355 resultados para Biliary ascitis
The aim of this paper is to present a case of a 37-year-old female patient with a benign tumor of the Ampulla of Vater and a brief review of the literature. The patient presented with progressive obstructive jaundice and weigth loss due to the presence of two adenomas of the second portion of duodenum. Laboratory tests confirmed the presence of obstruction of the biliary tree. Ultrasound and CT scan of the abdomen revealed bile duct dilatation. ERCP showed a tumor at the site of the Ampulla of Vater. The biopsies revealed tubular adenoma. She was submitted to local resection of the tumors and sphincteroplasty, since the frozen biopsy at the time of surgery showed no malignancy. During the post-operative follow-up she presented recurrence of symptoms. An upper GI endoscopy revealed a tumor at the Ampulla of Vater. She was then submitted to Whipple procedure with an uneventful recovery.
Videolaparoscopy is the estabilished treatment for chronic or acute cholecystitis, with low complications rates. Among operative complications, biliar peritonitis, biliar fistula and common bile duct injuries despite rare, can be difficult to treat. The autors present the results of videolaparoscopic treatment of choleperitoneum in four patients submitted previously to a conventional cholecystectomy. Among operative complications, biliar peritonites, biliary fistula and common bile duct injuries. No complications related to laparoscopic procedure were observed.
Colonic obstruction is a very rare complication of gallstone disease. We describe two cases of colonic obstruction by gallstone in old age women, in which the final diagnosis was made on surgery. In one it was found a cholecystocolic fistula and a stone impacted in the sigmoid colon which was milked until the cecum, where it was removed through a cecolithotomy. In the other there was a cholecystoduodenal fistula, the stone was impacted in the sigmoid colon and in association there was a colonic necrosis, treated by colectomy, ileostomy and mucous fistula, During colonic mobilization a colecystoduodenal fistula was exposed, making necessary to perform a cholecystectomy and fistula repair. Both patients died in sepsis.
Choledochal cyst is a rare congenital malformation of the biliary tree, and aproximately 25% of them are diagnosed in adults. Appropriate surgical management of these lesions depends on the anatomic site and extension of the cystic process. The recognized association of the bile duct cysts with hepatobiliary malignant disease has important surgical implications. Total cyst removal and cholecistectomy with Roux-en- Y hepaticojejunostomy was performed in a 47 year old female with a common bile duct cyst tipe 1 postoperative period was uneventful. A review of literature is presented.
Spontaneous perforation of the common bile duct is rare. It happens predominantly in children and it is related to obstructive disease of the biliary tract. We present a case of an 18 year-old male patient, with ulcerative rectocolitis associated with malignant tumor of the head of pancreas. The patient developed an acute abdomen syndrome and laparotomy, a spontaneous perforation of common bile duct was evidenced. The authors make a revision of the clinical aspects of that pathology.
The authors report a case of adenomyoma of papilla of Vater in a young adult, a rare pathology in this age and site. The commonest clinical findings are abdominal pain, dyspepsia and jaundice, as in this case in which the patient referred these symptoms for several months. The diagnosis is usually difficult before surgery, because the radiological and endoscopic appearances are difficult to interpret, since they may only show obstruction and enlargement of the biliary tract; in this way, the endoscopic biopsy may be useful. In the present case the computed tomography, abdominal scan and intraoperative cholangiography only demonstrated obstruction and enlargement of the biliary tract, without the presence of gallstones. The treatment is usually lesion resection according to its size, performing the total resection in those cases of extensive involvement of the digestive tract, as it was performed in this case, due to the dimension of the lesion and its malignant appearance. The patient was discharged from hospital on the thirteenth postoperative day, with a histological diagnosis of adenomyoma of papilla of Vater. Three months after the procedure the patient was asymptomatic.
Biliary duct cystoadenomas are rare neoplasms, with about 120 cases described in the literature, including cystoadenomas and cystoadenocarcinomas. The authors report a case of cystoadenoma of the common bile duct in a 45-year-old woman with history of jaundice. Ultrasound revealed a cystic mass located in the common bile duct. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography showed a negative filling defect in the proximal third of the common bile duct, a finding unique to our case. Total excision of the mass, cholecystectomy and an end-total anastomosis with a T-tube choledochostomy, were performed. Histological examination revealed a multicystic lesion with cavities lined by mucinous columnar non-ciliated epithelium, with surrounding densely cellular stroma resembling ovarian stroma. Six years after surgery the patient is alive and well, with no complains referring to the hepatobiliary tract. No abnormalities are presently detected in the biliary tree, ultrasonographically.
Treatment, morbidity and mortality of patients with gallstone ileus depend on an accurate diagnosis made in time, and also on a more adequate therapeutic option.A detailed clinical evaluation is fundamental for such diagnosis. Complementary exams like a simple radiological study of the abdomen, high and low endoscopies, an ultrasonography, and a tomography can also be performed. The therapeutic options include the removal of the obstructive factor separately, the performance of a treatment in two separate stages, or the performance of a complete treatment (removal of the calculus, cholecystectomy, and the closing of the fistula).This study aims to present a case report of an elderly man of high surgical risk, presenting gallstone ileus. He was submitted to an isolated videoassisted enterolithotomy through a minilaparotomy. Taking into consideration the patients advanced age and the lack of evidence as to other biliary associated pathologies, the chosen treatment seemed to be a good alternative. The evolution was good, and after an 8 month follow-up the patient was found well and with no biliary symptoms whatsoever.
Management of common bile duct stones in the era of laparoscopic surgery is controversial. The biliary anastomosis is indicated in case of large common bile duct, recurrent stones, giant stones and concomitant common bile duct stricture and duct stones. The development of laparoscopic techniques permits to perform this type of surgery laparoscopically as well as the open procedure.
We show an anatomical modification of extrahepatic biliary ducts in a fifty-eight years old female who presented right hipocondric pain, jaundice and fever two months after cholecystectomy. The patient underwent ERCP wich showed an anatomical modification that consists in an union of the right and left hepatic ducts, with insertion into the cystic duct, right hepatic duct, being a choledochus agenesis.
Reflux esophagitis and Barrett's esophagus after total gastrectomy is related to reconstructive procedure of intestinal continuity. The Roux-en-Y operation with length of limb of 40 cm occasionally is not enough to prevent biliary reflux to distal esophagus. Barrett's esophagus is thought to develop as a consequence of biliary reflux and has a malignant potential. Symptoms of retroesternal burning and dysphagia that does not improve with conservative management has to be treated by an operative procedure. To prevent biliary reflux to distal esophagus after total gastrectomy the lenght of limb of Roux-en-Y should be at lest 60 cm.
The authors report the surgical procedure in two patients with pseudomyxoma peritonei, histologically considered as mucinous adenocarcinoma. In both patients, intestinal loops and other visceras were blocked and it was not possible to localize the tumor's origin. There was, in both cases, a great volume of mucinous ascitis. In the first patient a laparotomy was performed and a drainage by a five centimeters peritoneostomy in the abdominal upper left quadrant. In the second just a peritoneostomy was performed in the same location. The sequential irrigation of the abdominal cavity controlled the ascitis in a few days. Certainly this approach avoided a second procedure to clean the mucinous ascitis.
Perforation of the gallbladder during laparoscopic cholecystectomy may be associated with intraperitoneal gallstone spillage. Several complications secondary to lost gallstones in the abdominal cavity have been described. We report a rare complication of abdominal abscess secondary to two gallstones left in the abdominal cavity. A 75-year-old female presented with spontaneous drainage of pus through the umbilicus five years after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. An ultrasonographic evaluation of the abdomen revealed a solid mass of 56x26 mm of diameter, with acoustic shadow, localized distal to the umbilicus. At laparotomy, an abscess with two biliary calculi was drained. The patient had good recovery, with no complication.
The authors present a case of distal common bile duct injury. Ligation of the bile duct and a bypass cholecystojejunostomy were chosen as treatment. Diagnosis of blunt traumatic injury to the extrahepatic biliary ducts may be difficult due to the benign nature of initial bile peritonitis. Surgical treatment for associated abdominal injuries usually makes the diagnosis possible. One of the challenges in the treatment of these injuries relates to the small diameter of the, usually, normal common bile duct. Primary repair and T tube drainage is the best option for non-complex injuries. End-to-end anastomosis and, preferentially, biliary-enteric anastomosis are the best surgical options for more complex injuries. Severe injuries have high complication rates, especially when the distal portion of the common bile duct is affected. Early leaks and late strictures are likely to develop in these situations. Cholecistojejunostomy and ligation of the injuried common bile duct are good surgical options for complex injuries. They carry a low complication rate and consequently low morbidity.
Perforation of common bile duct (CBD) is usually associated with invasive procedures. Spontaneous perforation is rare, and more often described in neonates. We report a case of a spontaneous perforation of CBD in an adult with a family history of cholelithiasis, but with no calculus found during exploration of the biliary tree. The patient was successfully treated by cholecystectomy and T - tube drainage of the CBD.