850 resultados para Auditing standards
Availability of analytical standards is a critical aspect in developing methods for quantitative analysis of anthocyanins. The anthocyanins cyanidin-3-O-glucoside and cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside were isolated from samples of freeze-dried açaí (Euterpe oleraceae Mart.), which is a round and purple well-known palm fruit in Brazil, and then used as standards. The isolation of the anthocyanins was performed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), using an adapted six-channel selection valve. The identification of anthocyanin pigments in açaí was based on mass spectrometric data for molecular ions and MS-MS product ions and on previous published data. After the collection procedure, standards with a high purity grade were obtained and an external standard curve of each anthocyanin was plotted.
In the global phenomenon, the aging population becomes a critical issue. Data and information concerning elderly citizens are increasing and are not well organized. In addition, these unstructured data and information cause the problems for decision makers. Since we live in a digital world, Information Technology is considered to be a tool in order to solve problems. Data, information, and knowledge are crucial components to facilitate success in IT service system. Therefore, it is necessary to study how to organize or to govern data from various sources related elderly citizens. The research is conducted due to the fact that there is no internationally accepted holistic framework for governance of data. The research limits the scope to study on the healthcare domain; however, the results can be applied to the other areas. The research starts with an ongoing research of Dahlberg and Nokkala (2015) as a theory. It explains the classification of existing data sources and their characteristics with the focus on managerial perspectives. Then the studies of existing frameworks at international and national level organizations have been performed to show the current frameworks, which have been used and are useful in compiling data on elderly citizens. The international organizations in this research are selected based on their reputations and the reliability to obtain information. The selected countries at national level provide different point of views between two countries. Australia is a forerunner in IT governance while Thailand is the country which the author has familiar knowledge of the current situation. Considered the discussions of frameworks at international and national organizations level illustrate the main characteristics of each framework. At international organization level gives precedence to the interoperability of exchanging data and information between different parties. Whereas at national level shows the importance of the acknowledgement of using frameworks throughout the country in order to make the frameworks to be effective. After the studies of both international and national organization levels, the thesis shows the summarized tables to answer the fitness to the proposed framework by Dahlberg and Nokkala whether the framework help to consolidate data from various sources with different formats, hierarchies, structures, velocities, and other attributes of data storages. In addition, suggestions and recommendations will be proposed for the future research.
The Finnish legislation requires for a safe and secure learning environment. However, the comprehensive, risk based safety and security management (SSM) and the management commitment in the implementation and development of the SSM are not mentioned in the legislation. Multiple institutions, operators and researchers have studied and developed safety and security in educational institutions over the past decade. Typically the approach has been fragmented and without bringing up the importance of the comprehensive SSM. The development needs of the safety and security operations in universities have been studied. However, in universities of applied sciences (UASs) and in elementary schools (ESs), the performance level, strengths and weaknesses of the comprehensive SSM have not been studied. The objective of this study was to develop the comprehensive, risk based SSM of educational institutions by developing the new Asteri consultative auditing process and study its effects on auditees. Furthermore, the performance level in the comprehensive SSM in UASs and ESs were studied using Asteri and the TUTOR model developed by the Keski-Uusimaa Department for Rescue Services. In addition, strengths, development needs and differences were identified. In total, 76 educational institutions were audited between the years 2011 and 2014. The study is based on logical empiricism, and an observational applied research design was used. Auditing, observation and an electronic survey were used for data collection. Statistical analysis was used to analyze the collected information. In addition, thematic analysis was used to analyze the development areas of the organizations mentioned by the respondents in the survey. As one of the main contributions, this research presents the new Asteri consultative auditing process. Organizations with low performance levels on the audited subject benefit the most from the Asteri consultative auditing process. Asteri may be usable in many different types of audits, not only in SSM audits. As a new result, this study provides new knowledge on attitudes related to auditing. According to the research findings, auditing may generate negative attitudes and the auditor should take them into account when planning and preparing for audits. Negative attitudes can be compensated by producing added value, objectivity and positivity for the audit and, thus, improve the positive effects of auditing on knowledge and skills. Moreover, as the results of this study shows, auditing safety and security issues do not increase feelings of insecurity, but rather increase feelings of safety and security when using the new Asteri consultative auditing process with the TUTOR model. The results showed that the SSM in the audited UASs was statistically significantly more advanced than that in the audited ESs. However, there is still room for improvement in the ESs and the UASs as the approach to the SSM was fragmented. It can be assumed that the majority of Finnish UASs and ESs do not likely meet the basic level of the comprehensive, risk based the SSM.
Tilintarkastuksen sääntely on lisääntynyt merkittävästi 2000-luvulla. Samalla kilpailu on kiristynyt, tilintarkastuspalkkiot alentuneet ja raportointiaikataulut tiukentuneet. Näistä tekijöistä johtuen tilintarkastuksen tehostamiselle on tarvetta. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää ja tutkia, miten tilintarkastusprosessia voidaan tehostaa sekä arvioida eri tehostamiskeinojen käyttöarvoa punnitsemalla niiden mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita. Tutkielman empiirinen osa on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena. Aineisto on kerätty haastattelemalla suomalaisia tilintarkastajia ja analyysimenetelmänä on käytetty teemoittelua. Empiirisessä osassa tutkitaan, miltä teoriasta löydettyjen tehostamiskeinojen käyttömahdollisuudet näyttävät käytännössä ja selvitetään, millä muilla keinoilla tilintarkastusprosessia voidaan tehostaa. Tutkimuksen perusteella tilintarkastuksen suunnitteluvaihetta voidaan tehostaa tilintarkastajien erikoistumisen, dokumentoinnin standardoinnin, sähköisen materiaalin tehokkaamman hyödyntämisen ja palvelukeskusten hyödyntämisen avulla. Toteutusvaihetta voidaan tehostaa näiden lisäksi big data -menetelmillä ja kontrollien tarkastuksella.
Tietokoneavusteisten tilintarkastuksen tukijärjestelmien käyttö tilintarkastuksen riskienhallinnassa
Suuryritysten skandaalit ovat herättäneet huolenaiheita organisaatioiden tilintarkas-tuksen hallintajärjestelmistä. Tietokonepohjainen tilintarkastuksen tukijärjestelmä voi auttaa tilintarkastajaa suorittamaan valvontaa ja varmistuskokeita, tilinpäätöstietojen analysointia ja tarkistusta sekä jatkuvaa seurantaa ja tilintarkastusta. Tilintarkastuk-sen hallintaohjelmiston avulla voidaan tehostaa työnkulkua ja vähentää virheiden riskiä. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia sähköisen tukijärjestelmän käyttöä tilintarkastusprosessissa sekä tilintarkastukseen liittyvien riskien hallinnassa. Tavoit-teena on saada selville, miten sähköistä tukijärjestelmää käytetään hyväksi tilintar-kastusriskien hallitsemisessa osana tilintarkastusprosessia. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto koostuu neljästä teemahaastattelusta. Kaikki haastateltavat ovat samasta tilintar-kastusyhteisöstä. Teemahaastattelun aiheet on koottu aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa esiinnousseista teemoista. Tutkielman empiiristen tutkimustulosten mukaan sähköiset järjestelmät ovat vaikut-taneet merkittävästi tilintarkastajan työhön. Järjestelmätarkastuksen avulla saadaan tarkastettua tehokkaasti suuria aineistomääriä, ja näin koko tarkastus nopeutuu. Laatuvaatimukset ovat kuitenkin kiristyneet, mikä osaltaan syö tehokkuutta. Järjes-telmätarkastajilla on käytössään monenlaisia sähköisiä tilintarkastuksen järjestel-miä, joilla voidaan hakea ja analysoida dataa asiakkaan järjestelmästä. Tämän jäl-keen tarkastajilla on mahdollisuus käydä läpi analysoitua dataa erilaisten raporttien muodossa. Järjestelmätarkastajien toimesta voidaan käydä läpi asiakkaan koko populaatio. Tämä osaltaan auttaa tilintarkastuksen riskienhallinnassa.
An efficient way of synthesizing the deuterium labelled analogues of three methoxypyrazine compounds: 2-d3-methoxy-3-isopropylpyrazine, 2-d3-methoxy-3- isobutylpyrazine, and 2-d3-methoxy-3-secbutylpyrazine, has been developed. To confirm that the deuterium labels had been incorporated into the expected positions in the molecules synthesized, the relevant characterization by NMR, HRMS and GC/MS analysis was conducted. Another part of this work involved quantitative determination of methoxypyrazines in water and wines. Solid-phase extraction (SPE) proved to be a suitable means for the sample separation and concentration prior to GC/MS analysis.Such factors as the presence of ethanol, salt, and acid have been investigated which can influence the recovery by SPE for the pyrazines from the water matrix. Significantly, in this work comparatively simple fractional distillation was attempted to replace the conventional steam distillation for pre-concentrating a sample with a relatively large volume prior to SPE. Finally, a real wine sample spiked with the relevant isotope-labelled methoxypyrazines was quantitatively analyzed, revealing that the wine with 10 beetles per litre contained 138 ppt of 2-methoxy-3-isopropylpyrazine. Interestingly, we have also found that 2-methoxy-3-secbutylpyrazine exhibits an extremely low detection limit in GC/MS analysis compared with the detection limit of the other two methoxypyrazines: 2- methoxy-3-isopropylpyrazine and 2-methoxy-3-isobutylpyrazine.
Adam Seybet, Chairman.
This qualitative case study identifies and discusses the standards and risk management practices of the Ottawa Valley whitewater rafting industry and the impacts of the government enforced Special-purpose Vessels Regulations are discussed. Data collection occurred using a single case study design, which included interviews and document analysis. This study found that internal, industry, and actual standards are influenced through a variety of sources. These standards were found to affect the risk management practices of commercial whitewater rafting providers. In general, these standards promoted a high level of risk management within the Ottawa Valley rafting industry. The Special-purpose Vessels Regulations were found to be non-influential in raising the risk management standards of the Ottawa Valley whitewater rafting industry.
The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the importance of the concepts of rationality, reasonableness, culpability and autonomy that inform and support our conception of both the person and the punishable subject. A critical discourse analysis tracing these concepts through both the law and psychological tools used to evaluate the fitness of a person reveals that these concepts and their implied values are inconsistently applied to the mentally disordered who come into conflict with the law. I argue that the result of this inconsistency compromises a person's autonomy which is a contradiction to this concept as a foundational principle of the law. Ultimately, this thesis does not provide a solution to be employed in policy making, but its analysis leaves open possibilities for further exploration into the ways legal and social justice can be reconciled.
Full Title: Report of the Committee appointed to inquire into the Present condition and distribution of the flags, standards and colors, which have been taken by the forces of the United States from their enemies, and whether it would be expedient to make any provision in relation to them Adam Seybet, Chairman. Exhibit folded at end of text. February 4, 1814. Read, and committed to a committee of the whole House on Monday next. Printed by A and G Way