789 resultados para Caldecott, Julian
Forensic science is increasingly relied upon by law enforcement to assist in solvingcrime and gaining convictions, and by the judicial system in the adjudication ofspecific criminal cases. However, the value of forensic science relative to the workinvolved and the outcome of cases has yet to be established in the Australiancontext. Previous research in this area has mainly focused on the science andtechnology, rather than examining how people can use forensic services/science tothe best possible advantage to produce appropriate justice outcomes. This fiveyearproject entails an investigation into the effectiveness of forensic science inpolice investigations and court trials. It aims to identify when, where and howforensic science can add value to criminal investigations, court trials and justiceoutcomes while ensuring the efficient use of available resources initially in theVictorian and the ACT criminal justice systems and ultimately across Australiaand New Zealand. This paper provides an overview of the rationale and aims ofthe research project and discusses current work-in-progress.
An understanding of human responses to hypoxia is important for the health of millions of people worldwide who visit, live, or work in the hypoxic environment encountered at high altitudes. In spite of dozens of studies over the last 100 years, the basic mechanisms controlling acclimatization to hypoxia remain largely unknown. The AltitudeOmics project aimed to bridge this gap. Our goals were 1) to describe a phenotype for successful acclimatization and assess its retention and 2) use these findings as a foundation for companion mechanistic studies. Our approach was to characterize acclimatization by measuring changes in arterial oxygenation and hemoglobin concentration [Hb], acute mountain sickness (AMS), cognitive function, and exercise performance in 21 subjects as they acclimatized to 5260 m over 16 days. We then focused on the retention of acclimatization by having subjects reascend to 5260 m after either 7 (n = 14) or 21 (n = 7) days at 1525 m. At 16 days at 5260 m we observed: 1) increases in arterial oxygenation and [Hb] (compared to acute hypoxia: PaO2 rose 9±4 mmHg to 45±4 while PaCO2 dropped a further 6±3 mmHg to 21±3, and [Hb] rose 1.8±0.7 g/dL to 16±2 g/dL; 2) no AMS; 3) improved cognitive function; and 4) improved exercise performance by 8±8% (all changes p<0.01). Upon reascent, we observed retention of arterial oxygenation but not [Hb], protection from AMS, retention of exercise performance, less retention of cognitive function; and noted that some of these effects lasted for 21 days. Taken together, these findings reveal new information about retention of acclimatization, and can be used as a physiological foundation to explore the molecular mechanisms of acclimatization and its retention.
Lorsque le cinéaste Julian Schnabel propose, dix ans après la sortie du livre "Le scaphandre et le papillon" de Jean-Dominique Bauby (1997), une "adaptation" de cette autobiographie, il prend pour sujet sa création même, en plaçant au premier plan les éléments qui, dans le péritexte, thématisaient les conditions de l'écriture. Bauby a en effet écrit cette autobiographie alors qu'il souffrait de locked-in syndrome, étant entièrement paralysé à l'exception de son oeil gauche. C'est avec l'oeil qu'il écrivait, dictant chaque lettre d'un battement de cils tandis qu'une assistante récitait à voix haute un code alphabétique. L'acte d'écriture devenait ainsi une performance audiovisuelle, saisissable cinématographiquement. Or, cet article montre comment Schnabel complexifie ce dispositif en faisant "plonger" le spectateur dans l'univers intérieur de Bauby à l'aide de procédés filmiques (caméra subjective, voix over à la première personne, flashbacks, visions) qui permettent de transposer toute la poésie et la force du texte. Narrant au "je" la vie, la pensée et les sens qui vibrent derrière les battements d'"aile" de cet oeil-papillon, cette autobiographie traduit de fait un univers visionnaire que Bauby lui-même appelle son "cinéma personnel". Schnabel actualise cette métaphore avec son film qui repousse les limites de la focalisation interne et met en abyme les pouvoirs du cinéma.
This paper uses a database covering the universe of French firms for the period 1990-2007 to provide a forensic account of the role of individual firms in generating aggregatefluctuations. We set up a simple multi-sector model of heterogeneous firms selling tomultiple markets to motivate a theoretically-founded decomposition of firms' annualsales growth rate into different components. We find that the firm-specific componentcontributes substantially to aggregate sales volatility, mattering about as much as thecomponents capturing shocks that are common across firms within a sector or country.We then decompose the firm-specific component to provide evidence on two mechanismsthat generate aggregate fluctuations from microeconomic shocks highlighted in the recentliterature: (i) when the firm size distribution is fat-tailed, idiosyncratic shocks tolarge firms directly contribute to aggregate fluctuations; and (ii) aggregate fluctuationscan arise from idiosyncratic shocks due to input-output linkages across the economy.Firm linkages are approximately three times as important as the direct effect of firmshocks in driving aggregate fluctuations.
This paper evaluates the global welfare impact of China's trade integration and technological change in a multi-country quantitative Ricardian-Heckscher-Ohlin model.We simulate two alternative growth scenarios: a "balanced" one in which China's productivity grows at the same rate in each sector, and an "unbalanced" one in whichChina's comparative disadvantage sectors catch up disproportionately faster to theworld productivity frontier. Contrary to a well-known conjecture (Samuelson 2004),the large majority of countries experience significantly larger welfare gains whenChina's productivity growth is biased towards its comparative disadvantage sectors.This finding is driven by the inherently multilateral nature of world trade.
This paper evaluates the global welfare impact of observed levels of migration using a quantitativemulti-sector model of the world economy calibrated to aggregate and firm-level data.Our framework features cross-country labor productivity differences, international trade, remittances,and a heterogeneous workforce. We compare welfare under the observed levels ofmigration to a no-migration counterfactual. In the long run, natives in countries that receiveda lot of migration -such as Canada or Australia- are better o due to greater product varietyavailable in consumption and as intermediate inputs. In the short run the impact of migrationon average welfare in these countries is close to zero, while the skilled and unskilled nativestend to experience welfare changes of opposite signs. The remaining natives in countries withlarge emigration flows -such as Jamaica or El Salvador- are also better off due to migration,but for a different reason: remittances. The welfare impact of observed levels of migration issubstantial, at about 5 to 10% for the main receiving countries and about 10% in countries withlarge incoming remittances. Our results are robust to accounting for imperfect transferabilityof skills, selection into migration, and imperfect substitution between natives and immigrants.
En 2011, se aplicó la metodología del aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) en los seminarios prácticos de Pediatría a los estudiantes de 6º de Medicina. La ABP invierte la organización tradicional de los procesos de aprendizaje: primero se presenta el problema, ya partir de la delimitación de lo que ya se conoce, se establecen los objetivos, se identifican las necesidades de aprendizaje, y se diseña y se sigue un plan de actuación, para que el aprendizaje se acompañe de la reso-lución del problema. Previamente, los profesores realizaron un curso específico so-bre ABP organizado por el IES. Transcurrido el primer curso de aplicación del ABP, se pretende evaluar el grado de satisfacción y de aprendizaje obtenidos de los seminarios prácticos ba-sados en el ABP por parte de los estudiantes.
Rend compte des différentes auditions de chanteurs qu'il a menées et va mener avant sa prise de fonction de directeur de l'Opéra. Fait ainsi l'éloge des capacités de Zélie Trebelli et de Christine Nilsson qu'il va entendre dans "Faust", "son meilleur rôle dit-on". Se montre plus réservé sur son rôle dans "Les Huguenots". N'a pas encore entendu Victor Maurel, mais l'audition est imminente. Evoque le protégé d'Heugel, Jacques Roudil, qui a des prétentions exorbitantes : "Il me demande 10000 francs par mois, deux mois de congés et un engagement de trois années, sans résiliation après la première : c'est fou!" Relate également le concert de Julian Gayarre qui a une jolie voix, mais qui doit "perdre son accent, ceci est capital". Lui indique enfin qu'il a signé le contrat de Pédro Gailhard. - Remercie également son ami pour "l'exhumation de la ballade serbe dans le Figaro"
Au sujet des contrats passés avec les chanteurs et des appréciations du directeur sur différents artistes du chant. Se dit enchanté par Victor Maurel : "il fera parler de lui, j'en suis certain". A signé l'engagement de Marie Heilbronn. Fait part de ses inquiétudes quant à la voix de Julian Gayarre, mais on peut en faire "un vrai chanteur charmant", et ses craintes sur la santé de Christine Nilsson. Adelina Patti, voix merveilleuse, chanteuse médiocre dans "l'Africaine" et comédienne nulle". "Nicolini au-dessous de tout ce que nous avons : un chevrottement perpétuel". Lassalle a triomphé dans "l'Africaine". "[Rosine] Bloch n'a produit aucun effet dans"La Favorite"". Ne veut pas engager Mlle Donadio
Dit qu'il est toujours aussi prompt à engager Julian Gayarre pour créer le rôle de Paolo dans "Françoise de Rimini" et que Gayarre est également d'accord, mais seule "la date fatale du 31 mars, époque à laquelle Gayarre nous quittera forcément" pose problème. Prie son ami de le dire à Ambroise Thomas. - Le rôle de Paolo a finalement été créé par Sellier le 14 avril 1882
Resumo:O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da adubação sobre os teores de P e K, em solo com fertilidade construída, e identificar as doses de N, P e K necessárias para obtenção de maior rentabilidade com a rotação entre soja e milho nesses solos. O experimento foi realizado durante três safras, em propriedade com alto investimento tecnológico, em Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo argiloso de Cerrado, com elevada fertilidade. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com parcelas subdividas e três repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de 0, 50, 100 e 150% das doses de fertilizantes NPK recomendadas na semeadura (parcelas) e das doses de KCl (soja) e N (milho) em cobertura (subparcelas). Mesmo após a colheita das três safras, os teores de P (Mehlich-1) se mantiveram inalterados no solo sem adubação. Além disso, não houve decréscimo na produtividade da soja na ausência de adubação. O milho, no entanto, foi mais sensível à redução de adubação, com o máximo retorno econômico obtido com 312 kg ha-1 do adubo formulado 10-32-10, e 263 kg ha-1 de ureia em cobertura. Solos com fertilidade construída demandam ajustes de manejo de adubação, para o uso eficiente dos fertilizantes em lavouras com alto investimento tecnológico.
[spa]A finales del s. IV, el entendimiento y la confluencia de intereses entre la Iglesia y el Imperio ya es total. Como resultado de ello, los obispos gozan de una posición privilegiada y exclusiva que les permite emprender agresivas políticas anti-paganas en aquellas ciudades donde ejercen su episcopado. Ello se plasma, en una de sus múltiples facetas, en la cristianización de los templos más emblemáticos de sus comunidades. Este proceso, iniciado ya en el reinado de Constancio II e interrumpido por la política propagana de Juliano, constituyó una de las vías más importantes por la que la Iglesia vio acrecentar sus patrimonios.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os aspectos radiográficos e clínicos presentes em pacientes com o diagnóstico de sarcoma de Ewing confirmado por histopatologia. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, neste trabalho, os dados clínicos e radiográficos (quando disponíveis) de 226 pacientes com o diagnóstico de sarcoma de Ewing ósseo. RESULTADOS: Dos casos avaliados, 61,5% (139) eram do sexo masculino e 83,7% (189) eram brancos. A mediana de idade dos pacientes foi de 14 anos e a topografia mais freqüente das lesões foi o osso ilíaco, em 13,7% (31) dos casos. O aspecto radiográfico mais comum foi o de lesão lítica com reação periosteal (padrões variados), em 32,7% (74) dos casos. CONCLUSÃO: O sarcoma de Ewing ósseo é uma neoplasia bastante agressiva, ocorrendo mais comumente em indivíduos na segunda década de vida e cujo aspecto radiográfico mais comum é o de lesão lítica com reação periosteal típica de lesão agressiva.