1000 resultados para Aluno psicótico
Este trabalho visa explorar o ensino da matemática por meio da análise de livros didáticos do aluno e do professor entre as décadas de 1960 e 1980, focando o 1º ano do ensino primário, atual fundamental I. Iniciamos por uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o contexto histórico, desde a introdução do livro na sociedade até a utilização do mesmo para o ensino na área da matemática. A pesquisa tentará retratar brevemente, a história da educação e da educação matemática no Brasil, as diferentes concepções de ensino da época em questão, ou seja, entre as décadas de 1960 e 1980, onde houve o ápice e o declínio do Movimento da Matemática Moderna. Por fim, este trabalho buscará explorar de maneira panorâmica, se ocorreram mudanças nos conteúdos no ensino da matemática por meio da análise de livros didáticos do aluno e do professor no 1º ano das séries iniciais e relatar quais foram essas mudanças. Utilizar-se-á como metodologia a análise de livros didáticos como um objeto pertencente à história cultural, com um enfoque na análise sócio-histórica, na análise formal ou discursiva e, finalmente, interpretação/ reinterpretação.
The current curriculum policy of the Secretary of Education in the State of Sao Paulo introduced into the education environment the Registrar of Teacher and Student - support material to ease the teacher's work and the student's learning, in order to address all the curriculum components created as strategy of learning. The resulting guidelines that aim to transform the everyday policies of educational institutions and the individuals who compose them, are incorporated into the school experience. These decisions, however, do not transfer into life outside the learning environment nor are they translated into the work of the teachers exactly as their creators intended. Thus, in order to better understand the curriculum policies introduced by the Registrar in schools, it is essential to comprehend the viewpoint of the teachers who themselves are both the targets and agents of curriculum policy, and later the Registrar. For that was made reflexive interviews with eigth teachers that teach in São Paulo metropolitan region, than we could see that they adapt their external determinations in their own reality
This work aims to show the importance of Baja SAE Project in engineering education, as well as the development of the student, being an outstanding tool for the engineering student has an education that meets the objectives of the pedagogical university and also the guidelines Ministry of Education curriculum for engineering courses. The Baja SAE Project provides the engineering students the chance to apply in practice the knowledge acquired in the classroom, to enhance their preparation for the labor market. The student becomes involved with a real case of project development, from concept design, detailed design and construction. The Baja SAE Project redefines the position of the student as an active element in the learning process engineering, leaving behind the simple condition of receiving information. Values procedures that provide students the opportunity to learn in contexts of professional practice, while offering the opportunity to contextualize the execution of a project. From an analysis to develop personal skills, Baja SAE Project has its own characteristics and essential for professional practice, however, not specific to the engineering course. For example, capacity for teamwork, communication skills written and oral, ethical behavior, critical, overview, entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, etc
Atualmente vivemos na era da informação, da comunicação e das tecnologias, que mantém a sociedade em constante transformação, principalmente na educação e nos comportamentos das pessoas, influenciando direta ou indiretamente na construção da identidade pessoal ou coletiva. Pensando que a educação ocorre tanto na família, como na escola, é possível observar com mais clareza a influência destes elementos através da forma com que as crianças passam a se comportar em diversos ambientes. A mídia é cada vez mais parte integrada do nosso cotidiano, incluindo-se também o ambiente escolar, participando da vida dos alunos (BETTI, 2003). Para compreender a relação aluno-escola seguimos a perspectiva de Perrenoud (1995), pensando que a escola representa um lugar de muitas socializações, e que o desenvolvimento da identidade de aluno se desenvolve também nesse contexto, podemos questionar qual seria o papel da mídia? Esta tem influenciado? Em que? Para Identidade consideramos a perspectiva de Dubar (1995), que a considera como um processo em constante construção, sendo que existem meios específicos que contribuem para o desenvolvimento identitário, tanto a identidade biográfica como a relacional. Estabelecendo uma relação entre mídia e identidade, o presente estudo propôs-se a pesquisar a influência da mídia na construção da identidade de aluno, tomando como base as aulas de educação física, momento em que os estudantes tem maior possibilidade de expressão corporal. Como objetivo geral buscou-se compreender como os escolares constroem sua identidade de aluno a partir da influência da mídia na Educação Física. Especificamente: I. Identificar quais são os fatores midiáticos que influenciam na constituição da identidade de aluno; II. Analisar quais são os aspectos que compõe a identidade de aluno. Nosso trabalho se baseou em uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa. Os participantes foram 15 alunos de uma escola...
A relação professor-aluno é largamente estudada por muitos profissionais que estão ligados à área da Educação, sempre a procura de refletir sobre a realidade, em busca de tornar o processo de ensino-aprendizagem cada vez melhor. O embasamento teórico utilizado para a realização das análises deu-se por meio de dois textos: A Sala de Aula Eficiente, de Gerard Dixie e A relação professor-aluno, o que é, como se faz, de Pedro Morales, dois autores que vêem a relação professor-aluno sob óticas diferentes. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar, por meio de leituras, análises e observações de aulas, alguns dos aspectos que influenciam a relação professor-aluno, como essa relação deve se estabelecer de forma que ela seja saudável e incida positivamente no aprendizado do aluno e na satisfação pessoal e profissional do professor. A metodologia utilizada para a realização da monografia foi a leitura e análise de textos teóricos e a observação direta de aulas, ministradas por professores em situações regulares de aulas. A partir de estudos e observações de aulas constatou-se que as atitudes e as ações do professor em sala de aula são os principais fatores que interferem na relação professor e aluno. É essencial que o profissional da Educação reflita sobre suas atitudes e como se vê em seu papel docente, para que exerça boas influências sobre seus alunos
The project is a platform for education that provides a way where teachers can create and share educational content for their classes, and students can download that content to refer to it at any time. The solution is based on two Windows Phone 7 Apps: Kookaburra Teachers, where teachers can add content to their classes, and Kookaburra Students, where students can download and view the content of classroom. To realize the communication between these two applications, we use a Windows Azure server, that server is also responsible for processing some conversions, enabling real-time translation. In addition to storing all the content that is generated during the lessons
Esta pesquisa buscou investigar estudos voltados à imagem corporal e relacioná-los a crianças com fissura lábiopalatina a fim de elaborar um material pedagógico que sirva de recurso para o professor do nível básico, na compreensão, na integração escolar e na aprendizagem de crianças com tal deformidade. A pesquisa realizada é de natureza Qualitativa, do tipo exploratória. Através da revisão da literatura constatamos que a imagem que a criança tem de si é muito importante para seu desenvolvimento; as crianças portadoras de fissura lábiopalatina necessitam do olhar atento dos educadores em relação a sua imagem corporal, pois isso pode influenciar na sua vida escolar e no seu desenvolvimento. Para isto, problematiza-se a imagem corporal como influência nas relações, cognitivas e pessoais, de crianças na escola, principalmente as nascidas com essa malformação. A cartilha foi construída contendo temas como: O que é a fissura lábiopalatina, Etiologia, Tratamento, Prevalência, Problemas decorrentes, A Imagem Corporal dessas crianças, o significado do ambiente escolar e o professor para elas, aspectos cognitivos que as envolvem, Locais de Tratamento da fissura, entre outros.
Camping alloys the implementation of a broad variety of activities that involves many aspects of the corporal culture of movement. There is much more than fun in games and plays and that’s what we seek to include in the children’s daily routine. The Physical Education professional has as one of its duties to teach these elements, such as the knowledge related to the citizenship formation to its students. Therefore, the participation in camping can contribute to this formation, since the students have the chance to realize the amplitude of Physical Education and change their view on it, even at school. The aim of this research is to investigate after the camping experience, if the students change their conception on the Physical Education role at school. This study has used qualitative methodology consisting on interviews done prior and post the students camping experience at the school . Ten students of both gender, aged between 13 and 15 years old, were interviewed. It was used a script with semi-structured questions. As the main result it has found an unanimity among the students towards the importance of Physical Education: the responsibility for the health and it’s also arisen discussions on cooperation and respect. Although they recognize that the teacher does not discuss these values and attitudes; two students believe that to have changed their view towards school Physical Education after experiencing the activities proposed in the camping. Despite most of the students haven’t changed their concept on school Physical Education, they had the opportunity to see new activities and to think more carefully about the importance of Physical Education classes at school, an opportunity on building a more critical view on the discipline.
Learning the written language has been the subject of research and study of various sciences in recent decades, in the same way that inclusion in regular education of students with disabilities such as autism, also has been the subject of discussions in the academic and even political. However, it can be observed that these two topics are disjointed, despite the importance of ownership of the system of writing by students with autism, because that would be a way to facilitate social interaction, which is the principal difficulty of this students. This research intend to describe the inclusion process of a student with autism into a common room of the initial years, in a public school, observing which are the strategies used by the teacher in the literacy process, as well as analyze the collaborative process developed by the researcher. The methodology was a qualitative and collaborative research, the kind of case study. The participants were a teacher and her students, from the cycle I of Primary School of a public school, among which, one is diagnosed with autism. The instruments used to the data’s analysis were interviews, with the teacher and the mother of the student with autism; the written productions of the student during the research; camp diary; and the observations made during the research. To the interventions, were used alternative practices, including material production (a mobile alphabet and a album of photos), that make more easy the process of literacy, The results showed the great difficulty in performing the interventions in a collaborative process, considering that in the observations, it was found that the practices of this teacher were traditional, and also there was no planning, on her part, content to be deal with the students. Otherwise, related to the development of the autism student’s written language, it could be seen like a breakthrough, have in...
This research was aimed at analyzing whether there is an association between the positioning of the pupil in the classroom and his academic performance, as well as to diagnose the main factors underlying the association. Thus, this study analyzed 4 Elementary School II institutions of both public and private educational systems, in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil during a school year bimester. To register the positions students were seated, 29 similar classes (containing 6 rows x 6 columns) were investigated, each one with around 30 students, which resulted in a sampling of 859 students. For the questionnaire application, which objective was to verify the main reason for students’ seat choice, the same 29 classes were investigated. However, the sampling number was reduced to 692 students. In turn, for the collection of school performance and absence percentage of each student for the bimester in question, teachers’ evaluation books were used. As a result, it was found that the lower the percentage of the student's absences, the greater is their performance at school, and the greater their performance at school is, the closer up front to the board they are seated. Finally, the closer up to the board they are seated, the more their motivation and interest in learning increase. Therefore, there is an association between the position of a student in the classroom and his or her academic performance, where the association is conditioned by the motivation and interest in learning
Para iniciar a escrita do TCC, foi elaborado um memorial onde resgato memórias de minha infância, meu ingresso na escola, até os dias de hoje, no intuito de falar da influência que a relação professor-aluno teve em minha formação. Dessa forma, observei a força dessas memórias. No diálogo com Benjamin, discuto a importância da escrita do memorial e do registro de nossa história. Num segundo momento investigo a configuração da escola e as diferentes tendências pedagógicas para, a partir de diferentes teóricos, compreender como é concebida a relação professoraluno na escola. Valendo-me da literatura analiso alguns contos onde autores consagrados falam de suas lembranças na relação com seus mestres ou professores. Assim, procurei estabelecer um diálogo entre minha história pessoal com autores teóricos que tratam da configuração da escola e das tendências pedagógicas e, outros do campo da literatura. Por fim, apresento conclusões e sugestões para se pensar na relação professor-aluno, na sala de aula, a partir da reciprocidade.
The present work intends to situate in a psychoanalytical way the relationship between teacher and student in the human sphere. For such a purpose, two data sources will be compared and mixed up, so to say: empirical data collected from school students and teachers; and a theoretical-figurative model concerning questions we focused on, as well. As a result, very important reflexions and statements on the problem are expected to be made, therefore enriching the teaching practice
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The enrollments in technical courses outgrew beyond 70% between 2002 and 2010. It has made fundamental to look after this educational segment because of the changes in the job market, associated with the promulgation of the Law #11.741, witch disentails the High Scholl from the Professional Education, points out to some better understanding of this population. This study intended to trace the profile of this student. The socioeconomic criteria by Abipeme (Brazilian Association of Market Research Institutes) was used, and the most important item was age, with a result higher than expected to this educational phase, about 24 years old. The respondents characterized themselves as pertaining to B and C economical classes.