866 resultados para Bromine.


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In this monograph on the basis of materials obtained by the author and his colleagues in Arctic expeditions of 1991-2005 and of published data results of studies effect of aerosols on environmental conditions and marine sedimentation in the Arctic are summarizes. Processes of aeolian transport and transformation of sedimentary material from sources to places of its accumulation in bottom sediments are described. Results of this study can be used to assess current state of ecosystem of Arctic seas and as a background for evaluation of possible human impact on nature during exploration of mineral resources of the Arctic shelf. For oceanographers, geochemists, geoecologists.


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Laminated sediment records from the oxygen minimum zone in the Arabian Sea offer unique ultrahigh-resolution archives for deciphering climate variability in the Arabian Sea region. Although numerous analytical techniques are available it has become increasingly popular during the past decade to analyze relative variations of sediment cores' chemical signature by non-destructive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning. We carefully selected an approximately 5 m long sediment core from the northern Arabian Sea (GeoB12309-5: 24°52.3' N; 62°59.9' E, 956 m water depth) for a detailed, comparative study of high-resolution techniques, namely non-destructive XRF core scanning (0.8 mm resolution) and ICP-MS/OES analysis on carefully selected, discrete samples (1 mm resolution). The aim of our study was to more precisely define suitable chemical elements that can be accurately analyzed and to determine which elemental ratios can be interpretated down to sub-millimeter-scale resolutions. Applying the Student's t-test our results show significantly correlating (1% significance level) elemental patterns for all S, Ca, Fe, Zr, Rb, and Sr, as well as the K/Ca, Fe/Ti and Ti/Al ratios that are all related to distinct lithological changes. After careful consideration of all errors for the ICP analysis we further provide respective factors of XRF Core Scanner software error's underestimation by applying Chi-square-tests, which is especially relevant for elements with high count rates. As demonstrated by these new, ultra-high resolution data core scanning has major advantages (high-speed, low costs, few sample preparation steps) and represents an increasingly required alternative over the time consuming, expensive, elaborative, and destructive wet chemical analyses (e.g., by ICP-MS/OES after acid digestions), and meanwhile also provides high-quality data in unprecedented resolution.


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The geochemistry of the youngest Mediterranean sapropel layer suggests changes in productivity and water column oxygen conditions during sapropel deposition. The Ba-enriched interval is broader than the organic-carbon-rich interval of this sapropel. We suggest that the Ba-enriched horizon records the original thickness of the sapropel prior to subsequent partial oxidation. The main carrier of Ba is barite, as microcrystals (0.5-5 µm ) having a morphology characteristic of marine barite, particularly abundant beneath high productivity regions. Ba concentrations do not change at the sapropel layer oxidation front and diagenetic barite crystals are absent, thus the Ba-enriched layer reflects original oceanic conditions of increased biological productivity during sapropel deposition and not diagenetic Ba remobilization. Paleoredox indicators point to restricted oxygenated bottom water but not to fully anoxic conditions. Detrital elements within this layer indicate a lower eolian terrigenous input, enhanced humidity, and increased precipitation/runoff, thus likely higher nutrient supply.


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In order to provide information on the degree of alteration of the very young basaltic basement drilled on Leg 65 in the mouth of the Gulf of California, we have measured the oxygen isotopic composition of whole rocks and mineral separates. Considerable data already exist for older ocean crust, in particular for the deep holes drilled in the Atlantic Ocean on Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Legs 37, 45, 46, and 51-53. These data indicate that in all of these holes, which include crust as young as 3.5 m.y. old, a significant amount of alteration has taken place as the result of low-temperature interaction between basalt and seawater (cf. Muehlenbachs, 1977, 1980; Hoernes et al., 1978; Friedrichsen and Hoernes, 1980). It is therefore of interest to determine whether Leg 65 crust, which is only 0.5 to 1.5 m.y. old, has experienced a similar degree of alteration.


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Depending on the temperature and the extent of diagenetic alteration of fluid chemistry, fluid flow at convergent margins may transfer important quantities of heat and mass between the crust and seawater, thereby influencing global mass, isotopic and heat budgets. In the North Aoba Basin, an intra-arc basin located at the New Hebrides Island Arc, alteration of volcanic ash to clay minerals and zeolites forms a CaCl2 brine, perhaps in less than 1 to 3 m.y. The brine results from an exchange of Ca for Na, K, and Mg, and an increase in Cl concentrations to a maximum of 1241 mM. The Cl increase is partly due to the transfer of H2O from the pore fluid into authigenic minerals, but water mass balances, d18O-Cl correlations, and Br/Cl ratios suggest that there is a source of Cl in the sediments. Concentration profiles indicate that Li is transferred from the fluid to solid phase at depths <300 meters below seafloor (mbsf), but at greater depths it is transferred from the solid to fluid phase, at temperatures possibly as low as 25°C. In the accretionary wedge extensive fluid flow appears to be confined to highly faulted regions. Although Cl concentrations less than seawater value are common at convergent margins, the New Hebrides margin contains little low-Cl fluid. Br/Cl ratios suggest the low-Cl fluid is from dilution, and d18O values indicate the water may be derived from mineral dehydration and mixing with meteoric water. The New Hebrides margin exhibits few surface manifestations of venting (e.g., sulfide-oxidizing benthic biological communities, carbonate crusts, mud volcanoes) and thus fluid fluxes may be smaller than at many other margins.


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The book is devoted to study of diagenetic changes of organic matter and mineral part of sediments and interstitial waters of the Pacific Ocean due to physical-chemical and microbiological processes. Microbiological studies deal with different groups of bacteria. Regularities of quantitative distribution and the role of microorganisms in geochemical processes are under consideration. Geochemical studies highlight redox processes of the early stages of sediment diagenesis, alterations of interstitial waters, regularities of variations in chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules.


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Despite the fact that plankton plays an important role in biogeochemical processes in oceans, data on its elemental composition, particularly in shelf seas of the Arctic Ocean, have thus far been insufficient. This communication, which is devoted to a comparative analysis of the elemental composition of plankton and bottom sediments in the White Sea, is part of the comprehensive investigation of the region that is occurring in line with the International Project ''Land-Ocean Interaction in the Russian Arctic'' (LOIRA).


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Chemical and isotopic data for rare massive and semimassive sulfide samples cored at Site 1189 (Roman Ruins, PACMANUS) suggest their genetic relationship with sulfide chimneys at the seafloor. Sand collected from the hammer drill after commencement of Hole 1189B indicates that at least the lower section of the cased interval was occupied by material similar to the stockwork zone cored from 31 to ~100 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in this hole, but with increased content of barite, sphalerite, and lead-bearing minerals. Fractional crystallization of ascending hydrothermal fluid involving early precipitation of pyrite may explain vertical mineralogical and chemical zoning within the stockwork conduit and the high base and precious metal contents of Roman Ruins chimneys. A mineralized volcaniclastic unit cored deep in Hole 1189A possibly represents the lateral fringe of the conduit system. Lead isotope ratios in the sulfides differ slightly but significantly from those of fresh lavas from Pual Ridge, implying that at least some of the Pb within the Roman Ruins hydrothermal system derived from a deeper, more radiogenic source than the enclosing altered volcanic rocks.


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Ferromanganese concretions spread out on the bottom of the shallow northwest part of the Black Sea are mainly represented by Fe and Mn nodules on shells and substituted worm tubes. Element composition of these formations was measured by methods of chemical, atomic absorbtion, neutron activation, and ICP-MS analyses. It was established that Fe and Mn contents and Mn/Fe ratio in the concretions varied considerably and which controlled occurrence of several associated metals and minor elements; some of them have not been studied in Black Sea concretions before.