419 resultados para BLAGA, LUCIAN
Der Beitrag referiert den Stand der Studienreform an der Universität in Bochum, die sich noch in der Erprobungsphase befindet. Akzeptanz seitens der Studierenden und eine allgemeine Straffung im Studierverhalten schlagen positiv zu Buche, problematisch bleiben nach wie vor die planerische Koordination des Lehrangebots sowohl für die Lehrenden als auch die Studierenden, die stete Gefahr der Überlastung der Studierenden und damit zusammenhängend die Schwierigkeit, Arbeitszeit für Arbeitspensen zuverlässig einschätzen zu können. Auch die Umorientierung von Lehrinhalten auf zu lernende Kompetenzen steht noch weitgehend aus. Die Betreuungsrelation bleibt schlecht, zumal Prüfungen und universitäre Selbstverwaltung Ressourcen binden. Wünschenswert sind daher größere Finanzspielräume, der Erhalt der universitären Lehr- und Lernfreiheit gegenüber weitergehender Regulierung. Studienordnungen sollten überregional standardisierte Lehrformate aufgreifen, wobei die gewünschte inhaltliche Flexibilität mit der Vergleichbarkeit der Studienleistung abzustimmen wäre.
Background Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN) represents a chronic progressive interstitial nephritis in striking correlation with uroepithelial tumours of the upper urinary tract. The disease has endemic distribution in the Danube river regions in several Balkan countries. DNA methylation is a primary epigenetic modification that is involved in major processes such as cancer, genomic imprinting, gene silencing, etc. The significance of CpG island methylation status in normal development, cell differentiation and gene expression is widely recognized, although still stays poorly understood. Methods We performed whole genome DNA methylation array analysis on DNA pool samples from peripheral blood from 159 affected individuals and 170 healthy individuals. This technique allowed us to determine the methylation status of 27 627 CpG islands throughout the whole genome in healthy controls and BEN patients. Thus we obtained the methylation profile of BEN patients from Bulgarian and Serbian endemic regions. Results Using specifically developed software we compared the methylation profiles of BEN patients and corresponding controls and revealed the differently methylated regions. We then compared the DMRs between all patient-control pairs to determine common changes in the epigenetic profiles. SEC61G, IL17RA, HDAC11 proved to be differently methylated throughout all patient-control pairs. The CpG islands of all 3 genes were hypomethylated compared to controls. This suggests that dysregulation of these genes involved in immunological response could be a common mechanism in BEN pathogenesis in both endemic regions and in both genders. Conclusion Our data propose a new hypothesis that immunologic dysregulation has a place in BEN etiopathogenesis. Keywords: Epigenetics; Whole genome array analysis; Balkan endemic nephropathy
High-resolution quantitative temperature records from continents covering glacial to interglacial transitions are scarce but important for understanding the climate system. We present the first decadal resolution record of continental temperatures in Central Europe during the last deglaciation (similar to 14,60010,600cal. yrB.P.) based on the organic geochemical palaeothermometer TEX86. The TEX86-inferred temperature record from Lake Lucerne (Vierwaldstattersee, Switzerland) reveals typical oscillations during the Late Glacial Interstadial, followed by an abrupt cooling of 2 degrees C at the onset of Younger Dryas and a rapid warming of 4 degrees C at the onset of the Holocene, within less than 350years. The remarkable resemblance with the Greenland and regional stable oxygen isotope records suggests that temperature changes in continental Europe were dominated by large-scale reorganizations in the northern hemispheric climate system.
Long-term measurements of CO2 flux can be obtained using the eddy covariance technique, but these datasets are affected by gaps which hinder the estimation of robust long-term means and annual ecosystem exchanges. We compare results obtained using three gap-fill techniques: multiple regression (MR), multiple imputation (MI), and artificial neural networks (ANNs), applied to a one-year dataset of hourly CO2 flux measurements collected in Lutjewad, over a flat agriculture area near the Wadden Sea dike in the north of the Netherlands. The dataset was separated in two subsets: a learning and a validation set. The performances of gap-filling techniques were analysed by calculating statistical criteria: coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), mean absolute error (MAE), maximum absolute error (MaxAE), and mean square bias (MSB). The gap-fill accuracy is seasonally dependent, with better results in cold seasons. The highest accuracy is obtained using ANN technique which is also less sensitive to environmental/seasonal conditions. We argue that filling gaps directly on measured CO2 fluxes is more advantageous than the common method of filling gaps on calculated net ecosystem change, because ANN is an empirical method and smaller scatter is expected when gap filling is applied directly to measurements.