1000 resultados para Appolt, Georges Nicolas (1671-1739) -- Portraits


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This article presents and analyses the points of view of literary critics that have studied Marcel Proust's role in the work of Georges Perec with the intention of showing the workings of their approaches. The article also points towards a direction that can be followed when analyzing these two writers' relations.


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O presente documento foi redigido em 1671, em forma de carta circular, pelo padre luxemburguês João Felipe Bettendorff, superior da Missão do Maranhão. Escrita em um contexto de crise econômica e incerteza jurídica, a missiva elucida dois pontos pouco pesquisados pela historiografia: as dificuldades enfrentadas pela missão amazônica após a primeira expulsão dos jesuítas em 1661, e as dissensões internas da Companhia de Jesus em decorrência de sua rápida expansão ultramarina.


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Polissema: Revista de Letras do ISCAP 2002/N.º 2 Linguagens


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Portuguese version:


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Because of the distance in time and the lack of testifying documents, one should be extremely careful when labelling portraits in medieval books of hours as donor portraits or owner portraits. There are, however, manuscripts that reveal their first owner within their decorative programme, and the Lamoignon Hours (Lisbon, Gulbenkian, ms LA 237) is one of these. This article aims to discuss the iconography of the three portraits found on f.165v, f.202v and f.286v, as well as the relevance of portraiture and heraldic insignia in books of hours and the significance of such content to the original owner and to those who possessed the book afterwards.


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A abertura ao público do Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, em Outubro de 1969, resultou de um longo processo de programação, iniciado em Julho de 1956, alicerçado no trabalho continuado de uma equipa fixa, informado pelo contributo inestimável de um numeroso conjunto de consultores permanentes e de consultores pontuais. O presente artigo resulta da investigação desenvolvida no âmbito da nossa dissertação de mestrado em Museologia e Património, no qual, com base na análise de um conjunto de documentos de programação do Museu Calouste Gulbenkian, procurámos identificar os contributos de Maria José de Mendonça e de Georges-Henri Rivière para a génese da exposição permanente daquele Museu. Georges-Henri Rivière, então director do ICOM, foi, a partir de 1958, consultor permanente da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, na área da museologia. Para este breve artigo recuperámos, daquele estudo académico, um conjunto de propostas de programação para o Museu Calouste Gulbenkian patentes em cinco relatórios de consultoria (três deles inéditos) assinados por Rivière. Sabemos hoje, que umas não passariam para a programação definitiva do edifício do Museu, enquanto outras constituíram contributos directos dessa personalidade maior da museologia do século XX, marcando, na sua génese, a programação da exposição das galerias públicas do Museu.


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Recensão de: Georges Didi‑Huberman, "O que nós vemos, o que nos olha", Porto: Dafne editora, 2010 (1992)


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One of the first scientific maps of the Amazon region, The Course of the Amazon River (Le Cours de La Rivière des Amazones), was constructed by Nicolas Sanson, a French cartographer of the seventeenth century, and served as the prototype for many others. The evaluation of this chart, until now, has been that it is a very defective map, a sketch based on a historical account, according to the opinion of La Condamine. Thus, the aim of the present work was to prove that the map of the Amazon River traced by Nicolas Sanson is a scientific work, a map that presents precise geographic coordinates considering its time, shows a well-determined prime meridian, and also employs a creative methodology to deduce longitudes from latitudes and distances that had been covered. To show such characteristics, an analysis of the accuracy of the map was made by comparing its latitudes and longitudes with those of a current map. We determined the prime meridian of this map and analyzed the methodology used for the calculation of longitudes. The conclusion is that it is actually a good map for the time, particularly considering the technology and the limited information that Sanson had at his disposal. This proves that the negative assertion of La Condamine is unfounded.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze late clinical evolution after surgical treatment of children, with reparative and reconstructive techniques without annular support. METHODS: We evaluated 21 patients operated upon between 1975 and 1998. Age 4.67±3.44 years; 47.6% girls; mitral insufficiency 57.1% (12 cases), stenosis 28.6% (6 cases), and double lesion 14.3% (3 cases). The perfusion 43.10±9.50min, and ischemia time were 29.40±10.50min. The average clinical follow-up in mitral insufficiency was 41.52±53.61 months. In the stenosis group (4 patients) was 46.39±32.02 months, and in the double lesion group (3 patients), 39.41±37.5 months. The echocardiographic follow-up was in mitral insufficiency 37.17±39.51 months, stenosis 42.61±30.59 months, and in the double lesion 39.41±37.51 months. RESULTS: Operative mortality was 9.5% (2 cases). No late deaths occurred. In the group with mitral insufficiency, 10 (83.3%) patients were asymptomatic (p=0.04). The majorit y with mild reflux (p=0.002). In the follow-up of the stenosis group, all were in functional class I (NYHA); and the mean transvalve gradient varied between 8 and 12mmHg, average of 10.7mmHg. In the double lesion group, 1 patient was reoperated at 43 months. No endocarditis or thromboembolism were reported. CONCLUSION: Mitral stenosis repair has worse late results, related to the valve abnormalities and associated lesions. The correction of mitral insufficiency without annular support showed good long-term results.