560 resultados para Butte Symphony
This report differs from previous reports in two respects: it covers experimental work up to January 1, 1935, and it includes brief abstracts of publications since the last report. Previously most of the report dealt with work done before the end of the fiscal year; that is, work done between June 30 and January 1 was not reported until over a year later, for the most part. The present report corrects that defect, and in addition the abstracts of publications will make the report useful as a reference guide to published matter. The projects are discussed under subject headings and in addition to the abstracts, brief reports of progress in projects under way are included. Complete data for these projects are not included; rather an attempt has been made to show how far the work has gone and to indicate some of the directions or trends of the work. The drouth of the past summer reduced yields severely. As a result the collection of significant data on yields was almost impossible. A few of the Experiment Station workers have ben loaned to federal projects. Despite these handicaps many projects have been advanced and many have been completed.
This report covers the investigations, expenditures, and publications of the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station for the fiscal year June 30, 1931. During the year 68 projects have been under investigation at the main station. These have covered a wide range of subjects. At the various substations the work is planned to meet the needs of the different regions. The funds for carrying on the work of the stations are derived from federal and state sources. The work is carried on in definite projects according to the supporting fund. Satisfactory progress was made on the research program. During the year eight projects were completed and seven new ones added. The selection of new projects is on the basis of most urgent need, together with the ability of the Experiment Station to carry the project. The financial depression in which agriculture still finds itself has increased rather than decreased the demand upon the Experiment Station and the College for new and definite information. This demand has been taken care of insofar as possible. During the year covered by this report eleven bulletins, nine research bulletins, and one circular have been published by the Experiment Station. In addition 22 technical papers have been prepared by members of the staff and printed in various technical and professional journals.
Oggetto di questo lavoro è un’analisi dettagliata di un campione ristretto di riprese televisive della Quinta Sinfonia di Beethoven, con l’obiettivo di far emergere il loro meccanismo costruttivo, in senso sia tecnico sia culturale. Premessa dell’indagine è che ciascuna ripresa sia frutto di un’autorialità specifica che si sovrappone alle due già presenti in ogni esecuzione della Quinta Sinfonia, quella del compositore e quella dell’interprete, definita perciò «terza autorialità» riassumendo nella nozione la somma di contributi specifici che portano alla produzione di una ripresa (consulente musicale, regista, operatori di ripresa). La ricerca esamina i rapporti che volta a volta si stabiliscono fra i tre diversi piani autoriali, ma non mira a una ricostruzione filologica: l’obiettivo non è ricostruire le intenzioni dell’autore materiale quanto di far emergere dall’esame della registrazione della ripresa, così com’è data a noi oggi (spesso in una versione già più volte rimediata, in genere sotto forma di dvd commercializzato), scelte tecniche, musicali e culturali che potevano anche essere inconsapevoli. L’analisi dettagliata delle riprese conferma l’ipotesi di partenza che ci sia una sorta di sistema convenzionale, quasi una «solita forma» o approccio standardizzato, che sottende la gran parte delle riprese; gli elementi che si possono definire convenzionali, sia per la presenza sia per la modalità di trattamento, sono diversi, ma sono soprattutto due gli aspetti che sembrano esserne costitutivi: il legame con il rito del concerto, che viene rispettato e reincarnato televisivamente, con la costruzione di una propria, specifica aura; e la presenza di un paradigma implicito e sostanzialmente ineludibile che pone la maggior parte delle riprese televisive entro l’alveo della concezione della musica classica come musica pura, astratta, che deve essere compresa nei suoi propri termini.
This dissertation examines the global technological and environmental history of copper smelting and the conflict that developed between historic preservation and environmental remediation at major copper smelting sites in the United States after their productive periods ended. Part I of the dissertation is a synthetic overview of the history of copper smelting and its environmental impact. After reviewing the basic metallurgy of copper ores, the dissertation contains successive chapters on the history of copper smelting to 1640, culminating in the so-called German, or Continental, processing system; on the emergence of the rival Welsh system during the British industrial revolution; and on the growth of American dominance in copper production the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The latter chapter focuses, in particular, on three of the most important early American copper districts: Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula, Tennessee’s Copper Basin, and Butte-Anaconda, Montana. As these three districts went into decline and ultimately out of production, they left a rich industrial heritage and significant waste and pollution problems generated by increasingly more sophisticated technologies capable of commercially processing steadily growing volumes of decreasingly rich ores. Part II of the dissertation looks at the conflict between historic preservation and environmental remediation that emerged locally and nationally in copper districts as they went into decline and eventually ceased production. Locally, former copper mining communities often split between those who wished to commemorate a region’s past importance and develop heritage tourism, and local developers who wished to clear up and clean out old industrial sites for other purposes. Nationally, Congress passed laws in the 1960s and 1970s mandating the preservation of historical resources (National Historic Preservation Act) and laws mandating the cleanup of contaminated landscapes (CERCLA, or Superfund), objectives sometimes in conflict – especially in the case of copper smelting sites. The dissertation devotes individual chapters to the conflicts that developed between environmental remediation, particularly involving the Environmental Protection Agency and the heritage movement in the Tennessee, Montana, and Michigan copper districts. A concluding chapter provides a broad model to illustrate the relationship between industrial decline, federal environmental remediation activities, and the growth of heritage consciousness in former copper mining and smelting areas, analyzes why the outcome varied in the three areas, and suggests methods for dealing with heritage-remediation issues to minimize conflict and maximize heritage preservation.
In writing this report, two objects were kept in mind, (1) to explain, if possible, the origin of the chromite deposits found in Sweetgrass and Stillwater Counties, and (2) to bring up to date all information on these deposits which had thus far been available. The work done consisted of study of the rocks and ores of the area under the microscope, both as thin sections and as polished sections, practically all of which was done at the Montana State School of Mines, during the school year of 1928 - 1929. The rock specimens and much information as to their locations and probable compositions were obtained from Mr. P. F. Minister, of the East Butte Copper Company. United States Geological Survey Bulletin 725-A, Deposits of Chromite in California, Oregon, Washington, and Montana, and the unpublished report on the Chromite deposits of the Boulder River, prepared by Prof. C. H. Clapp of the University of Montana, were frequently referred to and considerable material was drawn from them. The map of the Boulder River area is from Clapp's report.
A supply of so-called "copper pitch" ore was received by the Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology in response to a request by them from a resident of Kalispell, who had previously sent a specimen to the Bureau for a mineralogical analysis. Since this material was little known and had apparently received but little study under a reflecting microscope, it was thought that such a study might throw some light on the mineralogical and chemical composition of the material.
The purpose of Part I of this report is to determine the origin of the bentonite deposits, also to locate them with reference to section corners in the vicinity and to determine their extent. The field work for this report was done in the fall of 1933 and during the spring of 1934. The roads, geologic contacts, and culture in general were mapped with the use of an open sight alidade and plane table. Distances were determined on the roads by the speedometer on the automobile; the detailed survey in the immediate vicinity of the deposits was done with use of the Brunton compass and pacing. The purpose of Part II in this report is to determine if the bentonite deposits immediately west of Butte, Montana are of commercial importance and also to determine the use to which they are best suited.
Between the villages of Rocker and Silver Bow, in southwestern Montana, are found an interesting group of placers. Gold occurs in Tertiary gravel beds that are interstratified with beds of rhyolitic volcanic ash. With the aid of a plane table and open-sight alidade, a small portion of the lake-bed area near Rocker was mapped; all distances were paced, but numerous checks assure a fairly accurate map.
In the development of a technique it was necessary to learn the fundamentals of ore microscopy as applied to the various minerals of silver, which included the use of reflected polarized light, etch reactions, microchemical analysis, and sight recognition of mineral. In addition it was necessary to become familiar with the accepted criteria of sequence, replacement, and other textural phenomena.
From time immemorial man has used gold as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, as jewelry and for ornamentation. Placer gold has led directly or indirectly to the settlement of lands, California and Alaska being the two best known examples. It has led the way to the discovery of other important mineral wealth, the discovery of the copper and silver deposits at Butte, Montana and the discovery of the silver deposits at Cripple Creek, Colorado being two good examples.
A microscopic investigation of the Montana silver minerals was conducted. This study consisted mainly of identifying the silver and silver-bearing minerals and of determining their paragenetic relationships. The increasing amount of research in which the reflecting microscope is employed is evidence of the great value of this method of approach in the solution of problems of paragenesis of the opaque minerals.
This investigation was undertaken primarily as a problem in geologic mapping, coupled with a study of stratigraphy, glaciation, igneous phenomena, and structure. The area is admirably suited to a study of geology and geologic events. Because it is small in extent, the area was studied in some detail during the time which was devoted to field work. The record of igneous activity of past geological ages is remarkably well exposed, since Lost Creek Canyon was carved through the roof of a stock or batholith by the glaciers of the Pleistocene epoch.
Mining activity in Butte, Montana has taken place, or continues to take place, within the urban residence of Butte itself. This has led to urban areas with high concentrations of toxic metals such as arsenic, lead, copper, zinc, mercury and cadmium. Advances in protein study and gene sequencing has opened the possibility of finding molecular biomarkers whose presence, absence or morphological changes could indicate disease processes in populations exposed to environmental toxins. While in principle, biomarkers can be any chemicals or metabolites, as well as proteins and genes that are indicative of exposure to xenobiotics, this study seeks to identify changes in cellular pathways that suggest chronic (or acute) exposure to low-levels of metals associated with historical mining activities on the Butte Hill that could cause oxidative stress or other stress to the cell.
Gold is one of the rarer metals in nature, and chemically it is one of the most inactive. Gold forms stable, natural compounds with few other elements, and only with metals.
This report includes the results of geological investigation of a small area in the northern part of the Argenta mining district. Approximately two square miles were mapped. The underground working of the three mines only were accessible: the Goldfinch. Golden Era, and Mayday mines.