978 resultados para Argentine Pampas
The problem to be examined in this thesis involves the supposedly overlooked history and contributions of Africans and their descendants in the River Plate countries of Argentina and Uruguay. Therefore, the primary purpose of the study is to narrate the social history of Afro-Argentines and Afro-Uruguayans from the sixteenth to the twentieth century. A secondary purpose, moreover, is to synthesize the academic literature on Blacks in the Rio de la Plata and their many cultural and other contributions to the current nation-states of Argentina and Uruguay. This thesis thereby challenges the regnant historiographical argument that African Argentines and African Uruguayans have been “forgotten” as historical actors by scholars both inside and outside the Rio de la Plata. By synthesizing the large body of historical and social science scholarship on Africans in the River Plate, as well as providing a thorough bibliography on the subject, this study attempts to proffer (to borrow the subtitle of Marvin Lewis' 1996 study of Afro-Argentine literature) “another dimension of the Black Diaspora” to the Americas. ^
Post-crisis Argentina is a case study of crisis management through debt restructuring. This article examines how Argentina negotiated the external debt in the wake of the sovereign default in December 2001 and now confronts challenges posed by holdout creditors—the so called “vulture funds”. It argues that debt restructuring has put a straitjacket on the national economy, making it virtually impossible for healthy growth short of a break with the international economic order. While Argentina has successfully restructured a $95 billion debt with an unprecedented “hair cut” (around 70% reduction in “net value of debt”), a sustainable growth appears out of reach as long as reliance on the government debt market prevails. In this cycle, the transmission belt of financial crisis to developing countries is characterized by the entry of highly speculative players such as hedge funds, conflicts of interests embedded in “sovereign debt restructuring” (SDR) and vulnerabilities associated with “emerging market debt”.
Non peer reviewed
We investigated 88 surface sediment samples taken with a multiple corer from the southwestern South Atlantic Ocean for their live (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal content. Using Q-Mode Principal Component Analysis six live and six dead associations are differentiated. Live and dead association distributions correspond fairly well; differences are mainly caused by downslope transport and selective test destruction. In addition, four potential fossil associations are calculated from the dead data set after removal of non-fossilizable species. These potential fossil associations are expected to be useful for paleoceanographic reconstructions. Environments are described in detail for the live and potential fossil associations and for selected species. Along the upper Argentine continental slope strong bottom currents control the occurrence of live, dead and potential fossil Angulogerina angulosa associations. Here, particles of a high organic carbon flux rate remain suspended. Below this high energy environment live, dead and potential fossil Uvigerina peregrina dominated associations correlate with enhanced sediment organic carbon content and still high organic carbon flux rates. The live A. angulosa and U. peregrina associations correlate with high standing crops. Furthermore, live and dead Epistominella exigua-Nuttallides umbonifer associations were separated. Dominance of a Nuttallides umbonifer potential fossil association relates to coverage by Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) and Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW), above the Calcite Compensation Depth (CCD). Three associations of mainly agglutinated foraminifera occur in sediments bathed mainly by AABW or CDW. A Reophax difflugiformis association was found in mud-rich and diatomaceous sediments. Below the CCD, a Psammosphaera fusca association occurs in coarse sediments poor in organic carbon while a Cribrostomoides subglobosus-Ammobaculites agglutinans association covers a more variable environmental range with mud contents exceeding 30%. One single Eggerella bradyi-Martinottiella communis association poor in both species and individuals remains from the agglutinated associations below the CCD if only preservable species are considered for calculation.
The relationship between the abundance and diversity of tintinnids and the concentration of chlorophyll a (Chl a) was contrasted between neritic and oceanic waters of the SW Atlantic during autumn and summer. Chl a and tintinnid abundance and biomass reached maximum values (17.53 µg/L, 2.76 x 10**3 ind./L and 6.29 µg C/L, respectively) in shelf waters during summer, and their mean values generally differed by one order of magnitude between environments. Peaks in species richness (13) and Shannon diversity index (2.12) were found in the shelf-ocean boundary, but both variables showed nonsignificant differences between areas. Species richness correlated significantly with both Chl a and abundance. Such relationships, which followed a negative linear or quadratic function in the shelf and a positive linear function in oceanic waters, are thought to reflect either the competitive dominance of one species or a relatively wide spectrum of tintinnid size-classes, respectively.
We analysed the alkenone unsaturation ratio (UK'37) in 87 surface sediment samples from the western South Atlantic (5°N-50°S) in order to evaluate its applicability as a paleotemperature tool for this part of the ocean. The measured UK'37 ratios were converted into temperature using the global core-top calibration of Müller et al. (1998, doi:10.1016/S0016-7037(98)00097-0) and compared with annual mean atlas sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) of overlying surface waters. The results reveal a close correspondence (<1.5°C) between atlas and alkenone temperatures for the Western Tropical Atlantic and the Brazil Current region north of 32°S, but deviating low alkenone temperatures by -2° to -6°C are found in the regions of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (35-39°S) and the Malvinas Current (41-48°S). From the oceanographic evidence these low UK'37 values cannot be explained by preferential alkenone production below the mixed layer or during the cold season. Higher nutrient availability and algal growth rates are also unlikely causes. Instead, our results imply that lateral displacement of suspended particles and sediments, caused by strong surface and bottom currents, benthic storms, and downslope processes is responsible for the deviating UK'37 temperatures. In this way, particles and sediments carrying a cold water UK'37 signal of coastal or southern origin are transported northward and offshore into areas with warmer surface waters. In the northern Argentine Basin the depth between displaced and unaffected sediments appears to coincide with the boundary between the northward flowing Lower Circumpolar Deep Water (LCDW) and the southward flowing North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) at about 4000 m.
Ciliate abundance in waters of the Argentine shelf and the Drake Passage, the south-western Atlantic
Ciliates from sub-surface waters of the Argentine shelf and the Drake Passage under austral summer and autumn conditions were examined and compared for the first time. In both environments, the taxonomic structure of ciliates was related to temperature and salinity, and aloricate oligotrichs dominated in density (80%) over loricate oligotrichs, litostomatids and prostomatids, while the microplanktonic fraction prevailed in terms of biomass (90%) over the nanociliates. Myrionecta rubra was found all along the Argentine shelf only in autumn, but showed isolated peaks of abundance (10**3 ind./L) during summer. Mean values of density and biomass of total ciliates decreased ca. 2-fold from the shelf-slope to oceanic waters, while potential maximum production of aloricate oligotrichs decreased 9-fold, in relation with the drop in chlorophyll a concentration and the latitudinal decline of temperature, also reflected in maximum growth rates. Fifty percent of total ciliate abundance was represented by local increases (maximum: 20 000 ind./L and 25 µg C/L), which were spatially superimposed with ranges of seawater temperature and chlorophyll a concentrations of 10-15°C and 0.6-6 µg/L, respectively and were found in the nearby of fronts located on the shelf and the slope.
Production processes and work organization in the cultural industries have been little discussed. For this reason, the study focuses on the production phases and the division of labor in technical and artistic branches in Argentine soap operas. There are six branches: production, direction, photography, art, sound and edition. We explain the branches, the workers involved and their function and activities. This research is based on a communicational perspective, the Political Economy of Communication and recovers contributions of the Sociology of Labour. From this combination, we attempt to provide elements of analysis to understand the functioning and organisation of daily television series. In the same way, we examine the creative work, the types of work redundant or random, the division of labour and the economies of time. The methodological approach is qualitative. In this way, the examination is based on the production of interviews with key actors of the sector and the documentary and bibliographical survey so as to systematize the data for the research.
Cet ouvrage comporte d'abords une mise en situation décrivant le contexte économique qui mena à la crise du début des années 1980 et à la mise sur pieds de nouveaux mécanismes financiers visant le ré-équilibre des économies en difficulté. Parmi l'ensemble des nouveaux types de transactions, les conversions de titres de dette en prise de participation (Debt for Equity Swaps: DES) sont étudiées en particulier à cause des nombreux avantages qu'elles comportent. Dans un contexte de déséquilibres interne et externe graves tel ceux vécus par certains pays d'Amérique latine, ces conversions semblent en effet très appropriées grâce à leur contribution à réduire l'encours de la dette extérieure et à augmenter le niveau des investissements, tout en limitant les pertes des banques prêteuses. L'analyse des programmes DES de l'Argentine, du Chili et du Mexique est faite à trois niveaux: le comportement des principaux indicateurs économiques est observé avant et après la mise en application des programmes, les avantages que les investisseurs et les pays débiteurs ont pu tirer des transactions sont ensuite mesurés en termes monétaires, et finalement, une étude des clauses particulières à chaque programme permet de terminer l'étude de l'efficacité des démarches de chaque pays pour retrouver un certain équilibre économique. Chacun des trois pays étudiés a démontré une certaine force en particulier. L'Argentine est le pays qui a le mieux profité de la décote de sa dette sur le marché secondaire et ainsi réussit à réduire son encours avec des escomptes considérables. Le volume des transactions fut cependant minime. C'est le Chili qui a pu radier la plus forte proportion de sa dette totale grâce aux transactions DES. Finalement, le Mexique s'est démarqué par l'importance des avantages qu'il a offerts aux investisseurs lors de la conversion des titres. L'étude permet de conclure que les transactions DES ont en effet un potentiel très intéressant comme outil de redressement pour un pays ne pouvant plus assumer le niveau de sa dette, mais ce, à condition que la mise sur pieds des programmes coïncide avec une prise en charge globale des économies. Le succès d'un programme dépend en grande partie de la confiance des investisseurs internationaux et des banques en la volonté de chaque état à adopter les mesures d'ajustement qu'impose leur situation critique.
Os Municípios de Sant´Ana do Livramento – RS - Brasil e Rivera - Uruguai, instaladas no coração dos pampas gaúchos, apresentam uma paisagem que se caracteriza por uma vastidão de campos, coxilhas e gado, tem sua história associada a economia ganadeira e a cultura das gentes que habitam esse pampa, o gaúcho e sua vivência campeira símbolo de uma cultura que supera as barreiras da nacionalidade e das fronteiras impostas pelos colonizadores. Os pampas e seus habitantes passam por uma transformação profunda que está associada a decadência da economia ganadeira e a ascensão da economia madeireira. Cada vez mais observa-se a plantação de grandes extensões de terras com pinus e eucaliptus e a implantação, muitas vezes conflituosa, de empresas de celulose em locais onde antes reinavam os frigoríficos. O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar o processo de substituição da economia ganadeira pela introdução da economia madeireira nessas cidades e avaliar as implicações sociais, econômicas, culturais e ambientais através de um extenso levantamento bibliográfico, de pesquisas junto a órgãos governamentais e de trabalhos de campo que permitam compreender as transformações atuais, as tendências de reprodução do grande capital associado ao latifúndio e as alternativas e formas de resistência a esse modelo hegemônico de “desenvolvimento” na fronteira.
Regarding the process of translation, the analysis of intra and extratextual factors allows the translator to identify which aspects of the source text will have to be, or will not have to be, adapted at the translation to the culture of the target text (NORD, 2012). This fact allows a connection between Sociolinguistics and Translation Studies, which has already been pointed out by Mayoral (1998), Bolaños-Cuéllar (2000), among others. Therefore, this paper seeks to elaborate an activity project making use of translation, in a functional and pedagogical perspective, with the purpose of raising awareness and the teaching of extralinguistical factors in the usage of the Argentinian voseo and brazilian learners of Spanish at high school. To do so, starting from a theoretical discussion regarding the use of translation in foreign language classes and the connection between translating activity and the knowledge of linguistic variation, we elaborate a didactic sequence involving the translation of Argentinian comic strips to Brazilian Portuguese. In this didactic sequence, we elaborate an analysis script for the comic strips based on a pre-translation model proposed by Nord (2012), which may contribute with the design of didactic proposals in this theoretical path.
A great football novel is like a perfectly executed bicycle-kick goal, like players such as Argentine legends Diego Maradona and Lionel Messi; they come along once in a generation. Against the accumulated volume of non-fiction football literature (some people still call it soccer), which could fill and spill out of a World Cup Stadium, football novels are comparatively rare. That said, football or soccer fiction is a genre with a very real and important historical longevity...
Argentine singer-songwriter Juana Molina is one of those fearless artists. The kind of fearless artist who abandons a successful TV show at the height of its popularity to pursue a solo career in making and performing slightly left-field South American folk-tinged electronica...