899 resultados para Asset Pricing


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As empresas de capital aberto, listadas em bolsa de valores, so naturalmente aquelas que vieram apresentando retornos superiores perante s demais empresas do seu setor. Assim, ser que o vis de seleo desses ativos in uencia sigini cativamente no resultado do Equity Premium Puzzle, primordialmente lanado por Mehra and Prescott (1985)? essa pergunta que este trabalho investiga e conclui que, sim, de fato pode haver uma in uncia desse vis em explicar o Puzzle . Para isso, iremos gerar uma economia cujos ativos, por hiptese, sejam preci cados de acordo com o fator estocstico de desconto (SDF) baseado em consumo, ou seja, os modelos conhecidos como CCAPM (Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model). Assim, essa economia ser gerada via simulao de Monte Carlo, de forma que iremos construir um ndice benchmark dessa economia, nos quais participariam apenas os ativos que foram historicamente mais rentveis. Adota-se tal metodologia em paralelo forma como os reais benchmarks so construidos (S&P 500, Nasdaq, Ibovespa), em que neles participam, basicamente, as empresas de capital aberta mais negociadas em Bolsa de Valores, que so, comumente, as empresas historicamente mais rentveis da economia. Em sequncia, iremos realizar a estimao via GMM (Generalized Method of Moments) de um dos parmetros de interesse de uma economia CCAPM: o coe ciente de averso relativa ao risco (CRRA). Finalmente, os resultados obtidos so comparados e analisados quanto ao vis de estimao.


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Ps-graduao em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Starting with a brief introduction about the evolution of asset pricing models, we seek here to introduce the critique made by Benoit Mandelbrot about using the normality hypothesis when building such models. This critique arises when empirical and theoretical models where confronted and the expected results diverged from the ones obtained. Next, we reproduce Mandelbrot alternative which he believes is sufficient to solve the main problems implied by the normality hyphotesis


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Neste trabalho, discute-se a fixao de taxas de retorno de concesses no Brasil, com aplicao especfica ao caso da metodologia da Agncia Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT). Mostra-se a inadequao da regulamentao vigente, baseada no conceito de taxa interna de retorno (TIR), e no de custo de oportunidade do capital. A partir de um exemplo com dados referentes ao auge da crise financeira internacional (dezembro de 2008), evidencia-se tambm a falta de lgica decorrente da utilizao de retornos e preos passados na estimao de taxas de retorno, um procedimento comum a toda a rea de concesses de servios pblicos no Brasil. Prope-se uma metodologia alternativa cujos resultados so sensveis s condies correntes de mercado de capitais, que produz resultados coerentes com a situao ento vigente.


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Modelos de apreamento de ativos tm sido um tema sob constante investigao em finanas. Desde o capital asset pricing model (CAPM) proposto por Sharpe (1964), tais modelos relacionam, geralmente de maneira linear, a taxa de retorno esperada de um ativo ou carteira de ativos com fatores de risco sistmico. Esta pesquisa apresenta um teste de um modelo de apreamento, com dados brasileiros, introduzindo em sua formulao fatores de risco baseados em comomentos estatsticos. O modelo proposto uma extenso do CAPM original acrescido da coassimetria e da cocurtose entre as taxas de retorno das aes das empresas que compem a amostra e as taxas de retorno da carteira de mercado. Os efeitos de outras variveis, como o valor de mercado sobre valor contbil, a alavancagem financeira e um ndice de negociabilidade em bolsa, serviram de variveis de controle. A amostra foi composta de 179 empresas brasileiras no financeiras negociadas na BM&FBovespa e com dados disponveis entre os anos de 2003 a 2007. A metodologia consistiu em calcular os momentos sistmicos anuais a partir de taxas de retornos semanais e em seguida test-los em um modelo de apreamento, a fim de verificar se h um prmio pelo risco associado a cada uma dessas medidas de risco. Foi empregada a tcnica de anlise de dados em painel, estimada pelo mtodo dos momentos generalizado (GMM). O emprego do GMM visa lidar com potenciais problemas de determinao simultnea e endogeneidade nos dados, evitando a ocorrncia de vis nas estimaes. Os resultados das estimaes mostram que a relao das taxas de retorno dos ativos com a covarincia e a cocurtose so estatisticamente significantes. Os resultados se mostraram robustos a especificaes alternativas do modelo. O artigo contribui para a literatura por apresentar evidncias empricas brasileiras de que h um prmio pelo risco associado aos momentos sistmicos.


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In my PhD thesis I propose a Bayesian nonparametric estimation method for structural econometric models where the functional parameter of interest describes the economic agent's behavior. The structural parameter is characterized as the solution of a functional equation, or by using more technical words, as the solution of an inverse problem that can be either ill-posed or well-posed. From a Bayesian point of view, the parameter of interest is a random function and the solution to the inference problem is the posterior distribution of this parameter. A regular version of the posterior distribution in functional spaces is characterized. However, the infinite dimension of the considered spaces causes a problem of non continuity of the solution and then a problem of inconsistency, from a frequentist point of view, of the posterior distribution (i.e. problem of ill-posedness). The contribution of this essay is to propose new methods to deal with this problem of ill-posedness. The first one consists in adopting a Tikhonov regularization scheme in the construction of the posterior distribution so that I end up with a new object that I call regularized posterior distribution and that I guess it is solution of the inverse problem. The second approach consists in specifying a prior distribution on the parameter of interest of the g-prior type. Then, I detect a class of models for which the prior distribution is able to correct for the ill-posedness also in infinite dimensional problems. I study asymptotic properties of these proposed solutions and I prove that, under some regularity condition satisfied by the true value of the parameter of interest, they are consistent in a "frequentist" sense. Once I have set the general theory, I apply my bayesian nonparametric methodology to different estimation problems. First, I apply this estimator to deconvolution and to hazard rate, density and regression estimation. Then, I consider the estimation of an Instrumental Regression that is useful in micro-econometrics when we have to deal with problems of endogeneity. Finally, I develop an application in finance: I get the bayesian estimator for the equilibrium asset pricing functional by using the Euler equation defined in the Lucas'(1978) tree-type models.


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El capital financiero es muy voltil y si el inversor no obtiene una remuneracin adecuada al riesgo que asume puede plantearse el retirar su capital del patrimonio de la empresa y, en consecuencia, producir un cambio estructural en cualquier sector de la economa. El objetivo principal es el estudio de los coeficientes de regresin (coeficiente beta) de los modelos de valoracin de activos empleados en Economa Financiera, esto es, el estudio de la variacin de la rentabilidad de los activos en funcin de los cambios que suceden en los mercados. La eleccin de los modelos utilizados se justifica por la amplia utilizacin terica y emprica de los mismos a lo largo de la historia de la Economa Financiera. Se han aplicado el modelo de valoracin de activos de mercado (capital asset pricing model, CAPM), el modelo basado en la teora de precios de arbitraje (arbitrage pricing theory, APT) y el modelo de tres factores de Fama y French (FF). Estos modelos se han aplicado a los rendimientos mensuales de 27 empresas del sector minero que cotizan en la bolsa de Nueva York (New York Stock Exchange, NYSE) o en la de Londres (London Stock Exchange, LSE), con datos del perodo que comprende desde Enero de 2006 a Diciembre de 2010. Los resultados de series de tiempo y seccin cruzada tanto para CAPM, como para APT y FF producen varios errores, lo que sugiere que muchas empresas del sector no han podido obtener el coste de capital. Tambin los resultados muestran que las empresas de mayor riesgo tienden a tener una menor rentabilidad. Estas conclusiones hacen poco probable que se mantenga en el largo plazo el equilibrio actual y puede que sea uno de los principales factores que impulsen un cambio estructural en el sector minero en forma de concentraciones de empresas. ABSTRACT Financial capital is highly volatile and if the investor does not get adequate compensation for the risk faced he may consider withdrawing his capital assets from the company and consequently produce a structural change in any sector of the economy. The main purpose is the study of the regression coefficients (beta) of asset pricing models used in financial economics, that is, the study of variation in profitability of assets in terms of the changes that occur in the markets. The choice of models used is justified by the extensive theoretical and empirical use of them throughout the history of financial economics. Have been used the capital asset pricing model, CAPM, the model XII based on the arbitrage pricing theory (APT) and the three-factor model of Fama and French (FF). These models have been applied to the monthly returns of 27 mining companies listed on the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) or LSE(London Stock Exchange), using data from the period covered from January 2006 to December 2010. The results of time series and cross sectional regressions for CAPM, APT and FF produce some errors, suggesting that many companies have failed to obtain the cost of capital. Also the results show that higher risk firms tend to have lower profitability. These findings make it unlikely to be mainteined over the long term the current status and could drive structural change in the mining sector in the form of mergers.


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As aes de maior liquidez do ndice IBOVESPA, refletem o comportamento das aes de um modo geral, bem como a relao das variveis macroeconmicas em seu comportamento e esto entre as mais negociadas no mercado de capitais brasileiro. Desta forma, pode-se entender que h reflexos de fatores que impactam as empresas de maior liquidez que definem o comportamento das variveis macroeconmicas e que o inverso tambm uma verdade, oscilaes nos fatores macroeconmicos tambm afetam as aes de maior liquidez, como IPCA, PIB, SELIC e Taxa de Cmbio. O estudo prope uma anlise da relao existente entre variveis macroeconmicas e o comportamento das aes de maior liquidez do ndice IBOVESPA, corroborando com estudos que buscam entender a influncia de fatores macroeconmicos sobre o preo de aes e contribuindo empiricamente com a formao de portflios de investimento. O trabalho abrangeu o perodo de 2008 a 2014. Os resultados concluram que a formao de carteiras, visando a proteo do capital investido, deve conter ativos com correlao negativa em relao s variveis estudadas, o que torna possvel a composio de uma carteira com risco reduzido.


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We evaluate the use of Generalized Empirical Likelihood (GEL) estimators in portfolios efficiency tests for asset pricing models in the presence of conditional information. Estimators from GEL family presents some optimal statistical properties, such as robustness to misspecification and better properties in finite samples. Unlike GMM, the bias for GEL estimators do not increase as more moment conditions are included, which is expected in conditional efficiency analysis. We found some evidences that estimators from GEL class really performs differently in small samples, where efficiency tests using GEL generate lower estimates compared to tests using the standard approach with GMM. With Monte Carlo experiments we see that GEL has better performance when distortions are present in data, especially under heavy tails and Gaussian shocks.


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The main purpose of this paper is to propose a methodology to obtain a hedge fund tail risk measure. Our measure builds on the methodologies proposed by Almeida and Garcia (2015) and Almeida, Ardison, Garcia, and Vicente (2016), which rely in solving dual minimization problems of Cressie Read discrepancy functions in spaces of probability measures. Due to the recently documented robustness of the Hellinger estimator (Kitamura et al., 2013), we adopt within the Cressie Read family, this specific discrepancy as loss function. From this choice, we derive a minimum Hellinger risk-neutral measure that correctly prices an observed panel of hedge fund returns. The estimated risk-neutral measure is used to construct our tail risk measure by pricing synthetic out-of-the-money put options on hedge fund returns of ten specific categories. We provide a detailed description of our methodology, extract the aggregate Tail risk hedge fund factor for Brazilian funds, and as a by product, a set of individual Tail risk factors for each specific hedge fund category.


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Concepts of constant absolute risk aversion and constant relative risk aversion have proved useful in the analysis of choice under uncertainty, but are quite restrictive, particularly when they are imposed jointly. A generalization of constant risk aversion, referred to as invariant risk aversion is developed. Invariant risk aversion is closely related to the possibility of representing preferences over state-contingent income vectors in terms of two parameters, the mean and a linearly homogeneous, translation-invariant index of riskiness. The best-known index with such properties is the standard deviation. The properties of the capital asset pricing model, usually expressed in terms of the mean and standard deviation, may be extended to the case of general invariant preferences. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We use the consumption-based asset pricing model with habit formation to study the predictability and cross-section of returns from the international equity markets. We find that the predictability of returns from many developed countries' equity markets is explained in part by changing prices of risks associated with consumption relative to habit at the world as well as local levels. We also provide an exploratory investigation of the cross-sectional implications of the model under the complete world market integration hypothesis and find that the model performs mildly better than the traditional consumption-based model. the unconditional and conditional world CAPMs and a three-factor international asset pricing model. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper examines the economic significance of return predictability in Australian equities. In light of considerable model uncertainty, formal model-selection criteria are used to choose a specification for the predictive model. A portfolio-switching strategy is implemented according to model predictions. Relative to a buy-and-hold market investment, the returns to the portfolio-switching strategy are impressive under several model-selection criteria, even after accounting for transaction costs. However, as these findings are not robust across other model-selection criteria examined, it is difficult to conclude that the degree of return predictability is economically significant.