is the key factor controlling debonding failures in FRP-strengthened RC structures. This defect can cause reductions in static strength, structural integrity and the change in the dynamic behavior of the structure. The adverse effect on the dynamic behavior of the defects can be utilized as an effective means for identifying and assessing both the location and size of debonding at its earliest stages. The presence of debonding changes the structural dynamic characteristics and might be traced in modal parameters, dynamic strain and wave patterns etc. Detection of minor local defects, as those origin of a future debonding, requires working at high frequencies so that the wavelength of the excited is small and sensitive enough to detect local damage. The development of a spectral element method gives a large potential in high-frequency structural modeling. In contrast to the conventional finite element, since inertial properties are modeled exactly few elements are necessary to capture very accurate solutions at the highest frequencies in large regions. A wide variety of spectral elements have been developed for structural members over finite and semi-infinite regions. The objective of this paper is to develop a Spectral Finite Element Model to efficiently capture the behavior of intermediate debonding of a FRP strengthened RC beam during wave-based diagnostics.