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The purpose of this research project was to contribute to the understanding of chloroplast movement in plants. Chloroplast movement in leaves from twenty tropical plant species ranging from cycads to monocots and varying in shade tolerance was examined by measuring changes in transmittance following 30 min. of exposure to white light at 1000 μmol m−2 s −1 in the wavelength range of 400–700 nm (photosynthetically active radiation, PAR). Leaf anatomical characteristics were also measured. Eighteen species increased significantly in transmittance (Δ T) at this level of illumination. ^ Chloroplast movement was significantly correlated with palisade cell width suggesting that cell dimensions are a significant constraint on chloroplast movement in the species examined. In addition, Δ T values were strongly correlated with values of an index of shade tolerance. ^ To further examine the relationship between palisade width and chloroplast movement, additional studies were conducted with a tropical aroid vine, Scindapsus aureus Schott. Scindapsus plants were grown under three different light treatments: 63% (control), 9.0% and 2.7% of full sunlight. Under these growing conditions plants produced markedly different palisade cell widths. Palisade cell width was again found to be correlated with transmittance changes. In addition, the observed increases in transmittance following exposure to the above illumination condition were correlated with absorbance of PAR. Fluorescence studies demonstrated that chloroplast movement helps protect Scindapsus aureus from the effects of photoinhibition when it is exposed to light at a higher intensity relative to the intensity of its normal environment. Ratios of variable fluorescence (Fv) to maximal fluorescence (Fm ) were higher in plants exposed to high light when chloroplasts moved than in plants where chloroplasts did not. ^ To further explore the role of chloroplast movement, studies were conducted to determine if transmittance changes could be induced in ten xerophytes at (1000 μmol m−2 s−1), as well as two stronger light intensities (1800 μmol m−2 s−1 and 2200 μmol m−2 s −1). Transmittance changes in the ten xerophytes were dependent upon the illumination intensity; nine out of the ten xerophytes changed in transmittance at 1800 μmol m−2 s−1. For the other two intensity levels, only three out of the ten xerophytes tested exhibited transmittance changes, and for two species, a negative Δ T value was obtained at 1000 μmol m−2 s−1 . No relationship was found between cell dimensions and chloroplast movement, although all species had large enough chlorenchyma cells to allow such movements. ^ The results of the study clearly show that in non-xerophytes, palisade cell anatomy is a strong constraint on chloroplast movement. This relationship may be the basis for the relationship between chloroplast movement and shade tolerance. Although absorbance changes are relatively small, chloroplast movement was clearly shown to reduce photoinhibition. ^
Marine organisms have to cope with increasing CO2 partial pressures and decreasing pH in the oceans. We elucidated the impacts of an 8-week acclimation period to four seawater pCO2 treatments (39, 113, 243 and 405 Pa/385, 1,120, 2,400 and 4,000 µatm) on mantle gene expression patterns in the blue mussel Mytilus edulis from the Baltic Sea. Based on the M. edulis mantle tissue transcriptome, the expression of several genes involved in metabolism, calcification and stress responses was assessed in the outer (marginal and pallial zone) and the inner mantle tissues (central zone) using quantitative real-time PCR. The expression of genes involved in energy and protein metabolism (F-ATPase, hexokinase and elongation factor alpha) was strongly affected by acclimation to moderately elevated CO2 partial pressures. Expression of a chitinase, potentially important for the calcification process, was strongly depressed (maximum ninefold), correlating with a linear decrease in shell growth observed in the experimental animals. Interestingly, shell matrix protein candidate genes were less affected by CO2 in both tissues. A compensatory process toward enhanced shell protection is indicated by a massive increase in the expression of tyrosinase, a gene involved in periostracum formation (maximum 220-fold). Using correlation matrices and a force-directed layout network graph, we were able to uncover possible underlying regulatory networks and the connections between different pathways, thereby providing a molecular basis of observed changes in animal physiology in response to ocean acidification.
Diabetes is a condition of multifactorial origin, involving several molecular mechanisms related to the intestinal microbiota for its development. In type 2 diabetes, receptor activation and recognition by microorganisms from the intestinal lumen may trigger inflammatory responses, inducing the phosphorylation of serine residues in insulin receptor substrate-1, reducing insulin sensitivity. In type 1 diabetes, the lowered expression of adhesion proteins within the intestinal epithelium favours a greater immune response that may result in destruction of pancreatic β cells by CD8+ T-lymphocytes, and increased expression of interleukin-17, related to autoimmunity. Research in animal models and humans has hypothesized whether the administration of probiotics may improve the prognosis of diabetes through modulation of gut microbiota. We have shown in this review that a large body of evidence suggests probiotics reduce the inflammatory response and oxidative stress, as well as increase the expression of adhesion proteins within the intestinal epithelium, reducing intestinal permeability. Such effects increase insulin sensitivity and reduce autoimmune response. However, further investigations are required to clarify whether the administration of probiotics can be efficiently used for the prevention and management of diabetes.
Le fer est un micronutriment important pour la croissance et le développement des plantes. Il agit comme cofacteur pour plusieurs enzymes et il est important pour des processus tels que la photosynthèse et la respiration. Souvent, le Fe dans le sol n’est pas bio-disponible pour la plante. Les plantes ont développé des stratégies pour solubiliser le Fe du sol pour le rendre disponible et assimilable pour elles. Il y a deux stratégies, la première est caractéristique des dicotylédones et la seconde est caractéristique des monocotylédones. Le modèle utilisé dans cette étude est une culture cellulaire de Solanum tuberosum. Une partie de la recherche effectuée a permis la mesure d’activité et d’expression relative de certaines enzymes impliquées dans le métabolisme énergétique et la fourniture de précurseurs pour la synthèse d’ADN : la Nucléoside diphosphate kinase, la Ribonucléotide reductase, la Glucose 6-phosphate déshydrogénase et la 6-Phosphogluconate déshydrogénase dans les cellules en présence ou en absence de Fe. Chez certains organismes, la déficience en Fe est associée à une perte de croissance qui est souvent liée à une diminution de la synthèse d’ADN. Chez les cultures de cellules de S. tuberosum, les résultats indiquent que la différence de biomasse observée entre les traitements n’est pas due à une variation de l’activité ou l’expression relative d’une de ces enzymes. En effet, aucune variation significative n’a été détectée entre les traitements (+/- Fe) pour l’activité ni l’expression relative de ces enzymes. Une autre partie de la recherche a permis d’évaluer l’activité des voies métaboliques impliquées dans la stratégie 1 utilisée par S. tuberosum. Cette stratégie consomme des métabolites énergétiques: de l’ATP pour solubiliser le Fe et du pouvoir réducteur (NAD(P)H), pour réduire le Fe3+ en Fe2+. Des études de flux métaboliques ont été faites afin d’étudier les remaniements du métabolisme carboné en déficience en Fe chez S. tuberosum. Ces études ont démontré une baisse du régime dans les différentes voies du métabolisme énergétique dans les cellules déficientes en Fe, notamment dans le flux glycolytique et le flux de C à travers la phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. En déficience de Fe il y aurait donc une dépression du métabolisme chez S. tuberosum qui permettrait à la cellule de ralentir son métabolisme pour maintenir sa vitalité. En plus des flux, les niveaux de pyridines nucléotides ont été mesurés puisque ceux-ci servent à réduire le Fe dans la stratégie 1. Les résultats démontrent des niveaux élevés des formes réduites de ces métabolites en déficience de Fe. L’ensemble des résultats obtenus indiquent qu’en déficience de Fe, il y a une baisse du métabolisme permettant à la cellule de s’adapter et survivre au stress.
Le fer est un micronutriment important pour la croissance et le développement des plantes. Il agit comme cofacteur pour plusieurs enzymes et il est important pour des processus tels que la photosynthèse et la respiration. Souvent, le Fe dans le sol n’est pas bio-disponible pour la plante. Les plantes ont développé des stratégies pour solubiliser le Fe du sol pour le rendre disponible et assimilable pour elles. Il y a deux stratégies, la première est caractéristique des dicotylédones et la seconde est caractéristique des monocotylédones. Le modèle utilisé dans cette étude est une culture cellulaire de Solanum tuberosum. Une partie de la recherche effectuée a permis la mesure d’activité et d’expression relative de certaines enzymes impliquées dans le métabolisme énergétique et la fourniture de précurseurs pour la synthèse d’ADN : la Nucléoside diphosphate kinase, la Ribonucléotide reductase, la Glucose 6-phosphate déshydrogénase et la 6-Phosphogluconate déshydrogénase dans les cellules en présence ou en absence de Fe. Chez certains organismes, la déficience en Fe est associée à une perte de croissance qui est souvent liée à une diminution de la synthèse d’ADN. Chez les cultures de cellules de S. tuberosum, les résultats indiquent que la différence de biomasse observée entre les traitements n’est pas due à une variation de l’activité ou l’expression relative d’une de ces enzymes. En effet, aucune variation significative n’a été détectée entre les traitements (+/- Fe) pour l’activité ni l’expression relative de ces enzymes. Une autre partie de la recherche a permis d’évaluer l’activité des voies métaboliques impliquées dans la stratégie 1 utilisée par S. tuberosum. Cette stratégie consomme des métabolites énergétiques: de l’ATP pour solubiliser le Fe et du pouvoir réducteur (NAD(P)H), pour réduire le Fe3+ en Fe2+. Des études de flux métaboliques ont été faites afin d’étudier les remaniements du métabolisme carboné en déficience en Fe chez S. tuberosum. Ces études ont démontré une baisse du régime dans les différentes voies du métabolisme énergétique dans les cellules déficientes en Fe, notamment dans le flux glycolytique et le flux de C à travers la phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase. En déficience de Fe il y aurait donc une dépression du métabolisme chez S. tuberosum qui permettrait à la cellule de ralentir son métabolisme pour maintenir sa vitalité. En plus des flux, les niveaux de pyridines nucléotides ont été mesurés puisque ceux-ci servent à réduire le Fe dans la stratégie 1. Les résultats démontrent des niveaux élevés des formes réduites de ces métabolites en déficience de Fe. L’ensemble des résultats obtenus indiquent qu’en déficience de Fe, il y a une baisse du métabolisme permettant à la cellule de s’adapter et survivre au stress.
p53 is the central member of a critical tumor suppressor pathway in virtually all tumor types, where it is silenced mainly by missense mutations. In melanoma, p53 predominantly remains wild type, thus its role has been neglected. To study the effect of p53 on melanocyte function and melanomagenesis, we crossed the 'high-p53'Mdm4+/- mouse to the well-established TP-ras0/+ murine melanoma progression model. After treatment with the carcinogen dimethylbenzanthracene (DMBA), TP-ras0/+ mice on the Mdm4+/- background developed fewer tumors with a delay in the age of onset of melanomas compared to TP-ras0/+ mice. Furthermore, we observed a dramatic decrease in tumor growth, lack of metastasis with increased survival of TP-ras0/+: Mdm4+/- mice. Thus, p53 effectively prevented the conversion of small benign tumors to malignant and metastatic melanoma. p53 activation in cultured primary melanocyte and melanoma cell lines using Nutlin-3, a specific Mdm2 antagonist, supported these findings. Moreover, global gene expression and network analysis of Nutlin-3-treated primary human melanocytes indicated that cell cycle regulation through the p21WAF1/CIP1 signaling network may be the key anti-melanomagenic activity of p53.
Utilizing a mono-specific antiserum produced in rabbits to hog kidney aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AADC), the enzyme was localized in rat kidney by immunoperoxidase staining. AADC was located predominantly in the proximal convoluted tubules; there was also weak staining in the distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts. An increase in dietary potassium or sodium intake produced no change in density or distribution of AADC staining in kidney. An assay of AADC enzyme activity showed no difference in cortex or medulla with chronic potassium loading. A change in distribution or activity of renal AADC does not explain the postulated dopaminergic modulation of renal function that occurs with potassium or sodium loading.
Introduction The clinically known importance of patient sex as a major risk factor for compromised bone healing is poorly reflected in animal models. Consequently, the underlying cellular mechanisms remain elusive. Because mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are postulated to regulate tissue regeneration and give rise to essential differentiated cell types, they may contribute to sex-specific differences in bone healing outcomes. Methods We investigated sex-specific variations in bone healing and associated differences in MSC populations. A 1.5 mm osteotomy gap in the femora of 8 male and 8 female 12-month-old Sprague-Dawley rats was stabilized by an external fixator. Healing was analyzed in terms of biomechanical testing, bridging and callus size over time (radiography at 2, 4, and 6 weeks after surgery), and callus volume and geometry by μCT at final follow-up. MSCs were obtained from bone marrow samples of an age-matched group of 12 animals (6 per gender) and analyzed for numbers of colony-forming units (CFUs) and their capacity to differentiate and proliferate. The proportion of senescent cells was determined by β-galactosidase staining. Results Sex-specific differences were indicated by a compromised mechanical competence of the callus in females compared with males (maximum torque at failure, p = 0.028). Throughout the follow-up, the cross-sectional area of callus relative to bone was reduced in females (p ≤ 0.01), and the bridging of callus was delayed (p 2weeks = 0.041). μCT revealed a reduced callus size (p = 0.003), mineralization (p = 0.003) and polar moment of inertia (p = 0.003) in female animals. The female bone marrow contained significantly fewer MSCs, represented by low CFU numbers in both femora and tibiae (p femur = 0.017, p tibia = 0.010). Functional characteristics of male and female MSCs were similar. Conclusion Biomechanically compromised and radiographically delayed bone formation were distinctive in female rats. These differences were concomitant with a reduced number of MSCs, which may be causative for the suboptimal bone healing.
The association between an adverse early life environment and increased susceptibility to later-life metabolic disorders such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease is described by the developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis. Employing a rat model of maternal high fat (MHF) nutrition, we recently reported that offspring born to MHF mothers are small at birth and develop a postnatal phenotype that closely resembles that of the human metabolic syndrome. Livers of offspring born to MHF mothers also display a fatty phenotype reflecting hepatic steatosis and characteristics of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In the present study we hypothesised that a MHF diet leads to altered regulation of liver development in offspring; a derangement that may be detectable during early postnatal life. Livers were collected at postnatal days 2 (P2) and 27 (P27) from male offspring of control and MHF mothers (n = 8 per group). Cell cycle dynamics, measured by flow cytometry, revealed significant G0/G1 arrest in the livers of P2 offspring born to MHF mothers, associated with an increased expression of the hepatic cell cycle inhibitor Cdkn1a. In P2 livers, Cdkn1a was hypomethylated at specific CpG dinucleotides and first exon in offspring of MHF mothers and was shown to correlate with a demonstrable increase in mRNA expression levels. These modifications at P2 preceded observable reductions in liver weight and liver:brain weight ratio at P27, but there were no persistent changes in cell cycle dynamics or DNA methylation in MHF offspring at this time. Since Cdkn1a up-regulation has been associated with hepatocyte growth in pathologic states, our data may be suggestive of early hepatic dysfunction in neonates born to high fat fed mothers. It is likely that these offspring are predisposed to long-term hepatic dysfunction.
Ross River (RR) virus is an alphavirus endemic to Australia and New Guinea and is the aetiological agent of epidemic polyarthritis or RR virus disease. Here we provide evidence that RR virus uses the collagen-binding α1β1 integrin as a cellular receptor. Infection could be inhibited by collagen IV and antibodies specific for the β1 and α1 integrin proteins, and fibroblasts from α1-integrin-/- mice were less efficiently infected than wild-type fibroblasts. Soluble α1β1 integrin bound immobilized RR virus, and peptides representing the α1β1 integrin binding-site on collagen IV inhibited virus binding to cells. We speculate that two highly conserved regions within the cell-receptor binding domain of E2 mimic collagen and provide access to cellular collagen-binding receptors.
Escherichia coli is one of the best studied living organisms and a model system for many biophysical investigations. Despite countless discoveries of the details of its physiology, we still lack a holistic understanding of how these bacteria react to changes in their environment. One of the most important examples is their response to osmotic shock. One of the mechanistic elements protecting cell integrity upon exposure to sudden changes of osmolarity is the presence of mechanosensitive channels in the cell membrane. These channels are believed to act as tension release valves protecting the inner membrane from rupturing. This thesis presents an experimental study of various aspects of mechanosensation in bacteria. We examine cell survival after osmotic shock and how the number of MscL (Mechanosensitive channel of Large conductance) channels expressed in a cell influences its physiology. We developed an assay that allows real-time monitoring of the rate of the osmotic challenge and direct observation of cell morphology during and after the exposure to osmolarity change. The work described in this thesis introduces tools that can be used to quantitatively determine at the single-cell level the number of expressed proteins (in this case MscL channels) as a function of, e.g., growth conditions. The improvement in our quantitative description of mechanosensation in bacteria allows us to address many, so far unsolved, problems, like the minimal number of channels needed for survival, and can begin to paint a clearer picture of why there are so many distinct types of mechanosensitive channels.
255 p.
Present in the excrement of humans and animals, 17 beta-estradiol (E-2) has been detected in the aquatic environment in a range from several nanograms to several hundred nanograms per liter. In this study, the sensitivities of rare minnows during different life stages to E-2 at environmentally relevant (5, 25, and 100 ng l(-1)) and high (1000 ng l(-1)) concentrations were compared using vitellogenin (VTG) and gonad development as biomarkers under semistatic conditions. After 21 days of exposure, VTG concentrations in whole-body homogenates were analyzed; the results indicated that the lowest observed effective concentration for VTG induction was 25 ng l(-1) E-2 in the adult stage, but 100 ng l(-1) E-2 in the larval and juvenile stages. After exposure in the early life stage, the larval and juvenile fish were transferred to clean water until gonad maturation. No significant difference in VTG induction was found between the exposure and control groups in the adults. However, a markedly increased proportion of females and appearance of hermaphrodism were observed in the juvenile-stage group exposed to 25 ng l(-1) E-2. These results showed that VTG induction in the adult stage is more sensitive than in larval and juvenile stages following exposure to E-2. The juvenile stage may be the critical period of gonad development. Sex ratio could be a sensitive biomarker indicating exposure to xenoestrogens in early-life-stage subchronic exposure tests. The results of this study provide useful information for selecting sensitive biomarkers properly in aquatic toxicology testing.
Healthy crucian carp (Carassius auratus) were treated by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of crude cyanobacterial extracts at two doses, 50 and 200 mu g MC-LR equiv kg(-1) BW. High mortality (100%) was observed within 60 h post injection in the high-dose group. In the treated fish, activities of four plasma enzymes, alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), all showed substantial increases, with both dose and time-dependent effects. These increases of enzyme activity indicate severe impairment occurred in the liver of crucian carp over time. Plasma concentrations of energy-related biomolecules including glucose (GLU), cholesterol (CHO), triglyceride (TG), and total protein (TP) showed marked changes in the high-dose group, possibly a nutritional imbalance correlated with the liver injury caused by intraperitoneal exposure to crude cyanobacterial extracts.
Endogenous yolk nutrients are crucial for embryo and larval development in fish, but developmental behavior of the genes that control yolk utilization remains unknown. Apolipoproteins have been shown to play important roles in lipid transport and uptake through the circulation system. In this study, EcApoC-I, the first cloned ApoC-I in teleosts, has been screened from pituitary cDNA library of female orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides), and the deduced amino acid sequence shows 43.5% identity to one zebrafish (Danio rerio) hypothetical protein similar to ApoC-I, and 21.2%, 21.7%, 22.5%, 20%, and 22.5% identities to Apo C-I of human (Homo sapiens), house mouse (Mus musculus), common tree shrew (Tupaia glis), dog (Canis lupus familiaris) and hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas), respectively. Although the sequence identity is low, amphipathic alpha-helices with the potential to bind to lipid were predicted to exist in the EcApoC-I. RT-PCR analysis revealed that it was first transcribed in gastrula embryos and maintained a relatively stable expression level during the following embryogenesis. During embryonic and early larval development, a very high level of EcApoC-I expression was in the yolk syncytial layer, indicating that it plays a significant role in yolk degradation and transfers nutrition to the embryo and early larva. By the day 7 after hatching, EcApoC-I transcripts were observed in brain. In adult, EcApoC-I mRNA was detected abundantly in brain and gonad. In transitional gonads, the EcApoC-I expression is restricted to the germ cells. The data suggested that EcApoC-I might play an important role in brain and gonad morphogenesis and growth.