687 resultados para Australian Mining Industry


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Retention of sugarcane leaves and tops on the soil surface after harvesting has almost completely replaced burning of crop residues in the Australian sugar industry. Long term retention of residue is believed to improve soil fertility to the extent that nitrogen (N) fertilizer applications might be reduced by up to 40 kg N/ha/y. However, the fate of N in the extreme environment of the wet tropics is not known with certainty. Indices of potential N mineralisation and nitrification were developed and indicate that potential N fertility is greater in the wet tropics compared to more southern cane growing areas, and is enhanced under residue retention. Field results from the wet tropics support this prediction, but indicate high soil ammonium-N concentrations relative to nitrate-N.


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Muito se tem investigado sobre os antecedentes de intenção de rotatividade. Dentre as possíveis variáveis com capacidade de se relacionar aos planos dos trabalhadores deixarem a organização destacam-se: satisfação no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. O presente estudo teve como objetivo geral analisar as relações entre estas três variáveis; satisfação no trabalho, comprometimento organizacional afetivo e intenção de rotatividade. Ligando-se aos objetivos através dos seus estímulos internos ou externos, desvendados no estudo em uma mineradora de diamantes em Angola onde foram analisadas as relações entre as três variáveis. Participaram na pesquisa 151 trabalhadores, todos de nacionalidade angolana selecionados aleatoriamente em diferentes áreas da mesma empresa. Após aplicação do questionários com três medidas validadas e precisas, o tratamento dos dados, todos de natureza numérica, foi processado pelo software estatístico Statistical Package for the Social Science SPSS, versão 19.0 para Windows. Apurou-se que a idade media dos participantes era de 38,34 (DP = 8,42) anos, sendo a maioria do sexo masculino, solteira, com o nível médio completo, não exercendo cargo de chefia, pertencendo ao grupo (GP - III) um total de 89 (58,9 %), realizando grande parte do seu trabalho com outra pessoa ou em grupo, com tempo de trabalho variando entre 1 (um) e 16 anos. Os resultados descritivos indicam que os trabalhadores detêm um quadro de satisfação no trabalho, com satisfações maiores proporcionadas pelo número de vezes e oportunidades de serem promovidos, com a capacidade profissional de seus chefes, no entendimento encontrado entre si e na maneira como são tratados pelos seus chefes; e menores com o tipo de amizade, confiança e espírito de colaboração demonstrada pelos seus colegas de trabalho, assim como com a capacidade absorvida e o salário se comparado com o quanto trabalha. O quadro do comprometimento organizacional afetivo demonstra maior afeto as questões relacionadas a empresa em fazer o empregado sentir-se orgulhoso e contente com ela. Análises de correlação pelo r de Pearson informaram índices negativos e significativos entre as duas variáveis e intenção de rotatividade. Tais resultados informam que o plano de deixar a empresa onde trabalham é cada vez menor à medida que se elevam os níveis de satisfação no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional afetivo.


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A systematic analysis is presented of the economic consequences of the abnormally high concentration of Zambia's exports on a commodity whose price is exceptionally unstable. Zambian macro-economic variables in the post-independence years are extensively documented, showing acute instability and decline, particularly after the energy price revolution and the collapse of copper prices. The relevance of stabilization policies designed to correct short-term disequilibrium is questioned. It is, therefore, a pathological case study of externally induced economic instability, complementing other studies in this area which use cross-country analysis of a few selected variables. After a survey of theory and issues pertaining to development, finance and stabilization, the emergence of domestic and foreign financial constraints on the Zambian economy is described. The world copper industry is surveyed and an examination of commodity and world trade prices concludes that copper showed the highest degree of price instability. Specific aspects of Zambia's economy identified for detailed analysis include: its unprofitable mining industry, external payments disequilibrium, a constrained government budget, potentially inflationary monetary growth, and external indebtedness. International comparisons are used extensively, but major copper exporters are subjected to closer scrutiny. An appraisal of policy options concludes the study.


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This study focuses on empirical investigations and seeks implications by utilizing three different methodologies to test various aspects of trader behavior. The first methodology utilizes Prospect Theory to determine trader behavior during periods of extreme wealth contracting periods. Secondly, a threshold model to examine the sentiment variable is formulated and thirdly a study is made of the contagion effect and trader behavior. ^ The connection between consumers' sense of financial well-being or sentiment and stock market performance has been studied at length. However, without data on actual versus experimental performance, implications based on this relationship are meaningless. The empirical agenda included examining a proprietary file of daily trader activities over a five-year period. Overall, during periods of extreme wealth altering conditions, traders "satisfice" rather than choose the "best" alternative. A trader's degree of loss aversion depends on his/her prior investment performance. A model that explains the behavior of traders during periods of turmoil is developed. Prospect Theory and the data file influenced the design of the model. ^ Additional research included testing a model that permitted the data to signal the crisis through a threshold model. The third empirical study sought to investigate the existence of contagion caused by declining global wealth effects using evidence from the mining industry in Canada. Contagion, where a financial crisis begins locally and subsequently spreads elsewhere, has been studied in terms of correlations among similar regions. The results provide support for Prospect Theory in two out of the three empirical studies. ^ The dissertation emphasizes the need for specifying precise, testable models of investors' expectations by providing tools to identify paradoxical behavior patterns. True enhancements in this field must include empirical research utilizing reliable data sources to mitigate data mining problems and allow researchers to distinguish between expectations-based and risk-based explanations of behavior. Through this type of research, it may be possible to systematically exploit "irrational" market behavior. ^


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This study focuses on empirical investigations and seeks implications by utilizing three different methodologies to test various aspects of trader behavior. The first methodology utilizes Prospect Theory to determine trader behavior during periods of extreme wealth contracting periods. Secondly, a threshold model to examine the sentiment variable is formulated and thirdly a study is made of the contagion effect and trader behavior. The connection between consumers' sense of financial well-being or sentiment and stock market performance has been studied at length. However, without data on actual versus experimental performance, implications based on this relationship are meaningless. The empirical agenda included examining a proprietary file of daily trader activities over a five-year period. Overall, during periods of extreme wealth altering conditions, traders "satisfice" rather than choose the "best" alternative. A trader's degree of loss aversion depends on his/her prior investment performance. A model that explains the behavior of traders during periods of turmoil is developed. Prospect Theory and the data file influenced the design of the model. Additional research included testing a model that permitted the data to signal the crisis through a threshold model. The third empirical study sought to investigate the existence of contagion caused by declining global wealth effects using evidence from the mining industry in Canada. Contagion, where a financial crisis begins locally and subsequently spreads elsewhere, has been studied in terms of correlations among similar regions. The results provide support for Prospect Theory in two out of the three empirical studies. The dissertation emphasizes the need for specifying precise, testable models of investors' expectations by providing tools to identify paradoxical behavior patterns. True enhancements in this field must include empirical research utilizing reliable data sources to mitigate data mining problems and allow researchers to distinguish between expectations-based and risk-based explanations of behavior. Through this type of research, it may be possible to systematically exploit "irrational" market behavior.


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According to Solitander C. P., the extraction of lake ore from Eastern Finland lakes considerably rose in the 1870 - 1880 period in relation with the increasing demand from the ironworks being operated in the region. In St. Petersburg, Nicholas Putiloff, a business tycoon and State Minister owned the Haapakosken, Huutokosken and Oravin ironworks which were using 99% of lake ore for their supply. During this period the biggest production came from lake Sysmäjärvi in the Joroinen county with 3676 tonnes at an average concentration of 35.94% Fe, 4.55% Mn, 0.26% P and 0.04% S. The Värtsilä ironworks used the lake ore coming from 49 lakes, the biggest production coming from lake Loitimojärvi with 14535 tonnes of ore with a medium at concentration of 30.8% Fe. Möhkö ironworks took advantage of the 59 lakes, the largest of which was from lake Koitere with 4301 tonnes at 41.3% Fe. The Karttula ironworks were also significant in the consumption of ferromanganese lake ore.


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En el presente artículo analizamos los desplazamientos de cultos indígenas hispanos desde distintas áreas de la Península Ibérica hacia los principales lugares de inmigración en Hispania: las áreas mineras y las ciudades. Proponemos que estos grupos de emigrantes rendían culto en su nueva residencia a las deidades que veneraban en sus regiones de procedencia como un medio de preservar su cohesión social y su identidad cultural. La dureza de la vida laboral en las áreas mineras reforzaba la necesidad de fortalecer los lazos culturales.


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Résumé : En raison de sa grande étendue, le Nord canadien présente plusieurs défis logistiques pour une exploitation rentable de ses ressources minérales. La TéléCartographie Prédictive (TCP) vise à faciliter la localisation de gisements en produisant des cartes du potentiel géologique. Des données altimétriques sont nécessaires pour générer ces cartes. Or, celles actuellement disponibles au nord du 60e parallèle ne sont pas optimales principalement parce qu’elles sont dérivés de courbes à équidistance variable et avec une valeur au mètre. Parallèlement, il est essentiel de connaître l'exactitude verticale des données altimétriques pour être en mesure de les utiliser adéquatement, en considérant les contraintes liées à son exactitude. Le projet présenté vise à aborder ces deux problématiques afin d'améliorer la qualité des données altimétriques et contribuer à raffiner la cartographie prédictive réalisée par TCP dans le Nord canadien, pour une zone d’étude située au Territoire du Nord-Ouest. Le premier objectif était de produire des points de contrôles permettant une évaluation précise de l'exactitude verticale des données altimétriques. Le second objectif était de produire un modèle altimétrique amélioré pour la zone d'étude. Le mémoire présente d'abord une méthode de filtrage pour des données Global Land and Surface Altimetry Data (GLA14) de la mission ICESat (Ice, Cloud and land Elevation SATellite). Le filtrage est basé sur l'application d'une série d'indicateurs calculés à partir d’informations disponibles dans les données GLA14 et des conditions du terrain. Ces indicateurs permettent d'éliminer les points d'élévation potentiellement contaminés. Les points sont donc filtrés en fonction de la qualité de l’attitude calculée, de la saturation du signal, du bruit d'équipement, des conditions atmosphériques, de la pente et du nombre d'échos. Ensuite, le document décrit une méthode de production de Modèles Numériques de Surfaces (MNS) améliorés, par stéréoradargrammétrie (SRG) avec Radarsat-2 (RS-2). La première partie de la méthodologie adoptée consiste à faire la stéréorestitution des MNS à partir de paires d'images RS-2, sans point de contrôle. L'exactitude des MNS préliminaires ainsi produits est calculée à partir des points de contrôles issus du filtrage des données GLA14 et analysée en fonction des combinaisons d’angles d'incidences utilisées pour la stéréorestitution. Ensuite, des sélections de MNS préliminaires sont assemblées afin de produire 5 MNS couvrant chacun la zone d'étude en totalité. Ces MNS sont analysés afin d'identifier la sélection optimale pour la zone d'intérêt. Les indicateurs sélectionnés pour la méthode de filtrage ont pu être validés comme performant et complémentaires, à l’exception de l’indicateur basé sur le ratio signal/bruit puisqu’il était redondant avec l’indicateur basé sur le gain. Autrement, chaque indicateur a permis de filtrer des points de manière exclusive. La méthode de filtrage a permis de réduire de 19% l'erreur quadratique moyenne sur l'élévation, lorsque que comparée aux Données d'Élévation Numérique du Canada (DNEC). Malgré un taux de rejet de 69% suite au filtrage, la densité initiale des données GLA14 a permis de conserver une distribution spatiale homogène. À partir des 136 MNS préliminaires analysés, aucune combinaison d’angles d’incidences des images RS-2 acquises n’a pu être identifiée comme étant idéale pour la SRG, en raison de la grande variabilité des exactitudes verticales. Par contre, l'analyse a indiqué que les images devraient idéalement être acquises à des températures en dessous de 0°C, pour minimiser les disparités radiométriques entre les scènes. Les résultats ont aussi confirmé que la pente est le principal facteur d’influence sur l’exactitude de MNS produits par SRG. La meilleure exactitude verticale, soit 4 m, a été atteinte par l’assemblage de configurations de même direction de visées. Par contre, les configurations de visées opposées, en plus de produire une exactitude du même ordre (5 m), ont permis de réduire le nombre d’images utilisées de 30%, par rapport au nombre d'images acquises initialement. Par conséquent, l'utilisation d'images de visées opposées pourrait permettre d’augmenter l’efficacité de réalisation de projets de SRG en diminuant la période d’acquisition. Les données altimétriques produites pourraient à leur tour contribuer à améliorer les résultats de la TCP, et augmenter la performance de l’industrie minière canadienne et finalement, améliorer la qualité de vie des citoyens du Nord du Canada.


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The publication draws up a balance sheet about the natural marine assets of New Caledonia by distinguishing the coast and the intertidal zones, the coral reefs and lagoons, the open sea or "deep blue". A set of assets relative to the living and mineral natural resources, to the characteristics of the shallow and deep marine biodiversity, to the potential marine energy resources are discussed. This publication, edited in a Consumer directed free magazine, draws up a set of perspectives relative to a blue economy to be built in a country still very centred on its ground resources, essentially the nickel mining industry.


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Permeability of a rock is a dynamic property that varies spatially and temporally. Fractures provide the most efficient channels for fluid flow and thus directly contribute to the permeability of the system. Fractures usually form as a result of a combination of tectonic stresses, gravity (i.e. lithostatic pressure) and fluid pressures. High pressure gradients alone can cause fracturing, the process which is termed as hydrofracturing that can determine caprock (seal) stability or reservoir integrity. Fluids also transport mass and heat, and are responsible for the formation of veins by precipitating minerals within open fractures. Veining (healing) thus directly influences the rock’s permeability. Upon deformation these closed factures (veins) can refracture and the cycle starts again. This fracturing-healing-refacturing cycle is a fundamental part in studying the deformation dynamics and permeability evolution of rock systems. This is generally accompanied by fracture network characterization focusing on network topology that determines network connectivity. Fracture characterization allows to acquire quantitative and qualitative data on fractures and forms an important part of reservoir modeling. This thesis highlights the importance of fracture-healing and veins’ mechanical properties on the deformation dynamics. It shows that permeability varies spatially and temporally, and that healed systems (veined rocks) should not be treated as fractured systems (rocks without veins). Field observations also demonstrate the influence of contrasting mechanical properties, in addition to the complexities of vein microstructures that can form in low-porosity and permeability layered sequences. The thesis also presents graph theory as a characterization method to obtain statistical measures on evolving network connectivity. It also proposes what measures a good reservoir should have to exhibit potentially large permeability and robustness against healing. The results presented in the thesis can have applications for hydrocarbon and geothermal reservoir exploration, mining industry, underground waste disposal, CO2 injection or groundwater modeling.


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BackgroundAvian influenza viruses (AIVs) are found worldwide in numerous bird species, causing significant disease in gallinaceous poultry and occasionally other species. Surveillance of wild bird reservoirs provides an opportunity to add to the understanding of the epidemiology of AIVs. MethodsThis study examined key findings from the National Avian Influenza Wild Bird Surveillance Program over a 5-year period (July 2007-June 2012), the main source of information on AIVs circulating in Australia. ResultsThe overall proportion of birds that tested positive for influenza A via PCR was 1.90.1%, with evidence of widespread exposure of Australian wild birds to most low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) subtypes (H1-13, H16). LPAI H5 subtypes were found to be dominant and widespread during this 5-year period. ConclusionGiven Australia's isolation, both geographically and ecologically, it is important for Australia not to assume that the epidemiology of AIV from other geographic regions applies here. Despite all previous highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreaks in Australian poultry being attributed to H7 subtypes, widespread detection of H5 subtypes in wild birds may represent an ongoing risk to the Australian poultry industry.


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There are many ways in which research messages and findings can be extended to the expansive cotton community. As everyone learns differently it is crucial that information is delivered in a variety of ways to meet the various learning needs of the CottonInfo team’s broad audience. In addition different cotton production areas often require targeted information to address specific challenges. Successful implementation of innovative research outcomes typically relies on a history of cultivated communication between the researcher and the end-user, the grower. The CottonInfo team, supported by a joint venture between Cotton Seed Distributors, Cotton Research Development Corporation, Cotton Australia and other collaborative partners, represents a unique model of extension in Australian agriculture. Industry research is extended via regionally based Regional Development Officers backed by support from Technical Specialists. The 2015 Cotton Irrigation Technology Tour is one example of a successful CottonInfo capacity building activity. This tour took seven CRDC funded irrigation-specific researchers to Emerald, Moree and Nevertire to showcase their research and technologies. These events provided irrigators and consultants with the opportunity to hear first-hand from researchers about their technologies and how they could be applied onfarm. This tour was an example of how the CottonInfo team can connect growers and researchers, not only to provide an avenue for growers to learn about the latest irrigation research, but for researchers to receive feedback about their current and future irrigation research.


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Efficient crop monitoring and pest damage assessments are key to protecting the Australian agricultural industry and ensuring its leading position internationally. An important element in pest detection is gathering reliable crop data frequently and integrating analysis tools for decision making. Unmanned aerial systems are emerging as a cost-effective solution to a number of precision agriculture challenges. An important advantage of this technology is it provides a non-invasive aerial sensor platform to accurately monitor broad acre crops. In this presentation, we will give an overview on how unmanned aerial systems and machine learning can be combined to address crop protection challenges. A recent 2015 study on insect damage in sorghum will illustrate the effectiveness of this methodology. A UAV platform equipped with a high-resolution camera was deployed to autonomously perform a flight pattern over the target area. We describe the image processing pipeline implemented to create a georeferenced orthoimage and visualize the spatial distribution of the damage. An image analysis tool has been developed to minimize human input requirements. The computer program is based on a machine learning algorithm that automatically creates a meaningful partition of the image into clusters. Results show the algorithm delivers decision boundaries that accurately classify the field into crop health levels. The methodology presented in this paper represents a venue for further research towards automated crop protection assessments in the cotton industry, with applications in detecting, quantifying and monitoring the presence of mealybugs, mites and aphid pests.


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Weed management has become increasingly challenging for cotton growers in Australia in the last decade. Glyphosate, the cornerstone of weed management in the industry, is waning in effectiveness as a result of the evolution of resistance in several species. One of these, awnless barnyard grass, is very common in Australian cotton fields, and is a prime example of the new difficulties facing growers in choosing effective and affordable management strategies. RIM (Ryegrass Integrated Management) is a computer-based decision support tool developed for the south-western Australian grains industry. It is commonly used there as a tool for grower engagement in weed management thinking and strategy development. We used RIM as the basis for a new tool that can fulfil the same types of functions for subtropical Australian cotton-grains farming systems. The new tool, BYGUM, provides growers with a robust means to evaluate five-year rotations including testing the economic value of fallows and fallow weed management, winter and summer cropping, cover crops, tillage, different herbicide options, herbicide resistance management, and more. The new model includes several northernregion- specific enhancements: winter and summer fallows, subtropical crop choices, barnyard grass seed bank, competition, and ecology parameters, and more freedom in weed control applications. We anticipate that BYGUM will become a key tool for teaching and driving the changes that will be needed to maintain sound weed management in cotton in the near future.