292 resultados para Adrenocortical adenoma


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The detection of Colorectal Cancer (CRC), at early stages, is one of the proven strategies resulting in a higher cure rate. In recent years, several studies have appeared identifying potential cancer markers in serum, plasma and stool in an attempt to improve actual screening procedures. Thus, the aim of the study was (1) Evaluate MN frequency, (2) Evaluate plasma ultrafiltrate capacity to induce MN formation, (3) Evaluate SEPT9 and NOTCH3 promoter methylation profile in peripheral blood lymphocytes from subjects resulted positive to fecal occult blood test and examined by colonoscopy. MN frequency was significantly higher in subjects with histological diagnosis of CRC and adenoma than control (p ≤ 0.001 and p ≤ 0.01, respectively). About, CF-MN analysis, a statistically significant difference was observed between CRC and control (p ≤ 0.05). On the other hand, SEPT9 and NOTCH3 promoter methylation status was significantly lower in CRC subjects than controls; additionally, NOTCH3 promoter methylation status was significantly lower in CRC subjects than adenoma subjects (p ≤ 0.01). The results obtained allow conclude that MN frequency varies according CRC pathologic status and, together with other variables, is a valid biomarker for adenoma and CRC risk. Additionally, the plasma of patients affected with CRC not only serve as a biomarker for oxidative stress but also as biomarker of genetic damage correlated with the carcinogenic process that verifies in colon-rectum. SEPT9 and NOTCH3 promoter methylation status, at peripheral blood level, varies according hystopathological changes observed in colon-rectum, suggesting that promoter methylation profile of these genes could be a reliable biomarker for CRC risk.


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Zur Detektion von neuen potentiellen Biomarkerkandidaten für das KRK sowie dessen Vorstufen wurde Blutplasma von gesunden Kontrollen und von Patienten mit kolorektalen Adenomen und Karzinomen untersucht. Mit Hilfe immunoaffinitäts-basierter Chromatographiesäulen wurde das Blutplasma mit einer automatisierten Methode von hoch und moderat abundanten Proteinen entfernt und daraufhin massenspektrometrisch analysiert. Hierfür wurde eine labelfreie quantitative und datenunabhängige Methode angewendet. Nach Auswertung der Daten kristallisierten sich mehrere potentielle Biomarkerkandidaten heraus, wobei das Augenmerk auf solchen Proteinen lag, die sowohl bei Adenompatienten als auch bei Karzinompatienten vermehrt im Plasma vorlagen. Nach Western Blot Experimenten und einer weiteren Validierung mittels eines ELISAs an einem größeren Patientenset zeigte sich, dass die beiden Proteine AMBP und CRP als potentielle Biomarker zur Detektion von Adenomen und Karzinomen herangezogen werden konnten. Receiver Operating Charakteristik (ROC)-Analysen ergaben einen AUC-Wert von 0,79 für AMBP und 0,77 für CRP für das Erkennen von Adenomen und Karzinomen. Dies resultierte in einer Sensitivität von 72,5% für AMBP bzw. 60% für CRP bei einer Spezifität von 80%. Durch die Kombination beider Markerproteine erhielt man sogar eine noch höhere Sensitivität von 80% bei 80% Spezifität für das Aufdecken kolorektaler Neoplasien. Ebenso zeigte sich in der histochemischen Analyse, dass AMBP direkt von intestinalen Epithelzellen exprimiert wird.


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A differentiation towards myoepithelial cells has been demonstrated in several types of lesions in the breast. These include multifocal myoepitheliomatosis, the rare mixed tumor or pleomorphic adenoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma, adenomyoepithelioma and myoepithelial carcinoma (malignant myoepithelioma). Myoepithelial carcinoma is the only lesion purely composed of myoepithelial cells. All these tumors are benign and/or of low-grade malignancy, with the exception of malignant myoepithelioma. In contrast to the statement of the current World Health Organization (WHO), recent studies have reported that regional and distant metastases may occur in about 50% of pure myoepithelial carcinomas. The presented case of a breast carcinoma with dominant myoepithelial/spindle cell differentiation in a 58-year-old woman is an excellent example to document the highly aggressive biological behavior of this tumor phenotype. Despite an extensive chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the tumor was rapidly progressive, forming a finally exulcerating local tumor relapse and widespread metastases to the myocardium, lungs, liver, kidneys and skin. Similarities in morphology and biological behavior compared to patients with "triple-negative" (hormone receptor and Her2) monophasic sarcomatoid carcinomas and pure spindle cell sarcomas are discussed.


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Chemokines have been proposed to contribute to tumour growth and metastatic spread of several cancer entities. Here, we examined the relative levels of CXCL12/CXCR4 in resection specimens from patients with different malignant and non-malignant colorectal diseases as well as colorectal liver metastases (CRLM). CXCL12/CXCR4 mRNA and protein expression profiles were assessed by quantitative real-time PCR, Western blot analysis, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunohistochemistry in resection specimens from patients with ulcerative colitis (UC; n = 15), colorectal adenoma (CRA; n = 15), colorectal adenocarcinoma (CRC; n = 47) and CRLM (n = 16). Corresponding non-affected tissues served as control. In contrast to UC tissues, CXCL12 showed a distinct down-regulation in CRA, CRC and CRLM specimens, whereas the corresponding receptor CXCR4 demonstrated a significant up-regulation in CRC and CRLM related to corresponding non-affected tissues (p < 0.05, respectively). Our results strongly suggest an association between CXCL12/CXCR4 expression and the induction of CRA, CRC and the development of CRLM. Therefore, CXCR4 may be a potential target for specific therapeutic interventions.


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Ectopic parathyroid adenoma, including intrathyroid adenoma, is a common cause of failed parathyroid operations. The aim of this study was to evaluate the operative strategy/outcome in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT), with special regard to intrathyroid adenomas.


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The secretin receptor (SR), a G protein-coupled receptor, mediates the effects of the gastrointestinal hormone secretin on digestion and water homeostasis. Recently, high SR expression has been observed in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas, cholangiocellular carcinomas, gastrinomas, and bronchopulmonary carcinoid tumors. Receptor overexpression associates with enhanced secretin-mediated signaling, but whether this molecule plays an independent role in tumorigenesis is currently unknown. We recently discovered that pheochromocytomas developing in rats affected by the MENX (multiple endocrine neoplasia-like) syndrome express at very high-level Sctr, encoding SR. We here report that SR are also highly abundant on the membranes of rat adrenal and extraadrenal pheochromocytoma, starting from early stages of tumor development, and are functional. PC12 cells, the best characterized in vitro pheochromocytoma model, also express Sctr at high level. Thus, we used them as model to study the role of SR in neoplastic transformation. Small interfering RNA-mediated knockdown of Sctr decreases PC12 cells proliferation and increases p27 levels. The proproliferative effect of SR in PC12 cells is mediated, in part, by the phosphatidylinositol 3 kinase (PI3K)/serine-threonine protein kinase (AKT) pathway. Transfection of Sctr in Y1 adrenocortical carcinoma cells, expressing low endogenous levels of Sctr, stimulates cell proliferation also, in part, via the PI3K/AKT signaling cascade. Because of the link between SR and PI3K/AKT signaling, tumor cells expressing high levels of the receptor (MENX-associated primary pheochromocytoma and NCI-H727 human bronchopulmonary carcinoid cells) respond well and in a SR-dependent manner to PI3K inhibitors, such as NVP-BEZ235. The association between SR levels and response to PI3K inhibition might open new avenues for the treatment of tumors overexpressing this receptor.


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Aldosterone levels are markedly elevated during normal pregnancy but fall even though volume contracts when preeclampsia occurs. The level of aldosterone in either condition cannot be explained solely by the activity of the renin-angiotensin II system. In normal gestation, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is thought to maintain vascular health, but its role in adrenal hormone production is unknown. We hypothesized that the role of VEGF in the adrenal gland is to maintain vascular health and regulate aldosterone production. Here, we demonstrate that supernatant of endothelial cells grown in the presence of VEGF enhanced aldosterone synthase activity in human adrenocortical cells. VEGF either alone or combined with angiotensin II increased aldosterone production in adrenal cells. These data suggest that endothelial cell-dependent and independent activation of aldosterone is regulated by VEGF. In contrast to angiotensin II, VEGF did not upregulate the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein. Consistent with this observation, angiotensin II stimulated both aldosterone and cortisol synthesis from progesterone, whereas VEGF stimulated selectively aldosterone production. In rats, overexpression of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1, an endogenous VEGF inhibitor, led to adrenocortical capillary rarefaction and fall in aldosterone concentrations that correlated inversely with soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 levels. These findings may explain why aldosterone increases so markedly during normal gestation and why preeclampsia, a condition characterized by high soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1, is associated with inappropriately low aldosterone levels in spite of relatively lower plasma volumes.


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We describe a hitherto undocumented variant of dimorphic pituitary neoplasm composed of an admixture of neurosecretory cells and profuse leiomyomatous stroma around intratumoral vessels. Radiologically perceived as a macroadenoma of 3.8 cm in diameter, this pituitary mass developed in an otherwise healthy 43-year-old female. At the term of a yearlong history of amenorrhea and progressive bitemporal visual loss, subtotal resection was performed via transsphenoidal microsurgery. Discounting mild hyperprolactinemia, there was no evidence of excess hormone production. Histologically, solid sheets, nests and cords of epithelial-looking, yet cytokeratin-negative cells were seen growing in a richly vascularized stroma of spindle cells. While strong immunoreactivity for NCAM, Synaptophysin and Chromogranin-A was detected in the former, the latter showed both morphological and immunophenotypic hallmarks of smooth muscle, being positive for vimentin, muscle actin and smooth muscle actin. Architectural patterns varied from monomorphous stroma-dominant zones through biphasic neuroendocrine-leiomyomatous areas, to pseudopapillary fronds along vascular cores. Only endothelia were labeled with CD34. Staining for S100 protein and GFAP, characteristics of sustentacular cells, as well as bcl-2 and c-kit was absent. Except for alpha-subunit, anterior pituitary hormones tested negative in tumor cells, as did a panel of peripheral endocrine markers, including serotonin, somatostatin, calcitonin, parathormone and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. Mitotic activity was absent and the MIB-1 labeling index low (1-2%). While assignment of this lesion to any established neoplastic entity is not forthcoming, we propose it is being considered as a low-grade neuroendocrine tumor possibly related to null cell adenoma.


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Silent corticotroph adenomas (SCA) are rare pituitary tumors with histologic hallmarks of corticotroph differentiation, including ACTH immunoreactivity, but lacking clinical evidence of Cushing's syndrome. We report on four female patients, aged 19-66 years, each presenting with a nonfunctional macroadenoma. Leading symptoms were headache in two cases and visual field deficits in one. One patient was incidentally diagnosed while undergoing cranial MRI for an unrelated condition. Three patients had marked obesity; none of them presented constitutional signs of Cushing's syndrome. Serum cortisol levels were moderately elevated in the two patients systematically tested in this respect. Marginal to moderate hyperprolactinemia was present in two cases. Two patients also were shown to be deficient in either gonadotroph or thyrotroph axis, while a third had a combined insufficiency of both gonadotroph and thyrotroph axis. MRI scans revealed intratumoral hemorrhage and/or cystic change in three cases, as well as tumor-related occlusive hydrocephalus in one. The latter patient was biopsied only, while the remaining underwent gross total resection. Histologically, all four lesions were diagnosed as SCA subtype I displaying intense immunoreactivity for ACTH. In three tumors, scattered cells coexpressed PRL as well. In addition, Crooke's hyaline change was noted in a significant number of tumor cells and in residual non-neoplastic corticotrophs in one case each. With MIB-1 labeling indices of 1-3%, none of the tumors qualified as atypical adenoma. We conclude that SCAs are more likely to be discovered as expansile tumors, whose advanced local space-occupying character at surgery rather than an inherently aggressive growth potential may negatively influence the clinical outcome. Subtle morphologic evidence of corticotroph suppression in residual pituitary adjacent to tumor lends further support to literature data indicating minimal or intermittent functional activity in this tumor type.


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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia is a common entity among the aging male population. Its prevalence is increasing with age and is around 80% in the over 80-years old. The androgen-estrogen ratio changes in favor of the estrogens, which leads to a growth of prostatic tissue, presenting histologically as hyperplasia. BPH can cause irritative or obstructive symptoms or both. Nowadays we speak of bladder storage or bladder voiding symptoms, summarised as LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms). LUTS has a structural and a functional component, the structural being caused by the size of the adenoma itself the functional depending on the muscle tone of the bladder neck and the prostatic urethra. To investigate LUTS, we use validated symptom scores, sonography for residual urine and eventually a urodynamic evaluation. There are 3 grades of BPH. The indication for an interventional therapy is relative in BPH II, and absolute in BPH III. Prior to treatment, other diseases mimicking the same symptoms, have to be ruled out and adequatly treated. Electro-resection of the prostate (TUR-P) remains the standard therapy and the benchmark any new technology has to compete with. TUR-P has good short- and longterm results, but can be associated with a considerable perioperative morbidity, and the learning curve for the operator is long. The most promising of the newer techniques is the Holmium-Laser-Enucleation of the prostate (Laser-TUR-P), showing at least identical short- and median-term results, but a lower perioperative morbidity than TUR-P For several minimally-invasive techniques, indications are limited. TUMT TUNA, WIT and laser-coagulation all produce a coagulation necrosis of the prostatic tissue by thermic damage with secondary tissue shrinking. Urodynamic results however, are not comparable to TUR-P or Laser-TUR-P, and significantly more secondary interventions within 2 to 5 years are required. Minimal-invasive techniques present a favorable alternative for younger patients without complications of BPH, and for older patients with relevant comorbidities, and can usually be performed under local anaesthesia. The morbidity is low and further therapies remain possible later, if necessary.


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Spindle cell oncocytoma (SCO) is a recently described, rare neoplasm of the anterior pituitary. Clinically and radiologically simulating a non-functioning macroadenoma, its eponymous fusiform cells display a non-epithelial phenotype with conspicuous cytoplasmic accumulation of mitochondria. We report a case of SCO retrospectively identified in a biopsy specimen 16 years after transsphenoidal operation of a 48-year-old woman. Presenting symptoms were adynamia and transient decrease of visual acuity. Neuroimaging showed an isointense, enhancing, sellar-centered mass 1.8 cm in diameter without evidence of invasive growth. No postoperative adjuvant therapy was administered. The patient was left with panhypopituitarism, yet no recurrence was seen during follow-up. Initially diagnosed as a null cell adenoma of oncocytic type, repeat immunohistochemistry showed the characteristic coexpression of S100 protein, vimentin, and epithelial membrane antigen. Oncocytic granula stained intensely with antimitochondrial antibody 113-1, and were negative with the lysosomal marker CD68. Anterior pituitary hormones tested negative, and there was no evidence of neuroendocrine differentiation using antibodies to synaptophysin and chromogranin. Few cells stained for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). SCO has been proposed to represent a neoplasm of folliculo-stellate cells (FSCs). While the dynamic properties of the latter are incompletely characterized, and indeed no specific marker allows for their identification, overlapping features of SCO with look alikes, in particular pituicytoma, point to FSCs being a potential adult stem cell. The favorable outcome of the present case further argues for SCO to be considered a low-grade neoplasm. Moderate tumor size, lack of invasiveness, and low proliferation rate are likely predictors of benign behavior.


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BACKGROUND: Several studies suggested an association between Helicobacter pylori infection and colorectal carcinoma or adenoma risk. However, different authors reported quite varying estimates. We carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies investigating this association and paid special attention to the possibility of publication bias and sources of heterogeneity between studies. Materials and METHODS: An extensive literature search and cross-referencing were performed to identify all published studies. Summary estimates were obtained using random-effects models. The presence of possible publication bias was assessed using different statistical approaches. RESULTS: In a meta-analysis of the 11 identified human studies, published between 1991 and 2002, a summary odds ratio of 1.4 (95% CI, 1.1-1.8) was estimated for the association between H. pylori infection and colorectal cancer risk. The graphical funnel plot appeared asymmetrical, but the formal statistical evaluations did not provide strong evidence of publication bias. The proportion of variation of study results because of heterogeneity was small (36.5%). CONCLUSIONS: The results of our meta-analysis are consistent with a possible small increase in risk of colorectal cancer because of H. pylori infection. However, the possibility of some publication bias cannot be ruled out, although it could not be statistically confirmed. Larger, better designed and better controlled studies are needed to clarify the situation.


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Microcystic adenoma or serous cystadenoma is an uncommon tumor and accounts for 1-2% of the exocrine neoplasms of the pancreas. Usually unifocal, they present as single, large, well-demarcated multiloculated cystic tumors, ranging in size from 1 to 25 cm. Multifocal variants or diffuse serous cystadenomas are extremely rare. We present 2 cases of which 1 is a diffuse variant affecting the body, tail and part of the neck of the pancreas. In both the patients the tumors were detected incidentally. We highlight on the diffuse variant in view of its rarity and present a review of literature. In this case the entire body and tail of the pancreas was spongy replaced by multicystic lobules and hyalinized fibrocollagenous stroma. The cysts were lined by low cuboidal glycogen containing bland cells. Such a unique presentation wherein the entire body and tail of the pancreas is replaced with multiple cysts is a diffuse presentation of microcystic adenoma and a search through literature revealed only 7 such cases among the 15 cases with multifocal presentation reported.


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Folliculo-stellate cells are a nonendocrine, sustentacular-like complementary population of the anterior pituitary. They currently are considered as functionally and phenotypically heterogeneous, with one subpopulation of folliculo-stellate cells possibly representing resident adenohypophyseal macrophages. We took advantage of a limited T-cell mediated inflammatory reaction selectively involving tumor tissue in three cases of pituitary adenoma (2 prolactin cell adenomas, and 1 null cell adenoma) to test the hypothesis whether some folliculo-stellate cells within inflammatory foci would also assume monocytic/dendritic properties. Immunohistochemical double labeling for S-100 protein and the class II major histocompatibility antigen HLA-DR indeed showed several arborized cells to coexpress both epitopes. These were distributed both amidst adenomatous acini and along intratumoral vessels, and were morphologically undistinguishable from conventional folliculo-stellate cells. On the other hand, markers of follicular dendritic cells (CD21) and Langerhans' cells (CD1a) tested negative. Furthermore, no S-100/HLA-DR coexpressing folliculo-stellate cells were seen in either peritumoral parenchyma of the cases in point nor in control pituitary adenomas lacking inflammatory reaction. These findings suggest that a subset of folliculo-stellate cells may be induced by an appropriate local inflammatory microenvironment to assume a dendritic cell-like immunophenotype recognizable by their coexpression of S-100 protein and HLA-DR. By analogy with HLA-DR expressing cells in well-established extrapituitary inflammatory constellations, we speculate that folliculo-stellate cells with such immunophenotype may actually perform professional antigen presentation. A distinctly uncommon finding in pituitary adenomas, lymphocytic infiltrates may therefore be read as a manifestation of tumoral immunosurveillance.


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The human adrenal cortex produces mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids, and androgens in a species-specific, hormonally regulated, zone-specific, and developmentally characteristic fashion. Most molecular studies of adrenal steroidogenesis use human adrenocortical NCI-H295A and NCI-H295R cells as a model because appropriate animal models do not exist. NCI-H295A and NCI-H295R cells originate from the same adrenocortical carcinoma which produced predominantly androgens but also smaller amounts of mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids. Research data obtained from either NCI-H295A or NCI-H295R cells are generally compared, although for the same experiments no direct comparison between the two cell lines has been performed. Therefore, we compared the steroid profile and the expression pattern of important genes involved in steroidogenesis in both cell lines. We found that steroidogenesis differs profoundly. NCI-H295A cells produce more mineralocorticoids, whereas NCI-H295R cells produce more androgens. Expression of the 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD3B2), cytochrome b5, and sulfonyltransferase genes is higher in NCI-H295A cells, whereas expression of the cytochrome P450c17 (CYP17), 21-hydroxylase (CYP21), and P450 oxidoreductase genes does not differ between the cell lines. We found lower 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 but higher 17,20-lyase activity in NCI-H295R cells explaining the 'androgenic' steroid profile for these cells and resembling the zona reticularis of the human adrenal cortex. Both cell lines were found to express the ACTH receptor at low levels consistent with low stimulation by ACTH. By contrast, both cell lines were readily stimulated by 8Br-cAMP. The angiotensin type 1 receptor was highly expressed in NCI-H295R than NCI-H295A cells and angiotensin II stimulated steroidogenesis in NCI-H295R but not NCI-H295A cells. Our data suggest that comparative studies between NCI-H295A and NCI-H295R cells may help find important regulators of mineralocorticoid or androgen biosynthesis.