587 resultados para Arachis repens
Reanalysis data provide an excellent test bed for impacts prediction systems. because they represent an upper limit on the skill of climate models. Indian groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) yields have been simulated using the General Large-Area Model (GLAM) for annual crops and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) 40-yr reanalysis (ERA-40). The ability of ERA-40 to represent the Indian summer monsoon has been examined. The ability of GLAM. when driven with daily ERA-40 data, to model both observed yields and observed relationships between subseasonal weather and yield has been assessed. Mean yields "were simulated well across much of India. Correlations between observed and modeled yields, where these are significant. are comparable to correlations between observed yields and ERA-40 rainfall. Uncertainties due to the input planting window, crop duration, and weather data have been examined. A reduction in the root-mean-square error of simulated yields was achieved by applying bias correction techniques to the precipitation. The stability of the relationship between weather and yield over time has been examined. Weather-yield correlations vary on decadal time scales. and this has direct implications for the accuracy of yield simulations. Analysis of the skewness of both detrended yields and precipitation suggest that nonclimatic factors are partly responsible for this nonstationarity. Evidence from other studies, including data on cereal and pulse yields, indicates that this result is not particular to groundnut yield. The detection and modeling of nonstationary weather-yield relationships emerges from this study as an important part of the process of understanding and predicting the impacts of climate variability and change on crop yields.
The impacts of climate change on crop productivity are often assessed using simulations from a numerical climate model as an input to a crop simulation model. The precision of these predictions reflects the uncertainty in both models. We examined how uncertainty in a climate (HadAM3) and crop General Large-Area Model (GLAM) for annual crops model affects the mean and standard deviation of crop yield simulations in present and doubled carbon dioxide (CO2) climates by perturbation of parameters in each model. The climate sensitivity parameter (lambda, the equilibrium response of global mean surface temperature to doubled CO2) was used to define the control climate. Observed 1966-1989 mean yields of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) in India were simulated well by the crop model using the control climate and climates with values of lambda near the control value. The simulations were used to measure the contribution to uncertainty of key crop and climate model parameters. The standard deviation of yield was more affected by perturbation of climate parameters than crop model parameters in both the present-day and doubled CO2 climates. Climate uncertainty was higher in the doubled CO2 climate than in the present-day climate. Crop transpiration efficiency was key to crop model uncertainty in both present-day and doubled CO2 climates. The response of crop development to mean temperature contributed little uncertainty in the present-day simulations but was among the largest contributors under doubled CO2. The ensemble methods used here to quantify physical and biological uncertainty offer a method to improve model estimates of the impacts of climate change.
Buffer strips are refuges for a variety of plants providing resources, such as pollen, nectar and seeds, for higher trophic levels, including invertebrates, mammals and birds. Margins can also harbour plant species that are potentially injurious to the adjacent arable crop (undesirable species). Sowing perennial species in non-cropped buffer strips can reduce weed incidence, but limits the abundance of annuals with the potential to support wider biodiversity (desirable species). We investigated the responses of unsown plant species present in buffer strips established with three different seed mixes managed annually with three contrasting management regimes (cutting, sward scarification and selective graminicide). Sward scarification had the strongest influence on the unsown desirable (e.g. Sonchus spp.) and unsown pernicious (e.g. Elytrigia repens) species, and was generally associated with higher cover values of these species. However, abundances of several desirable weed species, in particular Poa annua, were not promoted by scarification. The treatments of cutting and graminicide tended to have negative impacts on the unsown species, except for Cirsium vulgare, which increased with graminicide application. Differences in unsown species cover between seed mixes were minimal, although the grass-only mix was more susceptible to establishment by C. vulgare and Galium aparine than the two grass and forb mixes. Annual scarification can enable desirable annuals and sown perennials to co-exist, however, this practice can also promote pernicious species, and so is unlikely to be widely adopted as a management tool in its current form.
The Euro-Mediterranean region is an important centre for the diversity of crop wild relatives. Crops, such as oats (Avena sativa), sugar beet (Beta vulgaris), apple (Malus domestica), annual meadow grass (Festuca pratensis), white clover (Trifolium repens), arnica (Arnica montana), asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), and sage (Salvia officinalis) etc., all have wild relatives in the region. The European Community funded project, PGR Forum (www.pgrforum.org) is building an online information system to provide access to crop wild relative data to a broad user community; including plant breeders, protected area managers, policy-makers, conservationists, taxonomists and the wider public. The system will include data on uses, geographical distribution, biology, population and habitat information, threats (including IUCN Red List assessments) and conservation actions. This information is vital for the continued sustainable utilisation and conservation of crop wild relatives. Two major databases have been utilised as the backbone to a Euro-Mediterranean crop wild relative catalogue, which forms the core of the information system: Euro+Med PlantBase (www.euromed.org.uk) and Mansfeld’s World Database of Agricultural and Horticultural Crops (http://mansfeld.ipk-gatersleben.de). By matching the genera found within the two databases, a preliminary list of crop wild relatives has been produced. Around 20,000 of the 30,000+ species listed in Euro+Med PlantBase can be considered crop wild relatives, i.e. those species found within the same genus as a crop. The list is currently being refined by implementing a priority ranking system based on the degree of relatedness of taxa to the associated crop.
In the last 50 years science has provided new perspectives on the ancient art of herbal medicine. The present article discusses ways in which the evidence base for the professional use of 'Western' herbal medicine, as therapy to treat disease, known as phytotherapy, can be strengthened and developed. The evidence base for phytotherapy is small and lags behind that for the nutritional sciences, mainly because phytochemicals are ingested as complex mixtures that are incompletely characterised and have only relatively recently been subject to scientific scrutiny. While some methodologies developed for the nutritional sciences can inform phytotherapy research, opportunities for observational studies are more limited, although greater use could be made of patient case notes. Randomised clinical trials of single-herb interventions are relatively easy to undertake and increasing numbers of such studies are being published. Indeed, enough data are available on three herbs (ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba), St John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) and saw palmetto (Serenoa repens)) for meta-analyses to have been undertaken. However, phytotherapy is holistic therapy, using lifestyle advice, nutrition and individually-prescribed mixtures of herbs aimed at reinstating homeostasis. While clinical experience shows that this approach is applicable to a wide range of conditions, including chronic disease, evidence of its efficacy is scarce. Strategies for investigating the full holistic approach of phytotherapy and its main elements are discussed and illustrated through the author's studies at the University of Reading.
Although sparsely populated today, the Llanos de Mojos, Bolivia, sustained large sedentary societies in the Late Holocene (ca. 500 to 1400 AD). In order to gain insight into the subsistence of these people, we undertook macrobotanical and phytolith analyses of sediment samples, and starch grain and phytolith analyses of artifact residues, from four large habitation sites within this region. Macrobotanical remains show the presence of maize (Zea mays), squash (Cucurbita sp.), peanut (Arachis hypogaea), cotton (Gossypium sp.), and palm fruits (Arecaceae). Microbotanical results confirm the widespread use of maize at all sites, along with manioc (Manihot esculenta), squash, and yam (Dioscorea sp.). These integrated results present the first comprehensive archaeobotanical evidence of the diversity of plants cultivated, processed, and consumed, by the pre-Hispanic inhabitants of the Amazonian lowlands of Bolivia.
Natural anti-parasitic compounds in plants such as condensed tannins (CT) have anthelmintic properties against a range of gastrointestinal nematodes, but for other helminths such effects are unexplored. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of CT from three different plant extracts in a model system employing the rat tapeworm, Hymenolepis diminuta, in its intermediate host, Tenebrio molitor. An in vitro study examined infectivity of H. diminuta cysticercoids (excystation success) isolated from infected beetles exposed to different concentrations of CT extracts from pine bark (PB) (Pinus sps), hazelnut pericarp (HN) (Corylus avellana) or white clover flowers (WC) (Trifolium repens), in comparison with the anthelmintic drug praziquantel (positive control). In the in vitro study, praziquantel and CT from all three plant extracts had dose-dependent inhibitory effects on cysticercoid excystation. The HN extract was most effective at inhibiting excystation, followed by PB and WC. An in vivo study was carried out on infected beetles (measured as cysticercoid establishment) fed different doses of PB, HN and praziquantel. There was a highly significant inhibitory effect of HN on cysticercoid development (p = 0.0002). Overall, CT showed a promising anti-cestodal effect against the metacestode stage of H. diminuta.
Proanthocyanindins (PAs) from shea meal (SM), a by-product obtained after lipid extraction of the nuts, contained B-type linkages, had a high ratio of prodelphinidins (73%) and were galloylated (42%). The average polymer size was 8 flavan-3-ol subunits (≈2384 Daltons) and epigallocatechin gallate was the major subunit. Purified PA fractions from SM were tested in vitro for anthelmintic properties against gastrointestinal nematodes from ruminants (H. contortus and T. colubriformis) [1] by the larval exsheathment inhibition assay and from pigs (A. suum) by the larval migration inhibition assay. Results showed that PAs from SM have a potent anthelmintic activity against those parasites similar to white clover (Trifolium repens) flowers (WCF) [1, 2] (EC50 µg/mL; SM: 55.1, 16.5, 75.9; WCF: 37.4, 14.5, 110.1 for A. suum, H. contortus and T. colubriformis respectively). WCF PAs are constituted almost exclusively of prodelphinidin (PD) compared to SM (98% vs. 73%) but do not contained galloylated PAs. Studies [1, 2] have shown that anthelmintic activity of PAs was mainly associated with their PD ratio but our current results suggest that galloylation can be a major factor to anthelmintic activity and SM as a potential nutraceutical anthelmintic feed for controlling parasitic nematodes.
O presente estudo tem como objetivos: contribuir para o desenvolvimento de oito espécies do gênero Trifolium L., Trifolium incamatum L., Trifolium polymorphum Poir, Trifolium pratense L., Trifolium repens L., trifolium resupinatum L., Trifolium riograndense Burkart, Trifolium subterraneum L. e Trifolium vesiculosum Savi, através da caracterização da variabilidade isoenzimática presente em quatro sistemas enzimáticos, Fosfoglicoisomerase (PGI), Esterase (EST), Malato desidrogenase (MDH) e Superóxido dismutase (SOD) e fornecer subsídios para futuros trabalhos de melhoramento de plantas forrageiras.
Foram conduzidos dois experimentos para avaliar o comportamento reprodutivo de novilhas de corte pertencentes a quatro grupos genéticos (Hereford, ½ Nelore½ Hereford; ¼ Nelore ¾ Hereford; ½ Angus ½ Hereford) acasaladas aos 14/15 meses de idade. No experimento iniciado em 2001 foram utilizadas quatro alternativas de alimentação no outono/inverno: a) suplementação do campo nativo (CN) a 1,5% do peso vivo (PV) com ração comercial (RC) contendo 14% de proteína bruta (PB) e 68% de NDT (S68); b) suplementação do CN a 1,5% do PV com RC contendo 14% de PB e 75% de NDT (S75); c) suplementação em pastagem de azevém (Lolium multiflorum Lan), trevo branco (Trifolium repens) e cornichão (Lotus corniculatus) a 0,5% do PV de milho em grão (SPAS);d) confinamento a céu aberto com silagem de milho e 0,7% do PV de ração (CON). Após, em um só grupo, permaneceram em pastagem de azevém e aveia (Avena sativa) até o início do período reprodutivo. Durante o período de aplicação dos tratamentos alimentares o ganho médio diário (GMD) do tratamento SPAS e CON (0,755 vs 0,784 kg/dia) não apresentou diferença significativa (P>0,05), nem os S68 e S75 (0,511 vs 0,489 kg/dia). Durante o período conjunto em pastagem não foi determinada diferença significativa (P>0,05) no GMD entre S68, S75 e SPAS, nem entre S68, SPAS e CON. O peso ao início do período reprodutivo foi de 233,7 e 232,3 kg para S68 e S75 (P>0,05) e de 260,6 e 254,3 kg para SPAS e CON (P>0,05). As taxas de prenhez do SPAS e COM não apresentaram diferença entre si (62,16% e 53,86%), mas foram significativamente mais elevadas (P<0,05) em relação às S68 e S75 (20,51% e 25,64%) as quais também não diferiram entre si (P>0,05). As novilhas que conceberam foram mais pesadas, apresentaram maiores GMD de peso, condição corporal (CC) e escore trato reprodutivo (ETR) ao início do período reprodutivo em relação às que não conceberam. No experimento iniciado em 2002 foram utilizadas três alternativas de alimentação no outono/inverno: a) suplementação do CN com RC (SUR) a 1% do PV, contendo 14% de PB e 75% de NDT; b) suplementação do CN com farelo de arroz (SUFA) a 0,5% PV; c) pastejo contínuo em pastagem cultivada de azevém (PAST) e aveia. O tratamento PAST (0,478 kg/dia) apresentou GMD de peso mais elevado (P<0,05), seguido do tratamento SUR (0,326 kg/dia) superior (P<0,05) ao tratamento SUFA (0,100 kg/dia). Durante o período em conjunto em pastagem de azevém e aveia os tratamentos SUFA e PAST não apresentaram diferença significativa no GMD de peso (P>0,05) mas, foram superiores (P<0,05) ao tratamento SUR. O peso ao início do período reprodutivo foi de 265,4; 236,7 e 222,6 kg para os tratamentos PAST, SUR e SUFA, respectivamente (P<0,05). A taxa de prenhez do tratamento PAST (61,36%) foi superior (P<0,05) a dos tratamentos SUR e SUFA (20,0 e 22,73%; P>0,05). As novilhas que conceberam foram as mais pesadas e mais velhas, do início dos tratamentos alimentares até o final do período reprodutivo.
A pecuária leiteira tem uma importante participação na economia do setor primário do Sul do Brasil, porém, custos de produção elevados, impacto ambiental e qualidade dos produtos tem limitado sua viabilidade econômica. Entretanto, na busca por sistemas sustentáveis de produção depara-se com uma grande escassez de informações. Este trabalho pretendeu contribuir com a geração de conhecimentos que possam ser facilmente adotados pelos produtores da Região do Planalto Riograndense, através da condução da pesquisa em duas etapas: inicialmente foi desenvolvido um estudo baseado em procedimentos de pesquisa diagnóstica aplicados em 46 propriedades que incluiu características infra-estruturais, ambientais, sociais e técnico-econômicas. Em um segundo momento, realizou-se a comparação de dois sistemas de condução dos animais em pastagens, propostos a partir de características apontadas como relevantes no diagnóstico realizado, definindo os seguintes tratamentos: T 1: onde os animais tiveram acesso à pastagem por um período de 3 h/dia, e, T 2: onde os animais tiveram livre acesso à pastagem, ambos, mantidos em pastejo sobre sorgo forrageiro (Sorghum vulgare) e trevo branco (Trifolium repens L.) em pastejo rotativo, recebendo suplementação protéica e energética Os resultados do diagnóstico indicaram uma elevada importância das características de infraestrutura e de questões técnicas relativas à exploração leiteira, onde destacam-se variáveis relacionadas à questões de manejo e alimentação do rebanho. Os sistemas de pastejo apresentaram diferença significativa (p<0,01), na produção de leite, produzindo 16,6 e 18,9 L/dia, para T1 e T2, respectivamente. Com a obtenção desses resultados, fica evidenciado que animais de bom potencial genético, proporcionam respostas positivas de produtividade a medida que lhes é permitido maior tempo de permanência em pastagens de qualidade, ofertadas em quantidade suficiente possibilitando a expressão do potencial do animal em selecionar a sua dieta.
O experimento foi conduzido no município de Cachoeira do Sul de out/2001 a out/2002, objetivando avaliar a dinâmica vegetacional e o desempenho animal (31/05/02 a 16/09/02), em uma pastagem nativa submetida a diferentes métodos de controle de plantas indesejáveis. O local corresponde à região fisiográfica denominada Serra do Sudeste, com predominância das espécies Paspalum notatum (grama forquilha), Andropogon lateralis (capim caninha), além de Arachis burkartii e Desmodium incanum. Como plantas classificadas como indesejáveis encontram-se Baccharis trimera (carqueja), Vernonia nudiflora (alecrim) e Psidium luridum (araçá do campo). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi um fatorial em blocos (4 x 2), com duas repetições de campo. Os tratamentos foram os seguintes: testemunha (T); roçada de primavera (P); roçada de primavera + outono (O) e roçada de primavera + controle químico (Q), todos em duas ofertas de forragem, média (8%) e alta (14%). Os animais testes foram três novilhas por repetição, mantidas em pastejo contínuo com lotação variável. A massa de forragem foi obtida através de avaliações visuais usando padrões de referência, o acúmulo de forragem através do uso de gaiolas de exclusão e a composição botânica pelo método do ponto. Avaliaram-se os parâmetros de desempenho individual, carga animal, ganho de peso vivo por área e a dinâmica vegetacional. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância através do pacote estatístico SAS. O nível alto de oferta permitiu uma menor perda de peso vivo por área. Os tratamentos P e Q proporcionaram um melhor desempenho individual e menor perda de peso vivo por área, quando comparados a T. Os tratamentos P, O e Q foram eficientes no controle de Baccharis trimera. A. burkartii e Eriyngium horridum foram incrementados pela média intensidade de pastejo. Aristida laevis teve sua participação aumentada pela interação tratamento Q e baixa intensidade de pastejo.
O trabalho experimental foi desenvolvido em uma propriedade de produção leiteira no município de Camargo, na região fisiográfica denominada de Planalto Médio do RS, com o objetivo de estudar e quantificar o efeito da substituição do componente protéico (farelo de soja) da ração, comumente fornecida aos animais, por pastejo controlado de trevo branco (Trifolium repens L.) em animais mantidos em pastagens de azevém (Lolium multiflorum L.), na performance produtiva, comportamento e qualidade do leite de vacas holandesas. Para tal, foram utilizados dois grupos de animais agrupados de forma homogênea após estratificação por produção, período de lactação e peso corporal, em um delineamento experimental completamente casualizado em blocos. Os dois grupos eram mantidos em pastagens de azevém, por um determinado período de tempo durante o dia (aproximadamente 5 horas). Um grupo recebia diariamente 3 kg de suplemento energético constituído de farelo de milho, farelo de trigo, casca de soja e sal mineral (subtraída de farelo de soja) e tinha acesso controlado à pastagem de trevo branco (aproximadamente 2,5 horas), denominado tratamento TB; outro recebia a mesma quantidade de suplemento, adicionada de quantidade de proteína equivalente ao consumo diário no tratamento anterior via trevo, na forma de farelo de soja, denominado tratamento FS. As medições eram realizadas em avaliações quinzenais, procedendo-se controles leiteiros individuais, medidas de perímetro torácico, coletas de amostras de sangue e leite dos animais e registro de atividades dos animais em pastejo. Os resultados demonstraram semelhanças significativas entre os dois tratamentos, para a maioria das variáveis estudadas, com exceção do teor de proteína do leite que foi maior para o tratamento TB, e os valores de teor de lactose, tempo de pastejo e freqüência de bocados maiores para o tratamento FS. Estes resultados indicam que a utilização do trevo branco, como fonte protéica para os animais, foi tecnicamente viável e eficiente.
Obesity is increasing, reaching epidemic levels in many regions of the world. Studies have shown that consumption of peanuts influences on weight control and this influence may be due to the action of trypsin inhibitors sacietogênica that condition increased plasma colescistocinina (CCK). Moreover, the peanut has other health benefits, and these assignments are guaranteed to increase their production and consumption of several of its products, including the paçoca peanut. The aim of this study was to identify the presence of a trypsin inhibitor in paçoca peanut and evaluate its effect on food intake, weight gain and histomorphological changes in swiss mice (n = 8) and Wistar rats (n = 6). Experimental diets were prepared based on the AIN-93G and supplemented with tack or peanut trypsin inhibitor partially purified paçoca peanut (AHTI). After each treatment, the animals were anesthetized and euthanized, their bloods were collected by cardiac puncture for the determination of CCK and other biochemical parameters (glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and albumin) and their pancreas removed for histologic and morphometric analysis. The supplementation with paçoca peanut and the AHTI showed a decrease of body weight gain and food intake in both mice and rats, due to the satiety, since the animals showed no evidence of impairment of nutritional status conditioned by consumption the AHTI. There were also observed biochemical or morphological important when compared with controls. However, AHTI led to increased secretion of CCK, a peptide sacietogênico. Thus, these results indicate that AHTI present in paçoca peanut, is able to enhance the secretion of plasma CCK and thereby reduce the weight gain associated with lower food intake of experimenta animals
Sunflower is an annual dicotyledonous plant, herbaceous, erect and native of North America. It is thermo- and photo-insensitive, hence, can be grown round the year in sub-tropical and tropical countries. Only two spp. H. annuus and H. tuberosum are cultivated for food, remaining spp. are ornamentals, weeds and wild plants. However, H. annuus is allelopathic and inhibit the growth and development of other plants thus reducing their productivity. Much information is available about the allelopathic effects of sunflower crop on following crops in crop rotations. Although it is harmful to all crops, but, is less harmful to crops of Graminae family than other families. It seems that the harmful effects of sunflower in crop rotations are due to release and accumulation of root exudates during crop growth in soil. Soil incorporation of its fresh (green manure) or dry biomass in soil is inhibitory to both crops and weed spp. Several allelochemicals have been characterized from the H. annuus, which inhibit the seed germination and seedling growth of A. albus, A. viridis, Agropyron repens (Elymus repens), Ambrosia artemsiifolia, Avena fatua, Celosia crustata, Chenopodium album, Chloris barbara, Cynodon dactylon, D. sanguinalis, Dactyloctenium ageyptium, Digitaria ciliaris, Echinochloa crus-galli, Flaveria australasica, Parthenium hysterophorus, Portulaca oleracea, Sida spinosa, Trianthema portulacastrum, Veronica perisca the inhibitory effects of this crop may be used for weed management with less herbicides for sustainable agriculture.