991 resultados para Amplatzer prosthesis
Reconstruction of bony facial contour deficiencies with polymethylmethacrylate implants: case report
Facial trauma can be considered one of the most serious aggressions found in the medical centers due to the emotional consequences and the possibility of deformity. In craniofacial surgery, the use of autologous bone is still the first choice for reconstructing bony defects or irregularities. When there is a shortage of donor bone or a patient refuses an intracranial operation, alloplastic materials such as polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) can be used. The PMMA prosthesis can be pre-fabricated, bringing advantages such as reduction of surgical time, easy technical handling and good esthetic results. This paper describes the procedures for rehabilitating a patient with PMMA implants in the region of the face, recovering the facial contours and esthetics of the patient.
In long-term oral rehabilitation treatments, resistance of provisional crowns is a very important factor, especially in cases of an extensive edentulous distal space. The aim of this laboratorial study was to evaluate an acrylic resin cantilever-type prosthesis regarding the flexural strength of its in-balance portion as a function of its extension variation and reinforcement by two types of fibers (glass and polyaramid), considering that literature is not conclusive on this subject. Each specimen was composed by 3 total crowns at its mesial portion, each one attached to an implant component (abutment), while the distal portion (cantilever) had two crowns. Each specimen was constructed by injecting acrylic resin into a two-part silicone matrix placed on a metallic base. In each specimen, the crowns were fabricated with either acrylic resin (control group) or acrylic resin reinforced by glass (Fibrante, Angelus) or polyaramide (Kevlar 49, Du Pont) fibers. Compression load was applied on the cantilever, in a point located 7, 14 or 21 mm from the distal surface of the nearest crown with abutment, to simulate different extensions. The specimen was fixed on the metallic base and the force was applied until fracture in a universal test machine. Each one of the 9 sub-groups was composed by 10 specimens. Flexural strength means (in kgf) for the distances of 7, 14 and 21 mm were, respectively, 28.07, 8.27 and 6.39 for control group, 31.89, 9.18 and 5.16 for Kevlar 49 and 30.90, 9.31 and 6.86 for Fibrante. Data analysis ANOVA showed statistically significant difference (p<0.05) only regarding cantilever extension. Tukey's test detected significantly higher flexural strength for the 7 mm-distance, followed by 14 and 21 mm. Fracture was complete only on specimens of non-reinforced groups.
Dental impression is an important step in the preparation of prostheses since it provides the reproduction of anatomic and surface details of teeth and adjacent structures. The objective of this study was to evaluate the linear dimensional alterations in gypsum dies obtained with different elastomeric materials, using a resin coping impression technique with individual shells. A master cast made of stainless steel with fixed prosthesis characteristics with two prepared abutment teeth was used to obtain the impressions. References points (A, B, C, D, E and F) were recorded on the occlusal and buccal surfaces of abutments to register the distances. The impressions were obtained using the following materials: polyether, mercaptan-polysulfide, addition silicone, and condensation silicone. The transfer impressions were made with custom trays and an irreversible hydrocolloid material and were poured with type IV gypsum. The distances between identified points in gypsum dies were measured using an optical microscope and the results were statistically analyzed by ANOVA (p < 0.05) and Tukey's test. The mean of the distances were registered as follows: addition silicone (AB = 13.6 µm, CD=15.0 µm, EF = 14.6 µm, GH=15.2 µm), mercaptan-polysulfide (AB = 36.0 µm, CD = 36.0 µm, EF = 39.6 µm, GH = 40.6 µm), polyether (AB = 35.2 µm, CD = 35.6 µm, EF = 39.4 µm, GH = 41.4 µm) and condensation silicone (AB = 69.2 µm, CD = 71.0 µm, EF = 80.6 µm, GH = 81.2 µm). All of the measurements found in gypsum dies were compared to those of a master cast. The results demonstrated that the addition silicone provides the best stability of the compounds tested, followed by polyether, polysulfide and condensation silicone. No statistical differences were obtained between polyether and mercaptan-polysulfide materials.
TEMA: a produção da fala nas modalidades de reabilitação oral protética. OBJETIVO: verificar se o tipo de reabilitação oral interfere na produção da fala. MÉTODO: 36 idosos (média = 68 anos), divididos em 3 grupos, foram avaliados: 13 com dentes naturais (A), 13 com prótese total mucosossuportada superior e inferior (B) e 10 com prótese total mucosossuportada superior e implantossuportada inferior (C). A estabilidade das próteses foi avaliada por um dentista e amostras de fala foram analisadas por 5 fonoaudiólogos. Para determinar a freqüência de alteração dos sons da fala utilizou-se o cálculo da Porcentagem de Consoantes Corretas (PCC). RESULTADOS: observou-se poucos casos com alteração de fala, com maior freqüência no grupo C (23,08%), sendo a articulação travada presente em todos os grupos, a redução dos movimentos labiais em dois grupos (A e B) e a articulação exagerada e a falta de controle salivar em um dos grupos (C e B). Quanto à PCC, menor valor foi observado para os fones linguodentais nos grupos B e C (maior ocorrência de alteração), seguido dos fones alveolares, predominando casos sem alteração no grupo A, contrariamente aos demais grupos, sendo a projeção lingual e o ceceio as alterações mais encontradas. Não houve diferença entre os grupos e a maioria do grupo B estava com a prótese inferior insatisfatória, não havendo associação entre alteração de fala e prótese insatisfatória. CONCLUSÃO: apesar da amostra pequena, indivíduos reabilitados com prótese total apresentam alteração nos fones linguodentais e alveolares e o tipo de prótese, bem como a estabilidade desta parece não interferir na produção da fala.
Rehabilitation of severely resorbed edentulous mandible using the modified visor osteotomy technique
The prosthetic rehabilitation of an atrophic mandible is usually unsatisfactory due to the lack of support tissues, mainly bone and keratinized mucosa for treatment with osseointegrated implants or even conventional prosthesis. The prosthetic instability leads to social and functional limitations and chronic physical trauma decreasing the patient's quality of life. A 53-year-old female patient sought care at our surgical service complaining of impairment of her masticatory function associated with the instability of the lower total prosthetic denture. The clinical and complementary exams revealed edentulism in both arches, while the mandibular arch presented severe reabsorption resulting in denture instability and chronic trauma to the oral mucosa. The proposed treatment plan consisted in the mandibular rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants and fixed Brånemark's protocol prosthesis after mandibular reconstruction applying the modified visor osteotomy technique. The proposed technique offered predictable results for reconstruction of the severely resorbed edentulous mandible and posterior rehabilitation with osseointegrated implants.
This study analyzed the association of periodontal disease (PD) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Seventy-five 35-60-year-old patients were assigned to 5 groups according to the presence (+) or not (-) of PD and RA and the treatment received (TR+) or not (TR-) for PD. Group 3 uses total prosthesis (TP). Clinical and laboratory evaluations were performed at baseline, 3 and 6 months of follow-up by probing pocket depth, bleeding on probing and plaque index for PD, HAQ, DAS28, SF-36 and laboratory: AAG, ESR, CRP for RA. Statistically significant differences for PD after 3 (p=0.0055) and after 6 months (p=0.0066) were obtained in Group 1 (RA+PD+TR+) and 2(RA+PD+TR-); significant reduction in the % of BOP after 6 months (p=0.0128) and significant reduction in the % of Pl after 3 (p=0.0128) and 6 months (p=0.0002) in Group 1. Statistically significant differences between Groups 1 and 3 (RA+TP) for DAS28 at baseline and after 3 months were observed, but not after 6 months. No other parameters for RA were significantly affected. The relationship between RA and PD disease activities is not clear, but the importance of periodontal treatment in the control of inflammation to avoid tooth extraction is evident.
One of the most important properties of artificial teeth is the abrasion wear resistance, which is determinant in the maintenance of the rehabilitation's occlusal pattern. OBJECTIVES: This in vitro study aims to evaluate the abrasion wear resistance of 7 brands of artificial teeth opposed to two types of antagonists. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seven groups were prepared with 12 specimens each (BIOLUX & BL, TRILUX & TR, BLUE DENT & BD, BIOCLER & BC, POSTARIS & PO, ORTHOSIT & OR, GNATHOSTAR & GN), opposed to metallic (M & nickel-chromium alloy), and to composite antagonists (C & Solidex indirect composite). A mechanical loading device was used (240 cycles/min, 4 Hz speed, 10 mm antagonist course). Initial and final contours of each specimen were registered with aid of a profile projector (20x magnification). The linear difference between the two profiles was measured and the registered values were subjected to ANOVA and Tukey's test. RESULTS: Regarding the antagonists, only OR (M = 10.45 ± 1.42 µm and C = 2.77 ± 0.69 µm) and BC (M = 6.70 ± 1.37 µm and C = 4.48 ± 0.80 µm) presented statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Best results were obtained with PO (C = 2.33 ± 0.91 µm and M = 1.78 ± 0.42 µm), followed by BL (C = 3.70 ± 1.32 µm and M = 3.70 ± 0.61 µm), statistically similar for both antagonists (p>0.05). Greater result variance was obtained with OR, which presented the worse results opposed to Ni-Cr (10.45 ± 1.42 µm), and results similar to the best ones against composite (2.77 ± 0.69 µm). CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that the antagonist material is a factor of major importance to be considered in the choice of the artificial teeth to be used in the prosthesis.
This study analyzed the reaction layer and measured the marginal crown fit of cast titanium applied to different phosphate-bonded investments, prepared under the following conditions (liquid concentration/casting temperature): Rema Exakt (RE) - 100%/237°C, 75%/287°C, Castorit Super C (CS)-100%/70°C, 75%/141°C and Rematitan Plus (RP)- 100%/430°C (special to titanium cast, as the control group). The reaction layer was studied using the Vickers hardness test, and analyzed by two way ANOVA and Tukey's HSD tests (α = 0.05). Digital photographs were taken of the crowns seated on the die, the misfit was measured using an image analysis system and One-way ANOVA, and Tukey's test was applied (α = 0.05). The hardness decreased from the surface (601.17 VHN) to 150 μm (204.03 VHN). The group CS 75%/141°C presented higher hardness than the other groups, revealing higher surface contamination, but there were no differences among the groups at measurements deeper than 150 μm. The castings made with CS - 100%/70°C presented the lowest levels of marginal misfit, followed by RE -100%/237°C. The conventional investments CS (100%) and RE (100%) showed better marginal fit than RP, but the CS (75%) had higher surface contamination.
This study investigated whether there is a direct correlation between the level of vertical misfit at the abutment/implant interface and torque losses (detorque) in abutment screws. A work model was obtained from a metal matrix with five 3.75 x 9 mm external hex implants with standard platform (4.1 mm). Four frameworks were waxed using UCLA type abutments and one-piece cast in commercially pure titanium. The misfit was analyzed with a comparator microscope after 20 Ncm torque. The highest value of misfit observed per abutment was used. The torque required to loose the screw was evaluated using a digital torque meter. The torque loss values, measured by the torque meter, were assumed as percentage of initial torque (100%) given to abutment screws. Pearson's correlation (α=0.05) between the misfit values (29.08 ± 8.78 µm) and the percentage of detorque (50.71 ± 11.37%) showed no statistically significant correlation (p=0.295). Within the limitations of this study, it may be concluded that great vertical misfits dot not necessarily implies in higher detorque values.
Patients using obturator prostheses often present denture-induced stomatitis. In order to detect the presence of oral Candida albicans in patients with oronasal communications and to evaluate the effectiveness of a topical antifungal treatment, cytological smears obtained from the buccal and palatal mucosa of 10 adult patients, and from the nasal acrylic surface of their obturator prostheses were examined. A therapeutic protocol comprising the use of oral nystatin (Mycostatin®) and prosthesis disinfection with sodium hypochlorite was prescribed for all patients. Seven patients were positive for C. albicans in the mucosa, with 1 negative result for the prosthetic surface in this group of patients. Post-treatment evaluation revealed the absence of C. albicans on prosthesis surface and on the oral mucosa of all patients. The severity of the candidal infection was significantly higher in the palatal mucosa than in the buccal mucosa, but similar in the palatal mucosa and prosthesis surface, indicating that the mucosa underlying the prosthesis is more susceptible to infection. The therapeutic protocol was effective in all cases, which emphasizes the need for denture disinfection in order to avoid reinfection of the mucosa.
PURPOSE: To evaluate an experimental animal model to study the abdominal tissue activity considering its interaction with a polypropylene mesh, through the use of one of the optical phenomena of light Laser, the biospeckle. METHODS: Fifty Wistar male rats were divided into four groups: Group 1: ten animals not submitted to surgery; Group 2: ten animals submitted to surgery without polypropylene mesh; Group 3: 20 animals submitted to surgery followed by the mesh placement; Group 4: (sham) with ten animals. None of the animals presented post surgical complications being submitted to the optical tests at the 20th postoperative day. RESULTS: The analysis from the biospeckle tests, comparing the medians and standard deviations with T Student test, indicated that no significative difference was observed on the abdominal wall tissue activity in the four groups considered, with and without polypropylene mesh prosthesis implantation. CONCLUSION: The animal model is viable and the biospeckle open ways for a great number of experiments to be developed in evaluating tissue activity.
O objetivo principal foi identificar os fatores envolvidos na busca e no uso de próteses auditivas pelos idosos, assim como o conhecimento dos mesmos quanto à Política de Atenção à Saúde Auditiva. Foram selecionados 25 idosos de ambos os sexos usuários de próteses auditivas em Vitória (ES). Foi realizado contato telefônico para participarem da pesquisa respondendo a um questionário. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos idosos entrevistados (52%) usa o(s) aparelho(s) durante todo o dia, o que sugere uma boa adaptação ao processo. Treze idosos relataram procurar próteses auditivas por interesse próprio. As facilidades quanto ao uso envolvem a melhora da comunicação e para ouvir TV (64%); as dificuldades foram quanto ao uso em ambientes ruidosos: 56% não conseguem compreender o que é dito em palestras e igrejas, e quanto ao uso do telefone, 72% relataram não apresentar melhora com a prótese. 88% dos idosos participantes desconhecem a política de doação de aparelhos auditivos e 100% não têm conhecimento desse tipo de atendimento. As pesquisas e a prática de serviços de saúde com relação às questões auditivas ainda têm um largo curso a percorrer. Há necessidade de mudança por parte dos gestores com a finalidade de efetivar a própria política que define responsabilidades ao Estado.
O objetivo do trabalho foi reportar o planejamento cirúrgico, a técnica operatória, a instrumentação e os resultados da substituição completa do terço médio distal do fêmur, do platô tibial e da articulação do joelho por prótese em um cão acometido por osteossarcoma no fêmur esquerdo. A prótese foi confeccionada em aço, apresentando três componentes articulados, mantendo o movimento semelhante à articulação do joelho. As porções femorais e tibiais da prótese foram cimentadas aos respectivos ossos, após ostectomia do fêmur e do platô tibial. O animal foi submetido a seis sessões de quimioterapia, com doxorrubicina e carboplatina, intercaladas mensalmente, objetivando inibir o crescimento de possíveis metástases pulmonares. Durante os seis primeiros dias, o animal apresentou neuropraxia e impotência funcional do membro. Aos 10 dias, o cão iniciou leve apoio e aos 30 dias já utilizava o membro pélvico de forma mais efetiva, porém, o ângulo de extensão da articulação foi reduzido de 150° a 100° devido à contratura muscular e à fibrose na região da fossa poplítea. Após um ano de observação, não houve melhora do ângulo de extensão do joelho, porém, o animal fazia uso do membro com claudicação. Aos 425 dias de pós-operatório, o animal veio a óbito por insuficiência renal. Nesse tempo não ocorreram metástases pulmonares ou locais visíveis radiograficamente, mas o proprietário não permitiu a realização da necropsia do paciente, sendo impossível confirmar outros dados que pudessem esclarecer melhor a causa morte. Conclui-se que a substituição total do joelho de cão é uma cirurgia factível, que permite a preservação e a utilização do membro após ressecção da neoplasia, embora outras pesquisas devam ser conduzidas para obtenção de melhores resultados pós-cirúrgicos.
Objective: To evaluate the potential risk of surgical contamination by the venting port of ordinary electric drills (ED) employed in orthopaedic surgeries. Materials and Methods: an experimental laboratory, randomized study was developed to analyze EDs in surgical practice and new cleaned and sterilized equipment, which were contaminated with Bacillus atrophaeus spores at a concentration of 84 X 10(6) UFC. The air generated by the engine of each drill was collected and cultivated on sterile agar plates. Results: Positive culture was identified in two ED in surgical practice, as well as a positive culture to Bacillus atrophaeus with 1 CFU growth (1, 19 X 10(-8)). Conclusion: In the conditions of the experiment, the air generated by the venting port of the ED`s engine does not consist of a source of contamination for the surgical site.
In order to lower the excessive costs of metallic prosthesis materia Is alternatives to Ti and Ti alloys have been searched. in this study, the corrosion resistance of the DIN 1.4575 superferritic stainless steel, either solution annealed or solution annealed and aged at 475 degrees C for periods varying from 100 to 1080 h, was investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and potentiodynamic polarization methods in Hanks` solution. The solution annealed and the aged for 1080 h samples were also tested using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM) in a 0.1 mol/L NaCl solution at 25 degrees C. The EIS results showed that the corrosion resistance of the DIN 1.4575 steel decreases with heat treatment time at 475 degrees C probably due to alpha prime formation. Besides the diminution of the overall impedance values, the low frequency limit of the Nyquist diagrams show a progressive change from an almost capacitive response to a resistive behavior as the heat treatment time increases. Pitting corrosion resistance also decreased with aging time at 475 degrees C.