954 resultados para Animazione, cinematica diretta, cinematica inversa, Maya
Vegetation changes in the Maya Lowlands during the Holocene are a result of changing climate conditions, solely anthropogenic activities, or interactions of both factors. As a consequence, it is difficult to assess how tropical ecosystems will cope with projected changes in precipitation and land-use intensification over the next decades. We investigated the role offire during the Holocene by combining macroscopic charcoal and the molecular fire proxies levoglucosan, mannosan and galactosan. Combining these two different fire proxies allows a more robust understanding of the complex history of fire re- gimes at different spatial scales during the Holocene. In order to infer changes in past biomass burning, we analysed a lake sediment core from Lake Peten Itza, Guatemala, and compared our results with millennial-scale vegetation and climate change available in the area. We detected three periods of high fire activity during the Holocene: 9500 e 6000 cal yr BP, 3700 cal yr BP and 2700 cal yr BP. We attribute the first maximum mostly to climate conditions and the last maximum to human activities. The rapid change between burned vegetation types at the 3700 cal yr BP fire maximum may result from human activity.
Hidradenitis suppurativa/acne inversa (HS) is a chronic, inflammatory, recurrent, debilitating skin disease of the hair follicle that usually presents after puberty with painful, deep-seated, inflamed lesions in the apocrine gland-bearing areas of the body, most commonly the axillae, inguinal and anogenital regions. A mean disease incidence of 6.0 per 100,000 person-years and an average prevalence of 1% has been reported in Europe. HS has the highest impact on patients' quality of life among all assessed dermatological diseases. HS is associated with a variety of concomitant and secondary diseases, such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, e.g. Crohn's disease, spondyloarthropathy, follicular occlusion syndrome and other hyperergic diseases. The central pathogenic event in HS is believed to be the occlusion of the upper part of the hair follicle leading to a perifollicular lympho-histiocytic inflammation. A highly significant association between the prevalence of HS and current smoking (Odds ratio 12.55) and overweight (Odds ratio 1.1 for each body mass index unit) has been documented. The European S1 HS guideline suggests that the disease should be treated based on its individual subjective impact and objective severity. Locally recurring lesions can be treated by classical surgery or LASER techniques, whereas medical treatment either as monotherapy or in combination with radical surgery is more appropriate for widely spread lesions. Medical therapy may include antibiotics (clindamycin plus rifampicine, tetracyclines), acitretin and biologics (adalimumab, infliximab). A Hurley severity grade-relevant treatment of HS is recommended by the expert group following a treatment algorithm. Adjuvant measurements, such as pain management, treatment of superinfections, weight loss and tobacco abstinence have to be considered.
En este artículo nos aproximamos al estudio de los testimonios de la Comunidad Maya Ixil en el marco del proceso judicial llevado en contra del ex dictador Efraín Ríos Montt acusado por genocidio en el 2013. abordaremos los relatos desde dos dimensiones: La primera, corresponde a las cuestiones jurídicas que buscan comprobar los hechos durante el periodo que se juzga. La segunda, trata de la dimensión emocional que da cuenta de las crisis, conflictos y elaboraciones del pasado traumático en el presente
En este artículo nos aproximamos al estudio de los testimonios de la Comunidad Maya Ixil en el marco del proceso judicial llevado en contra del ex dictador Efraín Ríos Montt acusado por genocidio en el 2013. abordaremos los relatos desde dos dimensiones: La primera, corresponde a las cuestiones jurídicas que buscan comprobar los hechos durante el periodo que se juzga. La segunda, trata de la dimensión emocional que da cuenta de las crisis, conflictos y elaboraciones del pasado traumático en el presente
En este artículo nos aproximamos al estudio de los testimonios de la Comunidad Maya Ixil en el marco del proceso judicial llevado en contra del ex dictador Efraín Ríos Montt acusado por genocidio en el 2013. abordaremos los relatos desde dos dimensiones: La primera, corresponde a las cuestiones jurídicas que buscan comprobar los hechos durante el periodo que se juzga. La segunda, trata de la dimensión emocional que da cuenta de las crisis, conflictos y elaboraciones del pasado traumático en el presente
A large part of the pre-Columbian Maya book known as the Dresden Codex is concerned with an exploration of commensurate relationships among celestial cycles and their relationship to other, nonastronomical cycles of cultural interest. As has long been known, pages 43b–45b of the Codex are concerned with the synodic cycle of Mars. New work reported here with another part of the Codex, a complex table on pages 69–74, reveals a concern on the part of the ancient Maya astronomers with the sidereal motion of Mars as well as with its synodic cycle. Two kinds of empiric sidereal intervals of Mars were used, a long one (702 days) that included a retrograde loop and a short one that did not. The use of these intervals, which is indicated by the documents in the Dresden Codex, permitted the tracking of Mars across the zodiac and the relating of its movements to the terrestrial seasons and to the 260-day sacred calendar. While Kepler solved the sidereal problem of Mars by proposing an elliptical heliocentric orbit, anonymous but equally ingenious Maya astronomers discovered a pair of time cycles that not only accurately described the planet's motion, but also related it to other cosmic and terrestrial concerns.
The new direction in Maya archaeology is toward achieving a greater understanding of people and their roles and their relations in the past. To answer emerging humanistic questions about ancient people's lives Mayanists are increasingly making use of new and existing scientific methods from archaeology and other disciplines. Maya archaeology is bridging the divide between the humanities and sciences to answer questions about ancient people previously considered beyond the realm of archaeological knowledge.
La cantidad de datos biológicos y médicos que se produce hoy en día es enorme, y se podría decir que el campo de las ciencias de la vida forma parte ya del club del Big Data. Estos datos contienen información crucial que pueden ayudar a comprender mejor los mecanismos moleculares en los sistemas biológicos. Este conocimiento es fundamental para el progreso en el diagnóstico y en el tratamiento de las enfermedades. La Bioinformática, junto con la Biología Computacional, son disciplinas que se encargan de organizar, analizar e interpretar los datos procedentes de la Biología Molecular. De hecho, la complejidad y la heterogeneidad de los problemas biológicos requieren de un continuo diseño, implementación y aplicación de nuevos métodos y algoritmos. La minería de datos biológicos es una tarea complicada debido a la naturaleza heterogénea y compleja de dichos datos, siendo éstos muy dependientes de detalles específicos experimentales. Esta tesis se basa en el estudio de un problema biomédico complejo: la menor probabilidad de desarrollar algunos tipos de cáncer en pacientes con ciertos trastornos del sistema nervioso central (SNC) u otros trastornos neurológicos, y viceversa. Denominamos a esta condición como comorbilidad inversa. Desde el punto de vista médico, entender mejor las conexiones e interacciones entre cáncer y trastornos neurológicos podría mejorar la calidad de vida y el efecto de la asistencia médica de millones de personas en todo el mundo. Aunque la comorbilidad inversa ha sido estudiada a nivel médico, a través de estudios epidemiológicos, no se ha investigado en profundidad a nivel molecular...
Este trabalho mostra o envolvimento do gene RECK no processo de progressão do ciclo celular. Foi verificado que a expressão endógena de RECK é modulada durante a progressão do ciclo celular. A superexpressão de RECK em fibroblastos normais de camundongo promove uma diminuição da capacidade proliferativa das células e um retardo da transição das fases G0/G1-S do ciclo celular. Além disso, os resultados sugerem que um dos possíveis mecanismos de ação de RECK, que promovem este processo, envolve a indução da expressão de um inibidor de CDK, especificamente de p21, e retardo da fosforilação de pRb. Os resultados indicam, ainda, que durante a progressão do ciclo celular a expressão do gene RECK apresenta uma correlação inversa com a expressão do proto-oncogene c-myc. Estes dados corroboram os dados da literatura que mostram RECK como um alvo para o produto de diversos oncogenes, como ras e c-myc. A caracterização da repressão de RECK por c-Myc mostrou que a mesma ocorre ao nível transcricional e que sítios Sp1, presentes no promotor de RECK, são essenciais para a ação de Myc. Dados adicionais sugerem que a repressão de RECK por c-Myc parece envolver mecanismos de desacetilação de histonas. A modulação da expressão de RECK também foi avaliada durante a progressão maligna de tumores do sistema nervoso central (especificamente, gliomas). Foi verificado que a expressão de RECK não é alterada com a progressão deste tipo de tumor. Porém, foi verificado que os pacientes que manifestaram um maior tempo de sobrevida apresentaram tumores com uma significativa maior expressão do gene RECK. Estes dados sugerem que RECK possa ser um possível marcador prognóstico. A caracterização da regulação da expressão de RECK, tanto em células normais como em diferentes tipos de tumores, assim como os alvos moleculares da sua ação, são pontos muito importantes para o entendimento dos mecanismos que controlam a proliferação celular e podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas formas de terapia anti-tumoral.
As business translator trainers we have to encourage our students to practice translation into their mother tongue and into the foreign language. The aim of this paper is to present various types of exercises that we use in our classes in order to develop strategies in the practice of translation into the foreign language. These kinds of tasks are based on work previously carried out by translator trainers and researchers. First, references on teaching translation into the foreign language) will be reviewed. Then we show the kind of tasks focusing on mother tongue proficiency and translation technologies. Our experience tells us that our students seem to feel comfortable with the exercises and find them useful to face the practice of translation into non-mother tongue.