997 resultados para Brazil, Amazon Forest


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Calodium hepaticum (syn. Capillaria hepatica) is a nematode of the Capillariidae family that infects rodents and other mammals. In Brazil, human spurious infections of C. hepaticum have been detected in indigenous or rural communities from the Amazon Basin, but not in the southern states of the country. Here, we report the highest occurrence (13.5% of 37 residents) of C. hepaticum human spurious infection detected in Brazil and the first record in a southern region, Guaraqueçaba. The finding is explained by the area being located in the Atlantic Forest of the state of Paraná, surrounded by preserved forests and because the inhabitants consume the meat of wild mammals.


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Here we present the first in a series of articles about the ecology of immature stages of anophelines in the Brazilian Yanomami area. We propose a new larval habitat classification and a new larval sampling methodology. We also report some preliminary results illustrating the applicability of the methodology based on data collected in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest in a longitudinal study of two remote Yanomami communities, Parafuri and Toototobi. In these areas, we mapped and classified 112 natural breeding habitats located in low-order river systems based on their association with river flood pulses, seasonality and exposure to sun. Our classification rendered seven types of larval habitats: lakes associated with the river, which are subdivided into oxbow lakes and nonoxbow lakes, flooded areas associated with the river, flooded areas not associated with the river, rainfall pools, small forest streams, medium forest streams and rivers. The methodology for larval sampling was based on the accurate quantification of the effective breeding area, taking into account the area of the perimeter and subtypes of microenvironments present per larval habitat type using a laser range finder and a small portable inflatable boat. The new classification and new sampling methodology proposed herein may be useful in vector control programs.


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A new species of Cernotina (Trichoptera, Polycentropodidae) from the Atlantic Forest, Rio de Janeiro State, southeastern Brazil. Cernotina Ross, 1938, with 64 extant species, is a New World genus of caddisflies. In Brazil, there are 31 described species of which 28 are recorded from the Amazon basin. Cernotina puri sp. nov. is described and figured based on specimens collected in the Atlantic Forest, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The new species can be distinguished by the shape of the intermediate appendages and tergum X. The immature stages of C. puri are unknown.


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ABSTRACT Water erosion is one of the main factors driving soil degradation, which has large economic and environmental impacts. Agricultural production systems that are able to provide soil and water conservation are of crucial importance in achieving more sustainable use of natural resources, such as soil and water. The aim of this study was to evaluate soil and water losses in different integrated production systems under natural rainfall. Experimental plots under six different land use and cover systems were established in an experimental field of Embrapa Agrossilvipastoril in Sinop, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, in a Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo Distrófico (Udox) with clayey texture. The treatments consisted of perennial pasture (PAS), crop-forest integration (CFI), eucalyptus plantation (EUC), soybean and corn crop succession (CRP), no ground cover (NGC), and forest (FRS). Soil losses in the treatments studied were below the soil loss limits (11.1 Mg ha-1 yr-1), with the exception of the plot under bare soil (NGC), which exhibited soil losses 30 % over the tolerance limit. Water losses on NGC, EUC, CRP, PAS, CFI and FRS were 33.8, 2.9, 2.4, 1.7, 2.4, and 0.5 % of the total rainfall during the period of study, respectively.


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Groundwater quality of a riparian forest is compared to wells in surrounding rural areas at Urupá River basin. Groundwater types were calcium bicarbonated at left margin and sodium chloride at right, whereas riparian wells exhibited a combination of both (sodium bicarbonate). Groundwater was mostly solute-depleted with concentrations within permissible limits for human consumption, except for nitrate. Isotopic composition suggests that inorganic carbon in Urupá River is mostly supplied by runoff instead of riparian groundwater. Hence, large pasture areas in addition to narrow riparian forest width in this watershed may have an important contribution in the chemical composition of this river.


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Slight topographic variations appear to exert dramatic effects on the structure of forests subject to inundation. In a late successional tidal floodplain forest near the Amazon port of Belém, Brazil, we examined these effects by studying floristic composition along a topographic gradient. We predicted that, relative to high sites, low sites would be characterized by high representation of life forms and taxa characteristic of inundated sites. We found striking variations in floristic composition along a slight topographic gradient. In comparison with topographically high sites, low sites were characterized by a high representation of Palm trees (Arecaceae), low diversity of trees and lianas, and high plant density. These variations appear to reflect edaphic limitations imposed by periodic flooding. The high spatial variation in floristic composition found in this ecosystem suggest caution in implementing intensive forms of agriculture.


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The dynamics of forests subject to inundation appears to be strongly influenced by the frequency and intensity of natural disturbances such as flooding. In a late successional tidal floodplain forest near the Amazon port of Belém, Brazil, we tested this prediction by measuring seasonal patterns of phenology and litterfall in relation to two key variables: rainfall and tide levels. In addition, we estimated the root biomass and the annual growth of the forest community by measuring stem increments over time. Our results showed high correlations between phenological events (flowering and fruiting) and rainfall and tide levels, while correlations between litterfall and these variations were generally weaker. Contrary to our prediction, root biomass to 1 m depth showed no significant differences along the topographic gradient, and the root biomass at all topographic levels was low to intermediate compared with other neotropical forests. Both litterfall and total stem increment were high compared to other tropical forest, indicating the high productivity of this ecosystem.


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Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don is a pioneer tree widespread in the Brazilian Amazon, usually found colonizing forest gaps and altered areas, and the forest fragment edges. This study investigated aspects of the floral biology, breeding system and pollinators of J. copaia trees. Flowering lasts from August to November, during the low rainfall period extending up to four weeks per tree and 3-4 months for the population as a whole, characterizing a cornucopia flowering pattern. The fruit set ends in the beginning of the rainy season, with wind dispersed winged seeds. Fruit set from open pollination was 1.06% (n = 6,932). Hand pollination using self-pollen (n = 2,099) did not set fruits. Cross-pollination resulted in 6.54% fruit set (n = 2,524), representing six times more than the natural pollination rate (1.06%, n = 6,932). Flowers excluded from insect visitation (automatic self-pollination) did not set fruits (n = 5,372). Pollen tube growth down to ovary was detected under fluorescence microcoscopy in cross-pollinated and selfed pistils. The species is an obligate allogamous plant, with late-acting self-incompatibility system. Approximately 40 species of native bees visited the flowers, but the main pollinators were medium-sized solitary bees as Euglossa and Centris species due to the compatibility between their body sizes with the corolla tube, direct contact with the reproductive structures and high frequency of visits.


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Three new species of Sloanea L. are recognized based on specimens collected in the Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve. These new species are morphologically distinct from other Sloanea in the Neotropics in terms of their vegetative and reproductive characters. The Ducke Reserve contains a total of 18 species of Sloanea, and the species closest to these new taxa occur there. Morphological descriptions and illustrations are provided, together with comments concerning morphological similarities with other species, as well as their geographic distributions and their phenologies.


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To study the impact of Amazonian forest fragmentation on the mosquito fauna, an inventory of Culicidae was conducted in the upland forest research areas of the Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project located 60 km north of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. The culicid community was sampled monthly between February 2002 and May 2003. CDC light traps, flight interception traps, manual aspiration, and net sweeping were used to capture adult specimens along the edges and within forest fragments of different sizes (1, 10, and 100 ha), in second-growth areas surrounding the fragments and around camps. We collected 5,204 specimens, distributed in 18 genera and 160 species level taxa. A list of mosquito taxa is presented with 145 species found in the survey, including seven new records for Brazil, 16 new records for the state of Amazonas, along with the 15 morphotypes that probably represent undescribed species. No exotic species [Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse)] were found within the sampled areas. Several species collected are potential vectors of Plasmodium causing human malaria and of various arboviruses. The epidemiological and ecological implications of mosquito species found are discussed, and the results are compared with other mosquito inventories from the Amazon region.


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Based on the fact that streamwater quality reflects landscape conditions, the objectives of this study were: to investigate nitrogen (N), carbon (C), and major ion concentrations in six streams crossing minimally disturbed Atlantic Forest areas, with similar geomorphological characteristics; to determine N and C fluxes in one of these pristine streams (Indaia); and assess the impact of human activity on the biogeochemistry of two other streams in the same region, crossing urbanized areas. The distribution pattern of carbon and inorganic nitrogen dissolved forms, as well as the major ion and biogenic gas concentrations in the streamwater, was similar in pristine streams, indicating that the C and N dynamics were determined by influence of some factors, such as climate, atmospheric deposition, geology, soil type, and land covering, which were analogous in the forested watersheds. The urban streams were significantly different from the pristine streams, showing low dissolved oxygen concentrations, high respiration rates, and high concentrations of carbon dioxide, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, dissolved inorganic carbon, and major ion. These differences were attributed to anthropogenic impact on water quality, especially domestic sewage discharge. Additionally, in the Indaia stream, it was possible to observe the importance of rainfall over temporal dynamics of dissolved carbon forms, and also, the obtained specific flux of dissolved inorganic nitrogen was relatively elevated (approximately 11 kg ha(-1) year(-1)). These results reveal the influence of human activity over the biogeochemistry of coastal streams and also indicate the importance N export of Atlantic Forest to the ocean.


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We investigated the seasonal patterns of water vapor and sensible heat flux along a tropical biome gradient from forest to savanna. We analyzed data from a network of flux towers in Brazil that were operated within the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA). These tower sites included tropical humid and semideciduous forest, transitional forest, floodplain (with physiognomies of cerrado), and cerrado sensu stricto. The mean annual sensible heat flux at all sites ranged from 20 to 38 Wm(-2), and was generally reduced in the wet season and increased in the late dry season, coincident with seasonal variations of net radiation and soil moisture. The sites were easily divisible into two functional groups based on the seasonality of evaporation: tropical forest and savanna. At sites with an annual precipitation above 1900 mm and a dry season length less than 4 months (Manaus, Santarem and Rondonia), evaporation rates increased in the dry season, coincident with increased radiation. Evaporation rates were as high as 4.0 mm d(-1) in these evergreen or semidecidous forests. In contrast, ecosystems with precipitation less than 1700 mm and a longer dry season (Mato Grosso, Tocantins and Sao Paulo) showed clear evidence of reduced evaporation in the dry season. Evaporation rates were as low as 2.5 mm d(-1) in the transitional forests and 1 mm d(-1) in the cerrado. The controls on evapotranspiration seasonality changed along the biome gradient, with evaporative demand (especially net radiation) playing a more important role in the wetter forests, and soil moisture playing a more important role in the drier savannah sites.


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A new Proceratophrys from Rondonia, Brazil, is described based on adults and tadpoles. The new form represents a species with eyelids bordered by large, irregularly arranged, warts; postocular swellings absent; snout obtuse with flaring lip in profile; tympanum defined as a depression in the skin; and dorsal surfaces of body and leg bearing high elevated warts. The new species extends the known distribution of the genus to the northwest and represents the first described species of Proceratophrys from the Amazon rain forest. We discuss the species group arrangement in Proceratophrys based on morphology, geographic distribution, and habitat.


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Neste estudo foram investigados os hábitos alimentares do bagre Auchenipterichthys longimanus coletados em rios da Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã (Amazônia Oriental, Brasil) ao longo de diferentes períodos hidrológicos (seco, enchendo, cheio e vazando). Foram coletados 589 espécimes durante sete amostragens, entre julho de 2008 e julho de 2009, dos quais 74eram machos jovens, 177 machos adultos, 89 fêmeas jovens e 249 fêmeas adultas. A composição da dieta, analisada pelo Índice de Importância Alimentar (IAi%) foi avaliada por um escalonamento multidimensional não-métrico (nMDS) e pela análise de similaridade (ANOSIM), que incluiu 37 itens alimentares agrupados em nove categorias (insetos aquáticos, outros invertebrados aquáticos, fragmento de artrópodes, peixe, fragmento de planta, sementes, insetos terrestres, outros invertebrados terrestrese vertebrados terrestres). Também foram obtidos a amplitude de nicho (Índice de Levins) e o Índice de Repleção (IR%) da dieta do bagre. Foram observadas diferenças na composição da dieta entre os períodos hidrológicos, principalmente relacionada à estação seca e cheia, mas não houve variação na composição da dieta entre os sexos e maturidade. No período de cheia (especificamente no mês de março/2009) o bagre mostrou uma alimentação mais especialista enquanto que no período de seca (novembro/2008) os valores de amplitude de nicho classificaram-no com hábitos mais generalistas quanto a alimentação. A quantidade de alimentos ingeridos por A. longimanus com base no Índice de Repleção (IR%), não diferiram significativamente entre o sexo e maturidade. No entanto, foram evidenciadas diferenças quando comparados os meses estudados. Estes resultados fornecem informações biológicas importantes sobre a ecologia trófica de peixes da família Auchenipteridae. Tendo em vista a maior ocorrência de itens alóctones na dieta deste bagre, esta pesquisa também reforça a importância das matas ciliares em ambientes críticos na manutenção e conservação das populações selvagens de peixes na bacia amazônica.


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The aim of the present study was to describe the species composition and reproductive modes of an anuran community from a transition area between the Amazonia and Cerrado biomes. Data were collected in habitats exhibiting different degrees of anthropogenic degradation. The community (35 species) identified during the present study presented a larger number of reproductive modes when compared with those from Cerrado communities, but smaller than those of other sites in the Amazon. While all nine modes were recorded in the gallery forests of local rivers and streams, anthropogenic habitats (rubber tree orchards and soybean fields) were occupied only by species adapted to environments where humidity is low, typical of the Cerrado. Overall, the anuran fauna of the study area was characterized by species that depend on access to water bodies for their reproduction, with only a few specialized species able to reproduce in dry environments.