224 resultados para Alias


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Appendix ad Metallothecam Vaticanam Michaelis Mercati ..., 53 p.


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Contiene: Amar es saber vencer, y el arte contra el poder (pp. 1-56) ; Viento es la dicha de amor (Zarzuela música) (pp. 57-94) ; Duendes son alcahuetes, y el espíritu Foleto (pp. 95-152) ; Duendes son alcahuetes, alias el Foleto (Segunda parte) (pp. 153-207) ; El luzero de Madrid, y divino labrador, san Isidro Labrador (pp. 208-266) ; No ay deuda que no se pague, y combidado de piedra (pp. 267-322) ; Cada uno es linage aparte, y los Mazas de Aragón (pp. 323-[377]) ; Ser fino y no parecerlo (pp. [378-430])


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Includes, at end of v. 2: 1) An account of the conduct and proceedings of the late John Gow alias Smith; 2) The true & genuine account of the life and actions of the late Jonathan Wild.


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Contains pedigrees of the Collow, alias Cullowe, Lercedkne, Wood, Chilcott and Baron families.


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Variously ascribed to Thomas Nash and John Lyly. Cf. Introd., signed J.P. [i.e. John Petheram]


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Includes reproduction of title-page of original edition, Glasgow, 1736, with title: A view of the city of Glasgow ... by John M'Ure alias Campbel.


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"Proceedings on the trial of Robert Faulder, bookseller (one of forty against whom actions were brought for selling the Baviad) for publishing a libel on John William, alias Anthony Pasquin, esq.": p.[91]-128.


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Para atingir os objetivos propostos, ou seja, levantar e descrever indicadores socioculturais de uma amostra de adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa, e descrever características psicológicas e de personalidade dos adolescentes infratores, num estudo que pesquisou adolescentes em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa. O trabalho foi realizado em duas as etapas: na primeira, os 47 adolescentes participaram de uma entrevista semidirigida; na segunda, dez desses adolescentes foram selecionados e submetidos a um instrumento projetivo para investigação de aspectos da personalidade: o “desenho da Figura Humana” de Machower, adaptado por Van Kolck (1956; 1984). A discussão teórica dos resultados baseou-se numa abordagem psicanalítica pós-freudiana para a compreensão da adolescência tanto como fase do desenvolvimento humano como dos comportamentos antissociais. Os resultados do estudo corroboraram a teoria advinda da literatura psicológica que aborda padrões comuns no período da adolescência, fase em que ocorre um complexo de fatores individuais da maturidade biológica associados ao meio social/cultural e que, por sua vez, estabelecem relações com as instâncias psicológicas ou psíquicas do sujeito junto com as características específicas de cada indivíduo. Na busca da compreensão desses padrões comuns da amostra dos adolescentes infratores utilizados no presente estudo, foram levantados dados do perfil psicossocial, cultural e demográfico; dos aspectos psicossociais e aspectos psicodinâmicos e de características de personalidade. A título de conclusão, o estudo destacou a problemática do adolescente em conflito com a lei, associada às questões sociais, de saúde mental, além do desenvolvimento psíquico, sinalizando a necessidade de ações psicoprofiláticas voltadas para população infantil, jovem, agrupamentos familiares e para a comunidade que representa seu entorno.


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With the growth of the multi-national corporation (MNCs) has come the need to understand how parent companies transfer knowledge to, and manage the operations of, their subsidiaries. This is of particular interest to manufacturing companies transferring their operations overseas. Japanese companies in particular have been pioneering in the development of techniques such as Kaizen, and elements of the Toyota Production System (TPS) such as Kanban, which can be useful tools for transferring the ethos of Japanese manufacturing and maintaining quality and control in overseas subsidiaries. Much has been written about the process of transferring Japanese manufacturing techniques but much less is understood about how the subsidiaries themselves – which are required to make use of such techniques – actually acquire and incorporate them into their operations. This research therefore takes the perspective of the subsidiary in examining how knowledge of manufacturing techniques is transferred from the parent company within its surrounding (subsidiary). There is clearly a need to take a practice-based view to understanding how the local managers and operatives incorporate this knowledge into their working practices. A particularly relevant theme is how subsidiaries both replicate and adapt knowledge from parents and the circumstances in which replication or adaptation occurs. However, it is shown that there is a lack of research which takes an in-depth look at these processes from the perspective of the participants themselves. This is particularly important as much knowledge literature argues that knowledge is best viewed as enacted and learned in practice – and therefore transferred in person – rather than by the transfer of abstract and de-contextualised information. What is needed, therefore, is further research which makes an in-depth examination of what happens at the subsidiary level for this transfer process to occur. There is clearly a need to take a practice-based view to understanding how the local managers and operatives incorporate knowledge about manufacturing techniques into their working practices. In depth qualitative research was, therefore, conducted in the subsidiary of a Japanese multinational, Gambatte Corporation, involving three main manufacturing initiatives (or philosophies), namely 'TPS‘, 'TPM‘ and 'TS‘. The case data were derived from 52 in-depth interviews with project members, moderate-participant observations, and documentations and presented and analysed in episodes format. This study contributes to our understanding of knowledge transfer in relation to the approaches and circumstances of adaptation and replication of knowledge within the subsidiary, how the whole process is developed, and also how 'innovation‘ takes place. This study further understood that the process of knowledge transfer could be explained as a process of Reciprocal Provider-Learner Exchange that can be linked to the Experiential Learning Theory.


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With the growth of the multinational corporation (MNC) has come the need to understand how parent companies transfer knowledge to, and manage the operations of, their subsidiaries. This is of particular interest to manufacturing companies transferring their operations overseas. Japanese companies in particular have been pioneering in this regard, with techniques such as the Toyota Production System (TPS) for transferring the ethos of Japanese manufacturing and maintaining quality and control in overseas subsidiaries. A great deal has been written about the process of transferring Japanese manufacturing techniques, but much less is understood about how the subsidiaries themselves, which are required to make use of such techniques, actually acquire and incorporate them into their operations. The research on which this paper is based therefore examines how, from the perspective of the subsidiary, knowledge of manufacturing techniques is transferred from the parent company. There is clearly a need to take a practice-based view to understanding how the local managers and operatives incorporate knowledge about manufacturing techniques into their working practices. In-depth qualitative research was, therefore, conducted in the subsidiary of a Japanese multinational, Denso Corporation, involving three main manufacturing initiatives (or philosophies), namely ‘TPS’, ‘TPM’ and ‘TS’. The case data were derived from 52 in-depth interviews with project members, moderate participant observations, and documentations. The aim of this paper is to present the preliminary findings from the case analyses. The research contributes to our understanding of knowledge transfer in relation to the circumstances of the selection between adaptation and replication of knowledge in the subsidiary from its parent. In particular this understanding relates to transfer across different flows and levels in the organisational hierarchy, how the whole process is managed, and also how modification takes place.


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L'une des particularités de l'univers de Gilbert Langevin consiste dans la création d'un double énigmatique, Zéro Legel (et de tout un cortège d'alias), qui accompagnera son oeuvre poétique de ses commencements jusqu'à la toute fin. Non sans raison, ces Écrits de Zéro Legel — fragments, aphorismes, proses diverses — ont souvent suscité un certain malaise chez les lecteurs de Langevin. Cette étude examine la première réception de ces textes inclassables et iconoclastes, et tente de réévaluer leur portée à partir des enjeux textuels mais aussi philosophiques qui y étaient engagés pour le poète. Relus dans cette perspective, l'investissement onomastique, les jeux de mots et autres détournements de maximes et de lieux communs pratiqués de manière extensive par Langevin témoignent surtout exemplairement de son rapport à la langue, les rapports troubles entre nom et identité de Zéro Legel relevant dès lors de la même opération qui pousse le poète à constamment s'affronter, à travers proverbes et aphorismes, à la loi de la langue.