978 resultados para Administrative transparency
We numerically simulate planar shock wave collisions in anti-de Sitter space as a model for heavy ion collisions of large nuclei. We uncover a crossover between two different dynamical regimes as a function of the collision energy. At low energies the shocks first stop and then explode in a manner approximately described by hydrodynamics, in close similarity with the Landau model. At high energies the receding fragments move outwards at the speed of light, with a region of negative energy density and negative longitudinal pressure trailing behind them. The rapidity distribution of the energy density at late times around midrapidity is not approximately boost invariant but Gaussian, albeit with a width that increases with the collision energy.
The production of φ mesons in proton collisions with C, Cu, Ag, and Au targets has been studied via the φ → K + K − decay at an incident beam energy of 2.83 GeV using the ANKE detector system at COSY. For the first time, the momentum dependence of the nuclear transparency ratio, the in-medium φ width, and the differential cross section for φ -meson production at forward angles have been determined for these targets over the momentum range of 0.6-1.6 GeV /c. There are indications of a significant momentum dependence in the value of the extracted φ width, which corresponds to an effective φN absorption cross section in the range of 14-21 mb.
De nombreuses études ont été consacrées en Suisse à la promotion de la nouvelle gestion publique (NGP) au niveau des cantons, puis à son évaluation. Or, les chercheurs se sont peu intéressés jusqu'ici aux effets de son introduction sur les structures administratives et les effectifs de la fonction publique. Ils n'ont pas non plus expliqué suffisamment les facteurs ayant favorisé ou freiné la modernisation de l'Etat au-delà de la NGP. Les réformes de l'Etat menées au sein des administrations cantonales dans le cadre de la revitalisation du fédéralisme ont des causes multiples. Cette étude exploratoire tente de décrire les transformations au niveau des structures et de l'organisation de l'Etat depuis le début des années 1990 en analysant le niveau et l'impact des principes NGP ou d'autres facteurs ayant pu jouer un rôle dans la modernisation des administrations: force des partis, degré de professionnalisation des législatifs, taille de la population et des administrations, RPT et revitalisation de la collaboration intercantonale. Il ressort de l'étude qu'un groupe de cantons essentiellement alémaniques, plutôt de taille moyenne à grande (AG, BE, LU, SO, TG, VS, ZH) ont réussi à davantage réformer les administrations selon les principes de la NGP alors que d'autres ont choisi des voies différentes ou médianes (tels que BS, GE, JU, SG, TI, VD). Ces réformes se sont traduites pratiquement partout par un resserrement des structures décisionnelles (modèle ministériel 5/7), par une variation du nombre de services (hausse dans une première phase puis réduction) mais aussi du personnel (plutôt hausse à l'exception de BS et ZH) allant dans le sens d'une convergence des modèles institutionnels déterminée autant par des facteurs externes qu'internes aux cantons. Notre étude montre que la professionnalisation des parlements, davantage développée dans les cantons où le système représentatif est étendu (cantons latins, Bâle-Ville), retarde ou empêche l'essor des principes NGP alors que les cantons alémaniques à démocratie directe plus prononcée favorisent l'autonomisation des processus de réformes administratives avec une capacité de blocage moins grande des parlements.
The main objective of this dissertation is to create new knowledge on an administrative innovation, its adoption, diffusion and finally its effectiveness. In this dissertation the administrative innovation is approached through a widely utilized management philosophy, namely the total quality management (TQM) strategy. TQM operationalizes a self-assessment procedure, which is based on continual improvement principles and measuring the improvements. This dissertation also captures the theme of change management as it analyzes the adoption and diffusion of the administrative innovation. It identifies innovation characteristics as well as organisational and individual factors explaining the adoption and implementation. As a special feature, this study also explores the effectiveness of the innovation based on objective data. For studying the administrative innovation (TQM model), a multinational Case Company provides a versatile ground for a deep, longitudinal analysis. The Case Company started the adoption systematically in the mid 1980s in some of its units. As part of their strategic planning today, the procedure is in use throughout the entire global company. The empirical story begins from the innovation adoption decision that was made in the Case Company over 22 years ago. In order to be able to capture the right atmosphere and backgrounds leading to the adoption decision, key informants from that time were interviewed, since the main target was to clarify the dynamics of how an administrative innovation develops. In addition, archival material was collected and studied, available memos and data relating to the innovation, innovation adoption and later to the implementation contained altogether 20500 pages of documents. A survey was furthermore conducted at the end of 2006 focusing on questions related to the innovation, organization and leadership characteristics and the response rate totalled up to 54%. For measuring the effectiveness of the innovation implementation, the needed longitudinal objective performance data was collected. This data included the profit unit level experience of TQM, the development of the self assessment scores per profit unit and performance data per profit unit measured with profitability, productivity and customer satisfaction. The data covered the years 1995-2006. As a result, the prerequisites for the successful adoption of an administrative innovation were defined, such as the top management involvement, support of the change agents and effective tools for implementation and measurement. The factors with the greatest effect on the depth of the implementation were the timing of the adoption and formalization. The results also indicated that the TQM model does have an effect on the company performance measured with profitability, productivity and customer satisfaction. Consequently this thesis contributes to the present literature (i) by taking into its scope an administrative innovation and focusing on the whole innovation implementation process, from the adoption, through diffusion until its consequences, (ii) because the studied factors with an effect on the innovation adoption and diffusion are multifaceted and grouped into individual, organizational and environmental factors, and a strong emphasis is put on the role of the individual change agents and (iii) by measuring the depth and consistency of the administrative innovation. This deep analysis was possible due to the availability of longitudinal data with triangulation possibilities.
Depuis la première édition parue en 2000, la révision totale de l'organisation judiciaire fédérale, entrée en vigueur le 1er janvier 2007, a instauré de nouvelles voies de recours et règles de procédure tant au niveau du Tribunal fédéral qu'à celui des autorités administratives fédérales de recours par la création du Tribunal administratif fédéral et une révision complète de la loi fédérale sur la procédure administrative (PA). En 15 ans, la jurisprudence fondée sur la Constitution, la CEDH et les lois de procédure a été très abondante. Les lois cantonales ont été modifiées; le canton de Vaud s'est doté d'une loi complète de procédure administrative en 2008. L'objectif est de mettre en parallèle la procédure administrative fédérale et celles des cantons romands et Berne, en comparant les dispositions et en mettant en évidence leurs divergences. Facilitant l'accès à la jurisprudence topique et casuistique, cette approche par étapes de la procédure administrative non contentieuse, puis contentieuse, en passant par la décision administrative, est destinée aux praticiens, étudiants, administrés et membres de l'administration dans les nombreux domaines de l'activité de celle-ci vu la vaste portée de la procédure administrative.
Routinely collected health data, obtained for administrative and clinical purposes without specific a priori research goals, are increasingly used for research. The rapid evolution and availability of these data have revealed issues not addressed by existing reporting guidelines, such as Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE). The REporting of studies Conducted using Observational Routinely collected health Data (RECORD) statement was created to fill these gaps. RECORD was created as an extension to the STROBE statement to address reporting items specific to observational studies using routinely collected health data. RECORD consists of a checklist of 13 items related to the title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion section of articles, and other information required for inclusion in such research reports. This document contains the checklist and explanatory and elaboration information to enhance the use of the checklist. Examples of good reporting for each RECORD checklist item are also included herein. This document, as well as the accompanying website and message board (http://www.record-statement.org), will enhance the implementation and understanding of RECORD. Through implementation of RECORD, authors, journals editors, and peer reviewers can encourage transparency of research reporting.
Accountability and transparency are of growing importance in contemporary governance. The academic literature have broadly studied the two concepts separately, defining and redefining them, and including them into various framework, sometimes mistakenly using them as synonyms. The relationship between the two concepts has, curiously, only been studied by a few scholars with preliminary approaches. This theoretical paper will focus on both concepts, trying first to describe them taking into account the various evolutions in the literature and the recent evolutions as well as the first attempts to link the two concepts. In order to show a new approach linking the concepts, four cases from the Swiss context will be portrayed and will demonstrate the necessity to reconsider the relationship between transparency and accountability. Consequently, a new framework, based on Fox's framework (2007) will be presented and theoretically delimited.
Interest in public accountability and government transparency is increasing worldwide. The literature on the determinants of transparency is evolving but is still in its early stages. So far, it has typically focused on national or regional governments while neglecting the local government level. This paper builds on the scarce knowledge available in order to examine the economic, social, and institutional determinants of local government transparency in Spain. We draw on a 2010 survey and the transparency indexes constructed by the NGO Transparency International (Spain) in order to move beyond the fiscal transparency addressed in previous work. In so doing, we broaden the analysis of transparency to the corporate, social, fiscal, contracting, and planning activities of governments. Our results on overall transparency indicate that large municipalities and left-wing local government leaders are associated with better transparency indexes; while the worst results are presented by provincial capitals, cities where tourist activity is particularly important and local governments that enjoy an absolute majority. The analysis of other transparency categories generally shows the consistent impact of these determinants and the need to consider a wider set of variables to capture their effect.
Accountability and transparency are of growing importance in contemporary governance. The academic literature have broadly studied the two concepts separately, defining and redefining them, and including them into various framework, sometimes mistakenly using them as synonyms. The relationship between the two concepts has, curiously, only been studied by a few scholars with preliminary approaches. This theoretical paper will focus on both concepts, trying first to describe them taking into account the various evolutions in the literature and the recent evolutions as well as the first attempts to link the two concepts. In order to show a new approach linking the concepts, four cases from the Swiss context will be portrayed and will demonstrate the necessity to reconsider the relationship between transparency and accountability. Consequently, a new framework, based on Fox's framework (2007) will be presented and theoretically delimited.
1936/01/10 (A13,N1)-1936/12/24 (A13,N39).
1924/01/03 (A1,N1).