506 resultados para Bioengineering


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The light emission spectrum from a scanning tunnelling microscope (LESTM) is investigated as a function of relative humidity and shown to provide a novel and sensitive means for probing the growth and properties of a water meniscus on the nanometre scale. An empirical model of the light emission process is formulated and applied successfully to replicate the decay in light intensity and spectral changes observed with increasing relative humidity. The modelling indicates a progressive water filling of the tip-sample junction with increasing humidity or, more pertinently, of the volume of the localized surface plasmons responsible for light emission; it also accounts for the effect of asymmetry in structuring of the water molecules with respect to the polarity of the applied bias. This is juxtaposed with the case of a non-polar liquid in the tip-sample nanocavity where no polarity dependence of the light emission is observed. In contrast to the discrete detection of the presence/absence of a water bridge in other scanning probe experiments through measurement of the feedback parameter for instrument control, LESTM offers a means of continuously monitoring the development of the water bridge with sub-nanometre sensitivity. The results are relevant to applications such as dip-pen nanolithography and electrochemical scanning probe microscopy.


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Research has focused on in vitro expansion of bone marrow stromal cells with the aim of developing cell-based therapies or tissue-engineered constructs. There is debate over whether there is a reduction in stem cells/osteoprogenitors in the bone marrow compartment with increasing age. The aim of this study was to investigate patient factors that affect the progenitor pool in bone marrow samples. Six milliliters of marrow aspirate was obtained from the femoral canal of 38 primary hip replacement patients (aged 28-91). Outcome measures were total nucleated cell count, colony-forming efficiency, alkaline phosphatase expression, and expression of stem cell markers. There was a nonsignificant negative correlation between age and both colony-forming efficiency and stem cell marker expression. However, body mass index showed a positive, significant correlation with colony area and number in men-accounting for up to 75% of the variation. In conclusion, body mass index, not age, was highly predictive of the number of progenitors found in bone marrow, and this relationship was sex specific. These results may inform the clinician's treatment choice when considering bone marrow-based therapies. Further, it highlights the need to widen research into patient factors that affect the adult stem cell population beyond age and reinforces the need to consider sexes separately.


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The Advanced JAX (TM) Bone Void Filler System (AJBVFS) is a novel bone graft material manufactured by Smith and Nephew Orthopaedics Ltd. and comprises beta tri-calcium phosphate granules with carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) gel as a handling agent. This study investigated the potential, in vitro, of the AJBVFS to function as a delivery system for cell therapy to enhance healing of bone defects. The attachment of rabbit bone marrow stromal cells (rbBMSCs), human BMSCs (hBMSCs) and human bone-derived cells (hBDCs) to JAX (TM) granules and the effect of CMC gel on cell proliferation and differentiation were investigated. There were slight species differences in the number and morphology of cells attached on the JAX (TM) granules with less rbBMSC attachment than human. All cells tolerated the presence of CMC gel and a reduction in cell number was only seen after longer exposure to higher gel concentrations. Low concentrations of CMC gel enhanced proliferation, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) expression and ALP activity in human cells but had no effect on rbBMSC. This study suggests that AJBVFS is an appropriate scaffold for the delivery of osteogenic cells and the addition of CMC gel as a handling agent promotes osteogenic proliferation and differentiation and is therefore likely to encourage bone healing.


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A novel technique for the separation of monocytes from human peripheral blood preparations has been developed. The technique is based on the use of expanded-bed adsorption and a solid perfluorocarbon derivatized with avidin or streptavidin for the indirect positive or negative capture of cells labeled with biotinylated monoclonal antibodies. The perfluorocarbon support was prepared and characterized and the contactor design and operating conditions, that enable cells to be selectively isolated, were investigated. Experiments consisted of applying an immunolabeled pulse of 1 x 10(8) peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), isolated by density gradient centrifugation, directly onto a refrigerated expanded bed. The major cell types remaining were T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, and monocytes. Monocytes could be positively adsorbed, following labeling with anti-CD14 mAb, with a clearance of up to 89% and a depletion factor of 7.6. They could also be


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Alpha polyesters such as poly(L-lactide) and poly(glycolide) are biodegradable materials used in fracture fixation and they need to be assessed for problems associated with their degradation products. This study has compared cell responses to low molecular weight poly(L-lactide) particles, lactate monomer, poly(glycolide) particles and glycolic acid at cytotoxic and sub-cytotoxic concentrations. Murine macrophages were cultured in vitro and the release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), prostaglandin E-2 (PGE(2)) and interleukin-1 alpha IL-1alpha was measured following the addition of particles or monomer. Experiments revealed that both the poly(L-lactide) and poly(glycolide) particles gave rise to dose dependent increases in LDH release and an increase in IL-1alpha and PGE(2) release. Comparisons of the poly(L-lactide) particles to the poly(glycolide) particles did not reveal any differences in their stimulation of LDH, IL-1alpha and PGE(2) release. The lactate and glycolate monomers did not increase PGE(2) or IL-1alpha release above control levels. There was no difference in biocompatibility between the poly(L-lactide) and poly(glycolide) degradation products both in particulate and monomeric form. (C) 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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This study evaluated a modification of the rat-pin model to enable testing of bone substitute materials. The model was characterized using the ceramic, beta-tricalcium phosphate (betaTCP) as a filler.


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Contrary to a commonly held belief that broiler chickens need more space, there is increasing evidence that these birds are attracted to other birds. Indeed, commercially farmed birds exhibit a range of socially facilitated behaviours, such as increased feeding and preening in response to the presence of other birds. Social facilitation can generate feedback loops, whereby the adoption of a particular behaviour can spread rapidly and suddenly through the population. Here, by measuring the rate at which broiler chickens join and leave a feeding trough as a function of the number of birds already there, we quantify social facilitation. We use these measurements to parameterize a simulation model of chicken feeding behaviour. This model predicts, and further observations of broiler chickens confirm, that social facilitation leads to excitatory and synchronized patterns of group feeding. Such models could prove a powerful tool in understanding how feeding patterns depend on broiler house design.


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While the incorporation of mathematical and engineering methods has greatly advanced in other areas of the life sciences, they have been under-utilized in the field of animal welfare. Exceptions are beginning to emerge and share a common motivation to quantify 'hidden' aspects in the structure of the behaviour of an individual, or group of animals. Such analyses have the potential to quantify behavioural markers of pain and stress and quantify abnormal behaviour objectively. This review seeks to explore the scope of such analytical methods as behavioural indicators of welfare. We outline four classes of analyses that can be used to quantify aspects of behavioural organization. The underlying principles, possible applications and limitations are described for: fractal analysis, temporal methods, social network analysis, and agent-based modelling and simulation. We hope to encourage further application of analyses of behavioural organization by highlighting potential applications in the assessment of animal welfare, and increasing awareness of the scope for the development of new mathematical methods in this area.


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A question central to modelling and, ultimately, managing food webs concerns the dimensionality of trophic niche space, that is, the number of independent traits relevant for determining consumer-resource links. Food-web topologies can often be interpreted by assuming resource traits to be specified by points along a line and each consumer's diet to be given by resources contained in an interval on this line. This phenomenon, called intervality, has been known for 30 years and is widely acknowledged to indicate that trophic niche space is close to one-dimensional. We show that the degrees of intervality observed in nature can be reproduced in arbitrary-dimensional trophic niche spaces, provided that the processes of evolutionary diversification and adaptation are taken into account. Contrary to expectations, intervality is least pronounced at intermediate dimensions and steadily improves towards lower- and higher-dimensional trophic niche spaces.


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The aim of this study was to develop an input/output mass balance to predict phosphorus retention in a five pond constructed wetland system (CWS) at Greenmount Farm, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. The mass balance was created using 14-months of flow data collected at inflow and outflow points on a weekly basis. Balance outputs were correlated with meteorological parameters, such as daily air temperature and hydrological flow, recorded daily onsite. The mass balance showed that phosphorus retention within the system exceeded phosphorus release, illustrating the success of constructed wetland systems to remove nutrients from agricultural effluent from a dairy farm. Pond 5 showed the greatest relative retention of 86%. Comparison of retention and mean air temperature highlighted a striking difference in trends between up-gradient and down-gradient ponds, with Ponds 1 and 2 displaying a positive quadratic relationship and ponds 3 through 5 displaying a negative quadratic relationship.


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All-optical signal processing enables modulation and transmission speeds not achievable using electronics alone(1,2). However, its practical applications are limited by the inherently weak nonlinear effects that govern photon-photon interactions in conventional materials, particularly at high switching rates(3). Here, we show that the recently discovered nonlocal optical behaviour of plasmonic nanorod metamaterials(4) enables an enhanced, ultrafast, nonlinear optical response. We observe a large (80%) change of transmission through a subwavelength thick slab of metamaterial subjected to a low control light fluence of 7 mJ cm(-2), with switching frequencies in the terahertz range. We show that both the response time and the nonlinearity can be engineered by appropriate design of the metamaterial nanostructure. The use of nonlocality to enhance the nonlinear optical response of metamaterials, demonstrated here in plasmonic nanorod composites, could lead to ultrafast, low-power all-optical information processing in subwavelength-scale devices.


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The objectives of this study were to develop a three-dimensional acellular cartilage matrix (ACM) and investigate its possibility for use as a scaffold in cartilage tissue engineering. Bovine articular cartilage was decellularized sequentially with trypsin, nuclease solution, hypotonic buffer, and Triton x 100 solution; molded with freeze-drying process; and cross-linked by ultraviolet irradiation. Histological and biochemical analysis showed that the ACM was devoid of cells and still maintained the collagen and glycosaminoglycan components of cartilage. Scanning electronic microscopy and mercury intrusion porosimetry showed that the ACM had a sponge-like structure of high porosity. The ACM scaffold had good biocompatibility with cultured rabbit bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells with no indication of cytotoxicity both in contact and in extraction assays. The cartilage defects repair in rabbit knees with the mesenchymal stem cell-ACM constructs had a significant improvement of histological scores when compared to the control groups at 6 and 12 weeks. In summary, the ACM possessed the characteristics that afford it as a potential scaffold for cartilage tissue engineering.


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The objectives were to determine if the skin secretion of the European yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata), in common with other related species, contains a bradykinin inhibitor peptide and to isolate and structurally characterize this peptide. Materials and Methods: Lyophilized skin secretion obtained from this toad was subjected to reverse phase HPLC fractionation with subsequent bioassay of fractions for antagonism of the bradykinin activity using an isolated rat tail artery smooth muscle preparation. Subsequently, the primary structure of the peptide was established by a combination of microsequencing, mass spectroscopy, and molecular cloning, following which a synthetic replicate was chemically synthesised for bioassay. Results: A single peptide of molecular mass 2300.92 Da was resolved in HPLC fractions of skin secretion and its primary structure determined as IYNAIWP-KH-NK-KPGLL-. Database interrogation with this sequence indicated that this peptide was encoded by skin kininogen-1 previously cloned from B. variegata. The blank cycles were occupied by cysteinyl (C) residues and the peptide was located toward the C-terminus of the skin kininogen, and flanked N-terminally by a classical -KR- propeptide convertase processing site. The peptide was named IC-20 in accordance (I = N-terminal isoleucine, C = C-terminal cysteine, 20 = number of residues). Like the natural peptide, its synthetic replicate displayed an antagonism of bradykinin-induced arterial smooth muscle relaxation. Conclusion: IC-20 represents a novel bradykinin antagonizing peptide from amphibian skin secretions and is the third such peptide found to be co-encoded with bradykinins within skin kininogens.


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In the future, biomass will continue to emerge as a viable source of chemicals. The development of new industries that utilize bio-renewables provides opportunities for innovation. For example, bio- and chemo-catalysts can be combined in 'one pot' to prepare chemicals of commercial value. This has been demonstrated using isolated enzymes and whole cells for a variety of chemical transformations. The one-pot approach has been successfully adopted to convert chemicals derived from biomass, and, in our opinion, it has an important role to play in the design of a more sustainable chemical industry. To implement new one-pot bio- and chemo-catalytic processes, issues of incompatibility must be overcome; the strategies for which are discussed in this opinion article.