986 resultados para Bomfim, Manoel


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Scenes for Spectrography experiment Scenes were recorded following the tasks involved in spectrography experiments, which are carried out in front of "J9" output radiadion channel, the latter in open condition. These tasks may be executed by one or two persons. One person can do the tasks, but requiring him to crouch in front of "J9" to adjust the angular position the experimental appartus (a crystal to bend the neutron radiation to the spectograph), and then to get up to verify data in a computer aside; these movements are repeated until achieving the right operational conditions. Two people may aid one another in such a way one remais crouched while the other remains still in front of the computer. They may also interchange tasks so as to divide received doses. Up to now, there are available two scenes with one person and one scene with two persons. These scenes are described in the sequel: - Scene 2: Another take similat to Scene 1. Video file labels: "20140327180750_IPCAM": recorded by the left camera.


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Scenes for Spectrography experiment Scenes were recorded following the tasks involved in spectrography experiments, which are carried out in front of "J9" output radiadion channel, the latter in open condition. These tasks may be executed by one or two persons. One person can do the tasks, but requiring him to crouch in front of "J9" to adjust the angular position the experimental appartus (a crystal to bend the neutron radiation to the spectograph), and then to get up to verify data in a computer aside; these movements are repeated until achieving the right operational conditions. Two people may aid one another in such a way one remais crouched while the other remains still in front of the computer. They may also interchange tasks so as to divide received doses. Up to now, there are available two scenes with one person and one scene with two persons. These scenes are described in the sequel: - Scene 3: Comprises the scene with two persons performing spectography experiment. Video file labels: "20140327182905_IPCAM": recorded by the right camera.


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Scenes for Spectrography experiment Scenes were recorded following the tasks involved in spectrography experiments, which are carried out in front of "J9" output radiadion channel, the latter in open condition. These tasks may be executed by one or two persons. One person can do the tasks, but requiring him to crouch in front of "J9" to adjust the angular position the experimental appartus (a crystal to bend the neutron radiation to the spectograph), and then to get up to verify data in a computer aside; these movements are repeated until achieving the right operational conditions. Two people may aid one another in such a way one remais crouched while the other remains still in front of the computer. They may also interchange tasks so as to divide received doses. Up to now, there are available two scenes with one person and one scene with two persons. These scenes are described in the sequel: - Scene 3: Comprises the scene with two persons performing spectography experiment. Video file labels: "20140327182906_IPCAM": recorded by the left camera.


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General simulated scenes These scenes followed a pre-defined script (see the Thesis for details), with common movements corresponding to general experiments. People go to or stand still in front of "J9", and/or go to the side of Argonauta reactor and come back again. The first type of movement is common during Irradiation experiments, where a material sample is put within the "J9" channel; and also during neutrongraphy or gammagraphy experiments, where a sample is placed in front of "J9". Here, the detailed movements of putting samples on these places were not reproduced in details, but only the whole bodies' movements were simulated (as crouching or being still in front of "J9"). The second type of movement may occur when operators go to the side of Argonauta to verify some operational condition. - Scene 2: Comprises one of the scenes with two persons. Both of them use clothes of dark colors. Both persons go to the side of Argonauta reactor and then come back and go out. Video file labels: "20140326154755_IPCAM": recorded by the left camera.


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Real operation scene This scene was recorded during a real Irradiation operation, more specifically during its final tasks (removing the irradiated sample). This scene was an extra recording to the script and planned ones. - Scene: Involved a number of persons, as: two operators, two personnel belonging to the radiological protection service, and the "client" who asked for the irradiation. Video file labels: "20140402150657_IPCAM": recorded by the right camera.


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Real operation scene This scene was recorded during a real Irradiation operation, more specifically during its final tasks (removing the irradiated sample). This scene was an extra recording to the script and planned ones. - Scene: Involved a number of persons, as: two operators, two personnel belonging to the radiological protection service, and the "client" who asked for the irradiation. Video file labels: "20140402150658_IPCAM": recorded by the left camera.


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Description of the Annotation files: Annotation files are supplied for each video, for benchmarking. Annotations correspond to ground truths of peoples' positions in the image plane, and also for their feet positions, when they were visible. Annotations were performed manually, with the aid of a code developed by (Silva et al., 2014; see the Thesis for details). Targets (people or feet) are marked at variable frame intervals and then linearly interpolated.


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Description of the Annotation files: Annotation files are supplied for each video, for benchmarking. Annotations correspond to ground truths of peoples' positions in the image plane, and also for their feet positions, when they were visible. Annotations were performed manually, with the aid of a code developed by (Silva et al., 2014; see the Thesis for details). Targets (people or feet) are marked at variable frame intervals and then linearly interpolated.


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Description of the Annotation files: Annotation files are supplied for each video, for benchmarking. Annotations correspond to ground truths of peoples' positions in the image plane, and also for their feet positions, when they were visible. Annotations were performed manually, with the aid of a code developed by (Silva et al., 2014; see the Thesis for details). Targets (people or feet) are marked at variable frame intervals and then linearly interpolated.


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Description of the Annotation files: Annotation files are supplied for each video, for benchmarking. Annotations correspond to ground truths of peoples' positions in the image plane, and also for their feet positions, when they were visible. Annotations were performed manually, with the aid of a code developed by (Silva et al., 2014; see the Thesis for details). Targets (people or feet) are marked at variable frame intervals and then linearly interpolated.


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This Database was generated during the development of a computer vision-based system for safety purposes in nuclear plants. The system aims at detecting and tracking people within a nuclear plant. Further details may be found in the related thesis. The research was developed through a cooperation between the Graduate Electrical Engineering Program of Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (PEE/COPPE, UFRJ) and the Nuclear Engineering Institute of National Commission of Nuclear Energy (IEN, CNEN). The experimental part of this research was carried out in Argonauta, a nuclear research reactor belonging to IEN. The Database is made available in the sequel. All the videos are already rectified. The Projection and Homography matrices are given in the end, for both cameras. Please, acknowledge the use of this Database in any publication.


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Prière pour assister à la messe.Par les P. P. Hinderer et Manoel Mendez, Jésuite (1656-1743 ; noms Chinois Meng You yi Ju ren), avec autorisation de 1721 ; gravé en texte gros et fin à l'église Chao xing.Livre 1er seul.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Sociales con orientación en Desarrollo Sustentable) UANL, 2014.


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Presentar la ASC como forma de suscitar un proceso vital de autorrealización y de sensibilización, otros lo expresan en términos de estímulo para el desarrollo de la dimensión creadora que existe en cada uno de nosotros, de la iniciativa y de la responsabilidad; es una forma de desbloquear la comunicación social, estableciendo calor e intimidad en las relaciones interpersonales;mejorar las relaciones de sujeto-objeto y de sujeto-sujeto. Tambien se ha considerado a la Animación como un modo de adaptación a los cambios que plantea la evolución de la sociedad, y como modo de resistir a esos cambios - en el supuesto de resultar enajenables - y de imponerle orientaciones; es finalmente un camino de liberación de la alienación implícita de una cierta forma de cultura y un instrumento para convertirse en agente activo del propio desarrollo. El sujeto de los programas de animación-promoción debe ser el pueblo organizado , y no las instituciones u organizaciones que promueven esos programas. La animación es un campo de trabajo importante, con futuro, necesario hasta el punto de que todos estamos de alguna manera involucrados porque algo habrá de riqueza en nosotros para aportar a los demás y contribuir para mejorar la sociedad. La Animación socio-cultural es un arma poderosa para la participación y el cambio social con efectos tanto de carácter individual como de carácter comunitario. Se necesita con urgencia normalizar la situación profesional de los Animadores.


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Esta pesquisa analisa as políticas públicas para a educação básica no município de Princesa Isabel/PB e tem como objeto de investigação a análise das políticas implementadas no período de 2000 a 2008, cujo tema central se refere à tensão dialética entre gestores e professores no fenômeno da educação político-prática municipal. A pesquisa em seu contexto evoca uma leitura reflexiva das matizes que integram a construção do processo educacional, partindo-se da concepção de Estado, de sociedade e de política como direito público subjetivo garantido pela Constituição Federal de 1988, até a identificação das ações políticas efetivamente implementadas pelo município no recorte temporal citado. O problema constitutivo emerge na seguinte forma expressiva: a política pública e a educação em Princesa Isabel formaram uma unidade dual do processo educativo entre 2000-2008? Tendo em vista ter sido dado prioridade à construção e implementação do eixo político-pedagógico, o método dialético aparece em todo o texto, mais explicitamente na dialética de leitura, quando se promove a leitura dos instrumentos de recolha de dados onde se faz uma análise criteriosa da tensão dialética constatada entre os opostos, pela mediação dos indicadores de leitura subordinados às categorias estudadas. O primeiro capítulo contextualiza as categorias política pública e educação dentro do espaço epistêmico da sociedade como atividade de conhecimento de poder estatal, a partir de um processo de tomadas de decisões que culmina na escolha das prioridades que vão definir os interesses públicos, de onde emergem os objetos material e formal da pesquisa. O segundo, mapeando o binômio política-educação em Princesa Isabel, identifica as práxis político-pedagógicas efetivamente implantadas no município à luz da leitura dos instrumentos de coleta de dados postos sob o ângulo da tensão histórico-dialética dos opostos em busca da síntese como práxis histórica da construção de um processo educacional democrático e libertador. O terceiro e último, constitui-se no eixo principal da pesquisa, cujos referenciais são extraídos por meio de uma análise criteriosa dos instrumentos utilizados no decorrer do trabalho, onde se trabalhou acerca da complexidade dualista existente entre política e educação e constatou-se que, em face da complexidade dialética verificada pela tensão dos opostos e das relações de influências recíprocas que uns exercem sobre os outros, as ações educativas devem ser trabalhadas de maneira tal que os atores envolvidos no processo mantenham uma estreita e correlata interação, onde o diálogo deve ser o fio condutor dessa construção. Os resultados evidenciam a confirmação do hipotético como tese de que a política pública e a educação em Princesa Isabel não realizaram a unidade político-pedagógica entre os anos 2000 a 2008.