986 resultados para Benign liver tumor


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos das soluções de aspirina e de ácido acético, in vivo, em fígado de coelhos portadores de tumor hepático VX2, verificando o efeito histolítico e anatomo-patológico das soluções e eventuais alterações bioquímicas hepáticas. MÉTODOS: Utilizou-se 48 coelhos, divididos em 2 protocolos experimentais(3 e 4), subdivididos em 3 grupos cada. Após 4 dias da implantação do tumor no fígado, procedeu-se a laparotomia mediana, com injeção de 0,4 ml da solução de aspirina (5,0%), de ácido acético (5,0%) e solução salina; o sacrifício ocorreu apos 24 horas (protocolo 3) e 11 dias (protocolo 4); avaliou-se o peso, evolução clinica, dosagens bioquímicas, cavidade abdominal e torácica e microscopia do fígado. RESULTADOS: Não foram observadas alterações na evolução clinica, peso e nas dosagens bioquímicas, apenas elevação da fosfatase alcalina no grupo controle do protocolo 4. Observamos desaparecimento do tumor em ambos os protocolos. CONCLUSÃO: As soluções de ácido acético e ácido acetilsalicílico acarretam destruição do tumor hepático experimental.


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An initiation-promotion medium-term bioassay for detection of chemical carcinogens, developed in the male F344 rat, uses 0.1% N-bis(2-hydroxypropyl)nitrosamine (DHPN) among five genotoxic chemicals for the initiation of carcinogenesis in multiple organs. To establish this bioassay in the Wistar strain, the effects of two dose levels of DHPN were evaluated on the main DHPN rat target organs: lung, thyroid gland, kidneys and liver. Four groups of male and female animals were studied: Control--untreated group; Multi-organ initiated group (also referred to as DMBDD, based on the initials of the five initiators)-treated sequentially with N-diethylnitrosamine (DEN, i.p.), N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU, i.p.), N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxy butyl)nitrosamine (BBN, drinking water), N, N'-dimethylhydrazine (DMH, s.c.) and DHPN (drinking water) for 4 weeks; a third group treated with 0.1% DHPN in drinking water for 2 weeks and the last group treated with 0.2% DHPN in drinking water for 4 weeks. The animals were sacrificed after 30 weeks. DHPN at 0.2% induced preneoplasia in the liver and kidneys of rats of both sexes, the number and area of the putative preneoplastic liver glutathione S-transferase-positive hepatocyte foci being significantly increased in these animals. It also induced benign and malignant tumors in female and in male rats. However, there was no relationship between the increased incidence of preneoplastic lesions and tumor development in the 0.2% DHPN-exposed groups of both sexes. DHPN at 0.1% induced only a few preneoplastic lesions in the liver and kidney and no tumors in both male and female rats. A clear dose and sex-related carcinogenic activity of DHPN was registered, although Wistar rats of both sexes showed a relative resistance to the carcinogenic activity of this compound.


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Background. Hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma is a rare malignant tumor of vascular origin with frequent multifocal appearance. Liver resection may cause tumor spread. Liver transplantation has been indicated for unresectable nodules. We hypothesized that adjuvant interferon treatment is effective to prevent metastasis after liver resection. We report a case of multifocal hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma successfully treated with interferon pulse therapy and bilobar hepatic resection.Methodology. CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging diagnosed three nodules in the liver (segments IV, VI and VII). Histopathology and specific immunostaining of a percutaneous nodule biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma. The treatment protocol included daily interferon alpha 2b 9 weeks before and 1 week after resection of liver segments IV, VI and VII.Results. The postoperative outcome was complicated by a self-limited biliary fistula. The patient remains tumor free at 3 years after liver resection and currently enjoys excellent health.Conclusion. Interferon pulse therapy and hepatic resection was a good option to treat multifocal bilobar hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma; it may prevent metastasis dissemination.


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The calcifying cystic odontogenic tumour (CCOT) is a rare benign cystic neoplasm not infrequently associated with odontoma. This report documents a case of CCOT associated with compound odontoma arising in the anterior maxilla in a 25-year-old woman. Conventional radiographs showed a large calcified mass with poorly visualized radiolucent margins. The extent and condition of the internal structure of the CCOT associated with odontoma was able to be determined based on radiographic findings from cone beam computed tomography. This advanced image technique proved to be extremely useful in the radiographic assessment of this particular neoplasm of the jawbones.


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Walker's 256 carcinoma changes its behaviour as a consequence of various factors. In this paper the authors compare the evolution of 2 lines of the tumor: WM 16 (muscular) and Christ Hospital (ascitic) both inoculated intramuscularly. Animals receiving line WM 16 had a severe rapidly progressive evolution dying around day 14 after inoculation with diffuse metastases to lymph nodes (65% of animals), kidneys (53%), spleen (50%), lungs (46.5%), liver (45%), bone marrow (44.8%), in 56% of the animals there were circulating tumoral cells. Animals receiving the Christ Hospital line survived up to 40 days, metastases were limited to lungs (48.7%) and lymph nodes (31.7%) and only in 2 of 45 animals circulating tumoral cells were observed.


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BACKGROUND: Mast cell tumor, one of the most common skin tumors in dogs, may also be found in visceral sites (mainly spleen and liver). When a visceral mast cell tumor is present, neoplastic mast cells may be found in any effusion secondary to the tumor. Therefore, the diagnosis may be made by cytologic analysis of the effusion. CASE: An 8-year-old, spayed, female Siberian husky presented with a peritoneal effusion secondary to a visceral mast cell tumor. Seven months earlier, the dog had presented with a cutaneous nodule diagnosed as a well-differentiated mast cell tumor. The peritoneal fluid was classified as a transudate. Numerous neoplastic mast cells were found in the effusion. Although the mast cell tumor presented with characteristics of the well-differentiated tumor, its biologic behavior was that of a malignant tumor. CONCLUSION: Care should be taken to evaluate the prognosis of mast cell tumors in dogs since their biologic behavior is extremely variable.


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Aim: To investigate the occurrence of chromosome 3, 7, 8, 9, and 17 aneuploidies, TP53 gene deletion and p53 protein expression in chronic gastritis, atrophic gastritis and gastric ulcer, and their association with H pylori infection. Methods: Gastric biopsies from normal mucosa (NM, n = 10), chronic gastritis (CG, n = 38), atrophic gastritis (CAG, n = 13) and gastric ulcer (GU, n = 21) were studied using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and immunohistochemical assay. A modified Giemsa staining technique and PCR were used to detect H pylori. An association of the gastric pathologies and aneuploidies with H pylori infection was assessed. Results: Aneuploidies were increasingly found from CG (21%) to CAG (31%) and to GU (62%), involving mainly monosomy and trisomy 7, trisomies 7 and 8, and trisomies 7, 8 and 17, respectively. A significant association was found between H pylori infection and aneuploidies in CAG (P = 0.0143) and GU (P = 0.0498). No TP53 deletion was found in these gastric lesions, but p53-positive immunoreactivity was detected in 45% (5/11) and 12% (2/17) of CG and GU cases, respectively. However, there was no significant association between p53 expression and H pylori infection. Conclusion: The occurrence of aneuploidies in benign lesions evidences chromosomal instability in early stages of gastric carcinogenesis associated with H pylori infection, which may confer proliferative advantage. The increase of p53 protein expression in CG and GU may be due to overproduction of the wild-type protein related to an inflammatory response in mucosa. © 2006 The WJG Press. All rights reserved.


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Larvae of Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann) and Chrysomya putoria (Wiedemann) were reared on liver tissues from a rabbit that had a malignant tumor in the thoracic cavity. Larval rearing of both blowfly species was conducted at ambient temperature. Larvae that fed on tissues from the rabbit with the tumor developed at significantly faster rates than those feeding on tissues from the control animal.


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Cytology is a well established research technique in human and veterinary medicine, but it is rarely used in small rodents. Spontaneous tumors are relatively uncommon in guinea pigs and those described in literature include a variety of organs like skin and subcutis, respiratory and reproductive tract, endocrine and hematopoietic system, and mammary gland. The objective of this article was to describe the use of the fine needle aspiration biopsy technique (FNAB) on evaluation of a mammary neoplasm in a guinea pig and describe the main cytological findings for the first time in literature.


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Introduction: HLA-G and HLA-E are two nonclassical class I molecules, which have been well recognized as modulators of innate and adaptive immune responses, and the expression of these molecules in virus infected cells has been associated with subversion of the immune response. Objective: In this study we performed a cross-sectional study, systematically comparing the expression of HLA-G and HLA-E in benign, premalignant and malignant laryngeal lesions, correlating with demographic and clinical variables and with the presence of high-risk and low-risk HPV types. Materials and methods: Laryngeal lesions were collected from 109 patients and stratified into 27 laryngeal papillomas, 17 dysplasias, 10 in situ laryngeal carcinomas, 27 laryngeal carcinomas without metastases, 28 laryngeal carcinomas with metastasis along with their respective draining cervical lymph nodes, and 10 normal larynx specimens. The expression of HLA-G and HLA-E molecules was determined by immunohistochemistry. HPV DNA detection and typing was performed using generic and specific primers. Results: HLA nonclassical molecules showed a distinct distribution pattern, according to the larynx lesion grade. HLA-G expression increased in benign and premalignant lesions, and gradually decreased in invasive carcinomas and in respective draining cervical lymph nodes. Conversely, HLA-E expression increased as far as lesion grade increased, including increased molecule expression in the draining lymph nodes of malignant lesions. Only 17 (15.6%) patients were HPV DNA positive. Conclusions: Overexpression of HLA-E and underexpression of HLAG appear to be good markers for malignant larynx lesion.


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Introduction. Granular cell tumor is an uncommon neoplasm that can occur in any part of the body, including the orofacial region. The tumor is usually benign, but there are reports of cases in which the tumor shows a locally aggressive behavior, malignancy, and distant metastases. The most widely accepted hypothesis is that granular cell tumor arises from the altered metabolism of Schwann cells. The tumor is typically asymptomatic and appears as a nodule that does not exceed 3 cm. Case presentation. In case 1, a 26-year-old Caucasian man was seen at the Oral Medicine out-patient clinic of the São José dos Campos Dental School, Universidade Estadual Paulista, with a 'small blister on the tongue', which he had noted approximately three years ago. The nodule was located on the dorsum of the tongue, measured about 1.5 cm in diameter, and was not tender to palpation. Treatment consisted of an excisional biopsy performed on the basis of the diagnostic hypothesis of granular cell tumor, which was confirmed by microscopic analysis. In case 2, a 31-year-old Caucasian woman attended the out-patient clinic of the São José dos Campos Dental School, Universidade Estadual Paulista, with a five-year history of a 'painful lump on the tongue'. Intra-oral examination revealed the presence of a nodular lesion measuring approximately 0.8 cm in diameter, which was located deep in the submucosa of the right lateral margin of the tongue. Treatment consisted of an excisional biopsy performed on the basis of the differential diagnosis of neurofibroma and granular cell tumor. Microscopic analysis defined the final diagnosis of granular cell tumor. Conclusions: Granular cell tumor is an uncommon tumor that must be carefully diagnosed and treated correctly. © 2012 Sena Costa et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Mast cell tumor manifests as a localized proliferation of mast cells in the skin, or less frequently as a systemic disorder, which may be accompanied by the presence of neoplastic mast cells in the peripheral blood (mastocythemia). In some cases, the neoplastic circulating mast cells originate in the bone marrow, designated as mast cell leukemia, rarely observed in dogs, or the cells may arise from visceral mast cell tumors, characterizing systemic mastocytosis. The aim of this report was to describe a case of a six-year-old female German shepherd dog presenting with history of anorexia, hematemesis and diarrhea. The blood work revealed intense mastocythemia (43%), with degranulated mast cells, and anisocytosis. At necropsy, white nodular lesions in the thymic region and an infiltrative mass in mesenteric and abdominal lymph nodes were observed. Those lymph nodes were enlarged and off-white. Histopathological examination revealed neoplastic mast cells in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes, kidneys, lungs, gastric and enteric mucosae, and adrenal glands. The clinical, hematological and histopathological findings were compatible with mastocythemia, associated with a moderately differentiated visceral mast cell tumor.


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Calcifying cystic odontogenic tumors (CCOTs) are benign cystic lesions of odontogenic origin characterized by an ameloblastoma-like epithelium and the presence of a group of cells named ghost cells. The pattern of cytokeratin (Ck) expression on these lesions remains unclear and needs to be clarified. To this end, the expression of Ck6, Ck13, Ck14, Ck18, and Ck19 in the epithelium lining of 7 cases of CCOTs was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. For this, the epithelium lining was divided into 3 distinct regions: basal layer, suprabasal layer, and the compartment composed of ghost cells. In this study, 6 cases (85.7%) were classified as type 1 and 1 (14.3%) as type 4. All cases were negative for Ck13 and Ck18, despite the epithelial layer, as well as in the ghost cells. Ck6 was only positive in the ghost cells. Positivity for Ck14 and Ck19 was found in the basal and suprabasal layers, including the ghost cells. The results showing positivity for Ck14 and Ck19 in all of the analyzed cases reinforce CCOT as being of odontogenic origin, and the restricted expression of Ck6 in the ghost cells may be indicative that these cells suffer an altered differentiation into hair follicles in CCOTs. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.