814 resultados para Business Model, Beverages, Commercialization


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The importance of journalism to civil society is constantly proclaimed, but empirical evidence on journalism's impact, and how this operates, is surprisingly thin. Indeed, there is confusion even about what is meant by the term “impact”. Meanwhile, the issue of the role of journalism is becoming increasingly urgent as a consequence of the rapid changes engulfing the news media, brought about by technological change and the flow-on effect to the traditional advertising-supported business model. Assessing the impact of journalism has recently been the topic of debate among practitioners and scholars particularly in the United States, where philanthropists have responded to the perceived crisis in investigative journalism by funding not-for-profit newsrooms, with resulting new pressures being placed on journalists and editors to quantify their impact on society. These recent attempts have so far failed to achieve clarity or a satisfactory conclusion, which is not surprising given the complex web of causation within which journalism operates. In this paper, the authors propose a stratified definition of journalistic impact and function. They propose a methodology for studying impact drawing on realistic evaluation—a theory-based approach developed primarily to assess large social programmes occurring in open systems. The authors argue this could allow a conceptual and methodological advance on the question of media impacts, leading to research capable of usefully informing responses at a time of worrying change.


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Provision of modern energy services for cooking (with gaseous fuels)and lighting (with electricity) is an essential component of any policy aiming to address health, education or welfare issues; yet it gets little attention from policy-makers. Secure, adequate, low-cost energy of quality and convenience is core to the delivery of these services. The present study analyses the energy consumption pattern of Indian domestic sector and examines the urban-rural divide and income energy linkage. A comprehensive analysis is done to estimate the cost for providing modern energy services to everyone by 2030. A public-private partnership-driven business model, with entrepreneurship at the core, is developed with institutional, financing and pricing mechanisms for diffusion of energy services. This approach, termed as EMPOWERS (entrepreneurship model for provision of wholesome energy-related basic services), if adopted, can facilitate large-scale dissemination of energy-efficient and renewable technologies like small-scale biogas/biofuel plants, and distributed power generation technologies to provide clean, safe, reliable and sustainable energy to rural households and urban poor. It is expected to integrate the processes of market transformation and entrepreneurship development involving government, NGOs, financial institutions and community groups as stakeholders. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The traditional 'publish for free and pay to read' business model adopted by publishers of academic journals can lead to disparity in access to scholarly literature, exacerbated by rising journal costs and shrinking library budgets. However, although the 'pay to publish and read for free' business model of open-access publishing has helped to create a level playing field for readers, it does more harm than good in the developing world.


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Cool roof coatings have a beneficial impact on reducing the heat load of a range of building types, resulting in reduced cooling energy loads. This study seeks to understand the extent to which cool roof coatings could be used as a residential demand side management (DSM) strategy for retrofitting existing housing in a constrained network area in tropical Australia where peak electrical demand is heavily influenced by residential cooling loads. In particular this study seeks to determine whether simulation software used for building regulation purposes can provide networks with the ‘impact certainty’ required by their DSM principles. The building simulation method is supported by a field experiment. Both numerical and experimental data confirm reductions in total consumption (kWh) and energy demand (kW). The nature of the regulated simulation software, combined with the diverse nature of residential buildings and their patterns of occupancy, however, mean that simulated results cannot be extrapolated to quantify benefits to a broader distribution network. The study suggests that building data gained from regulatory simulations could be a useful guide for potential impacts of widespread application of cool roof coatings in this region. The practical realization of these positive impacts, however, would require changes to the current business model for the evaluation of DSM strategies. The study provides seven key recommendations that encourage distribution networks to think beyond their infrastructure boundaries, recognising that the broader energy system also includes buildings, appliances and people.


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India's energy challenges are three pronged: presence of majority energy poor lacking access to modern energy; need for expanding energy system to bridge this access gap as well as to meet the requirements of fast-growing economy; and the desire to partner with global economies in mitigating the threat of climate change. The presence of 364 million people without access to electricity and 726 million relying on biomass for cooking out of a total rural population of 809 million indicate the seriousness of challenge. In this paper, we discuss an innovative approach to address this challenge, which intends to take advantage of recent global developments and untapped capabilities possessed by India. Intention is to use climate change mitigation imperative as a stimulus and adopt a public-private-partnership-driven ‘business model' with innovative institutional, regulatory, financing, and delivery mechanisms. Some of the innovations are: creation of rural energy access authorities within the government system as leadership institutions; establishment of energy access funds to enable transitions from the regime of "investment/fuel subsidies" to "incentive-linked" delivery of energy services; integration of business principles to facilitate affordable and equitable energy sales and carbon trade; and treatment of entrepreneurs as implementation targets. This proposal targets 100% access to modern energy carriers by 2030 through a judicious mix of conventional and biomass energy systems with an investment of US$35 billion over 20 years. The estimated annual cost of universal energy access is about US$9 billion for a GHG mitigation potential of 213Tg CO2e at an abatement cost of US$41/tCO2e. It is a win-win situation for all stakeholders. Households benefit from modern energy carriers at affordable cost; entrepreneurs run profitable energy enterprises; carbon markets have access to CERs; the government has the satisfaction of securing energy access to rural people; and globally, there is a benefit of climate change mitigation.


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[ES] En este trabajo analizamos las posibles vías de desarrollar otro modelo de empresa multinacional desde tres puntos de vista. En primer lugar, analizaremos el papel que pueden desempeñar los códigos de conducta como instrumentos complementarios para diseñar una política social internacional. En segundo lugar, realizamos una breve reflexión sobre la cooperativa multinacional, o la cooperativa global, como alternativa cooperativa al modelo de empresa multinacional imperante. Por último, en tercer lugar, desde un punto de vista más amplio, nos referimos a las posibilidades de desarrollar un modelo de empresa multinacional más democrática. En este sentido, estudiamos algunos condicionantes que afectan al funcionamiento y a los procesos de decisión de las empresas multinacionales, en concreto nos referimos a los mecanismos de coordinación entre las diferentes unidades de la estructura multinacional y a las características de las filiales, en cuanto a su fortaleza o calidad.


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Although some services that support Open Access have developed a sustainable business model, many started as projects and continue to run on recurrent project funding or goodwill. If these are critical components of the evolving scholarly communication system the foundation of Open Access is vulnerable. Knowledge Exchange has commissioned this study as part of a larger programme of work to look at the issue of sustaining key services into the long term. This report focuses on phases one and two of the programme. Phase one was a scoping exercise, carried out mainly through a literature review and an extensive stakeholder interview exercise, to describe the services that are currently available or would be valuable in the future. It also investigated what roles stakeholders could play in this future scenario. Phase two was a stakeholder consultation and engagement exercise. The aim was to engage stakeholders with the work programme so that they could contribute their views, get involved with the work and have a voice in the thinking about future scenarios. The key services are presented for three future scenarios: ‘Gold’ Open Access, fully ‘Green’ Open Access and Green’ Open Access supplementing subscription access as ‘Gold’ OA grows. Three strategic areas are identified as having particular potential for future work. These are embedding business development expertise into service development; consideration of how to move money around the system to enable Open Access to be achieved optimally; and governance and coordination of the infrastructural foundation of Open Access. The report concludes with seven recommendations, both high-level and practical, for further work around these strategic areas.


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[ES] La participación activa del usuario en la Red no solo ha empezado a fomentar nuevos modelos productivos, sino también todo un modelo de negocios alrededor de los mismos. Muchas empresas están comenzando a explotar ventajas competitivas, en costes o en diferenciación, derivadas de la participación del usuario y su disponibilidad a colaborar en diversos proyectos en los que no siempre media, necesariamente, contraprestación económica; y cuando existe, suele ser inferior a la que exigiría un profesional medio por realizar el mismo trabajo. En este trabajo se analiza el fenómeno del crowdsourcing desde ambas vertientes, así como el importante impacto económico y social que genera esta nueva forma de trabajo. Dado que la base del crowdsourcing se encuentra en el efecto red, se comienza realizando un planteamiento crítico basado en la consideración de Internet como un espacio participativo que empodera a individuos y agentes económicos y en el que se analizan sus ventajas y límites. Posteriormente, y en base al estudio de diferentes casos, se sistematizan las características principales del crowdsourcing para definir tres modelos básicos en función de su consideración como modelo de negocio, como producción colaborativa con fines altruistas o como un híbrido de ambos.


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[EN] In the modern era firms should look for a sustainable and profitable business model. They operate in highly volatile and competitive markets. Innovation is a key element that allows firms to survive in these complex environments. Accordingly, some companies are developing human resource models that align to the actual competitive context. For instance, they establish democratic systems, flexible work practices, they focus on responsibility and initiative and increase the self-control of team members. In this framework, firms tend to use resources such as creativity, capacity for innovation or development of human talent. Therefore, innovative teams are able to adapt and react to turbulent, complex and dynamic environments, which allow them to handle in a more efficient way several subtasks. This fact gives rise to a higher effectiveness in the activities of firms. This paper analyze the characteristics and performance of multifunctional teams, virtual teams, open-innovation teams and self-managing teams. It also study the case of Semco, a company that is characterized by its innovative practices in human resources management and focus on responsibility and initiative and increase the self-control of team members.


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[ES]Este proyecto trata el problema del bloqueo de anuncios que existe actualmente en la web. Teniendo en cuenta la opinión de diversos autores sobre el tema, se analiza la problemática del uso de bloqueadores de anuncios. Además, se estudia cómo funcionan estos bloqueadores. En concreto, se analiza cómo está construido y cómo funciona, mediante ingeniería inversa, la extensión más popular en este campo, es decir, AdBlock Plus. Aparte de esto, se proponen una serie de soluciones para atacar al problema. Por último, se desarrolla e implementa una de las propuestas. Como resultado, se mejora el funcionamiento de AdBlock Plus, en el sentido de que da más libertad al usuario para elegir lo que bloquea dando la oportunidad a anunciantes y proveedores de contenido de mantener su modelo de negocio basado en la publicidad.


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[ES]En la actualidad, el modelo de transporte apenas ha avanzado en el intento de frenar el Cambio Climático o en el cuidado del medio ambiente. Además, el gran negocio que existe detrás del petróleo hace que este tipo de transporte sea poco sostenible. Es por eso que se está desarrollando, a nivel nacional e internacional, una solución a dicho problema que es el uso del vehiculó eléctrico (VE). La introducción masiva del VE permitirá el uso extensivo de fuentes de energía no contaminantes e intermitentes, como son las energías renovables. Sin embargo, los VEs están lejos de ser una tecnología probada. Existen aún muchos problemas en torno a él que deben ser resueltos, entre ellos se encuentra el desarrollo de las baterías, su modelo de negocio y coste o la influencia de la conexión del VE sobre la red eléctrica. Este último problema, estará muy influenciado por el comportamiento social del futuro conductor, lo cual es el eje central del proyecto.


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[ES] El Trabajo de Fin de Grado aquí presentado trata de un plan de negocio, el cual se centra en la creación de una nueva empresa evaluando su viabilidad técnica y financiera desde diferentes ámbitos: diseño de primer prototipo, modelo de negocio, financiación, plan de inversión, análisis del mercado, producción, logística, estrategias de comercialización, marketing, recursos humanos y trámites legales, entre otros.


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[ES] El presente TFG plantea una reflexión sobre la puesta en marcha de un negocio digital en el contexto empresarial de hoy en día. Se trata con ello de identificar pistas que resulten clave en el proceso de arranque de un negocio online exitoso. Para ello, se estudia el contexto empresarial en la era digital, así como la evolución de este en los últimos años con el paso de negocios puramente offline, a una combinación de estos, o a negocios puramente online. Una vez puestos en situación, se analizan algunos factores que resultan clave para iniciar un negocio online, como son los beneficios que estos ofrecen, así como los errores más comunes cometidos en negocios digitales. En este contexto, analizamos las estrategias empresariales seguidas por negocios digitales de éxito, considerando algunos ejemplos de los diferentes modelos de negocios digitales existentes hasta la fecha. El objetivo último es extraer algunas conclusiones generales que permitan orientar las decisiones de puesta en funcionamiento de un negocio digital.


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[ES] Diversos estudios han mostrado evidencias de que las empresas creadas desde las universidades (spin-offs) presentan unas tasas de crecimiento menores que otros tipos de start-ups. Esto puede deberse en parte a que un porcentaje de ellas pueden estar orientadas a dar continuidad a proyectos de investigación en base a ayudas públicas, en lugar de a valorizar resultados de investigación en el mercado. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es contrastar si es posible diferenciar dos tipos de spin-offs en función de si están orientadas al mercado o no. Además, en segundo lugar, hemos tratado de comprobar si es posible identificar esta orientación desde las primeras fases de vida de las spin-offs, lo que afectaría al perfil de riesgo desde el punto de vista de los inversores. Para ello hemos utilizado una muestra de 20 spin-offs y se ha procedido a analizar tanto sus estados contables como las ayudas y subvenciones públicas obtenidas durante sus primeros cinco años de actividad. La metodología empleada ha sido el análisis de conglomerados. Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que, si bien efectivamente un número significativo de spin-offs no parecen orientadas al mercado, esta diferenciación no puede inferirse de la información inicial económico financiera de la empresa. Este hecho puede dar lugar a un riesgo de orientación , definido como la imposibilidad por parte del inversor inicial de saber si existe una orientación o no al mercado de la spin-off.


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Purpose - In recent years there has been increasing interest in Product Service Systems (PSSs) as a business model for selling integrated product and service offerings. To date, there has been extensive research into the benefits of PSS to manufacturers and their customers, but there has been limited research into the effect of PSS on the upstream supply chain. This paper seeks to address this gap in the research. Design/methodology/approach - The research uses case-based research which is appropriate for exploratory research of this type. In-depth interviews were conducted with key personnel in a focal firm and two members of its supply chain, and the results were analysed to identify emergent themes.b Findings - The research has identified differences in supplier behaviour dependent on their role in PSS delivery and their relationship with the PSS provider. In particular, it suggests that for a successful partnership it is important to align the objectives between PSS provider and suppliers. Originality/value - This research provides a detailed investigation into a PSS supply chain and highlights the complexity of roles and relationships among the organizations within it. It will be of value to other PSS researchers and organizations transitioning to the delivery of PSS. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.