937 resultados para Cannabis.


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O presente trabalho aborda o movimento social conhecido como Marcha da Maconha, buscando uma análise compreensiva de suas características a partir de revisão teórica e pesquisa etnográfica. Apresenta inicialmente uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o fenômeno das drogas, com o objetivo específico de contextualizar o debate em que o movimento se insere. Busca-se enfatizar a polissemia do termo droga, os aspectos culturais, sociais, econômicos e políticos da história da proibição de algumas drogas e o atual cenário de modelo proibicionista. A partir deste enquadramento, o trabalho apresenta um histórico da manifestação Marcha da Maconha no Brasil, enfatizando seus princípios norteadores, modo de organização, demandas e identidade. Busca-se compreender, lançando mão da abordagem teórica de autores como Touraine e Melucci, os fatores de mobilização e pertencimento construídos na manifestação que marcam experiências na vida social. Apresenta então resultados da pesquisa de campo junto à rede de ativistas da manifestação na cidade do Rio de Janeiro no ano de 2013. Partindo da diversidade e das tensões internas e históricas da organização, o trabalho propõe mapear e caracterizar os grupos engajados, evidenciando as diferentes interpretações sobre o próprio movimento, perfis de ativismo e militância, interesses, enfoques e estratégias.


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古民族植物学(Paleoethnobotany)在我国尚属一个比较年轻的学科,其主要研究对象是先民们所栽培或利用过的植物遗存(Plant remains),目的在于揭示古代人们对食物的选择,栽培植物的起源,早期农业的出现以及居址周围的自然与生态环境。吐鲁番地区降水稀少。干燥的环境,使得考古遗址中的植物遗存得以完好的保存。本论文首次对吐鲁番洋海墓地(2500 B. P. )的包括木材、果实、种子、茎杆、叶片等在内的植物遗存进行了系统的研究,依此分析了当时的植被及环境,并对与当时的土著居民密切相关的植物类群进行了详细研究。 研究表明,吐鲁番洋海墓地植物群包括木材、禾本科粮食作物、杂草及其它植物共18 种。其中我们详细研究了14 种,隶属于7 科14 属,它们分别为禾本科黍属中的黍(Panicum miliaceum),大麦属中的青稞(Hordeum vulgare var. nudum),小麦属中的普通小麦(Triticum aestivum),芦苇属的芦苇(Phragmites australis),虎尾草属的虎尾草(Chloris virgata),小獐毛属的小獐毛(Aeluropus pungens var. pungens),稗属的稗子(Echinochloa crusgali),大麻科大麻属中的大麻(Cannabis sativa),紫草科紫草属中的小花紫草(Lithospermum officinale), 豆科槐属中的苦豆子(Sophora alopecuroides var. alopecuroides),茄科枸杞属中的黑果枸杞(Lycium ruthenicum),松科云杉属中的云杉属未定种(Picea sp.), 杨柳科杨属的胡杨(Popules euphratica)及柳属未定种(Salix sp.)。研究表明,这些植物遗存渗透到古洋海人生活的方方面面。其中,粮食作物为可能以黍为主,以普通小麦及青稞为辅;用以作装饰的为小花紫草的小坚果;可能与其原始宗教及医药相关的为大麻;与建筑相关的植物有芦苇、黑果枸杞、云杉(Picea sp.)、胡杨及柳(Salix sp.)等;与当地居民意义不大的杂草有稗子、苦豆子、小獐毛、虎尾草等。其中,大麻及小花紫草遗存的出土意味着当时的土著居民对当地的植物已经有了很高的认识水平;黍、青稞及普通小麦的出土意味着他们可能与东西方文化均有接触,为东西方文明的交融起了桥梁作用;所出土的部份植物如小獐毛、小花紫草、柳、苦豆子,尤其是稗子、芦苇及香蒲属植物等都属于喜湿植物。这说明,在当时的洋海墓地周边环境与今天相似,亦为一块植被丰富的绿洲,其中可能有大面积的湿地。


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BACKGROUND: Most information about the lifetime prevalence of mental disorders comes from retrospective surveys, but how much these surveys have undercounted due to recall failure is unknown. We compared results from a prospective study with those from retrospective studies. METHOD: The representative 1972-1973 Dunedin New Zealand birth cohort (n=1037) was followed to age 32 years with 96% retention, and compared to the national New Zealand Mental Health Survey (NZMHS) and two US National Comorbidity Surveys (NCS and NCS-R). Measures were research diagnoses of anxiety, depression, alcohol dependence and cannabis dependence from ages 18 to 32 years. RESULTS: The prevalence of lifetime disorder to age 32 was approximately doubled in prospective as compared to retrospective data for all four disorder types. Moreover, across disorders, prospective measurement yielded a mean past-year-to-lifetime ratio of 38% whereas retrospective measurement yielded higher mean past-year-to-lifetime ratios of 57% (NZMHS, NCS-R) and 65% (NCS). CONCLUSIONS: Prospective longitudinal studies complement retrospective surveys by providing unique information about lifetime prevalence. The experience of at least one episode of DSM-defined disorder during a lifetime may be far more common in the population than previously thought. Research should ask what this means for etiological theory, construct validity of the DSM approach, public perception of stigma, estimates of the burden of disease and public health policy.


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Compared to the association between cigarette smoking and psychiatric disorders, relatively little is known about the relationship between smokeless tobacco use and psychiatric disorders. To identify the psychiatric correlates of smokeless tobacco use, the analysis used a national representative sample from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (NESARC) wave 1. Smokeless tobacco use was classified as exclusive snuff use, exclusive chewing tobacco, and dual use of both snuff and chewing tobacco at some time in the smokeless tobacco user's life. Lifetime psychiatric disorders were obtained via structured diagnostic interviews. The results show that the prevalence of lifetime exclusive snuff use, exclusive chewing tobacco, and dual use of both snuff and chewing tobacco was 2.16%, 2.52%, and 2.79%, respectively. After controlling for sociodemographic variables and cigarette smoking, the odds of exclusive chewing tobacco in persons with panic disorder and specific phobia were 1.53 and 1.41 times the odds in persons without those disorders, respectively. The odds of exclusive snuff use, exclusive chewing tobacco, and dual use of both products for individuals with alcohol use disorder were 1.97, 2.01, and 2.99 times the odds for those without alcohol use disorder, respectively. Respondents with cannabis use disorder were 1.44 times more likely to use snuff exclusively than those without cannabis use disorder. Respondents with inhalant/solvent use disorder were associated with 3.33 times the odds of exclusive chewing tobacco. In conclusion, this study highlights the specific links of anxiety disorder, alcohol, cannabis, and inhalant/solvent use disorders with different types of smokeless tobacco use.


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Aims: To assess the reliability of drug use reports by young respondents, this study examined the extent of recanting previous drug use reports within an ongoing longitudinal survey of adolescent drug use. Here, recanting was defined as a positive report of life-time drug use that was subsequently denied 1 year later. The covariates of recanting were also studied. Design: An ongoing longitudinal survey of young adolescents (Belfast Youth Development Study) in Northern Ireland. Setting: Pencil and paper questionnaires were administered to pupils within participating schools. Measurements: Measures analysed included (a) recanting rates across 13 substances, (b) educational characteristics, (c) offending behaviour and (d) socioeconomic status. Findings: High levels of drug use recanting were identified, ranging from 7% of past alcohol use to 87% of past magic mushroom use. Recanting increased with the social stigma of the substance used. Denying past alcohol use was associated with being male, attending a catholic school, having positive attitudes towards school, having negative education expectations and not reporting any offending behaviour. Recanting alcohol intoxication was associated with being male and not reporting serious offending behaviour. Cannabis recanting was associated with having negative education expectations, receiving drugs education and not reporting serious offending behaviour. Conclusions: The high levels of recanting uncovered cast doubts on the reliability of drug use reports from young adolescents. Failure to address this response error may lead to biased prevalence estimates, particularly within school surveys and drug education evaluation trials.


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Objective: to investigate the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol; THC on human sperm function in vitro. Design: laboratory analysis of sperm motility with and without exposure to THC using computer assisted semen analysis (CASA) and acrosome reaction by fluoroscein isothiocyanate labelled peanut agglutinin (FITC-PNA) staining. Setting: An ART unit in a tertiary medical centre. Patients: semen was obtained from 78 men attending the Regional Fertility Centre, Belfast. Interventions: Sperm were divided into 90% (the best fertilizing potential used in assisted conception) and 45% (the poorer subpopulation) fractions by density centrifugation and incubated with, or without (controls), tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) at concentrations equivalent to therapeutic (0.032�?�¯?�?�­M) and recreational (4.8 and 0.32�?�¯?�?�­M) plasma levels, at 37�?�¯?�?�°C for 3 hours. Main outcome measures: Sperm motility, spontaneous and induced acrosome reactions Results: There was a dose-dependent decrease in percentage progressive motility (-21% at 4.8�??�?�µM, p0.05) in the 90% fraction. The 45% fraction showed a greater decrease in percentage progressive motility (-56% at 4.8�??�?�µM, p=0.011; -23% at 0.32�??�?�µM, p= 0.039; and -28% at 0.032�??�?�µM, p=0.004). A decrease in the straight line velocity; VSL (-10%) and the average path velocity; VAP (-10%) were also observed in the 90% fraction. A significant inhibition (-15% at 4.8�??�?�µM, p=0.04) in spontaneous acrosome reaction was observed in the 90% fraction. The 45% fraction showed a more marked inhibition [-35% (p


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Substance use behaviours of young people attending a special school are reported over a four year period from the age of 12-16 years. The paper investigated these behaviours by surveying a cohort of young people with a statement for moderate learning disabilities annually during the last four years of compulsory schooling. The findings show that these young people consistently reported lower levels of tobacco, alcohol and cannabis use compared with those attending mainstream school. No other illicit drug use was reported. The potential implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the context and timing of targeted substance education and prevention initiatives for young people with moderate learning disability attending a special school.


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Existing empirical evidence on substance use among young people living in residential state care during adolescence is comparatively limited. This paper reports on substance use trends of young people living in residential state care during three annual data-sweeps when aged 14, 15 and 16 years. A repeated cross-sectional research design was utilised in the research. The findings suggest some similarities for lifetime prevalence rates for tobacco and alcohol use for those living in residential state care with a group of same-age young people not living in residential state care who participated in the research. However, solvent abuse and cannabis use was higher among those living in care. More frequent substance use was reported by the residential care sample for all substances at each stage of the study. These findings suggest that young people living in state care continue to merit higher levels of vigilance from researchers and policy-makers in order to fully understand this behaviour and develop appropriate prevention initiatives to meet their needs regarding potential drug problems.


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To examine whether students’ school engagement, relationships with teachers, educational aspirations and involvement in fights at school are associated with various measures of subsequent substance use.

Data were drawn from the Belfast Youth Development Study (n = 2968). Multivariate logistic models examined associations between school-related factors (age 13/14) and substance use (age 15/16).

The two factors which were consistently and independently associated with regular substance use among both males and females were student–teacher relationships and fighting at school: positive teacher-relationships reduced the risk of daily smoking by 48%, weekly drunkenness by 25%, and weekly cannabis use by 52%; being in a fight increased the risk of daily smoking by 54%, weekly drunkenness by 31%, and weekly cannabis use by 43%. School disengagement increased the likelihood of smoking and cannabis use among females only.

Further research should focus on public health interventions promoting positive relationships and safety at school.


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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to assess the effect on intraocular pressure (IOP) and the safety and tolerability of oromucosal administration of a low dose of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (?-9-THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). PATIENTS AND METHODS: A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled, 4 way crossover study was conducted at a single center, using cannabis-based medicinal extract of ?-9-THC and CBD. Six patients with ocular hypertension or early primary open angle glaucoma received a single sublingual dose at 8 AM of 5 mg ?-9-THC, 20 mg CBD, 40 mg CBD, or placebo. Main outcome measure was IOP. Secondary outcomes included visual acuity, vital signs, and psychotropic effects. RESULTS: Two hours after sublingual administration of 5 mg ?-9-THC, the IOP was significantly lower than after placebo (23.5 mm Hg vs. 27.3 mm Hg, P=0.026). The IOP returned to baseline level after the 4-hour IOP measurement. CBD administration did not reduce the IOP at any time. However, the higher dose of CBD (40 mg) produced a transient elevation of IOP at 4 hours after administration, from 23.2 to 25.9 mm Hg (P=0.028). Vital signs and visual acuity were not significantly changed. One patient experienced a transient and mild paniclike reaction after ?-9-THC administration. CONCLUSIONS: A single 5 mg sublingual dose of ?-9-THC reduced the IOP temporarily and was well tolerated by most patients. Sublingual administration of 20 mg CBD did not reduce IOP, whereas 40 mg CBD produced a transient increase IOP rise. Copyright © 2006 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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This article estimates peer influences on the alcohol, tobacco and cannabis use of UK adolescents. We present evidence of large, positive and statistically significant peer effects in all three behaviours when classmates are taken as the reference group. We also find large, positive and statistically significant associations between own substance use and friends' substance use. When both reference groups are considered simultaneously, the influence of classmates either disappears or is much reduced, whereas the association between own and friends' behaviours does not change. The suggestion is that classmate behaviour is primarily relevant only inasmuch as it proxies for friends' behaviour.


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Background: This study assessed the association between adolescent ecstasy use and depressive symptoms in adolescence. Methods: The Belfast Youth Development Study surveyed a cohort annually from age 11 to 16 years. Gender, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire emotional subscale, living arrangements, parental affluence, parent and peer attachment, tobacco, alcohol, cannabis and ecstasy use were investigated as predictors of Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (SMFQ) outcome. Results: Of 5371 respondents, 301 (5.6%) had an SMFQ > 15, and 1620 (30.2) had missing data for SMFQ. Around 8% of the cohort had used ecstasy by the end of follow-up. Of the non-drug users, ∼2% showed symptoms of depression, compared with 6% of those who had used alcohol, 6% of cannabis users, 6% of ecstasy users and 7% of frequent ecstasy users. Without adjustment, ecstasy users showed around a 4-fold increased odds of depressive symptoms compared with non-drug users [odds ratio (OR) = 0.26; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.10, 0.68]. Further adjustment for living arrangements, peer and parental attachment attenuated the association to under a 3-fold increase (OR = 0.37; 95% CI = 0.15, 0.94). There were no differences by frequency of use. Conclusions: Ecstasy use during adolescence may be associated with poorer mental health; however, this association can be explained by the confounding social influence of family dynamics. These findings could be used to aid effective evidence-based drug policies, which concentrate criminal justice and public health resources on reducing harm.


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Este ensino clínico permitiu-nos prestar cuidados de enfermagem especializados a 16 homens com esquizofrenia em processo de reabilitação psicossocial. Na sua maioria são: adultos, solteiros, da região sul de Portugal, com uma média de 9 anos de escolaridade, com história de consumo de substâncias (álcool, tabaco, haxixe, cocaína, heroína e anfetaminas), institucionalizados na Casa de Saúde do Telhal (CST) há mais de 11 anos. Todos apresentam diagnósticos de enfermagem das várias dimensões do adoecer, com exceção da dimensão comportamental excitatória, sendo os de maior prevalência: “Conhecimento sobre Processo de doença/Cuidados na doença/Tratamento, Não Demonstrado”; Cognição, Comprometida”; “Processo Social, Alterado”; “Autoestima, Diminuída”. Foram desenvolvidos 4 programas de intervenção: consulta de enfermagem de saúde mental e psiquiatria (CESMP); atelier de estimulação cognitiva (AEC); programa de desenvolvimento de competência intrapessoais, interpessoais e profissionais (PDCIIP); programa de psicoeducação (SABER+). A satisfação global com os programas foi superior a 7 (numa escala de 1 a 10) e os resultados que foram percebidos pela maioria dos reabilitandos situaram-se acima das suas expectativas iniciais. De uma forma geral, todos registaram ganhos: no desempenho cognitivo (em particular os que beneficiaram do AEC); na adaptação psicossocial – nomeadamente ao nível do insight; os reabilitandos que beneficiaram do programa SABER+ melhoraram ainda os comportamentos demonstrados de aceitação do estado de saúde; no bem-estar psicológico – nomeadamente ao nível da autoestima (sobretudo os que beneficiaram da CESMP e/ou do PDCIIP), dos afetos positivos e dos comportamentos de motivação; nos vários domínios da qualidade de vida (QdV) medidos pelo WHOQOL-Bref em particular o domínio ambiental; todos elevaram o seu nível de conhecimentos nos 3 eixos em que que se estruturou o programa de psicoeducação (processo da doença, cuidados na doença, tratamento da doença); na adesão à medicação, sobretudo os que integraram o programa de psicoeducação, contudo todos tendem a necessitar de ajuda parcial para conseguir demonstrar conhecimento no cumprimento do esquema terapêutico e estão envolvidos em treinos supervisionados de preparação e autoadministração; ABSTRACT: This clinical training allowed us to provide skilled nursing care to 16 men with schizophrenia in a psychosocial rehabilitation setting. Most of these individuals are: adults, singles, from the southern region of Portugal, with an average of 9 years of schooling, with a history of substance abuse (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, heroin and amphetamines), institutionalized in Casa de Saúde do Telhal (CST) for over 11 years. We find nursing diagnoses from all of the disease dimensions with the exception of excitatory behavioral dimension, being the most prevalent: "knowledge about disease process / care / treatment, not stated"; cognition, impaired", "social process, impaired”, “self-esteem, decreased". We developed 4 intervention programs: psychiatry and mental health nursing consultation (CESMP); atelier of cognitive stimulation (AEC); intrapersonal, interpersonal and professional competences training (PDCIIP); psychoeducation (SABER+). The overall satisfaction with the programs was above 7 (on a scale of 1 to 10) and the results noticed by most patients were above their initial expectations. All registered nursing results were: in cognitive performance (particularly those who benefited from the AEC); in psychosocial adaptation - especially in terms of insight; patients who benefited from the SABER+ program demonstrated improved further acceptance of their health condition, psychological well-being, particularly in terms of self-esteem (especially those who benefited from the CESMP and/or the PDCIIP), positive affects and motivation; in the different domains of quality of life (QoL) measured by WHOQOL-Bref in particular the environmental domain; every patients raised their level of knowledge in the 3 axes in which the psychoeducational program (SABER+) was structured (disease process, care and treatment); in medication adherence, especially those who benefited of the psychoeducational program, however all the patients tend to need partial help to demonstrate knowledge in meeting the therapeutic regimen and are involved in supervised training programs for preparation and self administration.


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Background: We aimed to test whether the three classical hypotheses of the interaction between posttraumatic symptomatology and substance use (high risk of trauma exposure, susceptibility for posttraumatic symptomatology, and self-medication of symptoms), may be useful in the understanding of substance use among burn patients. Methods: We analysed substance use data (nicotine, alcohol, cannabis, amphetamines, cocaine, opiates, and tranquilizers) and psychopathology measures among burn patients admitted to a Burns Unit and enrolled in a longitudinal observational study. Lifetime substance use information (n = 246) was incorporated to analyses aiming to test the high risk hypothesis. Only patients assessed for psychopathology in a six months follow-up (n = 183) were included in prospective analyses testing the susceptibility and self-medication hypotheses. Results: Regarding the high risk hypothesis, results show a higher proportion of heroin and tranquilizer users compared to the general population. Furthermore, in line with the susceptibility hypothesis, higher levels of symptomatology were found in lifetime alcohol, tobacco and drug users during recovery. The self-medication hypothesis could be tested partially due to the hospital stay “cleaning” effect, but severity of symptoms was linked to caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and cannabis use after discharge. Conclusions: We found that the three classical hypotheses could be used to understand the link between traumatic experiences and substance use explaining different patterns of burn patient’s risk for trauma exposure and emergence of symptomatology.