988 resultados para Capponi, Niccolò, 1473-1529.
Identifying the determinants of neuronal energy consumption and their relationship to information coding is critical to understanding neuronal function and evolution. Three of the main determinants are cell size, ion channel density, and stimulus statistics. Here we investigate their impact on neuronal energy consumption and information coding by comparing single-compartment spiking neuron models of different sizes with different densities of stochastic voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels and different statistics of synaptic inputs. The largest compartments have the highest information rates but the lowest energy efficiency for a given voltage-gated ion channel density, and the highest signaling efficiency (bits spike(-1)) for a given firing rate. For a given cell size, our models revealed that the ion channel density that maximizes energy efficiency is lower than that maximizing information rate. Low rates of small synaptic inputs improve energy efficiency but the highest information rates occur with higher rates and larger inputs. These relationships produce a Law of Diminishing Returns that penalizes costly excess information coding capacity, promoting the reduction of cell size, channel density, and input stimuli to the minimum possible, suggesting that the trade-off between energy and information has influenced all aspects of neuronal anatomy and physiology.
The voltage ripple and power loss in the DC-capacitor of a voltage source inverter depend on the harmonic currents flowing through the capacitor. This paper presents a double Fourier series based analysis of the harmonic contents of the DC capacitor current in a three-level neutral-point clamped (NPC) inverter, modulated with sine-triangle pulse-width modulation (SPWM) or conventional space vector pulse-width modulation (CSVPWM) schemes. The analytical results are validated experimentally on a 3-kVA three-level inverter prototype. The capacitor current in an NPC inverter has a periodicity of 120(a similar to) at the fundamental or modulation frequency. Hence, this current contains third-harmonic and triplen-frequency components, apart from switching frequency components. The harmonic components vary with modulation index and power factor for both PWM schemes. The third harmonic current decreases with increase in modulation index and also decreases with increase in power factor in case of both PWM methods. In general, the third harmonic content is higher with SPWM than with CSVPWM at a given operating condition. Also, power loss and voltage ripple in the DC capacitor are estimated for both the schemes using the current harmonic spectrum and equivalent series resistance (ESR) of the capacitor.
The present work explores the potential of semi-solid heat treatment technique by elucidating its effect on the plastic behavior of 304L SS in hot working domain. To accomplish this objective, hot isothermal compression tests on 304L SS specimens with semi-solid heat treatment and conventional annealing heat treatment have been carried out within a temperature range of 1273-1473 K and strain rates ranging from 0.01 to 1 s(-1). The dynamic flow behavior of this steel in its conventional heat-treated condition and semi-solid heat-treated condition has been characterized in terms of strain hardening, temperature softening, strain rate hardening, and dynamic flow softening. Extensive microstructural investigation has been carried out to corroborate the results obtained from the analysis of flow behavior. Detailed analysis of the results demonstrates that semi-solid heat treatment moderates work hardening, strain rate hardening, and temperature sensitivity of 304L SS, which is favorable for hot deformation. The post-deformation hardness values of semi-solid heat-treated steel and conventionally heat-treated steel were found to remain similar despite the pre-deformation heat treatment conditions. The results obtained demonstrate the potential of semi-solid heat treatment as a pre-deformation heat treatment step to effectively reduce the strength of the material to facilitate easier deformation without affecting the post-deformation properties of the steel.
基于剪切流动腔技术,以微球作为受力载体,设计了一套可用于研究表面固定化配基与目标分子特异性相互作用力的实验和分析方法,并以人免疫球蛋白G (human IgG)和羊抗人免疫球蛋白G(goat anti-human IgG)分别作为模型配基和模型目标分子进行了研究.基于平面Poiseuille层流模型设计了流场参数,以数值计算结果验证了设计的合理性.使用牛血清白蛋白(BSA)作为非特异性对照,判断微球与基片表面的结合力来自配基和目标分子的生物特异性相互作用,并由进一步的目标分子灭活对比实验确认了这一结论.实验观察到微球与基片表面的结合力受到配基面密度的影响,说明发生结合的是多对而非单对蛋白质分子.将95%的微球被剥离时对应的壁面剪切率设定为临界剪切率,由大量实验结果拟合得到了临界剪切率与配基面密度间的定量关系.在受力分析模型中,考虑到多分子的结合,以及分子键位置不同造成的力臂长度的差异,最终计算得到单对配基与目标分子的平均结合力约为342pN.
Este estudio fue realizado en la estación experimental "La Compañía", ubicada en el municipio de San Marcos, departamento de Carazo (IV región de Nicaragua). Los objetivos que se evaluaron fueron: (1) determinar cuál de los tres sistemas de labranza (Cero, mínima y convencional) es económicamente más rentable dentro de cada uno de los cultivos (frijol y maíz) y épocas (primera y postrera). (2) determinar cuál de los sistemas de labranza es más rentable dado el efecto de la rotación (maíz-frijol y frijol-frijol) • El experimento fue establecido en la época de primera (mayo-junio) y la de postrera (septiembre-diciembre). El experimento se organizó en un diseño de Bloque Completo al Azar (BCA) en arreglo de parcelas divididas con tres tratamientos y cuatro repeticiones. Se tomaron datos sobre los costos agrícolas de cada uno de los tratamientos y sus respectivos rendimientos. Se analizaron mediante el análisis de presupuestos parciales incluyendo el análisis de retorno mínimo y sensibilidad de los precios del producto final. El análisis económico mostró que en la época de primera en el cultivo de maíz y en la época de postrera bajo cualquier de los dos cultivos la labranza mínima resultó ser el mejor sistema. Mientras tanto, en la época de primera en el cultivo de frijol el tratamiento recomendado fue la labranza cero.
Se determinó la influencia de las prácticas de rotación de cultivos y control de malezas sobre la dinámica de las malezas, y el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento en el cultivo de Soya y Algodón, en terrenos del Centro Experimental del Algodón, ubicado en el municipio de Posoltega, Departamento de Chinandega, se estableció el presente ensayo durante la época de postrera de Agosto 1991 a Enero 1992. Se utilizó un diseño bifactorial en parcelas divididas en bloques completamente al azar con cuatro repeticiones siendo los factores en estudios los siguientes: Factor A: Rotación de cultivos (Soya sin inocular-Algodón, soya inoculada-algodón, soya inocutada-soya inoculada, soya sin inocular-soya sin inocular, Ajonjolí-Algodón.) Factor B: Métodos de control de malezas (Control químico, control período crítico, control limpia periódica.). Las rotaciones de soya redujeron la abundancia total de malezas predominando la especie Desmodiun canum. La menor cobertura y menor biomasa fue reflejada por la rotación Soya sin inocular-Soya sin inocular, no obstante la menor diversidad se encontró en la rotación Soya inoculada-Soya inoculada. El control limpia periódica disminuyó la cobertura y abundancia, pero presentó una biomasa intermedia respecto a los otros controles y una diversidad similar. En el cultivo de soya para la variable de altura de planta, diámetro de tallo, número de nódulos por planta y número de nudos no existen diferencias significativas, lo mismo para las variables de rendimientos. En el cultivo del algodón se obtuvo diferencias significativas para las variables de crecimiento y rendimiento. En cuanto a las variables de crecimiento y rendimiento la rotación ajonjolí-algodón reflejó los siguientes valores diámetro de tallo (4.1 mm), altura de planta (134.0 cm), rendimiento Kg/ha (1758). La rotación Soya sin inocular-Soya sin inocular reflejó diámetro de tallo (4.3 mm). altura de planta (65.7 cm) y rendimiento de 1553 kg/ha registrando los mejores resultados.
At the first international Visualization Summit, more than 100 international researchers and practitioners defined and assessed nine original and important research goals in the context of Visualization Science, and proposed methods for achieving these goals by 2010. The synthesis of the whole event is presented in the 10th research goal. This article contributes a building block for systemizing visualization research by proposing mutually elaborated research goals with defined milestones. Such a consensus on where to go together is only one step toward establishing visualization science in the long-term perspective as a discipline with comparable relevance to chemistry, mathematics, language, or history. First, this article introduces the conference setting. Second, it describes the research goals and findings from the nine workshops. Third, a survey among 62 participants about the originality and importance of each research goal is presented and discussed. Finally, the article presents a synthesis of the nine research goals in the form of a 10th research goal, namely Visualizing Future Cities. The article is relevant for visualization researchers, trend scouts, research programme directors who define the topics that get funds. © 2007 Palgr aveMacmillan Ltd. All rights reserved.
Modeling of fluid flows in crystal growth processes has become an important research area in theoretical and applied mechanics. Most crystal growth processes involve fluid flows, such as flows in the melt, solution or vapor. Theoretical modeling has played an important role in developing technologies used for growing semiconductor crystals for high performance electronic and optoelectronic devices. The application of devices requires large diameter crystals with a high degree of crystallographic perfection, low defect density and uniform dopant distribution. In this article, the flow models developed in modeling of the crystal growth processes such as Czochralski, ammonothermal and physical vapor transport methods are reviewed. In the Czochralski growth modeling, the flow models for thermocapillary flow, turbulent flow and MHD flow have been developed. In the ammonothermal growth modeling, the buoyancy and porous media flow models have been developed based on a single-domain and continuum approach for the composite fluid-porous layer systems. In the physical vapor transport growth modeling, the Stefan flow model has been proposed based on the flow-kinetics theory for the vapor growth. In addition, perspectives for future studies on crystal growth modeling are proposed. (c) 2008 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved.
Resumen: En este artículo se expone en forma sucinta dos formas muy diferentes de concebir la política, a saber: la de algunos autores denominados clásicos, cuyos principales representantes son Platón, Aristóteles, Cicerón y Tomás de Aquino, y la forma moderna representada por Maquiavelo. Los primeros, salvando algunas diferencias, entienden la política como un saber moral práctico, como una noble actividad que debe ser ejercida por los mejores en vistas al bien de todos. Maquiavelo, por su parte, la entiende como una técnica, totalmente desarraigada de la moral, cuyo fin es obtener, mantener y acrecentar el poder. Al parecer, y es lo que se intentará demostrar en la exposición, hay indicios suficientes para afirmar que el maquiavelismo se ha «impuesto» a los clásicos. La perspectiva desde la cual se abordara esta pregunta, es la del Magisterio reciente de la Iglesia Católica
Resumen: El estudio de Maquiavelo fue recurrente en Louis Althusser. Maquiavelo le permitía repensar la acción política, sin que eso supusiera la existencia a priori de un sujeto a quién la teoría le reconociera axiomáticamente la capacidad de llevar a cabo esa acción. Este artículo ofrece un análisis de la conferencia dictada por Althusser en el Instituto de Ciencias Políticas de París, en 1977, en la que no sólo propone esta lectura del florentino, sino una concepción no acumulativa de historia, que posibilita una apropiación diferenciada de la antigüedad.
Consultoria Legislativa - Área III - Tributação, Direito Tributário.
A summary is presented of research conducted on beach erosion associated with extreme storms and sea level rise. These results were developed by the author and graduate students under sponsorship of the University of Delaware Sea Grant Program. Various shoreline response problems of engineering interest are examined. The basis for the approach is a monotonic equilibrium profile of the form h = Ax2 /3 in which h is water depth at a distance x from the shoreline and A is a scale parameter depending primarily on sediment characteristics and secondarily on wave characteristics. This form is shown to be consistent with uniform wave energy dissipation per unit volume. The dependency of A on sediment size is quantified through laboratory and field data. Quasi-static beach response is examined to represent the effect of sea level rise. Cases considered include natural and seawalled profiles. To represent response to storms of realistic durations, a model is proposed in which the offshore transport is proportional to the "excess" energy dissipation per unit volume. The single rate constant in this model was evaluated based on large scale wave tank tests and confirmed with Hurricane Eloise pre- and post-storm surveys. It is shown that most hurricanes only cause 10% to 25% of the erosion potential associated with the peak storm tide and wave conditions. Additional applications include profile response employing a fairly realistic breaking model in which longshore bars are formed and long-term (500 years) Monte Carlo simulation including the contributions due to sea level rise and random storm occurrences. (PDF has 67 pages.)
175 p. : il.
Report seeks to address following questions: 1. Where within Lee County are surface supplies of water located? 2. What are the variations in this supply? 3. What can be done to provide better answers to questions 1 and 2 than are available at the present time? (PDF contains 76 pages.)