972 resultados para COS 7 cell line


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The human choriocarcinoma cell line JEG-3 is heterozygous at the adenosine deaminase (ADA) gene locus. Both allelic genes are under strong but incomplete repression causing a very low level expression of the gene locus. Because cytotoxic adenosine analogues such as 9-(beta)-D arabinofuranosyladenine (ara-A) and 9-(beta)-D xylofuranosyladenine (xyl-A) can be specifically detoxified by the action of ADA, these analogues were used to select for JEG-3 derived cells which had increased ADA expression. When JEG-3 cells were subjected to a multi-step, successively increasing dosage of either ara-A or xyl-A, resistant cells with increased ADA expression were generated. This increased ADA expression in the resistant cells was unstable, so that when the selective pressure was removed, cellular ADA expression would decrease. Subclone analysis of xyl-A resistant cells revealed that compared to parental JEG-3 cells, individual resistant cells had either elevated ADA levels or decreased adenosine kinase (ADK) levels or both. This altered ADA and ADK expression in the resistant cells were found to be independent events. Because of high endogenous tissue conversion factor (TCF) expression in the JEG-3 cells, the allelic nature of the increased ADA expression in most of the resistant cells could not be determined. However, several resistant subcloned cells were found to have lost TCF expression. These TCF('-) cells expressed only the ADA*2 allelic gene product. Cell fusion experiments demonstrated that the ADA*1 allelic gene was intact and functional in the A3-1A7 cell line. Chromosomal analysis of the A3-1A7 cells showed that they had no double-minutes or homogeneously staining chromosomal regions, although a pair of new chromosomes were found in these cells. Segregation analysis of the hybrid cells indicated that an ADA*2 allelic gene was probably located on this new chromosome. The analysis of the A3-1A7 cell line suggested that the expression of only ADA 2 in these cells was the result of possibly a cis-deregulation of the ADA gene locus or more probably an amplification of the ADA*2 allelic gene. Two effective positive selection systems for ADA('+) cells were also developed and tested. These selection systems should eventually lead to the isolation of the ADA gene.^


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Cancer cell lines can be treated with a drug and the molecular comparison of responders and non-responders may yield potential predictors that could be tested in the clinic. It is a bioinformatics challenge to apply the cell line-derived multivariable response predictors to patients who respond to therapy. Using the gene expression data from 23 breast cancer cell lines, I developed three predictors of dasatinib sensitivity by selecting differentially expressed genes and applying different classification algorithms. The performance of these predictors on independent cell lines with known dasatinib response was tested. The predictor based on weighted voting method has the best overall performance. It correctly predicted dasatinib sensitivity in 11 out of 12 (92%) breast and 17 out of 23 (74%) lung cancer cell lines. These predictors were then applied to the gene expression data from 133 breast cancer patients in an attempt to predict how the patients might respond to dasatinib therapy. Two predictors identified 13 patients in common to be dasatinib sensitive. Sixty two percent of these cases are triple negative (ER-negative, HER2-negative and PR-negative) and 76% are double negative. The result is consistent with the findings from other studies, which identified a target population for dasatinib treatment to be triple negative or basal breast cancer subtype. In conclusion, we think that the cell line-derived dasatinib classifiers can be applied to the human patients. ^


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A cloned nontumorigenic prostatic epithelial cell line, NbE-1.4, isolated from Noble (nbl/crx) rat ventral prostate, was used to examine the potential role of activated myc and neu oncogenes in prostate carcinogenesis. Transfection of SV40 promoter/enhancer driven constructs containing either v-myc, truncated c-myc, or neu-T (activated neu) oncogenes was accomplished using calcium phosphate-mediated DNA transfer. Cells were cotransfected, as necessary, with pSV2neo, allowing for selection of positive clones using the antibiotic geneticin (G418). G418 resistant colonies were pooled in some cases or limiting dilution exclusion cloned in others as described. Transfection of NbE-1.4 cells with activated myc oncogenes resulted only in the partial transformation. These cells display an altered morphology and decreased dependence on serum factors in vitro; however, saturation density, soft agar colony formation and growth assay in male athymic nude mice were all negative. Transfection and overexpression of NbE-1.4 cells with an activated neu oncogene alone resulted in tumorigenic conversion. Cell transformation was evident following an examination of the altered cellular morphology, an increased soft agar colony formation, and an acquisition of a tumorigenic potential when injected s.c. into male athymic nude mice. neu-transformed NbE-1.4 cells displayed elevated activity of the neu receptor tyrosine kinase. Furthermore, qualitative changes in tyrosine phosphorylated proteins were found in neu transformed cell clones. These changes were associated with elevated expression of mRNAs for laminin $\beta$1, $\beta$2, and procollagen type IV. The expression of fibronectin and E-cadherin, which are often lost during tumorigenesis, did not correlate with the tumorigenic phenotype. Therefore, it appears that neu oncogene overexpression has been found to be associated with the transformation of rat prostatic epithelial cells, presumably through alterations in gene expression that regulate extracellular matrix. The possible interrelationship and functional significance between neu oncogene expression and the elevated extracellular matrix gene expression is discussed. ^


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TNF-α is a pleiotropic cytokine involved in normal homeostasis and plays a key role in defending the host from infection and malignancy. However when deregulated, TNF-α can lead to various disease states. Therefore, understanding the mechanisms by which TNF-α is regulated may aid in its control. In spite of the knowledge gained regarding the transcriptional regulation of TNF-α further characterization of specific TNF-α promoter elements remains to be elucidated. In particular, the T&barbelow;NF-α A&barbelow;P-1/C&barbelow;RE-like (TAC) element of the TNF-α promoter has been shown to be important in the regulation of TNF-α in lymphocytes. Activating transcription factor-2 (ATF-2) and c-Jun were shown to bind to and transactivate the TAC element However, the role of TAC and transcription factors ATF-2 and c-Jun in the regulation of TNF-α in monocytes is not as well characterized. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a potent activator of TNF-α in monocytes, provides a good model to study the involvement of TAC in TNF-α regulation. On the other hand, all-tram retinoic acid (ATRA), a physiological monocyte-differentiation agent, is unable to induce TNF-α protein release. ^ To delineate the functional role of TAC, we transfected the wildtype or the TAC deleted TNF-α promoter-CAT construct into THP-1 promonocytic cells before stimulating them with LPS. CAT activity was induced 17-fold with the wildtype TNF-α promoter, whereas the CAT activity was uninducible when the TAC deletion mutant was used. This daft suggests that TAC is vital for LPS to activate the TNF-α promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays using the TAC element as a probe showed a unique pattern for LPS-activated cells: the disappearance of the upper band of a doublet seen in untreated and ATRA treated cells. Supershift analysis identified c-Jun and ATF-2 as components of the LPS-stimulated binding complex. Transient transfection studies using dominant negative mutants of JNK, c-Jun, or ATF-2 suggest that these proteins we important for LPS to activate the TNF-α promoter. Furthermore, an increase in phosphorylated or activated c-Jun was bound to the TAC element in LPS-stimulated cells. Increased c-Jun activation was correlated with increased activity of Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), a known upstream stimulator of c-Jun and ATF-2, in LPS-stimulated monocytes. On the other hand, ATRA did not induce TNF-α protein release nor changes in the phosphorylation of c-Jun or JNK activity, suggesting that pathways leading to ATRA differentiation of monocytic cells are independent of TNF-α activation. Together, the induction of TNF-α gene expression seems to require JNK activation, and activated c-Jun binding to the TAC element of the TNF-α promoter in THP-1 promonocytic cells. ^


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Cancer/testis (CT) antigens—immunogenic protein antigens that are expressed in testis and a proportion of diverse human cancer types—are promising targets for cancer vaccines. To identify new CT antigens, we constructed an expression cDNA library from a melanoma cell line that expresses a wide range of CT antigens and screened the library with an allogeneic melanoma patient serum known to contain antibodies against two CT antigens, MAGE-1 and NY-ESO-1. cDNA clones isolated from this library identified four CT antigen genes: MAGE-4a, NY-ESO-1, LAGE-1, and CT7. Of these four, only MAGE-4a and NY-ESO-1 proteins had been shown to be immunogenic. LAGE-1 is a member of the NY-ESO-1 gene family, and CT7 is a newly defined gene with partial sequence homology to the MAGE family at its carboxyl terminus. The predicted CT7 protein, however, contains a distinct repetitive sequence at the 5′ end and is much larger than MAGE proteins. Our findings document the immunogenicity of LAGE-1 and CT7 and emphasize the power of serological analysis of cDNA expression libraries in identifying new human tumor antigens.


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Glial-cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a potent neurotrophic factor for adult nigral dopamine neurons in vivo. GDNF has both protective and restorative effects on the nigro-striatal dopaminergic (DA) system in animal models of Parkinson disease. Appropriate administration of this factor is essential for the success of its clinical application. Since it cannot cross the blood–brain barrier, a gene transfer method may be appropriate for delivery of the trophic factor to DA cells. We have constructed a recombinant adenovirus (Ad) encoding GDNF and injected it into rat striatum to make use of its ability to infect neurons and to be retrogradely transported by DA neurons. Ad-GDNF was found to drive production of large amounts of GDNF, as quantified by ELISA. The GDNF produced after gene transfer was biologically active: it increased the survival and differentiation of DA neurons in vitro. To test the efficacy of the Ad-mediated GDNF gene transfer in vivo, we used a progressive lesion model of Parkinson disease. Rats received injections unilaterally into their striatum first of Ad and then 6 days later of 6-hydroxydopamine. We found that mesencephalic nigral dopamine neurons of animals treated with the Ad-GDNF were protected, whereas those of animals treated with the Ad-β-galactosidase were not. This protection was associated with a difference in motor function: amphetamine-induced turning was much lower in animals that received the Ad-GDNF than in the animals that received Ad-β-galactosidase. This finding may have implications for the development of a treatment for Parkinson disease based on the use of neurotrophic factors.


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We have used the interaction between the erythroid-specific enhancer in hypersensitivity site 2 of the human β-globin locus control region and the globin gene promoters as a paradigm to examine the mechanisms governing promoter/enhancer interactions in this locus. We have demonstrated that enhancer-dependent activation of the globin promoters is dependent on the presence of both a TATA box in the proximal promoter and the binding site for the erythroid-specific heteromeric transcription factor NF-E2 in the enhancer. Mutational analysis of the transcriptionally active component of NF-E2, p45NF-E2, localizes the critical region for this function to a proline-rich transcriptional activation domain in the NH2-terminal 80 amino acids of the protein. In contrast to the wild-type protein, expression of p45 NF-E2 lacking this activation domain in an NF-E2 null cell line fails to support enhancer-dependent transcription in transient assays. More significantly, the mutated protein also fails to reactivate expression of the endogenous β- or α-globin loci in this cell line. Protein-protein interaction studies reveal that this domain of p45 NF-E2 binds specifically to a component of the transcription initiation complex, TATA binding protein associated factor TAFII130. These findings suggest one potential mechanism for direct recruitment of distal regulatory regions of the globin loci to the individual promoters.


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Iron regulatory proteins (IRPs) are cytoplasmic RNA binding proteins that are central components of a sensory and regulatory network that modulates vertebrate iron homeostasis. IRPs regulate iron metabolism by binding to iron responsive element(s) (IREs) in the 5′ or 3′ untranslated region of ferritin or transferrin receptor (TfR) mRNAs. Two IRPs, IRP1 and IRP2, have been identified previously. IRP1 exhibits two mutually exclusive functions as an RNA binding protein or as the cytosolic isoform of aconitase. We demonstrate that the Ba/F3 family of murine pro-B lymphocytes represents the first example of a mammalian cell line that fails to express IRP1 protein or mRNA. First, all of the IRE binding activity in Ba/F3-gp55 cells is attributable to IRP2. Second, synthesis of IRP2, but not of IRP1, is detectable in Ba/F3-gp55 cells. Third, the Ba/F3 family of cells express IRP2 mRNA at a level similar to other murine cell lines, but IRP1 mRNA is not detectable. In the Ba/F3 family of cells, alterations in iron status modulated ferritin biosynthesis and TfR mRNA level over as much as a 20- and 14-fold range, respectively. We conclude that IRP1 is not essential for regulation of ferritin or TfR expression by iron and that IRP2 can act as the sole IRE-dependent mediator of cellular iron homeostasis.


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Growth of mouse neural crest cultures in the presence of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) resulted in a dramatic dose-dependent increase in the number of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive cells that developed when 5% chicken embryo extract was present in the medium. In contrast, growth in the presence of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP)-2, BMP-4, BMP-6, transforming growth factor (TGF) β1, TGF-β2, and TGF-β3 elicited no increase in the number of TH-positive cells. The TH-positive cells that developed in the presence of GDNF had neuronal morphology and contained the middle and low molecular weight neurofilament proteins. Numerous TH-negative cells with the morphology of neurons also were observed in GDNF-treated cultures. Analysis revealed that the period from 6 to 12 days in vitro was the critical time for exposure to GDNF to generate the increase in TH-positive cell number. The growth factors neurotrophin-3 and fibroblast growth factor-2 elicited increases in the number of TH-positive cells similar to that seen in response to GDNF. In contrast, nerve growth factor was unable to substitute for GDNF. These findings extend the previously reported biological activities of GDNF by showing that it can act on mouse neural crest cultures to promote the development of neurons.


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In this work, we extend the study of the genes controlling the formation of domes in the rat mammary cell line LA7 under the influence of DMSO. The role of the rat8 gene has already been demonstrated. We have now studied two additional genes. The first, called 133, is the rat ortholog of the human epithelial membrane protein 3 (EMP3), a member of the peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22)/EMP/lens-specific membrane protein 20 (MP20) gene family that encodes for tetratransmembrane proteins; it is expressed in the LA7 line in the absence of DMSO but not in its presence. The second gene is the β subunit of the amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel. Studies with antisense oligonucleotides show that the formation of domes is under the control of all three genes: the expression of rat8 is required for both their formation and their persistence; the expression of the Na+ channel β subunit is required for their formation; and the expression of gene 133 blocks the expression of the Na+ channel genes, thus preventing formation of the domes. The formation of these structures is also accompanied by the expression of α6β1 integrin, followed by that of E-cadherin and cytokeratin 8. It appears, therefore, that dome formation requires the activity of the Na+ channel and the rat8-encoded protein and is under the negative control of gene 133. DMSO induces dome formation by blocking this control.


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The PC cell line is a highly tumorigenic, insulin-independent, teratoma-derived cell line isolated from the nontumorigenic, insulin-dependent 1246 cell line. Studies of the PC cell growth properties have led to the purification of an 88-kDa secreted glycoprotein called PC cell-derived growth factor (PCDGF), which has been shown to stimulate the growth of PC cells as well as 3T3 fibroblasts. Sequencing of PCDGF cDNA demonstrated its identity to the precursor of a family of 6-kDa double-cysteine-rich polypeptides called epithelins or granulins (epithelin/granulin precursor). Since PCDGF was isolated from highly tumorigenic cells, its level of expression was examined in PC cells as well as in nontumorigenic and moderately tumorigenic cells from which PC cells were derived. Northern blot and Western blot analyses indicate that the levels of PCDGF mRNA and protein were very low in the nontumorigenic cells and increased in tumorigenic cell lines in a positive correlation with their tumorigenic properties. Experiments were performed to determine whether the autocrine production of PCDGF was involved in the tumorigenicity of PC cells. For this purpose, we examined the in vivo growth properties in syngeneic C3H mice of PC cells where PCDGF expression had been inhibited by transfection of antisense PCDGF cDNA. The results show that inhibition of PCDGF expression resulted in a dramatic inhibition of tumorigenicity of the transfected cells when compared with empty-vector control cells. These data demonstrate the importance in tumor formation of overexpression of the novel growth factor PCDGF.


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Vitamin E (α-tocopherol) is a fat-soluble antioxidant that is transported by plasma lipoproteins in the body. α-Tocopherol taken up by the liver with lipoprotein is thought to be resecreted into the plasma in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). α-Tocopherol transfer protein (αTTP), which was recently identified as a product of the causative gene for familial isolated vitamin E deficiency, is a cytosolic liver protein and plays an important role in the efficient recycling of plasma vitamin E. To throw light on the mechanism of αTTP-mediated α-tocopherol transfer in the liver cell, we devised an assay system using the hepatoma cell line McARH7777. Using this system, we found that the secretion of α-tocopherol was more efficient in cells expressing αTTP than in matched cells lacking αTTP. Brefeldin A, which effectively inhibits VLDL secretion by disrupting the Golgi apparatus, had no effect on α-tocopherol secretion, indicating that αTTP-mediated α-tocopherol secretion is not coupled to VLDL secretion. Among other agents tested, only 25-hydroxycholesterol, a modulator of cholesterol metabolism, inhibited α-tocopherol secretion. This inhibition is most likely mediated by oxysterol-binding protein. These results suggest that αTTP present in the liver cytosol functions to stimulate secretion of cellular α-tocopherol into the extracellular medium and that the reaction utilizes a novel non-Golgi-mediated pathway that may be linked to cellular cholesterol metabolism and/or transport.


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Chemotaxis is mediated by activation of seven-transmembrane domain, G protein-coupled receptors, but the signal transduction pathways leading to chemotaxis are poorly understood. To identify G proteins that signal the directed migration of cells, we stably transfected a lymphocyte cell line (300-19) with G protein-coupled receptors that couple exclusively to Gαq (the m3 muscarinic receptor), Gαi (the κ-opioid receptor), and Gαs (the β-adrenergic receptor), as well as the human thrombin receptor (PAR-1) and the C-C chemokine receptor 2B. Cells expressing receptors that coupled to Gαi, but not to Gαq or Gαs, migrated in response to a concentration gradient of the appropriate agonist. Overexpression of Gα transducin, which binds to and inactivates free Gβγ dimers, completely blocked chemotaxis although having little or no effect on intracellular calcium mobilization or other measures of cell signaling. The identification of Gβγ dimers as a crucial intermediate in the chemotaxis signaling pathway provides further evidence that chemotaxis of mammalian cells has important similarities to polarized responses in yeast. We conclude that chemotaxis is dependent on activation of Gαi and the release of Gβγ dimers, and that Gαi-coupled receptors not traditionally associated with chemotaxis can mediate directed migration when they are expressed in hematopoietic cells.


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The discovery that the dilute gene encodes a class V myosin led to the hypothesis that this molecular motor is involved in melanosome transport and/or dendrite outgrowth in mammalian melanocytes. The present studies were undertaken to gain insight into the subcellular distribution of myosin-V in the melanoma cell line B16-F10, which is wild-type for the dilute gene. Immunofluorescence studies showed some degree of superimposed labeling of myosin-V with melanosomes that predominated at the cell periphery. A subcellular fraction highly enriched in melanosomes was also enriched in myosin-V based on Western blot analysis. Immunoelectron microscopy showed myosin-V labeling associated with melanosomes and other organelles. The stimulation of B16 cells with the α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone led to a significant increase in myosin-V expression. This is the first evidence that a cAMP signaling pathway might regulate the dilute gene expression. Immunofluorescence also showed an intense labeling of myosin-V independent of melanosomes that was observed within the dendrites and at the perinuclear region. Although the results presented herein are consistent with the hypothesis that myosin-V might act as a motor for melanosome translocation, they also suggest a broader cytoplasmic function for myosin-V, acting on other types of organelles or in cytoskeletal dynamics.


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The yolk sac, first site of hematopoiesis during mammalian development, contains not only hematopoietic stem cells but also the earliest precursors of endothelial cells. We have previously shown that a nonadherent yolk sac cell population (WGA+, density <1.077, AA4.1+) can give rise to B cells, T cells, and myeloid cells both in vitro and in vivo. We now report on the ability of a yolk sac-derived cloned endothelial cell line (C166) to provide a suitable microenvironment for expansion of these early precursor cells. Single day 10 embryonic mouse yolk sac hematopoietic stem cells were expanded >100 fold within 8 days by coculture with irradiated C166 cells. Colony-forming ability was retained for at least three passages in vitro, with retention of the ability to differentiate into T-cell, B-cell, and myeloid lineages. Stem cell properties were maintained by a significant fraction of nonadherent cells in the third passage, although these stem cells expressed a somewhat more mature cell surface phenotype than the initial yolk sac stem cells. When reintroduced into adult allogeneic immunocompromised (scid) hosts, they were able to give rise to all of the leukocyte lineages, including T cells, B cells, and myeloid cells. We conclude that yolk sac endothelial cells can support the stable proliferation of multipotential hematopoietic stem cells, thus generating adequate numbers of cells for study of the mechanisms involved in their subsequent development and differentiation, for in vivo hematopoietic restitution, and for potential use as a vehicle for gene transfer.