Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Administración de Empresas
Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Administración de Empresas
Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Administración de Empresas
Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Administración de Empresas
Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Administración de Empresas
Introduction: Contrast-induced nephropathy is one of the main causes of acute kidney injury and increased hospital-acquired morbidity and mortality. The use of sodium bicarbonate for nephroprotection has emerged as a preventative strategy; however, its efficacy is controversial compared to other strategies, such as hydration using 0.9% saline solution. Objective: To compare the effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate vs. hydration using 0.9% saline solution to prevent contrast-induced acute kidney injury. Methods: A systematic review of studies registered in the COCHRANE, PUBMED, MEDLINE, LILACS, SCIELO and EMBASE databases was conducted. Randomized controlled studies that evaluated the use of 0.9% saline solution vs. sodium bicarbonate to prevent contrast-induced nephropathy were included. Results: A total of 22 studies (5,686 patients) were included. Sodium bicarbonate did not decrease the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy (RD= 0.00; 95% CI= -0.02 to 0.03; p= 0.83; I2= 0%). No significant differences were found in the demand for renal replacement therapy (RD= 0.00; 95% CI= -0.01 to 0-01; I2= 0%; p= 0.99) or in mortality (RD= -0.00; 95% CI= -0.001 to 0.001; I2= 0%; p= 0.51). Conclusions: Sodium bicarbonate administration is not superior to the use of 0.9% saline solution for preventing contrast-induced nephropathy in patients with risk factors, nor is it better at reducing mortality or the need for renal replacement therapy.
Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Administración de Empresas
Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Administración de Empresas
Objective: To compare efficacy and safety of primaquine regimens currently used to prevent relapses by Plasmodium vivax. Methods: A systematic review was carried out to identify clinical trials evaluating efficacy and safety to prevent malaria recurrences by P. vivax of primaquine regimen 0.5 mg/kg/day for 7 or 14 days compared to standard regimen of 0.25 mg/kg/day for 14 days. Efficacy of primaquine according to cumulative incidence of recurrences after 28 days was determined. The overall relative risk with fixed-effects meta-analysis was estimated. Results: For the regimen 0.5 mg/kg/day/7 days were identified 7 studies, which showed an incidence of recurrence between 0% and 20% with follow-up 60-210 days; only 4 studies comparing with the standard regimen 0.25 mg/kg/day/14 days and no difference in recurrences between both regimens (RR= 0.977, 95% CI= 0.670 to 1.423) were found. 3 clinical trials using regimen 0.5 mg/kg/day/14 days with an incidence of recurrences between 1.8% and 18.0% during 330-365 days were identified; only one study comparing with the standard regimen (RR= 0.846, 95% CI= 0.484 to 1.477). High risk of bias and differences in handling of included studies were found. Conclusion: Available evidence is insufficient to determine whether currently PQ regimens used as alternative rather than standard treatment have better efficacy and safety in preventing relapse of P. vivax. Clinical trials are required to guide changes in treatment regimen of malaria vivax.
Objective: To compare efficacy and safety of primaquine regimens currently used to prevent relapses by Plasmodium vivax. Methods: A systematic review was carried out to identify clinical trials evaluating efficacy and safety to prevent malaria recurrences by P. vivax of primaquine regimen 0.5 mg/kg/day for 7 or 14 days compared to standard regimen of 0.25 mg/kg/day for 14 days. Efficacy of primaquine according to cumulative incidence of recurrences after 28 days was determined. The overall relative risk with fixed-effects meta-analysis was estimated. Results: For the regimen 0.5 mg/kg/day/7 days were identified 7 studies, which showed an incidence of recurrence between 0% and 20% with follow-up 60-210 days; only 4 studies comparing with the standard regimen 0.25 mg/kg/day/14 days and no difference in recurrences between both regimens (RR= 0.977, 95% CI= 0.670 to 1.423) were found. 3 clinical trials using regimen 0.5 mg/kg/day/14 days with an incidence of recurrences between 1.8% and 18.0% during 330-365 days were identified; only one study comparing with the standard regimen (RR= 0.846, 95% CI= 0.484 to 1.477). High risk of bias and differences in handling of included studies were found. Conclusion: Available evidence is insufficient to determine whether currently PQ regimens used as alternative rather than standard treatment have better efficacy and safety in preventing relapse of P. vivax. Clinical trials are required to guide changes in treatment regimen of malaria vivax.
Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Administración de Empresas
96 p.
Bogotá (Colombia) : Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Contaduría Pública
81 p.
Objetivos: El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo general (1) determinar los valores de referencia de la condición muscular mediante el índice general de fuerza (IGF) y como objetivo específico, (2) estudiar si el IGF está relacionado con indicadores de adiposidad en niños y adolescentes escolares de Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos: Del total de 7.268 niños y adolescentes (9-17.9 años) evaluados en el estudio FUPRECOL, 4.139 (57%) fueron mujeres. Se evaluó el IGF como marcador del desempeño muscular a partir de la tipificación de las pruebas de fuerza prensil (FP) y salto longitud (SL). El IGF se recodificó en cuartiles (Q), siendo el Q4 la posición con mejor valor del IGF. El índice de masa corporal (IMC), la circunferencia de cintura (CC), el índice cintura/talla (ICT) y el porcentaje de grasa corporal (%GC) por Bioimpedancia eléctrica, se midieron como marcadores de adiposidad. Resultados: La edad media de los evaluados fue 12,8±2,3 años. Se aprecia una tendencia hacia un incremento del nivel de condición física muscular en los varones conforme aumenta la edad, y hacia la estabilidad o un ligero aumento en el caso de las mujeres. El IGF se relacionó inversamente con el ICT y %GC en los varones (r= -0,280, r= -0,327 p<0,01), respectivamente. Los escolares ubicados en el Q4 del IGF, presentaron menores valores en marcadores de adiposidad IMC, CC, ICT y %GC, p<0,01 que su contraparte del Q1. Conclusión: Se presentan valores de referencia del IGF a partir de la estandarización de los resultados obtenidos en la FP y SL. La evaluación de la fuerza muscular en edades tempranas permitirá implementar programas de prevención de riesgo cardiovascular y metabólico futuro