996 resultados para CD8 antigen


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The function of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, which may protect against both infectious and malignant diseases, can be impaired by ligation of their inhibitory receptors, which include CTL-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed cell death 1 (PD-1). Recently, B and T lymphocyte attenuator (BTLA) was identified as a novel inhibitory receptor with structural and functional similarities to CTLA-4 and PD-1. BTLA triggering leads to decreased antimicrobial and autoimmune T cell responses in mice, but its functions in humans are largely unknown. Here we have demonstrated that as human viral antigen-specific CD8+ T cells differentiated from naive to effector cells, their surface expression of BTLA was gradually downregulated. In marked contrast, human melanoma tumor antigen-specific effector CD8+ T cells persistently expressed high levels of BTLA in vivo and remained susceptible to functional inhibition by its ligand herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM). Such persistence of BTLA expression was also found in tumor antigen-specific CD8+ T cells from melanoma patients with spontaneous antitumor immune responses and after conventional peptide vaccination. Remarkably, addition of CpG oligodeoxynucleotides to the vaccine formulation led to progressive downregulation of BTLA in vivo and consequent resistance to BTLA-HVEM-mediated inhibition. Thus, BTLA activation inhibits the function of human CD8+ cancer-specific T cells, and appropriate immunotherapy may partially overcome this inhibition.


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The use of "altered peptide ligands" (APL), epitopes designed for exerting increased immunogenicity as compared with native determinants, represents nowadays one of the most utilized strategies for overcoming immune tolerance to self-antigens and boosting anti-tumor T cell-mediated immune responses. However, the actual ability of APL-primed T cells to cross-recognize natural epitopes expressed by tumor cells remains a crucial concern. In the present study, we show that CAP1-6D, a superagonist analogue of a carcinoembriyonic antigen (CEA)-derived HLA-A*0201-restricted epitope widely used in clinical setting, reproducibly promotes the generation of low-affinity CD8(+) T cells lacking the ability to recognized CEA-expressing colorectal carcinoma (CRC) cells. Short-term T cell cultures, obtained by priming peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HLA-A*0201(+) healthy donors or CRC patients with CAP1-6D, were indeed found to heterogeneously cross-react with saturating concentrations of the native peptide CAP1, but to fail constantly lysing or recognizing through IFN- gamma release CEA(+)CRC cells. Characterization of anti-CAP1-6D T cell avidity, gained through peptide titration, CD8-dependency assay, and staining with mutated tetramers (D227K/T228A), revealed that anti-CAP1-6D T cells exerted a differential interaction with the two CEA epitopes, i.e., displaying high affinity/CD8-independency toward the APL and low affinity/CD8-dependency toward the native CAP1 peptide. Our data demonstrate that the efficient detection of self-antigen expressed by tumors could be a feature of high avidity CD8-independent T cells, and underline the need for extensive analysis of tumor cross-recognition prior to any clinical usage of APL as anti-cancer vaccines.


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CD40L is one of the key molecules bridging the activation of specific T cells and the maturation of professional and nonprofessional antigen-presenting cells including B cells. CD4(+) T cells have been regarded as the major T-cell subset that expresses CD40L upon cognate activation; however, we demonstrate here that a putative CD8(+) helper T-cell subset expressing CD40L is induced in human and murine CD8(+) T cells in vitro and in mice immunized with antigen-pulsed dendritic cells. IL-12 and STAT4-mediated signaling was the major instructive cytokine signal boosting the ability of CD8(+) T cells to express CD40L both in vitro and in vivo. Additionally, TCR signaling strength modulated CD40L expression in CD8(+) T cells after primary differentiation in vitro as well as in vivo. The induction of CD40L in CD8(+) T cells regulated by IL-12 and TCR signaling may enable CD8(+) T cells to respond autonomously of CD4(+) T cells. Thus, we propose that under proinflammatory conditions, a self-sustaining positive feedback loop could facilitate the efficient priming of T cells stimulated by high affinity peptide displaying APCs.


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This commentary reviews the data on HLA-A2-restricted CD8 T cells specific for peptide (540-548) derived from hTERT (human telomerase reverse transcriptase). Several studies have reported the successful generation of such T cells (1, 2, 3). However, tumor recognition was observed in some, but not all, studies. More data are required to elucidate whether hTERT peptide (540-548) -specific T cells can indeed recognize and destroy tumor cells. It would be highly useful if telomerase would emerge as a universal tumor antigen that can be targeted in the cancer immunotherapy of HLA-A2 positive patients.


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Protective immune responses relyon TCR-mediated recognition of antigenspresented by MHC molecules. Tcells directed against tumor antigensare thought to express TCRs of loweraffinity/avidity than pathogen-specificT lymphocytes. An attractivestrategy to improve anti-tumor T cellresponses is to adoptively transferCD8+ T cells engineered with TCRsof optimized affinity. However, themechanisms that control optimal Tcell activation and responsiveness remainpoorly defined. We aim at characterizingTCR-pMHC binding parametersand downstream signalingevents that regulate T cell functionalityby using an in silico designedpanel of tumor antigen-specific TCRsof incremental affinity for pMHC(Kd100 M- 15 nM).We found that optimalT cell responses (cytokine secretionand target cell killing) occurredwithin a well-defined window ofTCR-pMHC binding affinity (5 M-1 M), while drastic functional declinewas detected in T cells expressingvery low and very high TCRaffinities,which was not caused by any increasein apoptosis. Whole-genomemicroarray analysis revealed that Tcells with optimal TCR affinitieshighly up-regulated transcription ofgenes typical of T cell activation (i.e.IFN-, NF-B and TNFR), while reducedexpression was detected in Tcells of very low or very high TCR affinity.Strikingly, hierarchical clusteringshowed that the latter two variantsclustered together with the un-stimulatedcontrol Tcells.Yet, despite commonclustering, several genes seemedto be differentially expressed, suggestingthat the mechanisms involvedin this "unresponsiveness state" maydiffer between those two variants. Finally,calcium influx assays also demonstratedattenuated responses in Tcells of very high TCR affinity. Ourresults indicate that optimal T cellfunction is tightly controlled within adefinedTCRaffinity window throughvery proximal TCR-mediated mechanisms,possibly at the TCR-pMHCbinding interface. Uncovering themechanisms regulating optimal/maximalT cell function is essential to understandand promote therapeutic designlike adoptive T cell therapy.


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Clinical trials have shown that strong tumor antigen-specific CD8 T-cell responses are difficult to induce but can be achieved for T-cells specific for melanoma differentiation antigens, upon repetitive vaccination with stable emulsions prepared with synthetic peptides and incomplete Freund's adjuvant. Here, we show in four melanoma patients that ex vivo detectable T-cells and thus strong T-cell responses can also be induced against the more universal cancer-testis antigens NY-ESO-1 and Mage-A10. Interestingly, all patients had ex vivo detectable T-cell responses against multiple antigens after serial vaccinations with three peptides emulsified in incomplete Freund's adjuvant. Antigen-specific T-cells displayed an activated phenotype and secreted IFNgamma. The robust immune responses provide a solid basis for further development of human T-cell vaccination.


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Efficient immune attack of malignant disease requires the concerted action of both CD8+ CTL and CD4+ Th cells. We used human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A*0201 (A2.1) transgenic mice, in which the mouse CD8 molecule cannot efficiently interact with the alpha3 domain of A2.1, to generate a high-affinity, CD8-independent T cell receptor (TCR) specific for a commonly expressed, tumor-associated cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitope derived from the human p53 tumor suppressor protein. Retroviral expression of this CD8-independent, p53-specific TCR into human T cells imparted the CD8+ T lymphocytes with broad tumor-specific CTL activity and turned CD4+ T cells into potent tumor-reactive, p53A2.1-specific Th cells. Both T cell subsets were cooperative and interacted synergistically with dendritic cell intermediates and tumor targets. The intentional redirection of both CD4+ Th cells and CD8+ CTL by the same high-affinity, CD8-independent, tumor-specific TCR could provide the basis for novel broad-spectrum cancer immunotherapeutics.


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After antigen driven activationnaïve CD8 T cells develop intocytolytic effector cells and subsequentlyinto memory cells. The molecularinteractions orchestrating Tcell activation are complex and we sofar have a limited understanding howindividual signals impact the Tcell response.Using OT-1 TCR transgeniccells and Listeria monocytogenesstrains expressing a set of altered peptideligands (APL) for the OT-1 TCRwe have recently studied how thelevel of TCR stimulation impacts theT cell response in vivo. We therebyobserved that even very low levels ofTCR stimulation are sufficient forfunctional effector and memoryT celldifferentiation. In order to addresshow much further the level of TCRstimulation can be reduced until the Tcells do not become activated anymore,we generated additional OT-1APL expressing Listeria strains. TheAPLused in our present study cover arange of potency down to the level ofpositive selection. Using all our APLListeria strains we can demonstratethat the threshold of peripheral T cellactivation is above the level of positiveselection but far below the levelthat is thought to be required for negativeselection. Furthermore, we characterizedthe thresholds of activatingmemory T cells and found them intrinsicallyto be very similar to thoseof naïve T cells. However, we observedthat T cell competition at thelevel of antigen presenting cells criticallyraises the activation threshold ofmemory CD8 T cells. Taken togetherour data indicate that the threshold foractivating T cells critically dependson the context and the environment inwhich T cells respond to antigen.


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The present study evaluates the potential of third-generation lentivirus vectors with respect to their use as in vivo-administered T cell vaccines. We demonstrate that lentivector injection into the footpad of mice transduces DCs that appear in the draining lymph node and in the spleen. In addition, a lentivector vaccine bearing a T cell antigen induced very strong systemic antigen-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in mice. Comparative vaccination performed in two different antigen models demonstrated that in vivo administration of lentivector was superior to transfer of transduced DCs or peptide/adjuvant vaccination in terms of both amplitude and longevity of the CTL response. Our data suggest that a decisive factor for efficient T cell priming by lentivector might be the targeting of DCs in situ and their subsequent migration to secondary lymphoid organs. The combination of performance, ease of application, and absence of pre-existing immunity in humans make lentivector-based vaccines an attractive candidate for cancer immunotherapy.


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PURPOSE: Vaccination with full-length human tumor antigens aims at inducing or increasing antitumor immune responses, including CD8 CTL in cancer patients across the HLA barrier. We have recently reported that vaccination with a recombinant tumor-specific NY-ESO-1 (ESO) protein, administered with Montanide and CpG resulted in the induction of specific integrated antibody and CD4 T cell responses in all vaccinated patients examined, and significant CTL responses in half of them. Vaccine-induced CTL mostly recognized a single immunodominant region (ESO 81-110). The purpose of the present study was to identify genetic factor(s) distinguishing CTL responders from nonresponders. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We determined the HLA class I alleles expressed by CTL responders and nonresponders using high-resolution molecular typing. Using short overlapping peptides spanning the ESO immunodominant CTL region and HLA class I/ESO peptide tetramers, we determined the epitopes recognized by the majority of vaccine-induced CTL. RESULTS: CTL induced by vaccination with ESO protein mostly recognized distinct but closely overlapping epitopes restricted by a few frequently expressed HLA-B35 and HLA-Cw3 alleles. All CTL responders expressed at least one of the identified alleles, whereas none of the nonresponders expressed them. CONCLUSIONS: Expression of HLA-B35 and HLA-Cw3 is associated with the induction of immunodominant CTL responses following vaccination with recombinant ESO protein. Because recombinant tumor-specific proteins are presently among the most promising candidate anticancer vaccines, our findings indicate that the monitoring of cancer vaccine trials should systematically include the assessment of HLA association with responsiveness.


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T cell activation is triggered by the specific recognition of cognate peptides presented by MHC molecules. Altered peptide ligands are analogs of cognate peptides which have a high affinity for MHC molecules. Some of them induce complete T cell responses, i.e. they act as agonists, whereas others behave as partial agonists or even as antagonists. Here, we analyzed both early (intracellular Ca2+ mobilization), and late (interleukin-2 production) signal transduction events induced by a cognate peptide or a corresponding altered peptide ligand using T cell hybridomas expressing or not the CD8 alpha and beta chains. With a video imaging system, we showed that the intracellular Ca2+ response to an altered peptide ligand induces the appearance of a characteristic sustained intracellular Ca2+ concentration gradient which can be detected shortly after T cell interaction with antigen-presenting cells. We also provide evidence that the same altered peptide ligand can be seen either as an agonist or a partial agonist, depending on the presence of CD8beta in the CD8 co-receptor dimers expressed at the T cell surface.


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We tested for antigen recognition and T cell receptor (TCR)-ligand binding 12 peptide derivative variants on seven H-2Kd-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) clones specific for a bifunctional photoreactive derivative of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide 252-260 (SYIPSAEKI). The derivative contained iodo-4-azidosalicylic acid in place of PbCS S-252 and 4-azidobenzoic acid on PbCS K-259. Selective photoactivation of the N-terminal photoreactive group allowed crosslinking to Kd molecules and photoactivation of the orthogonal group to TCR. TCR photoaffinity labeling with covalent Kd-peptide derivative complexes allowed direct assessment of TCR-ligand binding on living CTL. In most cases (over 80%) cytotoxicity (chromium release) and TCR-ligand binding differed by less than fivefold. The exceptions included (a) partial TCR agonists (8 cases), for which antigen recognition was five-tenfold less efficient than TCR-ligand binding, (b) TCR antagonists (2 cases), which were not recognized and capable of inhibiting recognition of the wild-type conjugate, (c) heteroclitic agonists (2 cases), for which antigen recognition was more efficient than TCR-ligand binding, and (d) one partial TCR agonist, which activated only Fas (C1)95), but not perforin/granzyme-mediated cytotoxicity. There was no correlation between these divergences and the avidity of TCR-ligand binding, indicating that other factors than binding avidity determine the nature of the CTL response. An unexpected and novel finding was that CD8-dependent clones clearly incline more to TCR antagonism than CD8-independent ones. As there was no correlation between CD8 dependence and the avidity of TCR-ligand binding, the possibility is suggested that CD8 plays a critical role in aberrant CTL function.


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Immunotherapy of cancer is often performed with altered "analog" peptide Ags optimized for HLA class I binding, resulting in enhanced immunogenicity, but the induced T cell responses require further evaluation. Recently, we demonstrated fine specificity differences and enhanced recognition of naturally presented Ag by T cells after vaccination with natural Melan-A/MART-1 peptide, as compared with analog peptide. In this study, we compared the TCR primary structures of 1489 HLA-A*0201/Melan-A26-35-specific CD8 T cells derived from both cohorts of patients. Although a strong preference for TRAV12-2 segment usage was present in nearly all patients, usage of particular TRAJ gene segments and CDR3 composition differed slightly after vaccination with natural vs analog peptide. Moreover, TCR β-chain repertoires were broader after natural than analog peptide vaccination. In all patients, we observed a marked conservation of the CDR3β amino acid composition with recurrent sequences centered on a glycyl-leucyl/valyl/alanyl-glycyl motif. In contrast to viral-specific TCR repertoires, such "public" motifs were primarily expressed by nondominant T cell clonotypes, which contrasted with "private" CDR3β signatures frequently found in T cell clonotypes that dominated repertoires of individual patients. Interestingly, no differences in functional avidity were observed between public and private T cell clonotypes. Collectively, our data indicate that T cell repertoires generated against natural or analog Melan-A peptide exhibited slightly distinct but otherwise overlapping and structurally conserved TCR features, suggesting that the differences in binding affinity/avidity of TCRs toward pMHC observed in the two cohorts of patients are caused by subtle structural TCR variations.


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Leishmania guyanensis (L.g.)-specific CD8+ T cells can be isolated from PBMC of subjects who have never been previously exposed to Leishmania. Cells that produce IFN-gamma in response to live L.g. are generated from naive CD45RA+CD8+ T cells. The generation of L.g.-specific CD8+ T cells requires the presence of whole L.g. or UV-irradiated parasite but not the soluble antigens from L.g. promastigotes. The IFN-gamma-producing T cells recognize a specific antigen, the Leishmania homologue of receptors of activated C kinases (LACK) and this antigen but not live L.g. can produce a strong IL-10 response in CD45RA-CD4+ memory T cells from naive subjects. A single epitope (amino acid 156-173) is found to induce the IL-10 synthesis. While the IFN-gamma-producing cells are present among CD45RA+CD8+ T cells that are CD62L-CDR7- and CLA-, the LACK-reactive IL-10-producing cells are CD4+ T cells that are CD62L+CCR7- and CLA-.


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To defend the host from malignancies, the immune system can spontaneously raise CD8(+) T-cell responses against tumor antigens. Investigating the functional state of tumor-reactive cytolytic T cells in cancer patients is a key step for understanding the role of these cells in tumor immunosurveillance and for evaluating the potential of immunotherapeutic approaches of vaccination against cancer. In this study we identified a subset of circulating tumor-reactive CD8(+) T lymphocytes, which specifically secreted IFN-gamma after exposition to autologous tumor cell lines in stage IV metastatic melanoma patients. Additional phenotypic characterization using multicolor flow cytometry revealed that a significant fraction of these cells were CD45RA(+)CCR7(-), a phenotype that has been proposed recently to characterize cytolytic effectors potentially able to home into inflamed tissues. In the case of an HLA-A2-expressing patient, the antigen specificity of this population was identified by using HLA-A2/peptide multimers incorporating a tyrosinase-derived peptide. Consistently with their phenotypic characteristics, A2/tyrosinase peptide multimer(+) CD8(+) T cells, isolated by cell sorting, were directly lytic ex vivo and able to specifically recognize tyrosinase-expressing tumor cells. Overall, these results provide the first evidence that a proportion of melanoma patients have circulating tumor-reactive T cells, which are lytic effectors cells.