223 resultados para BST
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The European Union and Russia are strategic partners – through their geographic situation, their common history, through social and economic obligations. Currently, the EU’s relations with Russia are under pressure for innovation. The EU’s ability to manoeuvre is hindered by the financial crisis, which has developed into a crisis of the Union’s political integration. For that reason, the EU’s relations with Russia depend on the Union’s ability to overcome the crisis and undertake reforms.
North Africa’s youthful societies look back with pride at their recent uprisings. However, they are also getting frustrated by the fact that the economic outlook is not improving. Europe’s role in the southern Mediterranean area needs to be realigned in order to promote the development of democracy, employment opportunities, and security. Because "there is a great deal of potential for cooperation with Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and Egypt?" argue our authors Christian P. Hanelt and Sven Behrendt.
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The Arabellion is now in its fourth year. There is more freedom today, but less security. There are far more opportunities, but fewer jobs. And there is a patchwork of conflicts. In many places though the Arab world is tentatively moving towards democracy and the social market economy. Although there have been some difficulties along the way, European assistance for the transformation process is moving in the right direction. Still, the EU could certainly do more on the political level.
In 2013, 73 percent of the population of the European Union used the internet. And the number of users is still going up. In the run up to the European elections, we are led to ask a number of crucial questions: How do anti-European populists market themselves on the internet? Are they opinion leaders of the web community? Turns out they're not. The Pro-Europeans are strong. We'll explain why and what to do to make them even stronger.
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"July 1, 1984."
Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka hur kommunikationskanaler används av konsumenter i samband med musik, för att lyssna samt att hitta ny musik och artister. Detta för att i förlängningen kunna utreda och förstå vilka av dessa kommunikationskanaler som passar bäst för att lansera artister och göra deras musik tillgänglig på marknaden. Vi har tagit hjälp av tidigare forskning och teorier om musikindustrins utveckling kopplat till digitaliseringen och uppkomsten av de nya kommunikationskanalerna för att få en bredare bild samt kunna koppla dessa till den kvantitativa enkätundersökning vi genomfört. Teorier kring gräsrotsdriven kommunikation, Word of Mouth och digitalisering har exempelvis varit centrala. Varumärke samt strategisk kommunikation finns även med som begrepp. Själva metodramen är som sagt av kvantitativ form, där en enkätundersökning ligger till grund för datainsamlingen. Denna har sedan brutits ner och analyserats för att få insikt om respondenternas åsikter och beteende när de konsumerar musik, utifrån vilka kanaler de använder för att lyssna på musik, hitta ny musik samt eventuellt dela och sprida den till vänner och bekanta. Det har även ställts frågor kring vikten av varumärke samt eventuella icke-musikaliska attribut i dagens musikvärld, ifall de spelar in för konsumenten när ny musik uppsöks. Undersökningen visar att det finns ett tydligt samband kring hur respondenterna dels lyssnar, dels hittar ny musik. Det är genom de nya digitala kommunikationskanalerna detta sker i störst utsträckning. Det visade sig även att det tycks finnas ett dalande förtroende gentemot klassisk uttalad marknadsföring och dess kommunikationskanaler. En majoritet av respondenterna i undersökningen föredrog gräsrotsdrivna kanaler samt mer personliga tips på musik snarare än ren kommersiell marknadsföring. Det var även vanligt att attribut utöver det musikaliska sågs som något positivt, ett mervärde till musiken. När det gäller varumärke kopplat till artister ansåg en majoritet att artister idag faktiskt är att betrakta som ett varumärke.
Low temperature sintering has become a very important research area in ceramics processing and sintering as a promising process to obtain grain size below 100nm. For electronic ceramics, low temperature sintering is particularly difficult, because not only the required microstructure but also the desired electronic properties should be obtained. In this dissertation, the effect of liquid sintering aids and particle size (micrometer and nanometer) on sintering temperature and Positive Temperature Coefficient Resistivity (PTCR) property are investigated for Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (BST) doped with 0.2-0.3mol% Sb3+ (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5). Different sintering aids with low melting point are used as sintering aids to decrease the sintering temperature for micrometer size BST particles. Micrometer size and nanometer size Ba1-xSrxTiO 3 (BST) particles are used to demonstrate the particle size effect on the sintering temperature for semiconducting BST. To reduce the sintering temperature, three processes are developed, i.e. 1 using sol-gel nanometer size Sb3+ doped powders with a sintering aid; 2 using micrometer size powders plus a sintering aid; and 3 using nanometer size Sb3+ doped powders with sintering aids. Grain size effect on PTCR characteristics is investigated through comparison between micrometer size powder sintered pellets and nanometer size powder sintered pellets. The former has lower resistivity at temperatures below the Curie temperature (Tc) and high resistivity at temperatures above the Curie temperature (Tc) along with higher ρ max/ρmin ratio (ρmax is the highest resistivity at temperatures above Tc, ρmin is the lowest resistivity at temperatures below Tc), whereas the latter has both higher ρ max and ρmin. Also, ρmax/ρmin is smaller than that of pellets with larger grain size. The reason is that the solid with small grain size has more grain boundaries than the solid with large grain size. The contribution z at room temperature and high temperature and a lower ρmax/ρmin ratio value.
Low temperature sintering has become a very important research area in ceramics processing and sintering as a promising process to obtain grain size below 100nm. For electronic ceramics, low temperature sintering is particularly difficult, because not only the required microstructure but also the desired electronic properties should be obtained. In this dissertation, the effect of liquid sintering aids and particle size (micrometer and nanometer) on sintering temperature and Positive Temperature Coefficient Resistivity (PTCR) property are investigated for Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (BST) doped with 0.2-0.3mol% Sb3+ (x = 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4 and 0.5). Different sintering aids with low melting point are used as sintering aids to decrease the sintering temperature for micrometer size BST particles. Micrometer size and nanometer size Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (BST) particles are used to demonstrate the particle size effect on the sintering temperature for semiconducting BST. To reduce the sintering temperature, three processes are developed, i.e. 1 using sol-gel nanometer size Sb3+ doped powders with a sintering aid; 2 using micrometer size powders plus a sintering aid; and 3 using nanometer size Sb3+ doped powders with sintering aids. Grain size effect on PTCR characteristics is investigated through comparison between micrometer size powder sintered pellets and nanometer size powder sintered pellets. The former has lower resistivity at temperatures below the Curie temperature (Tc) and high resistivity at temperatures above the Curie temperature (Tc) along with higher ñmax/ñmin ratio (ñmax is the highest resistivity at temperatures above Tc, ñmin is the lowest resistivity at temperatures below Tc), whereas the latter has both higher ñmax and ñmin. Also, ñmax/ñmin is smaller than that of pellets with larger grain size. The reason is that the solid with small grain size has more grain boundaries than the solid with large grain size. The contribution z at room temperature and high temperature and a lower ñmax/ñmin ratio value.