991 resultados para Bullet ants
The species combinations of myrmecophytic plants were compared in three different, neighboring local central Amazon forest sites. The proportional contribution of myrmecophytes in each setting varied significantly, with Maieta guainensis being the most abundant in each locality. This pattern resulted in low site similarity values. Other recorded species were Hirtella physophora, Tachigalia myrmecophila, Duroia sp., Tococa sp., and Cordia nodosa. Little variability was found with respect to associated ants that inhabited the myrmecophytes, and mutual entropies indicated a high degree of mutualistic interactions. However, for the majority of myrmecophytes, no differences in herbivore damage levels could be attributed to the presence of ants, with only M. guianensis and T. myrmecophila demonstrating significantly lower damages when inhabited by ants. Their respective ant associates, Pheidole minitula and Pseudomyrmex concolor, were thus the only plant-ants with a demonstrable ability to reduce the levels of herbivory in their host plant.
Using simulated ceramic refuse chambers, field decomposition studies were performed on the spent fungal refuse of the lead-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa. Refuse half life was estimated at 40 days, with complete decomposition at 100 days. These results suggest that the conversion-factor method used to estimate forage input into leaf-cutting ant colonies must be corrected for decomposition, or serious estimation errors will occur.
In female ants of the species Neoponera villosa the corpora allata are paired structures located dorsolaterally to the esophagus (Camargo-Mathias and Caetano, 1991). In the present study the glandular volume of the corpora allata was estimated and the activity of the glands was compared with the ovarian development. In the workers there was a relation between activity of these glands and ovaries in stages 0 to IV. In workers, with ovaries at stage V (maximum development) there was a smaller activity of the corpora allata. Another increasing activity was found in workers with ovaries at stage VII.In the queens, mainly those which were mated, whose ovaries were always fully developed, the volume of the corpora allata was smaller than those of the workers.
In Neoponera villosa ants, we found ovaries of the polytrophic meroistic type which is characterized by the presence of nurse cells forming together with the oocyte, the so-called follicles. The nurse cells have the primary function of supplying the oocyte with RNA, but they contribute to the supply of other elements such as glycogen. With the objetive of detecting the presence of this substance in the ovarioles of workers and queens of N.villosa ante the ovaries were removed and processed according to electron microscopy technic for glycogen detection. Glycogen is a common element in insect oocytes and is abundantly distributed in the cytoplasm of N.villosa workers and queens. However, in ovarian follicles it can only be detected at stages ET and lit of development. Glycogen synthesis probably occurs predominantly in nurse cells which transfer it into the oocyte through the nourish pore. This process requires high energy expenditure that justify the large numbers of mitochondria associated with glycogen in the nurse cell cytoplasm. The amount of glycogen in the nurse cells of queens is slightly greater than workers.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The authors report a massive attack by Pseudomyrmex ants on a human who touched a Triplaria - novice tree (Triplaris spp). The ants naturally live in these trees and their stings cause intense pain and discrete to moderate local inflammation. The problem is common in sonic Brazilian regions and can be prevented by identifying the trees.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Ant communities are sensitive to fragmentation responding through: extinction of specialist species compared with large habitats, invasion of generalist species, changes in community composition and richness of species. Because of these characteristics, this review aims at examining the main risks that ants have been facing to maintain their communities, as well as to report current conservation practices in Brazil and in the world.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Leafcutters are the highest evolved within Neotropical ants in the tribe Attini and model systems for studying caste formation, labor division and symbiosis with microorganisms. Some species of leafcutters are agricultural pests controlled by chemicals which affect other animals and accumulate in the environment. Aiming to provide genetic basis for the study of leafcutters and for the development of more specific and environmentally friendly methods for the control of pest leafcutters, we generated expressed sequence tag data from Atta laevigata, one of the pest ants with broad geographic distribution in South America. Results: The analysis of the expressed sequence tags allowed us to characterize 2,006 unique sequences in Atta laevigata. Sixteen of these genes had a high number of transcripts and are likely positively selected for high level of gene expression, being responsible for three basic biological functions: energy conservation through redox reactions in mitochondria; cytoskeleton and muscle structuring; regulation of gene expression and metabolism. Based on leafcutters lifestyle and reports of genes involved in key processes of other social insects, we identified 146 sequences potential targets for controlling pest leafcutters. The targets are responsible for antixenobiosis, development and longevity, immunity, resistance to pathogens, pheromone function, cell signaling, behavior, polysaccharide metabolism and arginine kynase activity. Conclusion: The generation and analysis of expressed sequence tags from Atta laevigata have provided important genetic basis for future studies on the biology of leaf-cutting ants and may contribute to the development of a more specific and environmentally friendly method for the control of agricultural pest leafcutters.
Leaf-cutting ants of the genera Acromyrmex and Atta are considered the principal polyphagous pests of the Neotropics. Although some members of these genera are of economic importance, have a broad geographic distribution, and are extremely good colonizers, others are endemic and closely interact with native ecosystems. Control is generally practiced against any colony, irrespective of its taxonomic status. Indiscriminate control coupled with habitat destruction threatens endemic species with extinction, and, through habitat simplification, favors other pest species. As nests of Atta are large, having several square meters of nest surface, the endemic taxa can be easily used as environmental indicators for natural ecosystems. Likewise, the pest species can be used to detect environmental disturbance. As these ants are keystone species and easily identified by nonspecialists, efforts should be made to integrate these into viable conservation programs.
The first case of interference competition through soil dumping in South America is documented between Ectatomma quadridens and Pheidole fallax in Amazonian forest clearings. Workers of the diurnally active E. quadridens arrive at nests of P. fallax at dawn, and begin to fill up nest entrances with soil. During the day, E. quadridens workers remain stationary on the closed nest of P. fallax, and fill soil at the first signs of nest openings. Colonies of P. fallax distant from E. quadridens nests are active for 24 hrs; those near E. quadridens nests are limited for foraging nocturnally after opening nest entrances. This pattern was not found between heterospecific colonies at greater distances from the camp midden, according with the prediction that interference competition is more probable as resources become more concentrated. Colonies of P. fallax near E. quadridens nests located near the camp midden had a net forage intake of 60% of those located in areas without E. quadridens. -Author
Patterns of dietary and foraging strata utilization by the ground ant community of a Brazilian cocoa planatation were examined using sugar, meat and flour baits on the surface as well as buried. A total of 49 ant species was recorded, including 10 species of Pheidole. Strong dominance was exercised by Solenopsis geminata at both surface and subterranean strata, and at all food resources. The dissimilarity matrix of the epigaeic ant fauna was much greater than that for the hypogaeic species. At least four guilds were identified: the fungus-growing ants, epigaeic nectivores, epigaeic carnivores, and hypogaeic foragers. Niche breadth reduction, leading to the formation of guilds, permits the coexistence of many species in the this ground ant community from a tropical cocoa plantation. -Authors
Crematogaster cf. victima is a common inhabitant in the sheet web nests of the social spider Anelosimus eximius in the central Amazon basin near Manaus. A number of other ant species were found foraging on the non-sticky webs of A. eximius, but none of these reached the web occupation frequency found in C. cf. victima, nor, with the exception of an unidentified species of Pheidole, did they form satellite nests in the web, as did this species. Many prey which escaped the knock-down threads of the sheet web of A. eximius colonies were captured by ants in the lower web portions which they dominated. Furthermore, prey which were rejected by A. eximius, especially large, heavily sclerotized beetles, were also consumed by this ant. Repeated observations and experiments suggest that C. cf. victima is able to deter A. eximius activity through aerial venom release. Resources lost by A. eximius colonies to ants, especially C. cf. victima, in colonial web area and prey, may pose significant costs and may reduce colony growth.