987 resultados para CH4-SCR


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This study evaluates the effect of planting three cover crops (CCs) (barley, Hordeum vulgare L.; vetch, Vicia villosa L.; rape, Brassica napus L.) on the direct emission of N2O, CO2 and CH4 in the intercrop period and the impact of incorporating these CCs on the emission of greenhouse gas (GHG) from the forthcoming irrigated maize (Zea mays L.) crop. Vetch and barley were the CCs with the highest N2O and CO2 losses (75 and 47% increase compared with the control, respectively) in the fallow period. In all cases, fluxes of N2O were increased through N fertilization and the incorporation of barley and rape residues (40 and 17% increase, respectively). The combination of a high C:N ratio with the addition of an external source of mineral N increased the fluxes of N2O compared with − Ba and − Rp. The direct emissions of N2O were lower than expected for a fertilized crop (0.10% emission factor, EF) compared with other studies and the IPCC EF. These results are believed to be associated with a decreased NO3− pool due to highly denitrifying conditions and increased drainage. The fluxes of CO2 were in the range of other fertilized crops (i.e., 1118.71–1736.52 kg CO2–C ha− 1). The incorporation of CC residues enhanced soil respiration in the range of 21–28% for barley and rape although no significant differences between treatments were detected. Negative CH4 fluxes were measured and displayed an overall sink effect for all incorporated CC (mean values of − 0.12 and − 0.10 kg CH4–C ha− 1 for plots with and without incorporated CCs, respectively).


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La composición del purín varía en función de la dieta, los procesos fisiológicos y bioquímicos en el animal y el manejo, entre otros. La composición del purín es determinante en las emisiones de metano (CH 4 ) y amoniaco (NH 3 ) (Moset y col., 2012) y condiciona su aptitud para ser usado como fertilizante o como sustrato para la producción de biogás. Las materias primas comúnmente utilizadas en la fabricación de piensos poseen valores variables de nitrógeno ligado a fibra (N- FND) y determinadas combinaciones de ingredientes modifican de manera considerable la concentración de N-FND en los piensos. La ingesta de diferentes cantidades de N-FND puede dar lugar a cambios en la composición del purín y en su potencial de producción de NH 3 ,CH 4 y biogás. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar los efectos de la modificación de la calidad del nitrógeno (N) en piensos de cebo en cerdos y sus implicancias en la producción de NH 3, CH 4 y biogás a partir del purín. Este ensayo es parte del proyecto GasPorc (AGL2011-30023-C03) que evalúa la relación que existe entre la composición de la dieta, características del purín y su potencial de producción de gases y valor fertilizante.


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Contrary to previous theoretical studies at the UHF/6-31G* level, the methonium radical dication CH52+ is not a Cs symmetrical structure with a 2e—3c bond but a C2v symmetrical structure 1 with two 2e—3c bonds (at the UHF/6-31G**, UMP2/6-31G**, and UQCISD(T)/6-311G** levels). The Cs symmetrical structure is not even a minimum at the higher level of calculations. The four hydrogen atoms in 1 are bonded to the carbon atom by two 2e—3c bonds and the fifth hydrogen atom by a 2e—2c bond. The unpaired electron of 1 is located in a formal p-orbital (of the sp2-hybridized carbon atom) perpendicular to the plane of the molecule. Hydrogen scrambling in 1 is however extremely facile, as is in other C1 cations. It is found that the protonation of methane to CH5+ decreases the energy for subsequent homolytic cleavage resulting in the exothermic (24.1 kcal/mol) formation of CH4+•. Subsequent reaction with neutral methane while reforming CH5+ gives the methyl radical enabling reaction with excess methane to ethane and H2. The overall reaction is endothermic by 11.4 kcal/mol, but offers under conditions of oxidative removal of H2 an alternative to the more energetic carbocationic conversion of methane.


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In questo lavoro vengono indagati i benefici dell’aumento della pressione d’iniezione dell’AdBlue nei sistemi SCR. Dopo aver esposto le ipotesi teoriche a supporto della tesi, si passa all’allestimento del veicolo dimostrativo impiegato per l’attività sperimentale. In questa fase viene illustrato tutto il processo di preparazione, che comprende: la messa a punto del circuito idraulico, la caratterizzazione degli iniettori impiegati, la strumentazione della linea di scarico, e il software INCA impiegato per il comando delle centraline. Dopodiché vengono descritti nel dettaglio i test, condotti con il veicolo sperimentale, sul banco a rulli. Attraverso le prove, eseguite su due differenti punti motore, si è potuto dimostrare l’effettivo aumento di efficienza di abbattimento degli NOx, da parte del sistema SCR, all’aumentare della pressione d’iniezione dell’AdBlue. Inoltre si hanno effetti positivi anche in merito al fenomeno dell’ammonia slip, che viene sensibilmente ridotto ai livelli di pressione più alti.


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The understanding of the continental carbon budget is essential to predict future climate change. In order to quantify CO₂ and CH₄ fluxes at the regional scale, a measurement system was installed at the former radio tower in Beromünster as part of the Swiss greenhouse gas monitoring network (CarboCount CH). We have been measuring the mixing ratios of CO₂, CH₄ and CO on this tower with sample inlets at 12.5, 44.6, 71.5, 131.6 and 212.5 m above ground level using a cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS) analyzer. The first 2-year (December 2012–December 2014) continuous atmospheric record was analyzed for seasonal and diurnal variations and interspecies correlations. In addition, storage fluxes were calculated from the hourly profiles along the tower. The atmospheric growth rates from 2013 to 2014 determined from this 2-year data set were 1.78 ppm yr⁻¹, 9.66 ppb yr⁻¹ and and -1.27 ppb yr⁻¹ for CO₂, CH₄ and CO, respectively. After detrending, clear seasonal cycles were detected for CO₂ and CO, whereas CH₄ showed a stable baseline suggesting a net balance between sources and sinks over the course of the year. CO and CO₂ were strongly correlated (r² > 0.75) in winter (DJF), but almost uncorrelated in summer. In winter, anthropogenic emissions dominate the biospheric CO₂ fluxes and the variations in mixing ratios are large due to reduced vertical mixing. The diurnal variations of all species showed distinct cycles in spring and summer, with the lowest sampling level showing the most pronounced diurnal amplitudes. The storage flux estimates exhibited reasonable diurnal shapes for CO₂, but underestimated the strength of the surface sinks during daytime. This seems plausible, keeping in mind that we were only able to calculate the storage fluxes along the profile of the tower but not the flux into or out of this profile, since no Eddy covariance flux measurements were taken at the top of the tower.


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The principal gaseous carbon-containing components identified in the first 400 m of sediment at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 533, Leg 76, are methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Below a sub-bottom depth of about 25 m, sediment cores commonly contained pockets caused by the expansion of gas upon core recovery. The carbon isotopic composition (d13C per mil relative to PDB standard) of CH4 and CO2 in these gas pockets has been measured, resulting in the following observations: (1) d13C-CH4 values increase with depth from approximately -94 per mil in the uppermost sediment to about -66 per mil in the deepest sediment, reflecting a systematic but nonlinear depletion of 12C with depth. (2) d13C-CO2 values also increase with depth of sediment from about -25 per mil to about -4 per mil, snowing a depletion of 12C that closely parallels the trend of the isotopic composition of CH4. The magnitude and parallel distribution of d13C values for both CH4 and CO2 are consistent with the concept that the formation of the CH4 resulted from the microbiological reduction of CO2 from organic substances. These results imply that CH4 and CO2 incorporated in gas hydrates at this site are biogenic.