951 resultados para Calcium ion exchange capacity


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The adsorption behaviour of an oxidised starch AP as well as that of calcium onto haematite have been studied both individually and together. While the adsorption density of starch AP onto haematite is enhanced in the presence of calcium, the adsorption of calcium onto haematite is not promoted by starch AP. Flocculation tests on haematite ore fines in the presence of starch AP and calcium chloride reveal that the sequence in which calcium and starch are added governs the settling rates and turbidity values. Zeta potential, viscosity and conductivity measurements, and calcium ion binding studies with starch AP indicate calcium-starch interactions. Possible mechanisms involved in such interactions with respect to haematite flocculation have been discussed.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli tutkia T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan toimintaa ja sen mahdollista roolia neuronaalisten kantasolujen migraatiossa. T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan tehtävän kehittyneissä aivoissa tiedetään olevan elektroenkefalografisten oskillaatioiden tuottaminen. Nämä taas ovat eräiden fysiologisten ja patofysiologisten tapahtumien säätelyssä avainasemassa. Tällaisia tapahtumia ovat uni, muisti, oppiminen ja epileptiset poissaolokohtaukset. Näiden lisäksi T-tyypin kalsiumkanavalla on myös periferaalisia vaikutuksia, mutta tämä tutkielma keskittyy sen neuronaalisiin toimintoihin. Tämän matalan jännitteen säätelemän kanavan toiminta neurogeneesin aikana on vähemmän tutkittua ja tunnettua kuin sen vaikutukset kehittyneissä aivoissa. T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan tiedetään edistävän kantasolujen proliferaatiota ja erilaistumista neurogeneesiksen aikana, mutta vaikutukset niiden migraatioon ovat vähemmän tunnetut. Tämä tutkimus näyttää T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan todennäköisesti osallistuvan neuronaaliseen migraatioon hiiren alkion subventrikkeli alueelta eristetyillä kanta- tai progeniittorisoluilla tehdyissä kokeissa. Selektiiviset T-tyypin kalsiumkanavan antagonistit, etosuksimidi, nikkeli ja skorpionitoksiini, kurtoxin hidastivat migraatiota erilaistuvissa progeniittorisoluissa. Tämä tutkimus koostuu kirjallisuuskatsauksesta ja kokeellisesta osasta. Tämän tutkimuksen toinen tarkoitus oli esitellä vaihtoehtoinen lähestymistapa invasiiviselle kantasoluterapialle, joka vaatii kantasolujen viljelyä ja siirtämistä ihmiseen. Tämä toinen tapa on endogeenisten kantasolujen eiinvasiivinen stimulointi, jolla ne saadaan migratoitumaan kohdekudokseen, erilaistumaan siellä ja tehtävänsä suoritettuaan lopettamaan jakaantumisen. Non-invasiivinen kantasoluterapia on vasta tiensä alussa, ja tarvitsee farmakologista osaamista kehittyäkseen. Joitain onnistuneita ei-invasiivisia hoitoja on jo tehty selkärangan vaurioiden korjaamisessa. Vastaavanlaisia menetelmiä voitaisiin käyttää myös keskushermoston vaurioiden ja neurodegeneratiivisten sairauksien hoidossa. Näiden menetelmien kehittäminen vaatii endogeenisten kantasoluja inhiboivien ja indusoivien mekanismien tuntemista. Yksi tärkeä kantasolujen erilaistumista stimuloiva tekijä on kalsiumioni. Jänniteherkät kalsiumkanavat osallistuvat kaikkiin neurogeneesiksen eri vaiheisiin. T-tyypin kalsiumkanava, joka ekspressoituu suuressa määrin keskushermoston kehityksen alkuvaiheessa ja vähenee neuronaalisen kehityksen edetessä, saattaa olla oleellisessa asemassa progeniittorisolujen ohjaamisessa.


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Crystal structures of two different forms of the calcium perchlorate complex of cyclo(Ala-Leu-Pro-Gly)2 have been determined and refined using X-ray crystallographic techniques. Orthorhombic form: C32H52N8O8.Ca(ClO4)2.7H2O.2CH3OH, space group C222(1), a = 14.366, b = 18.653, c = 19.824 A, Z = 4, R = 0.068 for 2208 observed reflections. Monoclinic form: C32H52N8O8.Ca(ClO4)2.4H2O, space group C2, a = 21.096, b = 10.182, c = 11.256 A, beta = 103.33 degrees, Z = 2, R = 0.075 for 2165 observed reflections. The cyclic peptide molecule in both the structures has the form of a twofold symmetric, slightly elongated bowl. Type II' beta-turns, involving Gly and Ala at the corners, exist at the two ends of the molecule. The interior of the molecule is substantially hydrophilic, and the external surface of the bowl is largely hydrophobic. The calcium ion is located at the centre of the mouth of the bowl-like molecule. In both crystal forms, four peptide carbonyl oxygens from the cyclic peptide and two solvent oxygens coordinate to the metal ion. The mode of complexation may be described as incomplete encapsulation as, for example, in the case of metal complexes of antamanide. In the crystal structures the complex ions are held together by hydrogen bonds involving perchlorate ions and water molecules. The molecular structure observed in the crystals is entirely consistent with the results of solution studies, which also indicate the conformation of the cyclic peptide in the complex to be similar to that of the uncomplexed molecule.


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A porous metalorganic framework, Mn(H3O)(Mn4Cl)(3)(hmtt)(8)] (POST-65), was prepared by the reaction of 5,5',10,10',15,15'-hexamethyltruxene-2,7,12-tricarboxylic acid (H(3)hmtt) with MnCl2 under solvothermal conditions. POST-65(Mn) was subjected to post-synthetic modification with Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu according to an ion-exchange method that resulted in the formation of three isomorphous frameworks, POST-65(Co/Ni/Cu), as well as a new framework, POST-65(Fe). The ion-exchanged samples could not be prepared by regular solvothermal reactions. The complete exchange of the metal ions and retention of the framework structure were verified by inductively coupled plasmaatomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), and BrunauerEmmettTeller (BET) surface-area analysis. Single-crystal X-ray diffractions studies revealed a single-crystal-to-single-crystal (SCSC)-transformation nature of the ion-exchange process. Hydrogen-sorption and magnetization measurements showed metal-specific properties of POST-65.


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Owing to its favourable physical, chemical and rheological properties, densely compacted bentonite or bentonite-sand mix is considered as a suitable buffer material in deep geological repositories to store high level nuclear waste. Iodine-129 is one of the significant nuclides in the high level waste owing to its long half life and poor sorption onto most geologic media. Bentonite by virtue of negatively charged surface has negligible affinity to retain iodide ions. As organo-bentonites are known to retain iodide ions, the present study characterizes hexadecylpyridinium chloride (HDPyCl.H2O) treated bentonite from Barmer India (referred as HDPy+B) for physico-chemical properties, engineering properties and the iodide adsorption behavior of the organo clay. Batch experiments revealed that HDPy+ ions are largely retained (94 % retention) via cation exchange; the ion-exchange process neutralizes the negative surface charge and bridges clay particles leading to reduction in Atterberg limits, clay content and sediment volume. The organo clay retains iodide by Coulombic attraction (at primary sites) and anion exchange (at secondary sites). The free-energy change (Delta G (o) = -25.5 kJ/mol) value indicated that iodide retention by organo clay is favored physical adsorption process. Iodide adsorption capacity of organo clay decreased significantly (85-100 %) on dilution with 50-80 % bentonite. On the other hand, dilution of bentonite with 50 % organo clay caused 58 % reduction in swell potential and 21 % reduction in swell pressure.


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Ácidos naftênicos correspondem à complexa mistura de ácidos carboxílicos presentes no petróleo, responsáveis diretamente pela sua acidez e pela sua corrosividade em fase líquida durante o refino. Tais compostos também estão presentes nas frações destiladas do petróleo, causando diversos problemas na qualidade final do produto. Uma possível forma de remover esses ácidos das frações destiladas é através da adsorção em materiais porosos. Contudo, os resultados até então apresentados indicam que resinas trocadoras de íons seriam os melhores adsorventes destes compostos, o que poderia aumentar o custo do processo e diminuir sua viabilidade. Neste trabalho, dois adsorventes comerciais (argila e alumina ativada) foram caracterizados por diversas técnicas físico-químicas e avaliados quanto à sua capacidade de remover os ácidos naftênicos de frações médias e pesadas de petróleo. Avaliou-se, ainda, para fins de comparação, o comportamento de ácidos naftênicos comerciais em óleos sintéticos preparados com óleo mineral. Em complementação, a corrosividade do aço carbono nos meios estudados foi também verificada. A argila apresentou maior afinidade com os ácidos naftênicos, tendo capacidade de adsorção superior e cinética de processo ligeiramente mais rápida às da alumina para as cargas sintéticas. No entanto, em virtude da maior concorrência pelos sítios de adsorção, apresentada pelos outros componentes presentes em óleos reais, observou-se uma perda na eficiência para estas amostras. Neste caso, a alumina apresentou melhores resultados. Embora ambos adsorventes tenham apresentado boa capacidade de remoção do soluto, a resina trocadora de íons ainda apresentou resultado mais eficaz para as amostras reais. Nas condições desse estudo, a taxa de corrosão do aço nas amostras sintéticas e em duas das reais não foi significativa e apenas uma delas apresentou-se corrosiva (Óleo 1). No entanto, a remoção dos ácidos naftênicos por adsorção conseguiu reduzir a taxa de corrosão neste meio em até 99%


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Neste estudo, a sorção e recuperação de íons metálicos de resíduos sólidos industriais provenientes de uma indústria de galvanoplastia situada no Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) foram investigadas através da utilização de duas resinas comerciais de troca iônica: Lewatit VPOC 1800 (fortemente ácida, tipo gel) e Lewatit VPOC 1960 (fortemente básica, tipo gel), produzidas pela Lanxess-Bayer Chemicals. As características físico-quimicas das resinas e do lodo galvânico foram determinadas. Os estudos de sorção das resinas foram conduzidos em batelada e em coluna. Baseado nesses estudos, os parâmetros de sorção e das curvas de ruptura foram determinados. Os estudos de equilíbrio e cinética de sorção também foram realizados. O resíduo de galvanoplastia era composto pelos metais: Cu2+, Fe3+, Al3+, Ni2+ e Cr3+. A capacidade de sorção qe das resinas Lewatit VPOC 1800 variou entre 0,1-1,9 mg g-1 para Cu2+, 0,01-0,6 mg g-1 para Fe3+ e 0,2-0,4 mg g-1 para Al3+. Enquanto que para a resina Lewatit VPOC 1960, os valores de qe variou entre 0,01-0,4 mg g-1 para Cu2+ e 0,01 0,2 mg g-1 para Fe3+ dependendo da concentração do metal e do tempo de contato. A capacidade de sorção para a resina Lewatit VPOC 1960 foi restrita para íons Cu2+ e Fe3+ os quais formam complexos aniônicos com íons Cl-. O modelo de Freundlich foi o mais adequado para descrever o equilíbrio de troca iônica de ambas as resinas. Já em relação ao mecanismo de sorção, o modelo pseudo-segunda ordem tipo 1 foi o mais aplicável. O ponto de ruptura das resinas Lewatit VPOC 1800 e Lewatit VPOC 1960 em relação aos íons Cu2+ocorreu quando passou através da coluna, 1860 cm3 e 2220 cm3 de solução de resíduo sólido respectivamente (20 g de resina, 100 mg L-1 de íons Cu2+, vazão de 60 cm3 min-1). Os íons metálicos Cu2+, Fe3+, Al3+, foram dessorvidos em alta proporção da resina Lewatit VPOC 1800 passando pela coluna solução aquosa de H2SO4 2,4 mol L-1. Já os metais Cu2+ e Fe3+ foram eluídos da resina Lewatit VPOC 1960 com solução aquosa de HCl 2,0 mol L-1. A recuperação seletiva de Cu2+ não foi alcançada porque Cu2+ e Fe3+ precipitam na mesma faixa de pH


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Er^(3+)-doped Na2O-WO3-TeO2 glass consistent with standard ion-exchange technology has been fabricated and characterized. The measured absorption and emission spectra of the glass were analyzed by the Judd-Ofelt and McCumber theories. The intensity parameters are Ω2 = 7.01


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No presente trabalho, pretendeu-se avaliar a alga marinha Sargassum filipendula na sua capacidade de remoção do metal cobre na presença do metal cálcio, de modo a verificar o efeito da presença do cálcio, proveniente do hidróxido de cálcio (cal hidratada), utilizado no tratamento primário de efluentes por precipitação química. Para tanto, foi realizado primeiramente o estudo da cinética de biossorção de cobre e cálcio em regime de batelada, nas concentrações de 50 e 200 g/mL, e em seguida foi estudado o equilíbrio da biossorção de cobre e cálcio, também em regime de batelada, utilizando soluções isoladas e combinadas de cobre e cálcio, em concentrações variadas, com biomassa lavada com água corrente e com HCl 0,1 mol/L, de modo a verificar se houve melhora na biossorção com a protonação da biomassa. Os resultados do estudo cinético da biossorção do cobre e do cálcio mostraram, em todos os casos, que o equilíbrio ocorreu até os 30 minutos iniciais e que os resultados do cobre se ajustaram melhor a um modelo cinético de segunda ordem, enquanto que os resultados do cálcio não se ajustaram a nenhum dos dois modelos propostos. Foi possível verificar ainda uma relação direta entre biossorção de cobre e liberação de elementos alcalinos e alcalino-terrosos, sugerindo o envolvimento de troca-iônica durante o processo. Já com os resultados de estudo do equilíbrio da biossorção dos metais cobre e cálcio, foi possível obter algumas conclusões, dentre as quais podemos destacar a predileção pelo modelo de isotermas de Langmuir e a interferência na biosorção do cobre causada pela presença do cálcio na solução. Nesta etapa, foi possível ainda estabelecer novamente a correlação de permuta entre os metais cobre e alcalinos/alcalino terrosos. Os modelos de pseudo-primeira ordem e segunda ordem foram utilizados para avaliar a cinética de adsorção dos íons metálicos pela biomassa, enquanto que os modelos das isotermas de Langmuir e de Freundlich, foram utilizados para a representação do equilíbrio da biossorção


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The ion-exchange equilibrium of bovine serum albumin (BSA) to an anion exchanger, DEAE Spherodex M, has been studied by batch adsorption experiments at pH values ranging from 5.26 to 7.6 and ionic strengths from 10 to 117.1 mmol/l. Using the unadjustable adsorption equilibrium parameters obtained from batch experiments, the applicability of the steric mass-action (SMA) model was analyzed for describing protein ion-exchange equilibrium in different buffer systems. The parametric sensitivity analysis was performed by perturbing each of the model parameters, while holding the rest constant. The simulation results showed that, at high salt concentrations or low pHs close to the isoelectric point of the protein, the precision of the model prediction decreased. Parametric sensitivity analysis showed that the characteristic charge and protein steric factor had the largest effects on ion-exchange equilibrium, while the effect of equilibrium constant was about 70%-95% smaller than those of characteristic charge and steric factor under all conditions investigated. The SMA model with the relationship between the adjusted characteristic charge and the salt concentration can well predict the protein adsorption isotherms in a wide pH range from 5.84 to 7.6. It is considered that the SMA model could be further improved by taking into account the effect of salt concentration on the intermolecular interactions of proteins. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Toxic metals introduced into aquatic environments by human activities accumulation in sediments. A common notion is that the association of metals with acid volatile sulfides (AVS) affords a mechanism for partitioning metals from water to solid phase, thereby reducing biological availability. However, variation in environmental conditions can mobilize the sediment-bound metal and result in adverse environmental impacts. The AVS levels and the effect of AVS on the fate of Cu, Cd, Zn, Ni in sediments in the the Changjiang River, a suboxic river with sandy bottom sediment and the Donghu Lake, a anoxic lake with muddy sediment in China, were compared through aeration, static adsorption and release experiments in laboratory. Sips isotherm equation, kinetic equation and grade ion exchange theory were used to describe the heavy metal adsorb and release process. The results showed that AVS level in the lake sediment are higher than that of the river. Heavy metals in the overlying water can transfer to sediments incessantly as long as the sediment remains undisturbed. The metal release process is mainly related to AVS oxidation in lake sediment while also related to Org-C and Fe-Mn oxyhydroxide oxidation in river sediment. The effect of sulfides on Zn and Ni is high, followed by Cd, and Cu is easy bound to Org-C. AVS plays a major role in controlling metals activity in lake sediment and its presence increase the adsorption capacity both of the lake and river sediments.


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砷是毒性最强的元素之一,水体中砷的污染己经引起人们广泛的关注。我国的新疆、内蒙、山西和台湾等省和地区地下水砷含量严重超标。全球共有5,000多万人遭受高砷饮用水的威胁,其中中国有1,500多万,是饮用水砷污染最严重的国家之一。WHO推荐饮用水砷的最高允许浓度从原来的50 µg•L-1已降至10 µg•L-1。更为严格的砷卫生标准的颁布,对作为饮用水源的地下水中的砷去除工艺提出了更高的要求。吸附法除砷比膜法、混凝法和离子交换法更安全、简便,是砷去除工艺中最有效的方法之一。 首先,本研究通过优化制备条件(包括炭种类的选择、炭的粒径大小、还原剂的浓度及滴定速率、反应温度、铁盐的种类及浓度、分散剂的比例及浓度),制备了负载型纳米铁。考虑到砷的去除效率、工程应用的可行性以及经济性,最优的制备条件如下:选用粒径为20~40目煤质炭,在室温、一定的分散剂比例及浓度,0.2 M KBH4滴速为20 d•min-1时所制备的Fe/炭为82.0 mg•g-1;纳米铁在活性炭孔内呈针状,其直径为30~500 nm,长度为1,000~2,000 nm。绝大多数的铁都负载到活性炭内部,这在处理水时铁不流失很重要。 其次,利用制备的负载型纳米铁作吸附载体,进行了饮用水中As(Ⅴ)的吸附去除实验。研究了该吸附剂对As(Ⅴ)的吸附等温线、动力学以及影响动力学的各种因素(包括As(Ⅴ)的不同初始浓度、吸附剂用量、pH值、共存离子和不同温度)、pH值、共存离子等环境条件对As(Ⅴ)去除的影响;以及吸附剂的再生及再生后的吸附效率等。研究发现在前12 h内吸附较快,72 h时达到了平衡。用Langmuir 吸附等温式估算出As(Ⅴ)的吸附量为12.0 mg•g-1。该吸附剂在pH 6.5, (25±2)℃, As(Ⅴ)初始浓度为2 mg•L-1,吸附剂用量为1.0 g•L-1时,As(Ⅴ)的去除率为75.2%;当把吸附剂的用量增加到1.5 g•L-1时,As(Ⅴ)的去除率可达99.9%以上。吸附剂可以用0.1M的NaOH浸泡12 h后即可再生,再生效率较高。常见的阴离子中PO43-、SiO32-对As(Ⅲ)的去除抑制较大,而SO42-、CO32-、C2O42-等离子对砷的去除影响较小。Fe2+对As(Ⅲ)的吸附抑制作用较大而其它阳离子影响不大。吸附剂可用0.1 M NaOH 有效再生,并且具有良好的机械性能。实验室初步实验数据表明,该吸附剂对饮用水除砷具有较好的应用前景。 第三,利用实验室制备的负载型纳米铁对饮用水中As(Ⅲ)的吸附去除也进行了研究。考察了吸附等温线、动力学以及影响动力学的各种因素、pH值、共存离子等环境条件对As(Ⅲ)去除的影响;以及吸附剂的再生及再生后的吸附效率等。研究发现,该吸附剂在pH 6.5, (25±2)℃, As(Ⅲ)初始浓度为2 mg•L-1,吸附剂用量为1.0 g•L-1时, 对As(Ⅲ)的去除率为99.8%;其吸附容量为1.996mg•g-1。吸附过程中部分As(Ⅲ)被氧化。与As(Ⅴ)的吸附相比,该吸附剂对As(Ⅲ)的效率比较高-而常见的其它除砷吸附剂如载铁纤维棉等,对As(Ⅴ)的效率比As(Ⅲ)高,为有效去除As(Ⅲ),常常需要专门加上氧化这一过程。 最后,利用负载型纳米铁对饮用水中As(Ⅲ) 的氧化性能进行考察,发现该吸附剂不但能够有效吸附去除饮用水中的砷,而且还能把As(Ⅲ)有效地氧化为As(Ⅴ)。经过对吸附剂的构成组分分析发现,活性炭表面因富含多种官能团而对三价砷的氧化作用最大;其次是纳米铁也能把As(Ⅲ)氧化为As(Ⅴ)。


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A modified microfiltration membrane has been prepared by blending a matrix polymer with a functional polymer. Cellulose acetate (CA) was blended with polyethyleneimine (PEI), which was then crosslinked by polyisocyanate, in a mixture of solvents. In the membrane, PEI can supply coupling sites for ligands in affinity separation or be used as ligands for metal chelating, removal of endotoxin or ion exchange. The effects of the time of phase inversion induced by water vapor, blended amount of PEI and amount of crosslinking agent on membrane performance were investigated. The prepared blend membranes have specific surface area of 12.04-24.11 m(2)/g and pure water flux (PWF) of 10-50 ml/cm(2) min with porosity of 63-75%. The membranes, made of 0.15 50 wt.% PEI/CA ratio and 0.5 crosslinking agent/PEI ratio, were applied to adsorbing Cu2+ and bovine serum albumin (BSA) individually. The maximum adsorption capacity of Cu2+ ion on the blend membrane is 7.42 mg/g dry membrane. The maximum adsorption capacities of BSA on the membranes with and without chelating Cu2+ ion are 86.6 and 43.8 mg/g dry membrane, respectively. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A polymer-based monolithic capillary column imprinted with 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) was prepared by a thermally-initiated polymerization process; and its performance as a capillary electrochromatographic medium was evaluated in separating 4-AP and 2-AP isomers. The effects of experimental parameters, such as pH value and ionic strength of the buffer, the acetonitrile content in the mobile phase, and the applied voltage, on the resolution of these isomers had been carefully investigated. It was found that in the retention process there were interplays of multiple mechanisms of ion-exchange, molecular imprinting, and electrophoresis. These mechanisms allowed more sophisticated control of experimental parameters in the separation of ionizable compounds.


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A new type of sulfonated clay (clay-SO3H) was prepared by the ion exchange method with the sulfanilic acid as the surfactant agent. The grafted amount of sulfanilic acid in clay-SO3H was 51.8 mequiv. (100 g)(-1), which was measured by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) (SPEEK)/clay-SO3H hybrid membranes which composed of SPEEK and different weight contents of clay-SO3H, were prepared by a solution casting and evaporation method. For comparison, the SPEEK/clay hybrid membranes were produced with the same method.