331 resultados para Assertion


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A falta de decisão na declaração da causa básica de morte é uma fonte de erro particularmente importante nas análises de moralidade segundo causas. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a concordância entre a causa de morte atestada por médicos e a classificada mediante o uso das regras internacionais de classificação de causa básica de morte e sua influência no perfil da mortalidade por doenças tropicais, infeccionas e parasitárias, no Estado do Pará, no período de 1996 a 2001. O estudo foi do tipo descritivo, exploratório, tendo como base de dados os atestados de óbitos do sistema de informações de mortalidade estadual. Utilizou-se, para seleção dos dados, recursos do programa Excel 7.0 e do EPI-INFO 6.04 e, para análise o Coeficiente de Mortalidade (CM) por causa, a concordância observada (CO) e o Kappa. Os resultados encontrados evidenciam um perfil de mortalidade semelhante para as causas atestadas e classificadas (septicemias, diarréias e gastroenterite de origem infecciosa presumível, SIDA/AIDS, tuberculose e malária), com diferenças significativas nos valores dos CM por causa nos anos estudados (1996,p=0,0426; 1997,p=0,0223; 1998, p=0,001; 1999, p=0,0023; 2000, p=0,009 e 2001, p=0,0023). Os valores, encontrados, da CO e de Kappa, refletem as limitações impostas pelo preenchimento incorreto dos atestados do óbito e para a necessidade da implantação, nos municípios, das tabulações de causa múltipla de morte


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Este estudo consiste na investigação das representações sociais de alunas da 8ª série do ensino fundamental sobre o fenômeno bullying e suas implicações no processo de escolarização. O problema da pesquisa teve como foco as representações sociais das alunas sobre o bullying. Os sujeitos são estudantes do sexo feminino, com idade entre 13 e 18 anos, regularmente matriculadas em três turmas da 8ª série do ensino fundamental de uma escola da rede estadual de ensino. O lócus da pesquisa foi uma instituição de ensino fundamental e médio da rede pública estadual do município de Castanhal, localizado na região nordeste do estado do Pará. Os objetivos do estudo foram os seguintes: a) Identificar e caracterizar, a partir do pensamento consensual de jovens do ensino fundamental, as imagens e os significados que elas possuem sobre as intimidações, agressões e /ou assédio, caracterizados como bullying; b) Verificar em que situações o bullying ocorre e quais as formas utilizadas com maior frequência entre as alunas; c) Destacar as causas que concorrem para a afirmação de práticas de bullying no ambiente escolar e suas consequências; d) Destacar as percepções das alunas sobre as implicações decorrentes do bullying no processo de escolarização; e) Evidenciar as objetivações e as ancoragens que compõem o processo de construção das RS de jovens sobre o bullying. O estudo teve uma abordagem qualitativa e teve como referencial teórico a Teoria das Representações Sociais de Moscovici (1978) e jodelet (2001). Dentre os referenciais teóricos utilizados constam: Abramavay, 2003; Beaudoin e Taylor (2006), Boneti e Priotto (2009) Constantine (2004) Fante (2005), Lopes Neto e Saavedra (2003) Nascimento (2006; 2011), Middelton-Moz e Zawadski (2007), e Silva (2010). Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta dos dados foram o questionário semi-estruturado e a entrevista grupal. O tratamento dos dados pautou-se na análise de conteúdo de acordo com a abordagem proposta por Franco (2003). Os resultados assinalaram que as representações sociais das alunas sobre o bullying, constituíram-se em maus tratos, cuja imagem se assenta em condutas de agressão verbal, psicológica e física; Ameaça e invisibilidade, na qual a imagem se constitui pelos elementos, diferença, intolerância, desrespeito, inveja, competição e rivalidade; Contradição que corresponde à imagem da escola como um espaço de aprendizagem que se fragiliza e se descaracteriza diante da disseminação da violência e; Educação familiar e escolar que corresponde a imagem do papel da família e da escola como instâncias que partilham a responsabilidade pela orientação e formação dos alunos. As implicações escolares evidenciadas a partir das representações sociais das estudantes sobre o bullying, relacionam-se à uma série de repercussões negativas no processo de escolarização, dentre as quais: dificuldades de aprendizagem, queda do rendimento escolar, absenteísmo e evasão escolar.


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A piscicultura tem despertado grande interesse por parte de pequenos e médios empresários no Brasil. Diante do exposto, o presente estudo pretende ampliar os conhecimentos sobre o perfil da piscicultura praticada no estado do Pará, por produtores da região Sudeste. Foram realizadas entrevistas, com aplicação de questionários aos pequenos produtores de 12 municípios do Sudeste do Pará. Também foram feitas observações in loco e anotações em caderno de campo, além de registros fotográficos. O sistema de cultivo predominante é o extensivo. A aquisição de alevinos em sua maioria é realizada fora do Estado, o que pode ser resolvido com a implantação de unidades produtoras locais. Devem ser incentivados o cultivo em tanques-rede, o policultivo e o consorciamento de peixes com aves, pois estes se mostraram altamente produtivos. A produção no Sudeste paraense pode ser melhorada com fornecimento de assistência técnica, ração mais barata e financiamentos por órgãos públicos e privados.


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As reflexões múltiplas presentes nos sismogramas ocultam informações importantes sobre os refletores em subsuperfície e, podem até tornar completamente invisíveis as reflexões primárias, como no caso dos sismogramas marinhos, que muitas das vezes, exibem uma aparência anelar com fortes superposições das reflexões múltiplas, sobre as reflexões primárias. Problema este que tem sido alvo de importantes pesquisas, com o intuito de identificar, atenuar e/ou eliminá-las, através de vários métodos populares. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é a identificação das reflexões múltiplas. Com essa finalidade foi gerada, por modelamento direto, uma seção sísmica, com afastamento nulo (AN), contendo reflexões primárias e múltiplas simétricas de primeira ordem. Posteriormente, foi aplicada a migração cinemática do tipo Kirchhoff para obter o modelo em profundidade, apresentando uma boa recuperação dos refletores, bem como a presença de um refletor fictício, quando comparado com a seção anteriormente especificada. Foi obtida uma seção sísmica AN, do modelo migrado, na qual não é observado o segundo refletor, devido à ausência de contraste de impedância, entre a segunda e terceira camada, sendo este o primeiro indício de que o refletor fictício deste modelo é uma múltipla. Outro indício sobre a existência da múltipla foi a simetria encontrada entre as curvaturas do primeiro e terceiro refletor. Finalmente, foram calculados os parâmetros das frentes de ondas Hipotéticas Ponto de Incidência Normal (PIN) e Normal (N), bem como a velocidade Normal Moveout (NMO), tanto para os eventos de reflexões primárias como os eventos de reflexões múltiplas, para o modelo direto e para o modelo migrado. Em seguida, foram realizadas as comparações destes parâmetros, o que permitiu confirmar a veracidade dos indícios anteriores para a identificação das reflexões múltiplas.


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Este artigo pretende discutir a noção de democracia presente no pensamento de Florestan Fernandes entre os anos de 1950 e 1960, buscando salientar as diversas gradações que ela adquire nesse período. Nesses anos, sua concepção de democracia transita entre uma possibilidade imanente à sociedade de classes, à necessidade de sua afirmação para a consolidação da ordem social competitiva e à negação da democracia em uma ordem burguesa. Na obra de Fernandes a questão da democracia aparece concatenada a outros temas que lhe foram caros e é compreendida como uma forma de organização social, ou seja, como um dos pilares da sociedade, e não somente como uma forma de organização política. Apresentando-se, no Brasil, como um dilema permeado por obstáculos, impasses e possibilidades.


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The organizations now have felt some needs in regards to changes in attitudes in what refers to the relationship with their interest publics. In this way, this work has as objective approach different themes, like concepts of organizational culture and the interrelations with the profession of Public Relations, besides the contact with notions in the area of People Management and human capital. As all organizations are constituted by interest publics, it will also demonstrate theories that refer to the different kinds of publics which the organization maintains relationship with, although, giving special attention to the internal public, considered one of the main types of public. For better comprehension of the performance of the internal public it was used the greimassian narrative semiotics that allow an exploration and analysis os diverse procedures made by such public. Therefore, it was possible to observe a great contribution from the theory in what refers to the assertion of the importance in maintaining good relationships with the employees of an organization, specially to affirm the identity of the employee making use of factors such as culture, values, principals, norms etc. Thus, it is believed that the strategic communication must be used with the intention of proportioning personal and professional well being to the employees, in a way that they may feel more and more integrated and committed with the organization, granting, like so, the organizational development and recognition


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The inclusive classroom, focused on individual differences, it is becoming more frequent and constant within mainstream schools. For this practice to be successful, there must be a different work by teachers, methodology, teaching procedures, adapted equipment and materials. Thus, the teacher who works directly with students with disabilities, find factors that facilitate and hinder this practice, making it essential to study of such factors, so we can understand and contribute to assessment and implementation of strategies to minimize the need that this pedagogical practice imposes. This varying needs, from the simple as using different materials to work in the classroom to the broader and more complex, as the reform in schools. Thus, these aimed to survey and analyze the conceptions of teachers on facilitating and hindering aspects of the schooling of students with disabilities in the regular classroom as well as check their training needs. The method used was ruled a quantitative approach to data collection was through a closed questionnaire containing 35 questions with Likert scale. The study included 904 teachers who underwent a course of Improvement in Inclusive Educational Practices, the same was applied when students entered the course, but had not had contact with the course content. The result showed that most teachers agree that all students with disabilities have behavior problem, dividing the assertion that the disabled student disrupts the class of the colleague who has a disability. It is also believed that in the view of most participants, students with disabilities are not able to study and that the inclusion of students with disabilities is hampered by...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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Vasco Pratolini recreates the 1920’s and the assertion of fascism resorting to the medieval and historiographical tradition, to the social outlook and the childhood memoir. Under the effects of the intellectual movement of the Italian Resistance, within the democratic context of the parliamentary republic and pluripartyism (1946- 1948), the novel makes clear the equalitarian perspective betraying the represented moment, when hopelessness crowned the political and social life. Carlo Lizzani shoots his adaptation in the closure of horizons caused by the restoration of the conservative forces (1953), reducing the visionary focus of the narrative and representing the past from the disillusionments of the present.


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Studies have shown that aversive conditions at the university may have great influence on academic achievement and the development of psychiatric disorders such as depression. In university context, social relations have been investigated over the years, but are scarce publications relating mental health and social skills. Thus, this paper compared a group of college students with a clinical depression with a group without clinical depression for the consequences and feelings that differents responses of social skills may have in social interactions with various interlocutors. A total of 128 students participated, 64 for clinical depression and 64 non-clinical. Questionário de Avaliação de Comportamentos e Contextos para Universitários – QHC – Universitários, Inventário de Fobia Social (Mini-Spin), Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI) and Entrevista clínica estruturada para o DSM-IV (SCID-I) were applied. The data were analyzed by test t of Student. The results show that students with depression have a great difficulty about the social skills regardless of which require more or less assertion and general way for all social interactions, either family, friends, roommate and partner.


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For these Russian authors, a sign has to be faithful to reality but what is, in fact, «to be faithful», what is «reality»? They suggest that thought structures itself only by means of signs – as Peirce, who denies the reality of dreams saying that the act to feel hunger is an ideological expression and the shouts of a new-born are already appreciative manifestations of this new human being. The authors had inspired the structuralism, saying that a «semiodiscourse» structures men. Although this instance, word remains neutral, assertion strange to their Hegelian and Marxist roots; their paradigm in contrast, can be Heideggerian, according to which, only the «marked» being exists: looking at one determined thing, I place it, I fit it in its context. To place something is to attribute sense and that is more Stoic than, in fact, Marxist.


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Biodiesel production has received considerable attention in the recent past as a nonpolluting fuel. However, this assertion has been based on its biodegradability and reduction in exhaust emissions. Assessments of water and soil biodiesel pollution are still limited. Spill simulation with biodiesel and their diesel blends in soils were carried out, aiming at analyzing their cytotoxic and genotoxic potentials. While the cytotoxicity observed may be related to diesel contaminants, the genotoxic and mutagenic effects can be ascribed to biodiesel pollutants. Thus, taking into account that our data stressed harmful effects on organisms exposed to biodiesel-polluted soils, the designation of this biofuel as an environmental-friendly fuel should be carefully reviewed to assure environmental quality. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Caspase-1 is a cysteine protease responsible for the processing and secretion of IL-1β and IL-18, which are closely related to the induction of inflammation. However, limited evidence addresses the participation of caspase-1 in inflammatory pain. Here, we investigated the role of caspase-1 in inflammatory hypernociception (a decrease in the nociceptive threshold) using caspase-1 deficient mice (casp1-/-). Results Mechanical inflammatory hypernociception was evaluated using an electronic version of the von Frey test. The production of cytokines, PGE2 and neutrophil migration were evaluated by ELISA, radioimmunoassay and myeloperoxidase activity, respectively. The interleukin (IL)-1β and cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 protein expression were evaluated by western blotting. The mechanical hypernociception induced by intraplantar injection of carrageenin, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)α and CXCL1/KC was reduced in casp1-/- mice compared with WT mice. However, the hypernociception induced by IL-1β and PGE2 did not differ in WT and casp1-/- mice. Carrageenin-induced TNF-α and CXCL1/KC production and neutrophil recruitment in the paws of WT mice were not different from casp1-/- mice, while the maturation of IL-1β was reduced in casp1-/- mice. Furthermore, carrageenin induced an increase in the expression of COX-2 and PGE2 production in the paw of WT mice, but was reduced in casp1-/- mice. Conclusion These results suggest that caspase-1 plays a critical role in the cascade of events involved in the genesis of inflammatory hypernociception by promoting IL-1β maturation. Because caspase-1 is involved in the induction of COX-2 expression and PGE2 production, our data support the assertion that caspase-1 is a key target to control inflammatory pain.


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Until recently the debate on the ontology of spacetime had only a philosophical significance, since, from a physical point of view, General Relativity has been made "immune" to the consequences of the "Hole Argument" simply by reducing the subject to the assertion that solutions of Einstein equations which are mathematically different and related by an active diffeomorfism are physically equivalent. From a technical point of view, the natural reading of the consequences of the "Hole Argument” has always been to go further and say that the mathematical representation of spacetime in General Relativity inevitably contains a “superfluous structure” brought to light by the gauge freedom of the theory. This position of apparent split between the philosophical outcome and the physical one has been corrected thanks to a meticulous and complicated formal analysis of the theory in a fundamental and recent (2006) work by Luca Lusanna and Massimo Pauri entitled “Explaining Leibniz equivalence as difference of non-inertial appearances: dis-solution of the Hole Argument and physical individuation of point-events”. The main result of this article is that of having shown how, from a physical point of view, point-events of Einstein empty spacetime, in a particular class of models considered by them, are literally identifiable with the autonomous degrees of freedom of the gravitational field (the Dirac observables, DO). In the light of philosophical considerations based on realism assumptions of the theories and entities, the two authors then conclude by saying that spacetime point-events have a degree of "weak objectivity", since they, depending on a NIF (non-inertial frame), unlike the points of the homogeneous newtonian space, are plunged in a rich and complex non-local holistic structure provided by the “ontic part” of the metric field. Therefore according to the complex structure of spacetime that General Relativity highlights and within the declared limits of a methodology based on a Galilean scientific representation, we can certainly assert that spacetime has got "elements of reality", but the inevitably relational elements that are in the physical detection of point-events in the vacuum of matter (highlighted by the “ontic part” of the metric field, the DO) are closely dependent on the choice of the global spatiotemporal laboratory where the dynamics is expressed (NIF). According to the two authors, a peculiar kind of structuralism takes shape: the point structuralism, with common features both of the absolutist and substantival tradition and of the relationalist one. The intention of this thesis is that of proposing a method of approaching the problem that is, at least at the beginning, independent from the previous ones, that is to propose an approach based on the possibility of describing the gravitational field at three distinct levels. In other words, keeping the results achieved by the work of Lusanna and Pauri in mind and following their underlying philosophical assumptions, we intend to partially converge to their structuralist approach, but starting from what we believe is the "foundational peculiarity" of General Relativity, which is that characteristic inherent in the elements that constitute its formal structure: its essentially geometric nature as a theory considered regardless of the empirical necessity of the measure theory. Observing the theory of General Relativity from this perspective, we can find a "triple modality" for describing the gravitational field that is essentially based on a geometric interpretation of the spacetime structure. The gravitational field is now "visible" no longer in terms of its autonomous degrees of freedom (the DO), which, in fact, do not have a tensorial and, therefore, nor geometric nature, but it is analyzable through three levels: a first one, called the potential level (which the theory identifies with the components of the metric tensor), a second one, known as the connections level (which in the theory determine the forces acting on the mass and, as such, offer a level of description related to the one that the newtonian gravitation provides in terms of components of the gravitational field) and, finally, a third level, that of the Riemann tensor, which is peculiar to General Relativity only. Focusing from the beginning on what is called the "third level" seems to present immediately a first advantage: to lead directly to a description of spacetime properties in terms of gauge-invariant quantites, which allows to "short circuit" the long path that, in the treatises analyzed, leads to identify the "ontic part” of the metric field. It is then shown how to this last level it is possible to establish a “primitive level of objectivity” of spacetime in terms of the effects that matter exercises in extended domains of spacetime geometrical structure; these effects are described by invariants of the Riemann tensor, in particular of its irreducible part: the Weyl tensor. The convergence towards the affirmation by Lusanna and Pauri that the existence of a holistic, non-local and relational structure from which the properties quantitatively identified of point-events depend (in addition to their own intrinsic detection), even if it is obtained from different considerations, is realized, in our opinion, in the assignment of a crucial role to the degree of curvature of spacetime that is defined by the Weyl tensor even in the case of empty spacetimes (as in the analysis conducted by Lusanna and Pauri). In the end, matter, regarded as the physical counterpart of spacetime curvature, whose expression is the Weyl tensor, changes the value of this tensor even in spacetimes without matter. In this way, going back to the approach of Lusanna and Pauri, it affects the DOs evolution and, consequently, the physical identification of point-events (as our authors claim). In conclusion, we think that it is possible to see the holistic, relational, and non-local structure of spacetime also through the "behavior" of the Weyl tensor in terms of the Riemann tensor. This "behavior" that leads to geometrical effects of curvature is characterized from the beginning by the fact that it concerns extensive domains of the manifold (although it should be pointed out that the values of the Weyl tensor change from point to point) by virtue of the fact that the action of matter elsewhere indefinitely acts. Finally, we think that the characteristic relationality of spacetime structure should be identified in this "primitive level of organization" of spacetime.