840 resultados para Attendance


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Projecte que presenta una proposta de solució global al problema del control d'assistència, aprofitant l'arquitectura de l'entorn virtual d'aprenentatge Moodle, augmentant la capacitat d'interconnexió i millorant les interfícies existents.


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BACKGROUND: Reading volume and mammography screening performance appear positively correlated. Quality and effectiveness were compared across low-volume screening programmes targeting relatively small populations and operating under the same decentralised healthcare system. Except for accreditation of 2nd readers (restrictive vs non-restrictive strategy), these organised programmes had similar screening regimen/procedures and duration, which maximises comparability. Variation in performance and its determinants were explored in order to improve mammography practice and optimise screening performance. METHODS: Circa 200,000 screens performed between 1999 and 2006 (4 rounds) in 3 longest standing Swiss cantonal programmes (of Vaud, Geneva and Valais) were assessed. Indicators of quality and effectiveness were assessed according to European standards. Interval cancers were identified through linkage with cancer registries records. RESULTS: Swiss programmes met most European standards of performance with a substantial, favourable cancer stage shift. Up to a two-fold variation occurred for several performance indicators. In subsequent rounds, compared with programmes (Vaud and Geneva) that applied a restrictive selection strategy for 2nd readers, proportions of in situ lesions and of small cancers (≤1cm) were one third lower and halved, respectively, and the proportion of advanced lesions (stage II+) nearly 50% higher in the programme without a restrictive selection strategy. Discrepancy in second-year proportional incidence of interval cancers appears to be multicausal. CONCLUSION: Differences in performance could partly be explained by a selective strategy for second readers and a prior experience in service screening, but not by the levels of opportunistic screening and programme attendance. This study provides clues for enhancing mammography screening performance in low-volume programmes.


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BACKGROUND: In 2007, a first survey on undergraduate palliative care teaching in Switzerland has revealed major heterogeneity of palliative care content, allocation of hours and distribution throughout the 6 year curriculum in Swiss medical faculties. This second survey in 2012/13 has been initiated as part of the current Swiss national strategy in palliative care (2010 - 2015) to serve as a longitudinal monitoring instrument and as a basis for redefinition of palliative care learning objectives and curriculum planning in our country. METHODS: As in 2007, a questionnaire was sent to the deans of all five medical faculties in Switzerland in 2012. It consisted of eight sections: basic background information, current content and hours in dedicated palliative care blocks, current palliative care content in other courses, topics related to palliative care presented in other courses, recent attempts at improving palliative care content, palliative care content in examinations, challenges, and overall summary. Content analysis was performed and the results matched with recommendations from the EAPC for undergraduate training in palliative medicine as well as with recommendations from overseas countries. RESULTS: There is a considerable increase in palliative care content, academic teaching staff and hours in all medical faculties compared to 2007. No Swiss medical faculty reaches the range of 40 h dedicated specifically to palliative care as recommended by the EAPC. Topics, teaching methods, distribution throughout different years and compulsory attendance still differ widely. Based on these results, the official Swiss Catalogue of Learning Objectives (SCLO) was complemented with 12 new learning objectives for palliative and end of life care (2013), and a national basic script for palliative care was published (2015). CONCLUSION: Performing periodic surveys of palliative care teaching at national medical faculties has proven to be a useful tool to adapt the national teaching framework and to improve the recognition of palliative medicine as an integral part of medical training.


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Objective: To summarise and critically evaluate the evidence informing the provision of standard care practices and psychosocial interventions following stillbirth. Background: Stillbirth is increasingly recognised as a significant bereavement experience with the potential to cause substantial psychological distress for parents. Standard care practices and psychosocial interventions to support parents have undergone dramatic changes, with limited basis in evidence. Methods: A systematic narrative review was conducted of quantitative studies examining interventions designed to reduce psychological distress in parents following the loss of a stillborn baby. Results: Twenty-five studies met the inclusion criteria for the review. Substantial methodological weaknesses were identified among reviewed studies, including small and heterogeneous loss samples, weak study designs and lack of clarity in reported methods and outcomes. Inadequate replication of many findings substantially limits the generalisability of the evidence. Conclusion: Tentative evidence was found for the provision of mementoes of the baby and information regarding the cause of the loss, support group attendance, and cognitive behavioural interventions for parents identified with clinical levels of distress. Contradictory findings for the impact of contact with the baby prevent the formation of clear conclusions for this practice. Due to the methodological weaknesses prevalent in the research identified, the current evidence base is not considered sufficiently able to reliably inform care practices and intervention approaches. High-quality research evidence in this field is urgently required.


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L’atenció a l’etapa final de la vida de les persones és un dels pilars fonamentals de les cures pal·liatives i és des de la professió del treball social que es pot promoure aquesta atenció en concepte de qualitat, tranquil·litat i preservació dels valors de les persones en situació terminal. És per aquesta raó que s’ha elaborat el present document d’investigació, el qual compta inicialment amb un recull bibliogràfic que abraçarà la metodologia d’intervenció dels treballadors socials en el sistema de les cures pal·liatives de l’Estat espanyol i del Regne Unit, país pioner en la creació de les unitats de cures pal·liatives. En aquest recull s’emmarcaran detalladament les diferències existents en termes d’intervenció i de desenvolupament d’aquest àmbit en els dos territoris. La descripció detallada dels dos models d’intervenció pretén donar la resposta a l’interrogant sobre quina és la metodologia d’intervenció que realitzen els treballadors socials en el sistema de cures pal·liatives. Per assolir aquesta resposta, s’adrecen qüestions com els objectius que lideren el treball d’aquests professionals, les funcions que realitzen en la seva pràctica professional diària i les habilitats de les que han de disposar per tal d’aconseguir que la seva intervenció sigui òptima, tant per als mateixos professionals com per a les persones amb les quals intervenen. Posteriorment a la revisió bibliogràfica, es realitzaran tres entrevistes exploratòries a tres treballadors socials de diferents nivells sanitaris que promoguin les cures pal·liatives a Catalunya. S’analitzaran les qüestions treballades en el recull bibliogràfic (objectius, funcions i habilitats dels treballadors socials), les quals permetran comparar la perspectiva teòrica cercada amb la informació primària obtinguda. Finalment, es planteja una proposta de projecte que permetrà aprofundir en la intervenció dels treballadors socials de Catalunya i del Regne Unit, realitzant una comparació entre els dos models a través de la realització de quaranta-vuit entrevistes repartides homogèniament per els dos territoris. D’aquesta manera, s’especificaran totes aquelles accions que es puguin millorar i les intervencions que siguin més òptimes per la tipologia d’atenció que es requereix en els sistemes de les cures pal·liatives d’avui en dia.


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Background: Being physically assaulted is known to increase the risk of the occurrence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms but it may also skew judgements about the intentions of other people. The objectives of the study were to assess paranoia and PTSD after an assault and to test whether theory-derived cognitive factors predicted the persistence of these problems. Method: At 4 weeks after hospital attendance due to an assault, 106 people were assessed on multiple symptom measures (including virtual reality) and cognitive factors from models of paranoia and PTSD. The symptom measures were repeated 3 and 6 months later. Results: Factor analysis indicated that paranoia and PTSD were distinct experiences, though positively correlated. At 4 weeks, 33% of participants met diagnostic criteria for PTSD, falling to 16% at follow-up. Of the group at the first assessment, 80% reported that since the assault they were excessively fearful of other people, which over time fell to 66%. Almost all the cognitive factors (including information-processing style during the trauma, mental defeat, qualities of unwanted memories, self-blame, negative thoughts about self, worry, safety behaviours, anomalous internal experiences and cognitive inflexibility) predicted later paranoia and PTSD, but there was little evidence of differential prediction. Conclusions: Paranoia after an assault may be common and distinguishable from PTSD but predicted by a strikingly similar range of factors.


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This paper presents an overview of the development of chemical education as a research area and some of its contributions to society. Although science education is a relatively recent area of research, it went through an expressive development in the last decades. As in the whole world, in Brazil also such development is attested by the expressive number of scientific societies, specialized journals, and meetings with growing attendance in the areas of science education in general and chemical education in particular. Following are the main contributions of research in science education related to chemistry teaching: adoption of teaching-learning principles in chemistry education; contextualization of chemical knowledge; interdisciplinary approach to chemistry teaching; use of the history of science for the definition of contents and for the design of curricula and teaching tools; development of specific disciplines for the initial and in-service training of chemistry teachers; publication of innovative chemistry textbooks by university-based research groups; elaboration of official guidelines for high-school level; and evaluation of chemistry textbooks to be distributed to high-school students by the Brazilian government. In spite of a positive impact of such initiatives, science education in Brazil still faces many problems, as indicated by poor results in international evaluations (such as the Program for International Student Assessment). However, changes in such a scenario depend less on the research in chemical education than on the much-needed governmental initiatives aiming at the improvement of both attractiveness of teaching career and structural conditions of public schools. In conclusion, new government investments in education are necessary for continuing the development of chemistry; moreover, scientific societies and decision makers in educational policies should take into consideration the contributions originated from the chemical education research area.


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I det lilla sammanhanget synliggörs de stora frågorna om både pedagogik, kultur och struktur och om samverkan mellan dem. Studiet av de minsta enheterna i den finländska utbildningen ger kunskap om det viktiga i pedagogiska relationer och i skolgemenskaper, men synliggör också samhällsskeendets inbyggda konflikter om mål och värderingar. Det övergripande syftet med studien är att fördjupa kunskapen om de små skolornas pedagogiska, kulturella och strukturella innebörd och betingelser. Genom djupintervjuer med 12 finlandssvenska lärare i byskolor med färre än 30 elever, analys av skolindragningsdebatt och utbildningspolitiska styrdokument, samt genom teoretiskt förankrade reflektioner skapas en förståelse av såväl lärares arbete och pedagogiska tänkande som skolans funktion i samhället. Avhandlingen byggs upp enligt ett hermeneutiskt och narrativt tänkande. I studien framkommer att byskollärares pedagogiska tänkande syftar till det enskilda barnets optimala och balanserade helhetsutveckling i en gemenskap, där det är centralt att finna den pedagogiska balansen och möjligheten inom kontinuum mellan bl.a. elevbemyndigande och beledsagande. De pedagogiska intentionerna bär syftet att ge rötter och vingar, samhörighet och frihet. I lärarnas beskrivningar uttrycks en sammanvävning mellan deras pedagogiska intentioner och de kontextuella möjligheterna att realisera dessa. Byskollärarna är bärare av en pedagogisk professionalitet som utvecklas i relation till arbetets betingelser. Det praktiska yrkeskunnandet innefattar en balansgång mellan å ena sidan systematik och organisering och å andra sidan flexibilitet och frihet. Att samma lärare handhar eleverna en lång tid är en pedagogisk möjlighet och utmaning. I lärarnas berättelser aktualiseras vad balansgången i en god pedagogisk relation innebär. Både lärare och elever fostras in i en särskild skolkultur och undervisningskultur, i en växelverkan. Yrkeskulturen präglas av olika former av samverkan, både med skolans hela personal som ett teamarbete och med lokalsamhället. Lärarna uttrycker god arbetstrivsel, men friheten och ansvaret i arbetet kan vara både stimulerande och betungande. I en metaanalys skapas teoretiska modeller för vad arbete i närhetens och litenhetens spänningsfält kan innebära och hur det kan påverka lärares professionella utveckling och ork. Den lilla byskolan relaterad till en större samhällskontext öppnar för frågor om vad kvalitet innebär och vilka värderingar som är riktgivande inom utbildningsplanering. Kampen för kontinuiteten i byskolans berättelse tolkas som en kamp för det lokala rummet, för gemenskap, existens, framtid, likvärdighet och trygghet. Kampen för byskolan är ett försvar av både lokal livskvalitet och pedagogisk kvalitet för den enskilde eleven. I det övergripande kulturella sammanhanget synliggörs motsättningar. Det verkar finnas en inbyggd konflikt i utbildningsplaneringens föresatser att samtidigt uppnå jämlikhet, kostnadseffektivitet och kvalitet. En teoretisk modell synliggör hur pedagogik, kultur och struktur samverkar inom utbildning/byskola och påverkar lärares och elevers handlingsutrymme.


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BACKGROUND: Mentoring Programs have been developed in several medical schools, but few studies have investigated the mentors'perspective. PURPOSES: To explore mentors'perceptions regarding their experience. METHODS: Mentors at a medical school were invited to participate in an in-depth interview including questions on satisfaction, difficulties, and perception of changes resulting from the program. RESULTS: Mentors' satisfaction and difficulties are strongly associated with students'involvement in the activity. Mentors believe changes observed in students were more related to life issues; for some mentors, there is no recognition or awareness of the program. However, most of the mentors acknowledged important changes in relation to themselves: as teachers, faculty members, and individuals. CONCLUSION: Attendance is crucial for both the mentoring relationship and strengthening of the program. Students involved in the activity motivate mentors in teaching and curriculum development, thereby creating a virtuous circle and benefiting undergraduate medical education as a whole.


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Early identification of beginning readers at risk of developing reading and writing difficulties plays an important role in the prevention and provision of appropriate intervention. In Tanzania, as in other countries, there are children in schools who are at risk of developing reading and writing difficulties. Many of these children complete school without being identified and without proper and relevant support. The main language in Tanzania is Kiswahili, a transparent language. Contextually relevant, reliable and valid instruments of identification are needed in Tanzanian schools. This study aimed at the construction and validation of a group-based screening instrument in the Kiswahili language for identifying beginning readers at risk of reading and writing difficulties. In studying the function of the test there was special interest in analyzing the explanatory power of certain contextual factors related to the home and school. Halfway through grade one, 337 children from four purposively selected primary schools in Morogoro municipality were screened with a group test consisting of 7 subscales measuring phonological awareness, word and letter knowledge and spelling. A questionnaire about background factors and the home and school environments related to literacy was also used. The schools were chosen based on performance status (i.e. high, good, average and low performing schools) in order to include variation. For validation, 64 children were chosen from the original sample to take an individual test measuring nonsense word reading, word reading, actual text reading, one-minute reading and writing. School marks from grade one and a follow-up test half way through grade two were also used for validation. The correlations between the results from the group test and the three measures used for validation were very high (.83-.95). Content validity of the group test was established by using items drawn from authorized text books for reading in grade one. Construct validity was analyzed through item analysis and principal component analysis. The difficulty level of most items in both the group test and the follow-up test was good. The items also discriminated well. Principal component analysis revealed one powerful latent dimension (initial literacy factor), accounting for 93% of the variance. This implies that it could be possible to use any set of the subtests of the group test for screening and prediction. The K-Means cluster analysis revealed four clusters: at-risk children, strugglers, readers and good readers. The main concern in this study was with the groups of at-risk children (24%) and strugglers (22%), who need the most assistance. The predictive validity of the group test was analyzed by correlating the measures from the two school years and by cross tabulating grade one and grade two clusters. All the correlations were positive and very high, and 94% of the at-risk children in grade two were already identified in the group test in grade one. The explanatory power of some of the home and school factors was very strong. The number of books at home accounted for 38% of the variance in reading and writing ability measured by the group test. Parents´ reading ability and the support children received at home for schoolwork were also influential factors. Among the studied school factors school attendance had the strongest explanatory power, accounting for 21% of the variance in reading and writing ability. Having been in nursery school was also of importance. Based on the findings in the study a short version of the group test was created. It is suggested for use in the screening processes in grade one aiming at identifying children at risk of reading and writing difficulties in the Tanzanian context. Suggestions for further research as well as for actions for improving the literacy skills of Tanzanian children are presented.


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The focus of this dissertation is the motivational influences on transfer in higher education and professional training contexts. To estimate these motivational influences, the dissertation includes seven individual studies that are structured in two parts. Part I, Dimensions, aims at identifying the dimensionality of motivation to transfer and its structural relations with training-related antecedents and outcomes. Part II, Boundary Conditions, aims at testing the predictive validity of motivation theories used in contemporary training research under different study conditions. Data in this dissertation was gathered from multi-item questionnaires, which were analyzed differently in Part I and Part II. Studies in Part I employed exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, partial least squares (PLS) path modeling, and mediation analysis. Studies in Part II used artifact distribution meta-analysis, (nested) subgroup analysis, and weighted least squares (WLS) multiple regression. Results demonstrate that motivation to transfer can be conceptualized as a three-dimensional construct, including autonomous motivation to transfer, controlled motivation to transfer, and intention to transfer, given a theoretical framework informed by expectancy theory, self-determination theory, and the theory of planned behavior. Results also demonstrate that a range of boundary conditions moderates motivational influences on transfer. To test the predictive validity of expectancy theory, social cognitive theory, and the theory of goal orientations under different study settings, a total of 17 boundary conditions were meta-analyzed, including age; assessment criterion; assessment source; attendance policy; collaboration among trainees; computer support; instruction; instrument used to measure motivation; level of education; publication type; social training context; SS/SMC bias; study setting; survey modality; type of knowledge being trained; use of a control group; and work context. Together, the findings cumulated in this thesis support the basic premise that motivation is centrally important for transfer, but that motivational influences need to be understood from a more differentiated perspective than commonly found in the literature, in order to account for several dimensions and boundary conditions. The results of this dissertation across the seven individual studies are reflected in terms of their implications for theory development and their significance for training evaluation and the design of training environments. Limitations and directions to take in future research are discussed.


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The epidermoid carcinoma "in situ" in a Zenker's diverticulum is a rare disease. The goal of this work is to report one case of epidermoid carcinoma "in situ" in a Zenker's diverticulum of long lasting symptomatology, treated by conservative surgery. In ambulatorial attendance, this patient showed a good evolution and favorable prognosis.


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Objective Patient autonomy has great importance for a valid informed consent in clinical practice. Our objectives were to quantify thedomains of patient autonomy and to evaluate the variables that can affect patient autonomy in women with chronic pelvic pain. Methods This study is a cross sectional survey performed in a tertiary care University Hospital. Fifty-two consecutive women scheduled for laparoscopic management of chronic pelvic were included. Three major components of autonomy (competence, information or freedom) were evaluated using a Likert scale with 24 validated affirmatives. Results Competence scores (0.85 vs 0.92; p = 0.006) and information scores (0.90 vs 0.93; p = 0.02) were low for women with less than eight years of school attendance. Information scores were low in the presence of anxiety (0.91 vs 0.93; p = 0.05) or depression (0.90 vs 0.93; p = 0.01). Conclusions Our data show that systematic evaluation of patient autonomy can provide clinical relevant information in gynecology. Low educational level, anxiety and depression might reduce the patient autonomy in women with chronic pelvic pain.


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Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää jääkiekon SM-liigaotteluiden yleisömäärään vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Jääkiekkoliiketoimintaa harjoittavien yritysten parissa työskentelevillä on vahvat näkemykset urheilumenestyksen vaikutuksesta yleisömäärään, ja sitä kautta seurojen talouteen. Tilastollista tukea näkemyksille ei kuitenkaan ole ollut saatavilla. Aiemmat urheiluliiketoimintaa käsitelleet tutkimukset ovat keskittyneet pääosin taloudelliseen tulokseen, eikä niinkään siihen, miten taloudelliseen tulokseen päädytään. Tutkimus toteutetaan luomalla viisi erilaista yleisömäärää selittävää mallia lineaarista regressioanalyysiä hyödyntäen. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että otteluiden yleisömääriä voidaan selittää tilastollisen analyysin avulla. Tulosten perusteella kaikki yleisömäärään liittyvät hypoteesit eivät kuitenkaan ole niin merkitseviä kuin hypoteesien mukaan oletetaan. Tarkastelujakson globaali talouden taantuma loi omat haasteensa urheiluliiketoimintaa harjoittaville yrityksille, mutta taloudellisesti haastava tutkimusajanjakso ei vaikuta olennaisesti tutkimustuloksiin.


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We aimed to evaluate knowledge of first aid among new undergraduates and whether it is affected by their chosen course. A questionnaire was developed to assess knowledge of how to activate the Mobile Emergency Attendance Service - MEAS (Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência; SAMU), recognize a pre-hospital emergency situation and the first aid required for cardiac arrest. The students were also asked about enrolling in a first aid course. Responses were received from 1038 of 1365 (76.04%) new undergraduates. The questionnaires were completed in a 2-week period 1 month after the beginning of classes. Of the 1038 respondents (59.5% studying biological sciences, 11.6% physical sciences, and 28.6% humanities), 58.5% knew how to activate the MEAS/SAMU (54.3% non-biological vs 61.4% biological, P=0.02), with an odds ratio (OR)=1.39 (95%CI=1.07-1.81) regardless of age, sex, origin, having a previous degree or having a relative with cardiac disease. The majority could distinguish emergency from non-emergency situations. When faced with a possible cardiac arrest, 17.7% of the students would perform chest compressions (15.5% non-biological vs 19.1% biological first-year university students, P=0.16) and 65.2% would enroll in a first aid course (51.1% non-biological vs 74.7% biological, P<0.01), with an OR=2.61 (95%CI=1.98-3.44) adjusted for the same confounders. Even though a high percentage of the students recognized emergency situations, a significant proportion did not know the MEAS/SAMU number and only a minority had sufficient basic life support skills to help with cardiac arrest. A significant proportion would not enroll in a first aid course. Biological first-year university students were more prone to enroll in a basic life support course.