926 resultados para António Sérgio


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A destruição dos habitats naturais e a extinção de espécies têm crescido muito a partir da última metade do século XX. Nesse contexto, o aumento do número de espécies ameaçadas tem proporcionado maior uso da reintrodução como estratégia de conservação no combate à atual taxa de extinção. O presente trabalho focaliza um estudo de 16 meses realizado com cervos-do-pantanal reintroduzidos na Estação Ecológica de Jataí. Os animais foram marcados com rádio-colares e monitorados diariamente entre dezembro de 1998 e abril de 2000, tendo suas atividades de deslocamento e uso do espaço acompanhadas por triangulação. Os animais exploraram várzeas dentro da unidade de conservação e também uma área de várzea pertencente a uma propriedade particular localizada na fronteira oeste da estação. Durante o período de estudo, a maioria dos cervos reintroduzidos utilizou a área de várzea particular mais intensivamente que as várzeas da unidade de conservação. A preferência demonstrada por essa área confirmou sua importância ecológica, evidenciando a necessidade de proteção por meio de sua incorporação aos limites da Estação Ecológica de Jataí.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi caracterizar os elementos físicos da bacia do córrego Santo Antônio, buscando compreender a influência que a área de entorno dessa bacia exerce sobre a Floresta Estadual Edmundo Navarro de Andrade (FEENA). Para isto, foram elaboradas as cartas geomorfológica e de uso do solo, além da compilação de dados geológicos, pedológicos e climáticos. Essa influência foi avaliada em termos da dinâmica de remobilização de materiais provenientes das nascentes, que não pertencem a FEENA, e que se constituem, portanto, em área de uso agrícola. A análise das características físicas indicou que essa área é susceptível a ação dos processos morfogenéticos e que estes foram intensificados e acelerados pelo uso do solo ao redor das nascentes. Verifica-se, assim, a necessidade de se reavaliar esse uso e de se fiscalizar o cumprimento da própria legislação ambiental, no que se refere ao uso e ocupação do território, em fundos de vale.


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A literatura escrita tem sido um espaço privilegiado para a representação e, consequentemente, para o registro e divulgação dos valores e costumes de variados grupos e segmentos sociais. No conto analisado neste ensaio – Eguns –, o escritor paulistano João Antônio (1937-1996) traz um narrador que descreve com detalhes uma rara festa religiosa ocorrida na Bahia, destinada ao culto dos ancestrais. Contemplativo e respeitoso, limita-se a contar o que a tradição religiosa permite. O contato com a alteridade ganha foros de rito iniciático e a experiência – em sentido forte – é transferida ao leitor.


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Este estudo avaliou qualitativa e quantitativamente o banco de sementes de dois remanescentes florestais, de um povoamento de Eucalyptus robusta e de três áreas de reflorestamento com espécies nativas, localizados em uma várzea do rio Mogi-Guaçu, Luiz Antônio (21°31´S e 47°55´W), Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram usadas 12 parcelas de 10 x 10 m distribuídas sistematicamente em cada área de estudo. em cada parcela foram distribuídas aleatoriamente quatro subparcelas de 0,5 m x 0,5 m. Duas subparcelas foram usadas para coletar a serapilheira e duas para coletar o solo a 0-5 cm de profundidade. A amostragem foi realizada em setembro de 2001, nos remanescentes naturais e no povoamento de eucalipto e, em setembro de 2002, nas áreas reflorestadas. As amostras foram acondicionadas em vasos de plástico e incubadas com irrigações periódicas para a germinação das sementes por um período de sete meses, em dois ambientes de casa de vegetação: um a 100% de luz solar e outro sob tela com 70% de redução de luz solar. Na composição do banco de sementes de todas as áreas amostradas, houve predominância de espécies pioneiras dos primeiros estádios de sucessão. As espécies arbóreas mais importantes foram Aloysia virgata e Cecropia hololeuca. Os reflorestamentos com espécies nativas proporcionaram um banco de sementes com maior diversidade de espécies arbóreas nativas do que o povoamento de eucalipto. Este estudo indicou que a similaridade entre as florestas plantadas e as nativas deverá aumentar ao longo do tempo.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a influência do alcoolismo crônico experimental na morfologia e biomecânica da artéria aorta de ratos. MÉTODOS:ratos Wistar foram divididos em dois grupos de 22 animais. Grupo alcoolista: os ratos receberam água com concentração crescente de etanol e ração ad libitum durante 6 meses. Grupo controle: os animais receberam água e ração ad libitum pelo mesmo período. Os animais foram sacrificados com overdose de pentobarbital e as aortas abdominais foram excisadas para realização de histologia (hematoxilina-eosina, tricrômio de Masson, Calleja, Picrosirius red), histomorfometria e avaliação biomecânica (carga máxima, alongamento na carga máxima, limite de proporcionalidade, alongamento no limite de proporcionalidade e coeficiente de rigidez). RESULTADOS: A histologia e a histomorfometria não mostraram diferenças significantes na morfologia da aorta em ambos os grupos. A avaliação biomecânica mostrou aumento do alongamento no limite de proporcionalidade no grupo alcoolista (p<0.05). CONCLUSÃO: o alcoolismo crônico experimental não provocou alterações morfológicas na parede da aorta, mas causou aumento da sua elasticidade, sem modificar as outras propriedades mecânicas avaliadas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The acute toxicity of pellitorine, an amide isolated from Piper tuberculatum (Piperaceae) which is studied as a biopesticide in European corner borer, was evaluated on larvae and newly emerged adults of honeybee Apis mellifera by means of contact and ingestion bioassays. Workers in the larval and adult phase were separated in groups, which received pellitorine in different concentrations. The larvae were maintained in their own original cells, receiving feeding and normal care from the nurses. The adults were confined in wooden cages with screens, receiving artificial diet made up of sugar and water (1:1). The concentrations of 40, 200, 1 000, 5 000 and 25 000 ng a.i./individual were obtained diluting pellitorine in 98% ethanol. LD10 values of 39.14, 36.16 and 13.79 ng a.i./insect were determined for larvae, for adults by ingestion and adults by contact, respectively. The honeybee larvae were shown to be highly susceptible to the amide pellitorine.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present experiment aimed to study the influence of point positioning in an irradiated field to produce a planialtimetric plant. A planialtimetric evaluation was carried out in a 14-acre experimental area with well-defined topographic variations. Planialtimetric maps were designed using manual procedures, Datageosis and Topoesalq. Datageosis built all the curves after numerical surface modeling. Topoesalq provided only height reports and the drawing of curves was done manually. The third method was a manual procedure. Because there were planialtimetry representation differences, longitudinal profiles were used in the sites where there was a great divergence among plants. When obtained profiles and plants were compared, it was verified that the one produced by Datageosis represented the relief plant better. Later, only the irradiated field points were evaluated and each point presented positioned readings before and after each relief map variation. The processing through the three methods resulted in significant plants of the local planialtimetry, according to the control profiles. It was concluded that the planning of the field procedure should be suitable to the posterior treatment method of obtained data in order to make a planialtimetric plant to accord to the evaluated local topography.


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Studies on helminthfauna of marsh deer Blastocerus dichotomus Illiger, 1815 are rare, although helminthic diseases are an important cause of mortality in these animals. Fifteen male and female adult marsh deer from Sergio Motta's hydroelectric power station flooding area at Paraná River which died during the capture and quarantine procedures, between 1998 and 1999, were necropsied. Three trematodes species, Paramphistomum cervi, Balanorchis anastrofus and Zygocotyle lunatum, all belonging to superfamily Paramphistomoidea, were identified. The obtained trematodes were identified, counted and their respectives descriptors of infection were determined. All necropsied animals were infected by helminths. Paramphistomum cervi was the most prevalent species, while Zygocotyle lunatum was found in only one animal.


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The present study aimed to show the spatial distribution of the Rochas watershed (Avaré-SP, Brazil) soil use capacity using the Idrisi geographical information system in order to contribute to a better territorial organization and the planning of the appropriate soil occupation. The obtained results using this methodology showed that most of the Rocha watershed areas are from the following groups: dystrophic yellow-red latosol (36.64%), eutroferric and distroferric red latosol (30.30%) with sandy texture. There was a predominance of areas with slope classes of 0-12%, plain to wavy relief (61.37% of the watershed area) showing that these areas are appropriate for annual culture plantations with wide use of machinery. Most of these areas were classified as class IV (73.79%) as to use capacity. In the studied area the following subclasses of land use capacity were found: IIe, s; IIIe; IVe; IVs; IVe,s; VIe and VIIe. Capacity subclasses IVe; IVe,s; IVs and Vie were the most significant because they are areas that can be used for agriculture but subject to severe soil impoverishment if there are no special care mainly for annual cultures. The Idrisi geographical information system was efficient to determine soil use capacity of the Rocha's watershed showing that the use of geoprocessing tools makes data analysis easier and faster, allowing digital data storage for future analysis uses mainly for territorial planning and environmental studies.


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Objective: To evaluate the results of the kangaroo mother method in Brazil. Methods: A prospective cohort study comparing 16 units that have or do not have the second phase of the kangaroo mother method: eight were national centers of excellence for the kangaroo mother method (study group) and eight were part of the Brazilian Neonatal Research Network (control group). A total of 985 newborn infants with birth weights of 500 to 1,749 g were enrolled. Multivariate analyses employedmultiple linear regression and Poisson regression with robust adjustment. Results: The adjusted analysis (controlled for birth weight, gestational age, Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology Perinatal Extension II, Neonatal Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System, and maternal age and educational level) demonstrated that mean length of hospital stay (p = 0.14) and intercurrent clinical conditions in the intermediate or kangaroo unit were equal for both groups. Weight (p = 0.012), length (p = 0.039) and head circumference (p = 0.006) at 36 weeks' corrected gestational age were all lower at the kangaroo units. The kangaroo units exhibited superior performance in relation to exclusive breastfeeding at discharge (69.2 vs. 23.8%, p=0.022). Conclusions: The evidence suggests that the humanization strategy adopted by the Brazilian Ministry of Health is a safe alternative to conventional treatment and a good strategy for promoting breastfeeding. Copyright © 2008 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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The main purpose of the article is to describe and to analyse Sérgio Buarque de Holanda's trajectory in Universidade de São Paulo (USP). At USP, he could dedicate himself entirely in what he liked to do: to research. There, Sérgio Buarque de Holanda formed a researchers' group and he changed the teaching routes in History course, which formed only Elementary and High School teachers. He idealized and founded the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (Brazilian Studies Intitute), a multi-disciplinary institution responsible for important researches included the theme Brasil. In this Institute (IEB), he formed a ample archive and a important library. In 1969, the 13-years-job at USP finished itself in a careworm process, when he asked for his retirement in sympathy with other retired professors compulsorily by AI-5.


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Aim. To investigate the biomechanical effects of zoledronic acid (ZA) on femurs of female osteoporotic rats after follow-up periods of 9 and 12 months. Methods. Eighty female Wistar rats were prospectively assessed. At 60 days of age, the animals were randomly divided into two groups: bilateral oophorectomy (O) (n=40) and sham surgery (S) (n=40). At 90 days of age, groups O and S were randomly subdivided into four groups, according to whether 0.1 mg/kg of ZA or distilled water (DW) was intraperitoneally administered: OZA (n=20), ODW (n=20), SZA (n=20), and SDW (n=20). The animals were sacrificed at 9 and 12 months after the administration of the substances, and then their right femurs were removed and analyzed biomechanically. Axial compression tests that focused on determining the maximum load (N), yield point (N), and stiffness coefficient (N/mm) of the proximal femur were performed in the biomechanical study. Results. ZA significantly increased the maximum load and yield point, reducing the stiffness coefficient concerning the oophorectomy status and follow-up period. Conclusion. Zoledronic acid, at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg, significantly increased the maximum loads and yield points and reduced the stiffness coefficients in the femurs of female rats with osteoporosis caused by bilateral oophorectomy. © 2012 Evandro Pereira Palacio et al.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)