940 resultados para Amorphous Cellulose
Although cellulose acetates, CAs, are extensively employed there is scant information about the systematic dependence of their properties on their degree of substitution, DS; this is the subject of the present work. Nine CAs samples, DS from 0.83 to 3.0 were synthesized; their films were prepared. The following solvatochromic probes have been employed in order to determine the empirical polarity, E (T)(33); ""acidity, alpha""; ""basicity, beta"", and ""dipolarity/polarizability, pi*"" of the casted films: 2,6-dichloro-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl-pyridinium-1-yl) phenolate, WB; 4-nitroaniline; 4-nitroanisole; 4-nitro-N,N-dimethylaniline; 2,6-diphenyl-4-(2,4,6-triphenyl-pyridinium-1-yl)phenolate, RB. Additionally, two systems, ethanol plus ethyl acetate (EtOH-EtAc), and cellulose plus cellulose triacetate, CTA, were employed as models for CAs of different DS. Regarding the model systems, the following was observed: (i) For EtOH-EtAc, the dependence of all solvatochromic parameters on the ""equivalent-DS"" of the binary mixture was non-linear because of preferential solvation; (ii) The dependence of E (T)(33) on equivalent DS of the cellulose-CTA films is linear, but the slope is smaller than that of the corresponding plot for CAs. This is attributed to the more efficient hydrogen bonding in the model system, a conclusion corroborated by IR measurements. The dependence of solvatochromic parameters of CAs on their DS is described by the simple equations; a consequence of the substitution of the OH by the ester group. The thermal properties of bulk CAs samples were investigated by DSC and TGA; their dependence on DS is described by simple equations. The relevance of these data to the processing and applications of CAs is briefly discussed.
A novel material comprised of bacterial cellulose (BC) and Laponite clay with different inorganic organic ratios (m/m) was prepared by the contact of never-dried membranes of BC with a previous dispersion of clay particles in water. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) data of composite materials revealed an effective adhesion of clay over the surface of BC membrane; inorganic particles also penetrate into the polymer bulk, with a significant change of the surface topography even at 5% of clay loading. As a consequence, the mechanical properties are deeply affected by the presence of clay, increasing the values of the Young modulus and the tensile strength. However the maximum strain is decreased when the clay content is increased in the composite in comparison to pristine BC. The main weight loss step of the composites is shifted towards higher temperatures compared to BC, indicating that the clay particles slightly protect the polymer from thermal and oxidative decomposition. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The in-depth oxypropylation of different types of cellulose fibers, namely Avicel, Rayon, Kraft, and Filter Paper, was investigated. New biphasic mono-component materials were obtained, which could be hot-pressed to form films of cellulose fibers dispersed into a thermoplastic matrix. The success of this chemical modification was assessed by FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy. differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and contact angle measurements. The optimization of this process led to the establishment of the optimal molar ratio between the cellulose CH groups and propylene oxide, which varied as a function of the specific morphology of the fibers. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work describes the partial oxypropylation of filter paper cellulose fibers, employing two different basic catalyst, viz., potassium hydroxide and 1,4-diazabicyclo [2.2.2] octane, to activate the hydroxyl groups of the polysaccharide and thus provide the anionic initiation sites for the ""grafting-from"" polymerization of propylene oxide. The success of this chemical modification was assessed by FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and contact angle measurements. The study of the role of the catalyst employed on the extent of the modification and on the mechanical properties of the ensuing composites, after hot pressing, showed that both the Bronsted and the Lewis base gave satisfactory results, without any marked difference.
In the present study, films based on linter cellulose and chitosan were prepared using an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH)/thiourea as the solvent system. The dissolution process of cellulose and chitosan in NaOH/thiourea aqueous solution was followed by the partial chain depolymerization of both biopolymers, which facilitates their solubilization. Biobased films with different chitosan/cellulose ratios were then elaborated by a casting method and subsequent solvent evaporation. They were characterized by X-ray analysis, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), thermal analysis, and tests related to tensile strength and biodegradation properties. The SEM images of the biofilms with 50/50 and 60/40 ratio of chitosan/cellulose showed surfaces more wrinkled than the others. The AFM images indicated that higher the content of chitosan in the biobased composite film, higher is the average roughness value. It was inferred through thermal analysis that the thermal stability was affected by the presence of chitosan in the films; the initial temperature of decomposition was shifted to lower levels in the presence of chitosan. Results from the tests for tensile strength indicated that the blending of cellulose and chitosan improved the mechanical properties of the films and that an increase in chitosan content led to production of films with higher tensile strength and percentage of elongation. The degradation study in a simulated soil showed that the higher the crystallinity, the lower is the biodegradation rate.
Low-density polyethylene was filled with cellulose fibres from sugar cane bagasse obtained from organosolv/supercritical carbon dioxide pulping process. The fibres were also used after chemical modification with octadecanoyl and dodecanoyl chloride acids. The morphology, thermal properties, mechanical properties in both the linear and nonlinear range, and the water absorption behaviour of ensuing composites were tested. The evidence of occurrence of the chemical modification was checked by X-ray photoelectron spectrometry. The degree of polymerisation of the fibres and their intrinsic properties (zero tensile strength) were determined. It clearly appeared that the surface chemical modification of cellulose fibres resulted in improved interfacial adhesion with the matrix and higher dispersion level. However, composites did not show improved mechanical performances when compared to unmodified fibres. This surprising result was ascribed to the strong lowering of the degree of polymerisation of cellulose fibres (as confirmed by the drastic decrease of their zero tensile strength) after chemical treatment despite the mild conditions used. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this work cassava bagasse, a by-product of cassava starch industrialization was investigated as a new raw material to extract cellulose whiskers. This by-product is basically constituted of cellulose fibers (17.5 wt%) and residual starch (82 wt%). Therefore, this residue contains both natural fibers and a considerable quantity of starch and this composition suggests the possibility of using cassava bagasse to prepare both starch nanocrystals and cellulose whiskers. In this way, the preparation of cellulose whiskers was investigated employing conditions of sulfuric acid hydrolysis treatment found in the literature. The ensuing materials were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction experiments. The results showed that high aspect ratio cellulose whiskers were successfully obtained. The reinforcing capability of cellulose whiskers extracted from cassava bagasse was investigated using natural rubber as matrix. High mechanical properties were observed from dynamic mechanical analysis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Environmentally friendly biocomposites were successfully prepared by dissolving chitosan and cellulose in a NaOH/thiourea solvent with subsequent heating and film casting. Under the considered conditions, NaOH/thiourea led to chain depolymerization of both biopolymers without a dramatic loss of film forming capacities. Compatibility of both biopolymers in the biocomposite was firstly assessed through scanning electron microscopy, revealing an intermediate organization between cellulose fiber network and smoothness of pure chitosan. DSC analyses led to exothermic peaks close to 285 and 315 degrees C for the biocomposite, compared to the exothermic peaks of chitosan (275 degrees C) and cellulose (265 and 305 degrees C), suggesting interactions between chitosan and cellulose. Contact angle analyses pointed out the deformation that can occur at the surface due to the high affinity of the;e materials with water. T(2) NMR relaxometry behavior of biocomposites appeared to be dominated by chitosan. Other properties of films, as crystallinity, water sorption isotherms, among others, are also discussed. (C) 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) which is rich in cellulose, abundantly available, relatively inexpensive, low density, nonabrasive nature, high filling level possible, low energy consumption, high specific properties, biodegradability and has the potential for polymer reinforcement. The utilization of pineapple leaf fiber (PALF) as reinforcements in thermoplastic and thermosetting resins in micro and nano form for developing low cost and lightweight composites is an emerging field of research in polymer science and technology. In this paper we examines the industrial applicabiliy of PALF, mainly for production of composite materials and special papers, chemical feedstocks (bromelin enzyme) and fabrics.
Depolymerization of cellulose in homogeneous acidic medium is analyzed on the basis of autocatalytic model of hydrolysis with a positive feedback of acid production from the degraded biopolymer. The normalized number of scissions per cellulose chain, S(t)/nA degrees A = 1 - C(t)/C(0), follows a sigmoid behavior with reaction time t, and the cellulose concentration C(t) decreases exponentially with a linear and cubic time dependence, C(t) = C(0)exp[-at - bt (3)], where a and b are model parameters easier determined from data analysis.
Cellulose cassava bagasse nanofibrils (CBN) were directly extracted from a by-product of the cassava starch (CS) industry, viz. the cassava bagasse (CB), The morphological structure of the ensuing nanoparticles was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), presence of other components such as sugars by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments. The resulting nanofibrils display a relatively low crystallinity and were found to be around 2-11 nm thick and 360-1700 nm long. These nanofibrils were used as reinforcing nanoparticles in a thermoplastic cassava starch matrix plasticized using either glycerol or a mixture of glycerol/sorbitol (1:1) as plasticizer. Nanocomposite films were prepared by a melting process. The reinforcing effect of the filler evaluated by dynamical mechanical tests (DMA) and tensile tests was found to depend on the nature of the plasticizer employed. Thus, for the glycerol-plasticized matrix-based composites, it was limited especially due to additional plasticization by sugars originating from starch hydrolysis during the acid extraction. This effect was evidenced by the reduction of glass vitreous temperature of starch after the incorporation of nanofibrils in TPSG and by the increase of elongation at break in tensile test. On the other hand, for glycerol/sorbitol plasticized nanocomposites the transcrystallization of amylopectin in nanofibrils surface hindered good performances of CBN as reinforcing agent for thermoplastic cassava starch. The incorporation of cassava bagasse cellulose nanofibrils in the thermoplastic starch matrices has resulted in a decrease of its hydrophilic character especially for glycerol plasticized sample. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The surface of ramie cellulose whiskers has been chemically modified by grafting organic acid chlorides presenting different lengths of the aliphatic chain by an esterification reaction. The occurrence of the chemical modification was evaluated by FTIR and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies, elemental analysis and contact angle measurements. The crystallinity of the particles was not altered by the chain grafting, but it was shown that covalently grafted chains were able to crystallize at the cellulose surface when using C18. Both unmodified and functionalized nanoparticles were extruded with low density polyethylene to prepare nanocomposite materials. The homogeneity of the ensuing nanocomposites was found to increase with the length of the grafted chains. The thermomechanical properties of processed nanocomposites were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamical mechanical analysis (DMA) and tensile tests. A significant improvement in terms of elongation at break was observed when sufficiently long chains were grafted on the surface of the nanoparticles. It was ascribed to improved dispersion of the nanoparticles within the LDPE matrix. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.