354 resultados para Bachmann
Considering the documented, potentially undesirable influence of various thiazide-type or loop diuretics on serum lipoproteins, we prospectively investigated in 69 men (mean age +/- SEM, 32 +/- 1 years) the metabolic effects of the new diuretic-antihypertensive compound indapamide. Compared to placebo, indapamide (2.5 mg/day) given for 6 to 8 weeks lowered (p less than 0.02 to less than 0.001) blood pressure (supine values from 148/98 +/- 3/2 to 137/93 +/- 3/2) in 29 men with mild to moderate essential hypertension, but not in 40 healthy men. In both groups, significant (p less than 0.05 to less than 0.001) decreases in body weight (-0.8 kg) and plasma potassium (-0.6 mmol/L), and increases in plasma uric acid (+20%), renin activity (+200%), and aldosterone documented good compliance. There were no significant changes in total cholesterol (in all subjects, from 208 +/- 6 to 213 +/- 6 mg/dl), low- or very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) cholesterol (127 +/- 6 to 129 +/- 6 and 21 +/- 1 to 21 +/- 2 respectively), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (50 +/- 1 to 51 +/- 1 mg/dl), total triglycerides (Tg) (108 +/- 5 to 112 +/- 6 mg/dl), VLDL-Tg, apoproteins A1 and A2, plasma glucose, epinephrine, norepinephrine, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and creatinine; apoprotein B (84 +/- 2 to 88 +/- 3 mg/dl) and plasma insulin after glucose loading dose tended to be increased minimally. The absence of distinct lipoprotein alterations after short-term indapamide treatment may be of clinical and epidemiological interest.
Clinical efficacy of aerosol therapy in premature newborns depends on the efficiency of delivery of aerosolized drug to the bronchial tree. To study the influence of various anatomical, physical, and physiological factors on aerosol delivery in preterm newborns, it is crucial to have appropriate in vitro models, which are currently not available. We therefore constructed the premature infant nose throat-model (PrINT-Model), an upper airway model corresponding to a premature infant of 32-wk gestational age by three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction of a three-planar magnetic resonance imaging scan and subsequent 3D-printing. Validation was realized by visual comparison and comparison of total airway volume. To study the feasibility of measuring aerosol deposition, budesonide was aerosolized through the cast and lung dose was expressed as percentage of nominal dose. The airway volumes of the initial magnetic resonance imaging and validation computed tomography scan showed a relative deviation of 0.94%. Lung dose at low flow (1 L/min) was 61.84% and 9.00% at high flow (10 L/min), p < 0.0001. 3D-reconstruction provided an anatomically accurate surrogate of the upper airways of a 32-wk-old premature infant, making the model suitable for future in vitro testing.
In 2005, Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc. (WSSI) installed an extensive Low Impact Development (LID) stormwater management system on their new office site in Gainesville, Virginia. The 4-acre site is serviced by a network of LID components: permeable pavements (two proprietary and one gravel type), bioretention cell / rain garden, green roof, vegetated swale, rainwater harvesting and drip irrigation, and slow-release underground detention. The site consists of heavy clay soils, and the LID components are mostly integrated by a series of underdrain pipes. A comprehensive monitoring system has been designed and installed to measure hydrologic performance throughout the LID, underdrained network. The monitoring system measures flows into and out of each LID component independently while concurrently monitoring rainfall events. A sensitivity analysis and laboratory calibration has been performed on the flow measurement system. Field data has been evaluated to determine the hydrologic performance of the LID features. Finally, hydrologic models amenable to compact, underdrained LID sites have been reviewed and recommended for future modeling and design.
BACKGROUND: Graphical displays of results allow researchers to summarise and communicate the key findings of their study. Diagnostic information should be presented in an easily interpretable way, which conveys both test characteristics (diagnostic accuracy) and the potential for use in clinical practice (predictive value). METHODS: We discuss the types of graphical display commonly encountered in primary diagnostic accuracy studies and systematic reviews of such studies, and systematically review the use of graphical displays in recent diagnostic primary studies and systematic reviews. RESULTS: We identified 57 primary studies and 49 systematic reviews. Fifty-six percent of primary studies and 53% of systematic reviews used graphical displays to present results. Dot-plot or box-and- whisker plots were the most commonly used graph in primary studies and were included in 22 (39%) studies. ROC plots were the most common type of plot included in systematic reviews and were included in 22 (45%) reviews. One primary study and five systematic reviews included a probability-modifying plot. CONCLUSION: Graphical displays are currently underused in primary diagnostic accuracy studies and systematic reviews of such studies. Diagnostic accuracy studies need to include multiple types of graphic in order to provide both a detailed overview of the results (diagnostic accuracy) and to communicate information that can be used to inform clinical practice (predictive value). Work is required to improve graphical displays, to better communicate the utility of a test in clinical practice and the implications of test results for individual patients.
OBJECTIVE: Meta-analysis of studies of the accuracy of diagnostic tests currently uses a variety of methods. Statistically rigorous hierarchical models require expertise and sophisticated software. We assessed whether any of the simpler methods can in practice give adequately accurate and reliable results. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: We reviewed six methods for meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy: four simple commonly used methods (simple pooling, separate random-effects meta-analyses of sensitivity and specificity, separate meta-analyses of positive and negative likelihood ratios, and the Littenberg-Moses summary receiver operating characteristic [ROC] curve) and two more statistically rigorous approaches using hierarchical models (bivariate random-effects meta-analysis and hierarchical summary ROC curve analysis). We applied the methods to data from a sample of eight systematic reviews chosen to illustrate a variety of patterns of results. RESULTS: In each meta-analysis, there was substantial heterogeneity between the results of different studies. Simple pooling of results gave misleading summary estimates of sensitivity and specificity in some meta-analyses, and the Littenberg-Moses method produced summary ROC curves that diverged from those produced by more rigorous methods in some situations. CONCLUSION: The closely related hierarchical summary ROC curve or bivariate models should be used as the standard method for meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy.
AIMS: To compare the outcome of prophylactic oral valacyclovir (VAL) or oral acyclovir treatment (ACV) in patients having undergone penetrating keratoplasty for herpetic keratitis (HK). METHODS: All patients having received a penetrating keratoplasty for HK and being treated postoperatively with either oral VAL or oral ACV (inclusion period from 12/97 to 3/06 and 5/92 to 9/96, respectively) were retrospectively evaluated. Records were analysed for postoperative reactivation of recurrent HK, graft rejection, endothelial cell loss, central corneal thickness and visual acuity after a follow-up of up to 5 years. RESULTS: Twenty patients received VAL and were compared with 19 patients being treated with ACV. Two patients developed clinical signs of recurrent herpetic disease in the VAL group compared with three patients in the ACV group. Two patients from both groups each developed an irreversible graft failure. Best corrected visual acuity improved in both treatment groups from baseline (logMAR) -1.97 (VAL), -1.47 (ACV) to -0.85, -0.72, respectively, at the 1-year follow-up and slightly deteriorated after 5 years in the ACV group (-0.71 VAL vs -1.14 ACV). CONCLUSION: Prophylactic oral VAL treatment is at least as effective as ACV in preventing recurrence in patients who underwent corneal transplantation for HK. The tolerability of the two drugs is similar, but the dosing for VAL might be more comfortable for patients.
To determine the immediate effect of thiazolidinediones on human skeletal muscle, differentiated human myotubes were acutely (1 day) and myoblasts chronically (during the differentiation process) treated with troglitazone (TGZ). Chronic TGZ treatment resulted in loss of the typical multinucleated phenotype. The increase of muscle markers typically observed during differentiation was suppressed, while adipocyte markers increased markedly. Chronic TGZ treatment increased insulin-stimulated phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase activity and membranous protein kinase B/Akt (PKB/Akt) Ser-473 phosphorylation more than 4-fold. Phosphorylation of p42/44 mitogen-activated protein kinase (42/44 MAPK/ERK) was unaltered. Basal glucose uptake as well as both basal and insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis increased approximately 1.6- and approximately 2.5-fold after chronic TGZ treatment, respectively. A 2-fold stimulation of PI 3-kinase but no other significant TGZ effect was found after acute TGZ treatment. In conclusion, chronic TGZ treatment inhibited myogenic differentiation of that human muscle while inducing adipocyte-specific gene expression. The effects of chronic TGZ treatment on basal glucose transport may in part be secondary to this transdifferentiation. The enhancing effect on PI 3-kinase and PKB/Akt involved in both differentiation and glycogen synthesis appears to be pivotal in the cellular action of TGZ.
BACKGROUND: In clinical practice a diagnosis is based on a combination of clinical history, physical examination and additional diagnostic tests. At present, studies on diagnostic research often report the accuracy of tests without taking into account the information already known from history and examination. Due to this lack of information, together with variations in design and quality of studies, conventional meta-analyses based on these studies will not show the accuracy of the tests in real practice. By using individual patient data (IPD) to perform meta-analyses, the accuracy of tests can be assessed in relation to other patient characteristics and allows the development or evaluation of diagnostic algorithms for individual patients. In this study we will examine these potential benefits in four clinical diagnostic problems in the field of gynaecology, obstetrics and reproductive medicine. METHODS/DESIGN: Based on earlier systematic reviews for each of the four clinical problems, studies are considered for inclusion. The first authors of the included studies will be invited to participate and share their original data. After assessment of validity and completeness the acquired datasets are merged. Based on these data, a series of analyses will be performed, including a systematic comparison of the results of the IPD meta-analysis with those of a conventional meta-analysis, development of multivariable models for clinical history alone and for the combination of history, physical examination and relevant diagnostic tests and development of clinical prediction rules for the individual patients. These will be made accessible for clinicians. DISCUSSION: The use of IPD meta-analysis will allow evaluating accuracy of diagnostic tests in relation to other relevant information. Ultimately, this could increase the efficiency of the diagnostic work-up, e.g. by reducing the need for invasive tests and/or improving the accuracy of the diagnostic workup. This study will assess whether these benefits of IPD meta-analysis over conventional meta-analysis can be exploited and will provide a framework for future IPD meta-analyses in diagnostic and prognostic research.
OBJECTIVES: The STAndards for Reporting studies of Diagnostic accuracy (STARD) for investigators and editors and the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS) for reviewers and readers offer guidelines for the quality and reporting of test accuracy studies. These guidelines address and propose some solutions to two major threats to validity: spectrum bias and test review bias. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Using a clinical example, we demonstrate that these solutions fail and propose an alternative solution that concomitantly addresses both sources of bias. We also derive formulas that prove the generality of our arguments. RESULTS: A logical extension of our ideas is to extend STARD item 23 by adding a requirement for multivariable statistical adjustment using information collected in QUADAS items 1, 2, and 12 and STARD items 3-5, 11, 15, and 18. CONCLUSION: We recommend reporting not only variation of diagnostic accuracy across subgroups (STARD item 23) but also the effects of the multivariable adjustments on test performance. We also suggest that the QUADAS be supplemented by an item addressing the appropriateness of statistical methods, in particular whether multivariable adjustments have been included in the analysis.
OBJECTIVE: Severe respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) caused by surfactant deficiency is described not only in preterm infants but also in (near-) term babies after caesarean section (CS), especially when carried out before the onset of labour. The aim of the present study was to document the severity of this theoretically avoidable entity in order to improve obstetric and perinatal care. PATIENTS: All neonates admitted to the paediatric intensive care unit of the University Hospital of Bern between 1988 and 2000 with RDS on the basis of hyaline membrane disease (HMD) needing mechanical ventilation (MV) after CS and with a birthweight > or = 2500 g were analysed. HMD was diagnosed when respiratory distress and the typical radiological signs were present. Patients were grouped into elective CS before onset of labour and before rupture of membranes (group 1, n = 34) and patients delivered by emergency CS or CS after onset of labour or rupture of membranes (group 2, n = 22). Analysed indices for severity of illness were duration of stay in intensive care unit and MV, ventilation mode, worst oxygenation index (OI), presence of pulmonary air leak, and systemic hypotension. RESULTS: Mean gestational age (GA) was 37 2/7 weeks in group 1 and 36 2/7 weeks in group 2; no patient had a GA of > or = 39 0/7 weeks. Duration of MV was 4.4 days in group 1 and 3.9 days in group 2. Thirteen patients (38%) of group 1 and 7 (32%) of group 2 had to be managed by rescue high-frequency ventilation. A total of 7 patients had an OI>40. Eight patients (24%) in group 1 and 4 (18%) in group 2 developed a pulmonary air leak. Fourteen neonates (41%) in group 1 had to be supported by catecholamines versus 5 (22%) in group 2. There was one death in group 1. CONCLUSION: Severe RDS on the basis of HMD can also occur in near-term babies after CS; even a fatal outcome can not be excluded. The severity of illness in elective CS without labour may be quite high and is comparable to newborns delivered by CS (after onset of labour and/or rupture of the membranes) who were 1 week younger. No case of HMD was found in our population when CS was carried out after completion of 39 post-menstrual weeks of gestation.
Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) is of major importance in neonatal and paediatric intensive care with regard to mortality and long-term morbidity. Our aim was to analyse our data in full-term neonates and children with special regard to withdrawal of life support and bad outcome. PATIENTS: All patients with HIE admitted to our unit from 1992-96 were analysed. Criteria for HIE were presence of a hypoxic insult followed by coma or altered consciousness with or without convulsions. Severity of HIE was assessed in neonates using Sarnat stages, and in children the duration of coma. In the majority of cases staging was completed with electrophysiological studies. Outcome was described using the Glasgow Outcome Scale. Bad outcome was defined as death, permanent vegetative state or severe disability, good outcome as moderate disability or good recovery. RESULTS: In the neonatal group (n = 38) outcome was significantly associated with Sarnat stages, presence of convulsions, severely abnormal EEG, cardiovascular failure, and multiple organ dysfunction (MOD). A bad outcome was observed in 27 cases with 14 deaths and 13 survivors. Supportive treatment was withdrawn in 14 cases with 9 subsequent deaths. In the older age group (n = 45) outcome was related to persistent coma of 24-48 h, severely abnormal EEG, cardiovascular failure, liver dysfunction and MOD. A bad outcome was found in 36 cases with 33 deaths and 3 survivors. Supportive treatment was withdrawn in 15 instances, all followed by death. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, neonates and older patients did not differ with regard to good or bad outcome. However, in the neonatal group there were significantly more survivors with bad outcome, either overall or after withdrawal of support. Possible explanations for this difference include variability of hypoxic insult, maturational and metabolic differences, and the more compliant neonatal skull, which prevents brainstem herniation.
Eight premature infants ventilated for hyaline membrane disease and enrolled in the OSIRIS surfactant trial were studied. Lung mechanics, gas exchange [PaCO2, arterial/alveolar PO2 ratio (a/A ratio)], and ventilator settings were determined 20 minutes before and 20 minutes after the end of Exosurf instillation, and subsequently at 12-24 hour intervals. Respiratory system compliance (Crs) and resistance (Rrs) were measured by means of the single breath occlusion method. After surfactant instillation there were no significant immediate changes in PaCO2 (36 vs. 37 mmHg), a/A ratio (0.23 vs. 0.20), Crs (0.32 vs. 0.31 mL/cm H2O/kg), and Rrs (0.11 vs. 0.16 cmH2O/mL/s) (pooled data of 18 measurement pairs). During the clinical course, mean a/A ratio improved significantly each time from 0.17 (time 0) to 0.29 (time 12-13 hours), to 0.39 (time 24-36 hours) and to 0.60 (time 48-61 hours), although mean airway pressure was reduced substantially. Mean Crs increased significantly from 0.28 mL/cmH2O/kg (time 0) to 0.38 (time 12-13 hours), to 0.37 (time 24-38 hours), and to 0.52 (time 48-61 hours), whereas mean Rrs increased from 0.10 cm H2O/mL/s (time 0) to 0.11 (time 12-13 hours), to 0.13 (time 24-36 hours) and to (time 48-61 hours) with no overall significance. A highly significant correlation was found between Crs and a/A ratio (r = 0.698, P less than 0.001). We conclude that Exosurf does not induce immediate changes in oxygenation as does the instillation of (modified) natural surfactant preparations. However, after 12 and 24 hours of treatment oxygenation and Crs improve significantly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
CONTEXT: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) combined with magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (MRSI) emerged as a promising test in the diagnosis of prostate cancer and showed encouraging results. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this systematic review is to meta-analyse the diagnostic accuracy of combined MRI/MRSI in prostate cancer and to explore risk profiles with highest benefit. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: The authors searched the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases and the Cochrane Library, and the authors screened reference lists and contacted experts. There were no language restrictions. The last search was performed in August 2008. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: We identified 31 test-accuracy studies (1765 patients); 16 studies (17 populations) with a total of 581 patients were suitable for meta-analysis. Nine combined MRI/MRSI studies (10 populations) examining men with pathologically confirmed prostate cancer (297 patients; 1518 specimens) had a pooled sensitivity and specificity on prostate subpart level of 68% (95% CI, 56-78%) and 85% (95% CI, 78-90%), respectively. Compared with patients at high risk for clinically relevant cancer (six studies), sensitivity was lower in low-risk patients (four studies) (58% [46-69%] vs 74% [58-85%]; p>0.05) but higher for specificity (91% [86-94%] vs 78% [70-84%]; p<0.01). Seven studies examining patients with suspected prostate cancer at combined MRI/MRSI (284 patients) had an overall pooled sensitivity and specificity on patients level of 82% (59-94%) and 88% (80-95%). In the low-risk group (five studies) these values were 75% (39-93%) and 91% (77-97%), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A limited number of small studies suggest that MRI combined with MRSI could be a rule-in test for low-risk patients. This finding needs further confirmation in larger studies and cost-effectiveness needs to be established.