969 resultados para Calibrachoa elegans


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The Caenorhabditis elegans maternal-effect sterile genes, mes-2, mes-3, mes-4, and mes-6, encode nuclear proteins that are essential for germ-line development. They are thought to be involved in a common process because their mutant phenotypes are similar. MES-2 and MES-6 are homologs of Enhancer of zeste and extra sex combs, both members of the Polycomb group of chromatin regulators in insects and vertebrates. MES-3 is a novel protein, and MES-4 is a SET-domain protein. To investigate whether the MES proteins interact and likely function as a complex, we performed biochemical analyses on C. elegans embryo extracts. Results of immunoprecipitation experiments indicate that MES-2, MES-3, and MES-6 are associated in a complex and that MES-4 is not associated with this complex. Based on in vitro binding assays, MES-2 and MES-6 interact directly, via the amino terminal portion of MES-2. Sucrose density gradient fractionation and gel filtration chromatography were performed to determine the Stokes radius and sedimentation coefficient of the MES-2/MES-3/MES-6 complex. Based on those two values, we estimate that the molecular mass of the complex is ≈255 kDa, close to the sum of the three known components. Our results suggest that the two C. elegans Polycomb group homologs (MES-2 and MES-6) associate with a novel partner (MES-3) to regulate germ-line development in C. elegans.


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CHR3 (nhr-23, NF1F4), the homologue of Drosophila DHR3 and mammalian ROR/RZR/RevErbA nuclear hormone receptors, is important for proper epidermal development and molting in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Disruption of CHR3 (nhr-23) function leads to developmental changes, including incomplete molting and a short, fat (dumpy) phenotype. Here, we studied the role of CHR3 during larval development by using expression assays and RNA-mediated interference. We show that the levels of expression of CHR3 (nhr-23) cycle during larval development and reduction of CHR3 function during each intermolt period result in defects at all subsequent molts. Assaying candidate gene expression in populations of animals treated with CHR3 (nhr-23) RNA-mediated interference has identified dpy-7 as a potential gene acting downstream of CHR3. These results define CHR3 as a critical regulator of all C. elegans molts and begin to define the molecular pathway for its function.


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The structural proteins of the cytoplasmic intermediate filaments (IFs) arise in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans from eight reported genes and an additional three genes now identified in the complete genome. With the use of double-stranded RNA interference (RNAi) for all 11 C. elegans genes encoding cytoplasmic IF proteins, we observe phenotypes for the five genes A1, A2, A3, B1, and C2. These range from embryonic lethality (B1) and embryonic/larval lethality (A3) to larval lethality (A1 and A2) and a mild dumpy phenotype of adults (C2). Phenotypes A2 and A3 involve displaced body muscles and paralysis. They probably arise by reduction of hypodermal IFs that participate in the transmission of force from the muscle cells to the cuticle. The B1 phenotype has multiple morphogenetic defects, and the A1 phenotype is arrested at the L1 stage. Thus, at least four IF genes are essential for C. elegans development. Their RNAi phenotypes are lethal defects due to silencing of single IF genes. In contrast to C. elegans, no IF genes have been identified in the complete Drosophila genome, posing the question of how Drosophila can compensate for the lack of these proteins, which are essential in mammals and C. elegans. We speculate that the lack of IF proteins in Drosophila can be viewed as cytoskeletal alteration in which, for instance, stable microtubules, often arranged as bundles, substitute for cytoplasmic IFs.


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Hypoxia-inducible factor, a heterodimeric transcription complex, regulates cellular and systemic responses to low oxygen levels (hypoxia) during normal mammalian development or tumor progression. Here, we present evidence that a similar complex mediates response to hypoxia in Caenorhabditis elegans. This complex consists of HIF-1 and AHA-1, which are encoded by C. elegans homologs of the hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) α and β subunits, respectively. hif-1 mutants exhibit no severe defects under standard laboratory conditions, but they are unable to adapt to hypoxia. Although wild-type animals can survive and reproduce in 1% oxygen, the majority of hif-1-defective animals die in these conditions. We show that the expression of an HIF-1:green fluorescent protein fusion protein is induced by hypoxia and is subsequently reduced upon reoxygenation. Both hif-1 and aha-1 are expressed in most cell types, and the gene products can be coimmunoprecipitated. We conclude that the mechanisms of hypoxia signaling are likely conserved among metazoans. Additionally, we find that nuclear localization of AHA-1 is disrupted in an hif-1 mutant. This finding suggests that heterodimerization may be a prerequisite for efficient nuclear translocation of AHA-1.


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Cholesterol transport is an essential process in all multicellular organisms. In this study we applied two recently developed approaches to investigate the distribution and molecular mechanisms of cholesterol transport in Caenorhabditis elegans. The distribution of cholesterol in living worms was studied by imaging its fluorescent analog, dehydroergosterol, which we applied to the animals by feeding. Dehydroergosterol accumulates primarily in the pharynx, nerve ring, excretory gland cell, and gut of L1–L3 larvae. Later, the bulk of dehydroergosterol accumulates in oocytes and spermatozoa. Males display exceptionally strong labeling of spermatids, which suggests a possible role for cholesterol in sperm development. In a complementary approach, we used a photoactivatable cholesterol analog to identify cholesterol-binding proteins in C. elegans. Three major and several minor proteins were found specifically cross-linked to photocholesterol after UV irradiation. The major proteins were identified as vitellogenins. rme-2 mutants, which lack the vitellogenin receptor, fail to accumulate dehydroergosterol in oocytes and embryos and instead accumulate dehydroergosterol in the body cavity along with vitellogenin. Thus, uptake of cholesterol by C. elegans oocytes occurs via an endocytotic pathway involving yolk proteins. The pathway is a likely evolutionary ancestor of mammalian cholesterol transport.


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γ-Tubulin is a ubiquitous and highly conserved component of centrosomes in eukaryotic cells. Genetic and biochemical studies have demonstrated that γ-tubulin functions as part of a complex to nucleate microtubule polymerization from centrosomes. We show that, as in other organisms, Caenorhabditis elegans γ-tubulin is concentrated in centrosomes. To study centrosome dynamics in embryos, we generated transgenic worms that express GFP::γ-tubulin or GFP::β-tubulin in the maternal germ line and early embryos. Multiphoton microscopy of embryos produced by these worms revealed the time course of daughter centrosome appearance and growth and the differential behavior of centrosomes destined for germ line and somatic blastomeres. To study the role of γ-tubulin in nucleation and organization of spindle microtubules, we used RNA interference (RNAi) to deplete C. elegans embryos of γ-tubulin. γ-Tubulin (RNAi) embryos failed in chromosome segregation, but surprisingly, they contained extensive microtubule arrays. Moderately affected embryos contained bipolar spindles with dense and long astral microtubule arrays but with poorly organized kinetochore and interpolar microtubules. Severely affected embryos contained collapsed spindles with numerous long astral microtubules. Our results suggest that γ-tubulin is not absolutely required for microtubule nucleation in C. elegans but is required for the normal organization and function of kinetochore and interpolar microtubules.


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Caenorhabditis elegans is an ideal organism for the study of the molecular basis of fundamental biological processes such as germ-line development, especially because of availability of the whole genome sequence and applicability of the RNA interference (RNAi) technique. To identify genes involved in germ-line development, we produced subtracted cDNA pools either enriched for or deprived of the cDNAs from germ-line tissues. We then performed differential hybridization on the high-density cDNA grid, on which about 7,600 nonoverlapping expressed sequence tag (EST) clones were spotted, to identify a set of genes specifically expressed in the germ line. One hundred and sixty-eight clones were then tested with the RNAi technique. Of these, 15 clones showed sterility with a variety of defects in germ-line development. Seven of them led to the production of unfertilized eggs, because of defects in spermatogenesis (4 clones), or defects in the oocytes (3 clones). The other 8 clones led to failure of oogenesis. These failures were caused by germ-line proliferation defect (Glp phenotype), meiotic arrest, and defects in sperm–oocyte switch (Mog phenotype) among others. These results demonstrate the efficacy of the screening strategy using the EST library combined with the RNAi technique in C. elegans.


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Nematodes can alter their surface coat protein compositions at the molts between developmental stages or in response to environmental changes; such surface alterations may enable parasitic nematodes to evade host immune defenses during the course of infection. Surface antigen switching mechanisms are presently unknown. In a genetic study of surface antigen switching, we have used a monoclonal antibody, M37, that recognizes a surface antigen on the first larval stage of the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We demonstrate that wild-type C. elegans can be induced to display the M37 antigen on a later larval stage by altering the growth conditions. Mutations that result in nonconditional display of this antigen on all four larval stages fall into two classes. One class defines the new gene srf-6 II. The other mutations are in previously identified dauer-constitutive genes involved in transducing environmental signals that modulate formation of the dauer larva, a developmentally arrested dispersal stage. Although surface antigen switching is affected by some of the genes that control dauer formation, these two process can be blocked separately by specific mutations or induced separately by environmental factors. Based on these results, the mechanisms of nematode surface antigen switching can now be investigated directly.


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We have isolated 165 Caenorhabditis elegans mutants, representing 21 genes, that are resistant to inhibitors of cholinesterase (Ric mutants). Since mutations in 20 of the genes appear not to affect acetylcholine reception, we suggest that reduced acetylcholine release contributes to the Ric phenotype of most Ric mutants. Mutations in 15 of the genes lead to defects in a gamma-aminobutyric acid-dependent behavior; these genes are likely to encode proteins with general, rather than cholinergic-specific, roles in synaptic transmission. Ten of the genes have been cloned. Seven encode homologs of proteins that function in the synaptic vesicle cycle: two encode cholinergic-specific proteins, while five encode general presynaptic proteins. Two other Ric genes encode homologs of G-protein signaling molecules. Our assessment of synaptic function in Ric mutants, combined with the homologies of some Ric mutants to presynaptic proteins, suggests that the analysis of Ric genes will continue to yield insights into the regulation and functioning of synapses.


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Development of the nematode egg-laying system requires the formation of a connection between the uterine lumen and the developing vulval lumen, thus allowing a passage for eggs and sperm. This relatively simple process serves as a model for certain aspects of organogenesis. Such a connection demands that cells in both tissues become specialized to participate in the connection, and that the specialized cells are brought in register. A single cell, the anchor cell, acts to induce and to organize specialization of the epidermal and uterine epithelia, and registrates these tissues. The inductions act via evolutionarily conserved intercellular signaling pathways. The anchor cell induces the vulva from ventral epithelial cells via the LIN-3 growth factor and LET-23 transmembrane tyrosine kinase. It then induces surrounding uterine intermediate precursors via the receptor LIN-12, a founding member of the Notch family of receptors. Both signaling pathways are used multiple times during development of Caenorhabditis elegans. The outcome of the signaling is context-dependent. Both inductions are reciprocated. After the anchor cell has induced the vulva, it stretches toward the induced vulval cells. After the anchor cell has induced specialized uterine intermediate precursor cells, it fuses with a subset of their progeny.


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Telomeres are specialized structures located at the ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes that ensure their complete replication and protect them from fusion and degradation. We report here the characterization of the telomeres of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. We show that the chromosomes terminate in 4-9 kb of tandem repeats of the sequence TTAGGC. Furthermore, we have isolated clones corresponding to 11 of the 12 C. elegans telomeres. Their subtelomeric sequences are all different from each other, demonstrating that the terminal TTAGGC repeats are sufficient for general chromosomal capping functions. Finally, we demonstrate that the me8 meiotic mutant, which is defective in X chromosome crossing over and segregation, bears a terminal deficiency, that was healed by the addition of telomeric repeats, presumably by the activity of a telomerase enzyme. The 11 cloned telomeres represent an important advance for the completion of the physical map and for the determination of the entire sequence of the C. elegans genome.


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At least 13 genes (mec-1, mec-2, mec-4-10, mec-12, mec-14, mec-15, and mec-18) are needed for the response to gentle touch by 6 touch receptor neurons in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Several, otherwise recessive alleles of some of these genes act as dominant enhancer mutations of temperature-sensitive alleles of mec-4, mec-5, mec-6, mec-12, and mec-15. Screens for additional dominant enhancers of mec-4 and mec-5 yielded mutations in previously known genes. In addition, some mec-7 alleles showed allele-specific, dominant suppression of the mec-15 touch-insensitive (Mec) phenotype. The dominant enhancement and suppression exhibited by these mutations suggest that the products of several touch genes interact. These results are consistent with a model, supported by the known sequences of these genes, that almost all of the touch function genes contribute to the mechanosensory apparatus.


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Although transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily ligands play critical roles in diverse developmental processes, how cells transduce signals from these ligands is still poorly understood. Cell surface receptors for these ligands have been identified, but their cytoplasmic targets are unknown. We have identified three Caenorhabditis elegans genes, sma-2, sma-3, and sma-4, that have mutant phenotypes similar to those of the TGF-beta-like receptor gene daf-4, indicating that they are required for daf-4-mediated developmental processes. We show that sma-2 functions in the same cells as daf-4, consistent with a role in transducing signals from the receptor. These three genes define a protein family, the dwarfins, that includes the Mad gene product, which participates in the decapentaplegic TGF-beta-like pathway in Drosophila [Sekelsky, J. J., Newfeld, S. J., Raftery, L. A., Chartoff, E. H. & Gelbart, W. M. (1995) Genetics 139, 1347-1358]. The identification of homologous components of these pathways in distantly related organisms suggests that dwarfins may be universally required for TGF-beta-like signal transduction. In fact, we have isolated highly conserved dwarfins from vertebrates, indicating that these components are not idiosyncratic to invertebrates. These analyses suggest that dwarfins are conserved cytoplasmic signal transducers.


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Recent developments in multidimensional heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy and large-scale synthesis of uniformly 13C- and 15N-labeled oligonucleotides have greatly improved the prospects for determination of the solution structure of RNA. However, there are circumstances in which it may be advantageous to label only a segment of the entire RNA chain. For example, in a larger RNA molecule the structural question of interest may reside in a localized domain. Labeling only the corresponding nucleotides simplifies the spectrum and resonance assignments because one can filter proton spectra for coupling to 13C and 15N. Another example is in resolving alternative secondary structure models that are indistinguishable in imino proton connectivities. Here we report a general method for enzymatic synthesis of quantities of segmentally labeled RNA molecules required for NMR spectroscopy. We use the method to distinguish definitively two competing secondary structure models for the 5' half of Caenorhabditis elegans spliced leader RNA by comparison of the two-dimensional [15N] 1H heteronuclear multiple quantum correlation spectrum of the uniformly labeled sample with that of a segmentally labeled sample. The method requires relatively small samples; solutions in the 200-300 microM concentration range, with a total of 30 nmol or approximately 40 micrograms of RNA in approximately 150 microliters, give strong NMR signals in a short accumulation time. The method can be adapted to label an internal segment of a larger RNA chain for study of localized structural problems. This definitive approach provides an alternative to the more common enzymatic and chemical footprinting methods for determination of RNA secondary structure.