648 resultados para Bathymetry


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The aim of Maria S. MERIAN voyage MSM35 was to conduct marine controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) measurements in the Danube Delta, Black Sea, to identify suitable gas hydrate deposits for a future MEBO drilling test site for methane production and CO2 sequestration in hydrate form. Marine CSEM is a geophysical exploration method to derive the electrical properties, i.e. resistivity of the seafloor. Gas hydrates and free gas are electrically insulating and replace conductive pore fluid.


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Bathymetry based on data recorded during M72-1 between 07.02.2007 and 20.02.2007 in the Black Sea. The main focus of the cruise were gas vents and seeps in the north-western Black Sea below 700 m water depth which is the zone of gas hydrate stability. The main target area was the deep Dnepr Canyon west of the Crimea Peninsula where previous investigations had indicated the occurrence of gas seepage.